

May 29, 2023
Could be literally ANYTHING .

I will start -

1. I used to think , Right to die was unavailable only because of religious and (skewed) ethical reasons . Now I think that a vast amount of workforce will off themself if every adult is given this right leading to drastic drop in economic progress. Some members here made compelling arguments which changed my mind . Though I still think it should be controlled .

2. I have started liking pineapple on pizza .
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Mar 7, 2023
abortion (used to think it was evil), homosexuality (used to think they should burn in hell), the death penalty (used to think it was okay), and femininity (used to think it was weak and gross and something i never want to be associated with). I'm female btw. now everything i own is pink and am unabashedly feminine :D
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Interesting question. I'm not sure there are that many concepts in life I have changed my mind over. My upbringing was pretty strict. So- maybe that counts. No sex before marriage- or you go to hell. Suicides go to hell. I don't believe that.

I'm pretty gullible and cynical- so, I remember watching a documentary on the Titanic and the conspiracy theory that it was actually the Olympic that sank as part of an insurance scam. I completely went for that until they revealed at the end that it definitely was the Titanic. The design was very slightly different.

I'm also quite a poor judge of character at the start. I tend to take people on face vale- so, I've changed my opinion about people a fair bit- both in negative and positive ways.

Oh and I used to hate olives but love them now.

I hope I am a flexible person though. I hope I would change my mind on things with sufficient facts.
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May 29, 2023
My upbringing was pretty strict. So- maybe that counts. No sex before marriage- or you go to hell. Suicides go to hell. I don't believe that.
Yikes ! That's such an awful cage to put someone in .
I'm pretty gullible and cynical- so, I remember watching a documentary on the Titanic and the conspiracy theory that it was actually the Olympic that sank as part of an insurance scam. I completely went for that until they revealed at the end that it definitely was the Titanic. The design was very slightly different.
Did you believe the 9/11 one too ?
Oh and I used to hate olives but love them now.
Olives are amazing
I hope I am a flexible person though. I hope I would change my mind on things with sufficient facts.
That's the most important thing .
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Yikes ! That's such an awful cage to put someone in .

Did you believe the 9/11 one too ?

Olives are amazing

That's the most important thing .

It wasn't so bad. In a way, I think it did me a favour- the whole- no sex before marriage thing. I've always thought of it as being something very profound. A kind of marriage in itself- a joining of souls. I'm not saying I think everyone should view it like that. I'm just saying- I do. Not that I've had many opportunities mind but- had I slept around, I think it would have really messed me up. I'm very good at convincing myself I'm in love with someone. Sex would have made that even more intense. I wouldn't have faired well with a broken heart. With regards to the hell aspect though- by college, I found out that friends had already had sex and they were nice people, so I decided that probably wouldn't happen.

With regards to the 'suicides go to hell' thing- that was from a more distant relation- so- easier to dismiss. As in- fine if they want to believe that but I probably don't. Still- honestly, it's a nagging doubt still.

I still kind of believe the 9/11 one to be honest. I just think there were so many suspicious things about it. What do you think?
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May 29, 2023
I still kind of believe the 9/11 one to be honest. I just think there were so many suspicious things about it. What do you think?
It was not an inside job according to me , the hijackers were on tape on the airport and the planes fuel fire can indeed weaken steel bars making the buildings collapse .
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Nov 8, 2023
I changed my mind on love. I used to believe there was love in the world, but that none was left over for me. I thought about CTBing in my bed, as it is the place I am most comfortable. I "knew" I would die alone. It turns out there is love for me. At least i hope it's true.
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Apr 16, 2023
in the past i thought that reading self help books would give me practical advice to change and grow, but nowadays i mostly see this type of books as a cash grab and i'm less willing to read another one of those
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May 29, 2023
I changed my mind on love. I used to believe there was love in the world, but that none was left over for me. I thought about CTBing in my bed, as it is the place I am most comfortable. I "knew" I would die alone. It turns out there is love for me. At least i hope it's true.
We are all rooting for you . :heart:
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I was raised as a Baptist by conservative parents and was a young-Earth creationist. Aged 19, I gradually lost my Christian faith over the period of a year. There had been challenges to my faith before, but I had been able to rationalize them away. Once I gave myself permission to follow the evidence, I couldn't stop. Unfortunately, what could have been a moment of emancipation and joy was instead one of despair, and I spent almost another year climbing out of a depressive fog.

I have changed my mind on a great many things, but that one stands out to me as the most pivotal since it had far-reaching consequences for most of my moral and existential values.
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Nov 7, 2023
Could be literally ANYTHING .

I will start -

1. I used to think , Right to die was unavailable only because of religious and (skewed) ethical reasons . Now I think that a vast amount of workforce will off themself if every adult is given this right leading to drastic drop in economic progress. Some members here made compelling arguments which changed my mind . Though I still think it should be controlled .

2. I have started liking pineapple on pizza .
Wait, why didn't you like pineapple on pizza, and what made it change?

Also... hm.... I used to like olives as a kid, but I'm not a fan anymore. idk what happened there
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only help i want is with ctb
Jul 9, 2023
I find it easier to accept the importance of (formal) education than I did when I was younger. I used to be extremely pro-autodidactism (still am, but with a bit of pragmatism now). The main thing that changed my attitude was realizing that my extreme view was more a rationalization of my dislike of school than a genuine belief. Namely, I wasn't comfortable with the social aspect of school, in large part bc I had to be perceived as someone I wasn't when interacting with anyone (I'm trans). And subsequently, bc I wasn't comfortable with just being a normal member of my percieved gender, I fell into this strict "self-taught indie artist" mentality which I took WAY too seriously as I thought I needed to be something special to be happy with myself. But, when I medically transitioned and was percieved as the real me for the first time ever, those things changed; Now I'm okay with just being me and like any normal girl, so I realize if I had been living as my true self back when I was in school, I'd have no problem at all with not feeling extra gifted by staying purely self-taught, and I'd be at least slightly more willing to be social with the other students.
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Wait for Me 💙
Nov 1, 2023
Used to hate femininity and had internalized misogyny because of my upbringing. Now I'm hyperfeminine.
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Oct 24, 2023
I told myself never to trust anyone - any human beings - and never to reachbout for help. As a last resort, I turned to my GP for help and to keep me alive and trusted him. Changed my mind again - I will never trust my GP or any doctors to keep me alive. Yes - I know that is a boring answer, but that is so current and bugging me for the past three months..,
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May 29, 2023
I was raised as a Baptist by conservative parents and was a young-Earth creationist. Aged 19, I gradually lost my Christian faith over the period of a year. There had been challenges to my faith before, but I had been able to rationalize them away. Once I gave myself permission to follow the evidence, I couldn't stop. Unfortunately, what could have been a moment of emancipation and joy was instead one of despair, and I spent almost another year climbing out of a depressive fog.

I have changed my mind on a great many things, but that one stands out to me as the most pivotal since it had far-reaching consequences for most of my moral and existential values.
Once you flip, you flip for good .
Wait, why didn't you like pineapple on pizza, and what made it change?

Also... hm.... I used to like olives as a kid, but I'm not a fan anymore. idk what happened there
Maybe , I was served sour pineapple toppings lol. I think I developed a taste for it .
Olives are amazing, you must have overate them in your childhood to dislike it now .
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May 29, 2023
I find it easier to accept the importance of (formal) education than I did when I was younger. I used to be extremely pro-autodidactism (still am, but with a bit of pragmatism now). The main thing that changed my attitude was realizing that my extreme view was more a rationalization of my dislike of school than a genuine belief. Namely, I wasn't comfortable with the social aspect of school, in large part bc I had to be perceived as someone I wasn't when interacting with anyone (I'm trans). And subsequently, bc I wasn't comfortable with just being a normal member of my percieved gender, I fell into this strict "self-taught indie artist" mentality which I took WAY too seriously as I thought I needed to be something special to be happy with myself. But, when I medically transitioned and was percieved as the real me for the first time ever, those things changed; Now I'm okay with just being me and like any normal girl, so I realize if I had been living as my true self back when I was in school, I'd have no problem at all with not feeling extra gifted by staying purely self-taught, and I'd be at least slightly more willing to be social with the other students.
There is a lot of merit to pro-autodidactism . Learning at your own pace is very efficient than following the pace of the professor . However clearing doubts is efficient when it comes from the professor as you don't have to brainstorm for a solution when the professor already has it .

Circumstances can force us to believe ideas that we might have never otherwise believed or in your case skew a sense of proportion on how strongly we believe in something .How people perceive us can instill a sense of insecurity or insufficieny. Then we try to over-compensate for that insecurity by believing strongly in something or overdoing an action to tell ourself that we are more than sufficient . I am happy that you had the self-awareness to get past it, not everyone does.
Used to hate femininity and had internalized misogyny because of my upbringing. Now I'm hyperfeminine.
Why did you hate it ?
I told myself never to trust anyone - any human beings - and never to reachbout for help. As a last resort, I turned to my GP for help and to keep me alive and trusted him. Changed my mind again - I will never trust my GP or any doctors to keep me alive. Yes - I know that is a boring answer, but that is so current and bugging me for the past three months..,
I am going through this too. When nothing they give works it becomes very difficult to trust .
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Could be literally ANYTHING .

I will start -

1. I used to think , Right to die was unavailable only because of religious and (skewed) ethical reasons . Now I think that a vast amount of workforce will off themself if every adult is given this right leading to drastic drop in economic progress. Some members here made compelling arguments which changed my mind . Though I still think it should be controlled .

2. I have started liking pineapple on pizza .
I guess kpop? I used to hate kpop and think it was for weirdos. Guess who listens to it now…

I think I've also changed my mind on human nature. I used to be pretty gullible and naive, and I used to think that all people were fundamentally "good". My experiences with other people have made me realize that this isn't true. Now I believe that people are inherently "evil" or "bad". I used to be too trusting, now I don't trust anyone.
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