

Official Written Apology for Being a Buzzkill
Apr 15, 2024
hell I bet no one's gonna see even this one either. or view it and not reply.

I never knew that just going around and asking for help or info on how to die on a site like this was a crime. apparently its very rude.
and no one is replying to my threads anymore and it isn't because nobody knows about opioids, cause ive made a few on iv alone.
ive asked the mods if people have a grudge against me again and again and they all say no, and then slowly all my answers disappeared...
and i give up on spending 30 minutes wording a thread wondering if my word count or my phrasing is too long for people to care or offensive. i just don't get.

whatever ive done so horribly wrong we can agree on the facts: i have no where else to search some of the info i need and some of that info is important for me to know so I don't mess up bad, but if no one replies to my threads anymore (or at too slow a pace) then im going to have to stop replying.
I don't know how I'm gonna find the info I need and can't even try to source anywhere else, but obviously im gonna try. don't know how. i just really hope whatever i do doesn't mess up ctb worse this time...
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Aug 27, 2024
im sorry kiddo, if it helps i'll reply to whatever you decide to send. i ain't an expert, so it's just be more of a discussion than anything
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Is it possible that no one here has the info you need?
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Apr 15, 2022
I can guarantee no one has any grudge against you, real or perceived. I'm sorry your mind takes you to that dark place when you perceive that no one is paying attention to you or your posts. It has to be hell living with those perceptions for you.
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Jul 11, 2024
I had noticed you stopped posting for a bit and had wondered if you had successfully ctb. I was happy to see you posting again as selfish as that may sound since your goal is not to be here and I don't even know you personally.

I guess that's a paradox of using this site. There are people whose posts I'm fond of reading and I don't want them to go. It's a fine line between giving the same support I've received while making sure I don't inadvertently become a gratuitous supporter of suicide like a cheering crowd in a f'd up version of "suicide games".

As far as your posting style, you are very direct in your wording and around substances which are illegal. Most people will err on the side of prudence in talking about these things using direct verbiage and also suspicious of anyone attempting to pull them into a convo which might implicate themselves. This site is public and under scrutiny after all.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I doubt that anyone here has a grudge against you. Have you tried looking at the mega thread for opioid overdose?
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
In the past 24 hours alone, I've come across multiple threads of yours and have entered them with the intent of replying, but the content of your posts was such that I didn't really have much to go on other than the point-blank requests for information about methods, which is a subject I won't comment on.

No judgements attached on my part.

And if I had a grudge against you, I sure as all hell wouldn't be replying to this thread. So, no grudge-holding either.

If anything, I was glad to see a thread of yours that I can actually reply to! (And I'm not "just saying that." If I didn't think it, I just wouldn't say anything at all!)
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Aug 1, 2024
I feel much like @Grumble does. I just don't have knowledge of the information you seek.

And certainly don't have a grudge. I don't know you that well. šŸ¤·
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Apr 18, 2023
hell I bet no one's gonna see even this one either. or view it and not reply.

I never knew that just going around and asking for help or info on how to die on a site like this was a crime. apparently its very rude.
and no one is replying to my threads anymore and it isn't because nobody knows about opioids, cause ive made a few on iv alone.
ive asked the mods if people have a grudge against me again and again and they all say no, and then slowly all my answers disappeared...
and i give up on spending 30 minutes wording a thread wondering if my word count or my phrasing is too long for people to care or offensive. i just don't get.

whatever ive done so horribly wrong we can agree on the facts: i have no where else to search some of the info i need and some of that info is important for me to know so I don't mess up bad, but if no one replies to my threads anymore (or at too slow a pace) then im going to have to stop replying.
I don't know how I'm gonna find the info I need and can't even try to source anywhere else, but obviously im gonna try. don't know how. i just really hope whatever i do doesn't mess up ctb worse this time...
So I looked at your last post and it is unclear what you mean exactly. You really failed to explain what the situation is. Hard for individuals to respond to that. Though I suppose you are referring to opioids which aren't often discussed on here but info is fairly widely available online. Even within opioids the kind, height, weights, amounts, prior IV hx and other substances all matter. People I have found read what other people post for sure. Like quite a bit and respond less often. I think quite a few also just don't know how I hope you find peace.
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Aug 25, 2024
I'm not qualified to talk about opioids or anything like that. I'm at a complete loss with dosages, medical knowledge, needle work and the attainment of all these things. It'll be like trying to get a dog to play Candy Crush. But, I read this post and thought I'd add my two cents to the chorus of people saying there's no grudge. I've only been on the site five days or so.

I do wish I could give the information people ask for. And also, don't wish I could for obvious reasons. Any questions about twentieth century military or political history, I'd be glad to answer those. But don't take my answers to the bank.

Actually, much like yourself, I came here for answers too.
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Jul 21, 2024
hey, seen some of your threads. i havent replied to any because i dont know any of the information that you're looking for and also for the most part i'm new and have been kinda getting used to things here. i dont think anyone was trying to be malicious or targeting you. šŸ’š


Jul 27, 2024
For what its worth, I don't have a grudge against you.

Sometimes threads get popular and overshadow others, yours might get pushed back. I'm not able to be on here often, so I miss many. But I'll try to help if I can.

Hope you feel a little better.


Jul 8, 2024
No grudge, just don't have answers but boosting your post for ya <3

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm not sure we do actually have that many 'experts' on here. Seems like you're after specific (detailed) method advice that you haven't been able to find on the megathreads- I'm presuming. But, a lot of us- when we do try to give advice are very likely regurgitating what we've already read here. So, people may not be replying, simply because they have nothing new to say.

Some- if they do know, may be reluctant to give step by step method advice also. They may be concerned that it would appear too much like directly assisting a suicide = illegal in lots of places. Plus, if you take their advice and it fails, they may not want the blame coming back on them.

I doubt anyone has a grudge against you- unless you have actually upset them.
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Feb 10, 2024
Definitely no grudge here. I sometimes only come on here once a day and use "latest threads" filter, scroll through the titles and if it's something I know nothing about or I don't feel like my contribution would help, I scroll past. But I hear you because I always feel like people (all people, not so much SaSu because people here are supportive) don't like me or hate me, that I'm clueless, superficial and unhelpful at best. All very black and white I'm told. And that it's the BPD talking. But I still feel that way. So if you dont mind me answering with superficial nonsense, because I don't know about opioids cos I haven't researched them cos I can't get them, I'll answer. But let me know by pm if I'm making you feel worse and I'll stick to emojis šŸ¤—
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Official Written Apology for Being a Buzzkill
Apr 15, 2024
I really appreciate all the honest and open replies. It's good to hear about the grudge thing. I admit I had thought of some of the information I was asking for as being unknown.

Sitting down and thinking outside the box already provided me answers to most of my questions. Some of my answers are a little shaky, and there are still things I'd like to ask, So if that information is unknown to this site, that's fine, but I wonder if there is a better option than this site if anyone knows. If not, though, I think I am confident enough that I can just go on.

I see some of you have said that my questions are hard to understand. I had felt this way too a little bit, but I have been so sick recently (high wbc count, losing weight) and I think it's affecting my mind. Plus, I am exhausted from the pain. So forgive me if that's the case but go ahead and ask for clarification anytime. I don't really know what else to do about it otherwise..sorry

I also want to note some thing I had totally not thought of before at all. People not replying to me or PMing me about my question because it is too direct and of course being afraid of legality. I am so sorry about that. that makes perfect sense. I can change that if that's what I need to do, I don't know how I should phrase it then, but I am at least not crazy if not humble. if someone tells me how I should phrase something more discreetly so it works, I will listen to you the first time.

of the questions I have left I think they really just regard checking if my method (roa) is all right, and the source of my drug on the DNM. (something 'strong' or 'pure' enough than last time. Oh, and it has to be domestic to US. Don't wanna piss off customs.)
I'm a little lost now, so I don't know if those would be best posted as a new thread or proposed to a few people via PM if you'd like me too or something else entirely.
But it's clear I need a lot of help using this forum properly. Thanks everybody ā¤ļø

(I don't even know if this forum will alert anybody in this thread that I replied haha)
might be some text to speech errors because my fingers hurt too and it's hard to type.
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Official Written Apology for Being a Buzzkill
Apr 15, 2024
I have just posted a thread. let me know if there's any 'problems with' that, please.

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