

Sep 12, 2024
I've always thought that dying for a country, or any type of "martyrdom" are extremely dumb reasons to die for, yet they are celebrated and even idolized in some ways by the average person. Perhaps sacrificing one's self for their loved ones is heroic, but to go and risk your life for purely political or religious reasons instead of starting a new life somewhere else is absurd at best in my opinion...yet very often the same people who condemn suicide or say that anyone who falls victim to it is foolish are in favor of dying for those other reasons.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2024
No death is noble in my opinion.
Death is raw and unpleasant and there is nothing gallant about it.
Of course, it could be justified, but in 99% of cases, why the fuck would you have the cowardice to burden someone else with the discovery of your body?
Basically, what I'm saying is that people living in misery (that are not willing to change their lives, believe there is no way out) should just stay miserable and not kill themselves.
If you go and die in a war, you will be commemorated to an extent because you chose to lay down your life for a reason other than your own damn misery.
Out of love for others around you. Not because you can't get your shit together.

Either that or I'm some retarded adolescent who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.


Sep 12, 2024
why the fuck would you have the cowardice to burden someone else with the discovery of your body?
There is nothing cowardly about it though, after we die, there is a corpse inevitably ...Many people in torment actually often struggle with how the aftermath will affect others, it's not like they are going out of their way to traumatize others.

Basically, what I'm saying is that people living in misery (that are not willing to change their lives, believe there is no way out) should just stay miserable and not kill themselves.
Then why are you in this site to begin with? To preach that we are cowards and should just suffer?

If you go and die in a war, you will be commemorated to an extent because you chose to lay down your life for a reason other than your own damn misery.
Out of love for others around you. Not because you can't get your shit together.
Being commemorated doesn't mean anything for a dead body, you won't be conscious to feel anything about it. Ending one's misery is somehow bad but dying because you've been indoctrinated to believe that it's for some "superior" cause is fine? There's nothing good or beautiful about killing another human or dying for political reasons, it's better if a person is able to get to safety along with their loved ones.

Also, stating that suicide is caused because of a person not "getting their shit together" is a very out of touch statement and even disrespectful to those whom it claimed.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
If you go and die in a war, you will be commemorated to an extent because you chose to lay down your life for a reason other than your own damn misery.
Out of love for others around you. Not because you can't get your shit together.

Do you suppose every soldier 100% believes in every cause they are fighting for? Do you think they do it for love or because the army gives them a livelihood? I suspect some just like guns to be honest. But, when they sign up, they are agreeing to obey orders. Any orders. Presumably even ones they find immoral. Is that a noble action?

They could well loose their lives doing that. They could well kill 50 'enemy' soldiers in cold blood pretty much- they didn't have anything against them personally I suspect. Depends on the war I suppose but, a lot of soldiers are mercenaries I imagine. Paid killers. Paid murderers actually. They may even end up killing civilians!

Maybe some wars are necessary. Surely, defending your country feels necessary and, I'm not trying to knock the bravery and sacrifice of our armed forces. It's more how we're told to feel about them and war itself I suppose.

I expect a lot of it is motivated by money. Why should we celebrate a group of people killing each other to make the most powerful and corrupt people in our societies, more powerful and corrupt? It's just packaged up to look noble on both sides- both sides believe they are fighting the good fight. When, the whole thing could have been orchestrated on a lie! 100's, 1000's dead because it benefited the most powerful and all they and their families get is 'well done for serving your country' because- it would be monstrous to say they died for nothing.

Of course, I don't know the answer- sadly. It's not like you can get the world's armed forces to disarm and agree not to fight one another. But, I find it weird- the way we look at death.

To answer the OP though. One example here actually. A former member had both suicidal but also increasingly violent, verging on homicidal thoughts towards other people. I believe they killed themselves because they were finding it increasingly difficult to keep control of their impulses. I'd say that was noble. The ideal of course would have been if they'd been able to get treatment for that. They had tried incidentally but, it hadn't worked. I think dying to save others is brave.

I'd say the majority of suicides are self serving at their core so- selfish. But, it's also incredibly selfish to expect someone to live on in pain because it would inconvenience/ sadden you if they didn't. That's a massive ask of someone. We get to quit other things in life we can't tolerate. People aren't considered cowards necessarily for resigning from a job. Plus- we agreed to do that job at one point. We signed a contract presumably. No one agreed to live. Who do we actually owe responsibility to to keep living to? God? Our parents? Society? Who owns your life? Are some lives themselves more noble than others? If we do live- shouldn't we be striving for that too? To live a noble life? How many people do that or, are they more interested in serving themselves?

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