

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
It really infuriates and disgusts me whenever someone mentions the "S-word" or anything hinting at CTB'ing or similar sentiments, pro-lifers, instead of listening and trying to help solve the root cause of CTB or the person suffering, they go into their savior-complex mode. I've seen this everywhere especially on the Internet, but also in situations in real life too. Of course, this isn't necessarily a new observation nor discovery and I'm preaching to the choir at SaSu, but I feel like it is something that can be discussed and explored a bit.

What do I mean by "not all pleas for CTB are cries for help!"? The meaning behind that statement is that if one is suffering immensely to even mention or hint that they are suffering, they are at the minimum looking to vent and for someone to listen, which doesn't seem to be the case for most places in the world. Then, also the sufferer is looking for solutions to alleviate that suffering, and whether the other party can provide that solution or not is another matter altogether, but suppose they have the ability to (most of time they don't), they (the pro-lifers) would rather virtue signal and/or intervene in harmful ways that cause other problems for the sufferer rather than address the underlying cause. Most pro-choicers and people who wish to CTB are not irrational nor ignorant for their wanting to escape suffering (or at least solve the root cause of their suffering, if applicable). There will never be (true) peace until the right to die granted to each and every individual who wishes to exercise it.)

Story Scenario example 1:
I remember more than a decade when I was in college and there was a gaming friend who played similar games as I did and somehow the conversation was about nostalgia and the games of the 90's or early 2000's. I remember at that time (I was 18-19 years old) and I opened up about how my childhood sucked due to helicopter parents and authoritarian upbringing, thus I didn't get to enjoy the things like other gaming peers did (when the transition from 2D video games went to 3D and all the cool people had the ability to get new games and had supportive friends and peers to help them get good at them). I lamented at missed opportunities and talked about how it made me wish I wanted to CTB (again, this was way before SaSu).

So instead of focusing on the root cause of suffering (paternalistic and authoritarian upbringing, shitty childhood), he went into savior-complex mode, and said a bunch of pro-life rhetoric that was just disgusting. He even suggested to "get help", "talk to someone" or something, all while ignoring the reason/cause for why I felt that way. I have never felt so dismissed and betrayed by such words before. Furthermore, I wasn't even actively wanting to CTB at the time, but again, my point is that just the mere mention or hint of CTB or death has people just shutting down and going into savior complex mode while ignoring the cause of said CTB ideation, feelings. During that time where I solely focused on academics and barely even played video games, let alone had a social life. He was also pretty much shut-in and on the spectrum. I've only harbored resentment and even just retreated further.

Story Scenario example 2:
From someone who I thought was a friend or someone who was trustworthy, it turned out it was a sham. During the early part of the covid pandemic, like March/April 2020, I was talking about how I wanted to fulfill a certain personal goal I had (Note: this was way before 2023, in the end which I did fulfill it on my own terms), and it all seems well until I mentioned about how I felt shitty and didn't even hint at CTB (at least not directly), and this religious pro-lifer (no surprise) started to probe me and ask "Are you ok?", "Is there anything I need to be concerned about?" and other intrusive questions, which of course didn't bode well with me. Ultimately I ended up drifting apart from him, which is a good thing as I never really got along with him and also one less potential pro-lifer interfering with me if/when I decide to CTB later in life. He is one of those people who feign support for rights (similar to how many anti-abortion people who supports women's rights for everything EXCEPT for abortion, or abolitionists who are against slavery but make exceptions for certain kind(s) of slavery – absolutely abhorrent!). He is nothing but a sham because in reality is just a pro-lifer masquerading as a pro-choicer. (That will be discussed in another thread and topic).

So with these examples and this thread is mostly venting as well as showing the fact that pro-lifers just ignore the cause of suffering and wanting to CTB while acting pompous and sanctimonious whenever they get a hint or if someone mentions anything related to CTB'ing, death, or wanting to end suffering. This is no surprise to most of us on SaSu and it is damn shame that we cannot be open and such. Nevertheless, since then and even in present day I never mention about CTB, nor hint at it when in conversations due to situations like that that could happen. Instead, I only mention or talk about it when on SaSu and even then I do omit some information as I don't wish to risk being outed (there are people who lurk here who are pro-lifers and they know who they are themselves).

I wished that wanting to die or CTB is de-pathologized and instead of being viewed as some unfortunate outcome or some disease, but instead treated as an ultimate expression of free will and bodily autonomy. That could be another thread, but I digress a bit. Anyways, I know this isn't necessarily new content, but I provided examples to illustrate and show what I mean by pro-lifers ignoring the cause and sometimes even contributing towards suffering (again, no surprise). If they only put the same amount of effort into alleviating the suffering or (at the minimum) respecting bodily autonomy, all the anger and frustration and contention would greatly dissipate.
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Natural pessimist, born quitter.
Sep 9, 2023
I agree; the desire to ctb is a symptom, not a cause, nor an illness.

It is a symptom of an individual afflicted by having to live in a diseased and damaged society that cannot truly accept, respect, or assist people, and instead chooses to condemn them when they try to resolve their problems in a way with which they do not agree.​
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I cannot stand people like that, they are so insensitive and certainly best avoided. Pro-lifers just disgust me in general.
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