
I was never really here.
Nov 22, 2019
Can anyone recommend a neurologist in Tijuana or any city that has an airport?

I have a mild complex traumatic brain injury, but there is something else going on and my access to healthcare in the States is complicated to say the least.

I understand that I will have to pay out-of-pocket for any medical services.

Thank you in advance.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Nothing to add, just bumping this thread so maybe it finds the attention of someone who knows.
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Sep 23, 2019
I doubt somebody in here can recommend/respond to you very specific request. Probably you'll have to just go through the list of neurologists in Tijuana and do a bit of research on them. Just take those doctor reviews website with a pinch of salt.

And sorry to know you have Complex Traumatic Brain (CTB) injury. Can't help noticing the initials are CTB, the most common acronym of this website and a goal for many.
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I was never really here.
Nov 22, 2019
Thank you for the bump, Brick in the Wall!

ThingWithFeathers - You never know, someone might have a good recommendation.

It's because I have a brain injury that I'm reaching out. I've never been to Mexico and I've never had to find a doctor outside of the US.

Most people refer to their brain injury as TBI (traumatic brain injury). Most come in mild, moderate, severe. I just had to be different. :haha:
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Thank you for the bump, Brick in the Wall!

ThingWithFeathers - You never know, someone might have a good recommendation.

It's because I have a brain injury that I'm reaching out. I've never been to Mexico and I've never had to find a doctor outside of the US.

Most people refer to their brain injury as TBI (traumatic brain injury). Most come in mild, moderate, severe. I just had to be different. :haha:

No problem man! I know the US medical system sucks. I've had to see a neurologist before and the waiting list can be between 3-6 months. I'd still suggest finding a doctor in the US as that's a serious specialty and it can require expensive equipment that Mexico may not have in most areas.

If you elaborate on your issue of finding a doctor in the US there may be someone with better advice. Do you have medical bills or insurance type issues? There are programs both at the hospital and state level that can assist you.
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I was never really here.
Nov 22, 2019
No problem man! I know the US medical system sucks. I've had to see a neurologist before and the waiting list can be between 3-6 months. I'd still suggest finding a doctor in the US as that's a serious specialty and it can require expensive equipment that Mexico may not have in most areas.

If you elaborate on your issue of finding a doctor in the US there may be someone with better advice. Do you have medical bills or insurance type issues? There are programs both at the hospital and state level that can assist you.

My healthcare situation is complicated so bear with me.

I was in an accident on the job which means all health issues that have to do because of the accident is Labor and Industries (L&I) responsibly; they have to pay for it. In order to get any healthcare including medications, you must have an attending physician.

It is almost impossible for me to find, let alone keep a doctor with L&I because of my health issues. L&I does not pay doctors well, the case managers will deny treatment, and case managers can say your fine now and close your case.

After two years of fighting with L&I (yes, I had a lawyer) I demanded that my case be closed so I could my own health insurance and get the treatment and medications that I needed. My lawyer wasn't happy about this because I should have been given a pension.

If you have an L&I claim open your insurance will not cover anything that is related to that claim. So no doctors visits, no medication, absolutely no treatment of any kind whatsoever. If you tell your insurance company that your case is closed when it isn't that's fraud and you will be responsible for everything your insurance pay for and then some.

My case has been re-opened. My hella expensive health insurance is now worthless.

The doctor I saw a possible attending a few weeks ago ghosted not only me, but L&I because he still hasn't filed his report.

So to recap, I have no access to healthcare unless I want to pay out-of-pocket which I cannot afford. I am on NINE medications to keep me functioning, some require labs to make sure my organs are not shutting down.

Bigger problem - I can't just come back with my medications across the border. Some of my meds are rated with opiates and narcotics even thought they don't do the same job. The only pain medication I take is Lyrica (now finally a generic) for nerve pain (thigh degloved). Another medication I take isn't FDA approve for another complication from the accident.

It is illegal to bring back medication from Mexico to the states. I can't hide it in my car because I can't drive. I can't afford to fly down every month or 90 days. I can't take a bus or train because I have to sleep on my side and yes, I have to have at least seven hours sleep or my brain shuts down even more (which is bad when you're disabled and traveling alone).

Now here's where things get worse. Last year I started to deteriorate. I was/am showing signs of MS. My doctors won't even consider it or any other possible illness because I have a TBI even though there isn't any medical literature that confirms their idea. And yes, my doctors told me there is no medical literature to back up their claim. Which means I need an L&I attending physician for EVERYTHING.

Confused? Join the club. Other doctors and nurses (who aren't covered by my insurance that I pay for) think I'm getting screwed, too.

So off I go to Mexico to get my meds, brain and spine scans, and hopefully a doctor who can help me.

If all the neurological stuff I've been going through is relate to the accident then I'll be staying in Mexico until I can get an attending physician. If it's not related to the accident then I can use my hella expensive insurance to get the treatment I need.

Why can't I get Medicaid? Because I one lawyer told me I'm L&I's problem, another lawyer told me because my case is complicated I wouldn't be worth what little he could get from me, another lawyer said this would be easy and wanted to charge me an arm and a leg. There is no way I can do this without the help of an attorney because my health is complicated. I saw what my dad went through without an attorney.

It is cheaper for me to stay in Mexico while my lawyer and nurse case manager try to find doctor who will see me, not to become my attending, but to see me. It takes about three months to get an appointment.

Suicide is still an option. I don't know how much longer I can physically hold up, let alone deal with mental portion. I will be traveling and living alone, I don't speak Spanish and I don't if I can learn another language due to the brain injury, I have no friends or family in Mexico, and I don't have any one who can help me if things go sideways while I'm in Mexico.

The worst part is I'll be away from my cat. I have a roommate and she's been my caregiver since the accident. We were friends/roomies before the accident. In other words, the cat will be fine.

Sorry for such a long post.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
Don't be sorry for the long post. It is indeed a complicated situation you're facing here. There should still be some options at hand though. I'd be willing to discuss a bit of advice over PM's as I believe this to be a personal matter you're facing here. Either way I'm here if you ever want to talk about it.
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