

Oct 6, 2019
I just got back from a trip to the coast with my sister-in-law. It was a total nightmare from beginning to end.

We only have 8 hours of daylight here right now and she swore to me that she would have me back home before it got dark yesterday. Otherwise, I never would have agreed to go with her. I literally just walked in the door 3 minutes ago. It seemed anything and everything that could stop me from coming back home was happening.

First, she arrived late because she overslept. Then after we got out on the highway and there was no way to turn back, that's when she told me we would be visiting more than one person. Since we had to take 4 hours for the trips there and back, that left us with 4 hours for visiting to still make it home before dark. I knew there was no way she was going to be able to visit 2 people in 4 hours because once they start talking, they never stop!
We visited two ladies who are both elderly and both on their own because their husbands have passed away. I feel horrible for them because they're both lonely and they talk your ear off while you're there and they try desperately to get you to stay longer, no matter how long you've been there.
The first person we visited was telling us a terrifying story of how she was coming home after visiting her son and his family for Thanksgiving. She had either forgotten to take her medication, or had taken it twice without realizing it. They still aren't sure which one occurred. She was fine when she left her son's house, but after she had been on the road for about an hour, she became very confused and started driving in the wrong direction going farther and farther away from her home. She eventually stopped at a weight station (One of those places where they make the large semi trucks weigh their load to make sure they're not too heavy), but by then she was completely hysterical because she didn't know where she was or how to get back home. She said there was no charge on her phone so she couldn't call anyone. A man there helped her call her son, but they realized it would take her son about 6 hours to get there to pick her up. That's how far away she had driven. The man had also called the ambulance, and they came and picked her up and took her to the hospital.
She was labeled "emotionally unstable" by the hospital staff, and if her family hadn't arrived to pick her up, they were about to throw her into the psych ward. She didn't need to be in the psych ward. She just needed time to get the situation with her medication straightened out. But now because she's been labeled by the hospital, she has to be careful what she does or they'll most likely take her driver's license away. She was also talking about how scared she was that she wasn't going to be able to live by herself much longer and where she would go when she could no longer take care of herself.
The second lady we went to see is living in her granddaughter's house and her granddaughter and several other family members keep trying to get money out of her and stealing her possessions. Both stories scared the hell out of me and made me even more certain that I don't want to get any older than I already am to the point where I can't take care of myself. It was already after dark by the time we left the second lady's house, but my sister-in-law was going to try to make it back home. However, just as we pulled out onto the highway to head toward home, a huge rain storm started and we couldn't see anything in front of us. We had to turn back and get a hotel for the night.
So I had to spend the night in a hotel that was very uncomfortable. The bed made my back hurt. Even though I was exhausted, I didn't get much sleep. We were supposed to leave at 8 AM this morning as soon as it got light, but my sister-in-law didn't wake up until after 9 and it wasn't until 9:30 that we finally left the hotel. Then before we got out of town, my sister-in-law realized that she didn't have her credit card with her. So we had to spend the next hour driving to every place we had been the night before, and back to the hotel to make sure she didn't leave her credit card at any of those places. Of course, none of them had her credit card. Then we made another attempt to head for home, but we got a frantic phone call from the second lady that we had visited the day before stating that her relatives were pressuring her for more money. My sister-in-law had to go to a bank and take her some money that she could give to her relatives so they would leave her alone.
Finally, we made it out of town and slowly made our way home. The only good thing is it was predicted to be pouring rain this morning and they were wrong. The trip home was relatively dry and I'm just happy to be home.
I also attempted to explain ( again) to my sister-in-law why I no longer intend to go to the doctor for my thyroid. At first, I thought she was understanding it, but then later in our conversation she started telling me things that I should mention to the doctor the next time I saw him. At this point I'm done. She's never going to get it through her head and I'm sick of trying to explain it to her. I'm never going on a long trip with my sister-in-law ever again. I'm exhausted. My entire body aches from sitting in the car and the uncomfortable hotel bed that I had to sleep on last night. I haven't been able to take any of my medicines today, and it's already after 2 PM, and I haven't had any coffee yet.
So I'm now going to get some coffee and try to sit down and rest.

Once again I feel like I tried to do something nice for someone and I got screwed over for it. I didn't have to go with her. I did it out of the kindness of my heart. I don't understand why every time I try to do something nice for someone I always end up getting screwed over for it.
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Reactions: Moonicide, charlottewilts, NitriteAnatomy and 1 other person


the invisible girl
Nov 6, 2019
I'm so sorry to hear about your nightmare trip.. It sounds super exhausting! I hate these kinds of trips with family where you are basically obligated to participate. Do you have some time today to just sleep/lie in your own bed to try and recouperate?
I've spend the last weeks in bed, I am so exhausted and sad, that any energy I have needs to be preserved as much as possible. So I understand your need to be left alone and to be allowed to just.. be.
I just wish my partner would care and would check on me. But.. I don't even know anymore if I should call him my partner or what to do. I'm being eaten alive by my thoughts and nightmares, and all I can do is lie in bed and cry followed by a period of feeling numb.
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