Oct 8, 2018
How to DM somebody? I clicked on the profile pic but saw nothing

I was going to go to websummit , the biggest tecnological event in the world.

I bought a 639 Euros ticket that was actualy worth 9999 euros or something.

I spend a lot of trouble and dificulties getting this bundle of 3 tickets.

And then I had an idea to sell them, but was messaged by the mentor of websummit to delete all the posts or he would void my ticket.

I expressely Deleted all the posts where I was selling them, but he still VOIDED the ticket.

I`m waiting for a response, but things don`t look good to me.I`ve spent countless hours in my company and this was the only one shot that I had to blow, I can`t go on another year to work at a miserable job just to pay the ticket for them to say (you where not aproved for alpha this year)

Anyway, here`s my pitch, I have a really good idea to change the world, but now it`s only a puddle of text and a poor prototype and a well rooted written design.

If Any Websummit people sees this, please give me a second chance as I did as I was told (deleted all the selling ticket posts) and I have a great Idea to change the world

Here`s my PITCH for the Websummit (Ctrl+scroll up to see):

I want to introuce to you music maps,a revolucionary music streaming website with big data vizualization mapping of artists, songs,and Audiowikis for samples and sounds.

Being a truly genius software it will set a new golden age unprecedented in music history, with it`s simple fast paced navigation system and SampleMapping tech you will augment your music knowledge exponencially and naturally, and music producers can search and listen particulary fast for samples and bundles and rap or singingtemplates.

Why is it revolucionary?

It allows For the Average PLayer/listener to discover music in many inumerous ways (and features not described), such as trough zooming musicmaps,like in the main artists map and scrolling on dots to be teleported to inumerous maps containing that dot.


The maps are comprised of organized dots corresponding to artists or songs,WITH INUMEROUS CORRELATIONS, listeners can quickly hover n play on each dot to actually play a "radio preview" of the song, and then continue to listen at will if zoomed in the dot, getting the essence of the song right away from second 1. the Maps will broaden the horizons of people to all kinds of music they find interesting while hovering.

with the apropriate karma you can DOWNLOAD all your playlist even on a free subscription,artists do not have to worry as the playcount on the songs will be there and artists will be payed for offline use.

Audiowiki is a part of MusicMaps that will relate musicmaps with other relevant kinds of bigdata in a sentient way, in the species map or all animals SOund map it will organize the spieces and correlate all the sounds of all animals with the species extinct , the species getting extinxct and the species in good health with different colors , glows, fades and animations, it's also an enviromental revolution way behond the music World.

For music producers and entusiasts it`s heaven on earth. they can search faster trough many maps with organized samples and songs, soundbundes and more importantly songs chopped to their chore templates and the instrumentals extracted, they can save them quickly with the press of a key,and download it with the apropriate karma won on the website, they can create maps of their own to study and listen to music together.

With the pro subscription you can acess this features and more:

Global and personal Emotional portrait of songs :If you allow so, the software will collect audio and visual data to see if you are exited about a particular song, or relaxed, or scared or inspired(you start singing), we will compare the base feeling of your emotional portrait with your peers to sellect songs that also made them feel Orange exited or yellow inspired, so it`s a new search feature!

Search music by peer`s folders ( not just your friends, all people that those particular music connections with you, you will be able to see their folders and maps and playlists!!!) to get similar musics not played by the same artist. you can also search for specific instrumental used, for specific beats per minute plus genre, by date, by emotional portrait,by how hard it is blowing, by similar shuffle.you can dive in your taste to find those treasured songs you always wanted to find!we will offer you daily songs you didn`t know you loved.

6 types of customizable shuffle- so you scramble for specifics

Morphing everevolving, playlists- Songs skipped are automatically rated less and after X skips they are taken from your playlist.Songs listened to the end are automatically rated higher, and when you come online again it will find new music related with the highest rated songs.This is a HUGE change in playlist history.

Creating your own maps-so you study and share your favorite music knowlegde.

it learns about the songs you don`t like and the ones you do to offer you the best music experience in This World.Unlike any other music streaming website, it goes way deeper in connections.

imports your taste from Music streaming websites easily

There will be Curating Mods, 1000s of them.

See right away when song Bombs, the chorus, and the most peacocky-saucy parts

A map with all the free live concerts and open jams for you to listen and join in

With godlike subscription you can do the following, and more:

Voice commands and visual commands to pause, love and skip songs and more.

you can send a preview of your best song to jam with your favorite stars or friends.

Artists can go live on the globalps and set funny events with their followers like a paintball match with lil pump or scubadiving with ariana grande.


There will be statistics about everything!

You can use the cookies of your favorite artists to search for music so you see recomendations as them!

We are going to put the world of music in a map so small it fits in the palm of your hand.

we are thinking of kickstarting the project in exchange for equity in the company, and music gear for entusiasts to start recording the world with the best recorders and intruments availabe, for optimal quality of samples and songs.

The next stage of the project will be to create an augmented world with the maps projected on seeded shrubberies and leafy trees in parks, where a fruit or a leaf corresponds to a song or an artists, you can hover or point with your fingers to feel the music and nature,POOF! we will create silent discos in every park across the world,that bring people together to dance and enjoy music each national park can feature the whole audiowiki with a tree being a map with calculable songs and samples.The Real Amazon Forest (with no current google cupboard of it's own) can host not only Musicmaps and Audiowiki but the whole big data experience for everyone to search.

Event web summit 2018 127032

D I S G R A C E - :'(:ohhhh:;-;I really wanted to change the World, but now I don`t feel so well..:eh::zzz::mmm:
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