

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
There are so many countless platitudes, cliché phrases that it would be too many to list, but here are two of them that really vex me as of late. So here they are (below):

1. "Don't compare yourself to others."

Ok, if you don't compare yourself to others, how do you know if you are doing well? How do gauge your performance, or what is considered adequate or not. There HAS to be some metric or reference point in which you can use to determine where you are in life. Hell, you wouldn't even know if you were on the right track if you couldn't compare yourself to others. Then there is the concept of competition. How are you going to improve if you don't have competition? How would you make progress and be better than if you don't compare or have nothing to compare to? It's also a big lie that normies like to purport of just "being the best self you can be". Everyone is competing against each other in various aspects and facets of life and one would have to be extremely arrogant, naïve, and/or ignorant to believe that. Once you fall behind or are unable to keep up, you lose in many areas in life, sometimes in places where your living is at risk (yes I know we are on a pro-choice forum and it might seem ironic that I mentioned something about living/surviving, but I was trying to describe my point.). One such example would be not being able to keep up with the demands and the changing requirements, thus losing your occupation/job, and losing your income, which then affects other aspects of your life. It's a competitive world out there and even subconsciously, everyone is competing against each other (not that I agree with it - but that's another point for another topic), but the whole statement discouraging people from comparing themselves to others is pure bullshit.

2. "Don't worry about what others think."

Suppose you have a job and are employed by a company or some organization, or better yet, you are your own boss and thus have clients. If you don't care about your customers (others in this case), your clients, or your boss (if you work for an company or organization), then you would lose your source of income and then many other troubles in life start to converge and compound, eventually leading to your life spiraling out of control. Also, for another example, let's also apply this to living arrangements and other areas in life. Imagine if you didn't care about what your landlord/landlady thought and decided meh blah lease, meh, well you'd be evicted pretty soon and end up having to either find another place to live at or go homeless (life as a homeless is even more difficult but again, it's another topic for another time - continuing to my point though). Also, suppose you have a support network or people around you that you hangout with and/or your community (assuming generally pleasant people). If you didn't care about what they thought, they (the community) would ostracize you and then the things you take for granted are no longer there, thus making life even more miserable for you. So to wrap up the second phrase is that, yes, it does matter what others think, especially if they have the power to affect your life in various ways, be it your living arrangement, your income and finances, services and goods, and general quality of life. Imagine just not caring about other people and their values and needs. You'd either have to be able to live out on the wild alone with survival skills and being able to survive, otherwise, it is important to care about what others think especially if it affects your basic needs (food, water, shelter, while money is a means to secure that and more). Thus, people's opinion do matter.

All these (and many more) platitudes spewed by normies really irritate me to no end. Perhaps it is implied that it doesn't apply universally or to EVERY situation, and if that is the case, then they may have a point. However, as it stands, as someone with Aspergers, being able to "pick up" the implied meanings without being explicitly told so is just something really foreign to me. It's akin to asking someone who has bad legs (or no legs at all) to walk properly let alone run (Not the best analogy, but gets the point across, somewhat.). In conclusion, to sum things up, I just fucking hate how people are living in an idealistic world and ignoring reality when it is plain damn obvious that this is the real world and in order to survive, one has to adhere to certain rules and customs in order to not be ostracized and cast out of their community.
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