
May 6, 2020
I've heard a lot of things from people who don't consider ctb as a valid option.

One of them is it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. That's too simple a statement to cover everything under the sun. Temporary it may be, bit the degree of pain may be too much to handle even for that short moment. And then there are problems which are not temporary.

Another I hear frequently is if you ctb then you won't get a chance to improve your situation and live a better life. While life may get better given time, it may get a whole lot worse before it gets better or it could just keep getting worse.
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Apr 16, 2020
5+ years of suffering isn't "temporary" and especially if those problems started at a young age. Because if it started at a young age you won't remember life any other way but being depressed.
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Mar 23, 2018
In my personal experience, sometimes it has gotten a little better but the last 10 years have been awful and the last few have been completely SHIT !!! :angry: ;-;
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
Permanent solution to a temporary problem makes sense if the problem is life. Then the question becomes "Why is that a bad thing to seek a permanent solution to the temporary problem of life?"

And if you ctb you may miss put on some opportunities for things to improve in your life, but you also miss out on the inevitable death that won't be of your choosing, a death that is likely to have much worse suffering coming before it.
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Apr 11, 2020
If you considered suicide since your childhood, there are maybe moments when it is "better" but it will never be fixed or good.
In the best case you just feel ok with being alive. But there will be no moments when you actually enjoy life.
(and felling "happy" because you are on drugs doesn't count)

There is no absolute statement that applies to everybody, people know best about their own situation.
Think clearly and honest about the best possible thing that could happen in your life... if that unlikely case happens, will you be happy and enjoy life now?... if the answer to that is a No, then what's the point?

And why would a permanent solution even be a bad thing? I never got that argument.
but you also miss out on the inevitable death that won't be of your choosing, a death that is likely to have much worse suffering coming before it.
That's a fair point btw.
Natural causes of death are always way more painful than a rope or SN. Dying in your sleep is rare. Even when you die out of old age, it's most of them time the lungs giving up or the heart or a stroke. And a heart attack is probably the worst possible thing you could ever experience, pneumonia isn't much better.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I hate that phrase.... Honestly I hate it. It's not like we just woke up one day and decided that suicide was for us. It's a long, drawn out process. A painful one, that for me was after years of trying and failing.
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May 8, 2020
I think a lot of it comes down to how most people believe life has intrinsic value, and that that we should strive to keep ourselves and others alive for as long as possible, at all costs. Voluntary euthanasia is controversial even when the person is old, sick and obviously suffering, which I think says a lot. Death is considered worse than whatever pain is suffered, be it physical or psychological, because LIFE trumps everything.
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Jun 27, 2019
There's also the ones who go on about the miracle of the odds of that particular sperm getting through to create 'you' - so special, so unique they'll only ever be one you! Yes there is only one me, one me who has struggled most of my life, one me who knows the what that suffering has been and one me who knows that I can't do this anymore.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
permanent solution to a temporary problem , this saying annoys the hell out of me!
Temporary problem, how long is a temporary problem? How long is temporary, at what point does it stop being temporary and become longer, more fixed till it's at the point to permanent?
Until you change the problem, but what if the problem is not of your own doing, what if the problem started in childhood but continues through to adult, learnt behaviour, not everything is easy to change,
I've had it said to me many a time, only I can change things, that may be so in some cases but not all, I cannot change my history, I cannot stop the pain, I cannot stop the flashbacks, the panic attacks that come from what was a *problem* a problem that was temporary for my whole childhood, but has caused a life long effect that has ruined so much for me,
@TheGoodGuy I notice you said you have had a childhood of paradise as have many here, can you wipe my name off that list, my childhood was hell and it still effects me to this day, my darkness started when I was around 6 yrs of age, but in reality it started the day I was born. Does this make my problem temporary or does this make my problem something a little deeper
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Aug 27, 2018
permanent solution to a temporary problem , this saying annoys the hell out of me!
Temporary problem, how long is a temporary problem? How long is temporary, at what point does it stop being temporary and become longer, more fixed till it's at the point to permanent?
Until you change the problem, but what if the problem is not of your own doing, what if the problem started in childhood but continues through to adult, learnt behaviour, not everything is easy to change,
I've had it said to me many a time, only I can change things, that may be so in some cases but not all, I cannot change my history, I cannot stop the pain, I cannot stop the flashbacks, the panic attacks that come from what was a *problem* a problem that was temporary for my whole childhood, but has caused a life long effect that has ruined so much for me,
@TheGoodGuy I notice you said you have had a childhood of paradise as have many here, can you wipe my name off that list, my childhood was hell and it still effects me to this day, my darkness started when I was around 6 yrs of age, but in reality it started the day I was born. Does this make my problem temporary or does this make my problem something a little deeper
What I have said before in this thread applies to people who had bad childhoods too although not caused by hormonal if you have been suicidal since you were six and are now an adult then statisticly speaking your life aint gonna get better and having suffered for so long isn´t temporarily at all.

And it´s a good question what does these pro-lifers think when they use the word temporary? A few month, a year 5 years, 10 years? This guy in the video below explains the rationality of suicide very well especially the first part in the video where he draws on the board.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
What I hate about that phrase is how condescending and programmed that response sounds. How can anyone tell another person what's temporary? Some people who are suicidal have suffered their whole lives. People who say that are minimalizing suicidal people's problems. Let them live one of our lives and see if they feel the same.
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May 8, 2020
My whole life has been one temporary problem after another.
I have experienced brief moments of happiness, but they never last.
Often when things get good I sabotage myself. Other times life sabotages me.
I feel like I'm just not allowed to be happy. Every time I poke my head up into the sunshine, life kicks me back down into the mud.
The harder I fight to be happy, the harder life fights back to keep me down.
It seems so easy for most people. Why is it so hard for me? Why can't I get what I want? Why can't I be happy?
Sorry, I went off on a tangent and forgot my point...
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
And sometimes taking the medication and listening to fools tell you how to feel and think is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
Mindless optimism is every bit as deluded and dangerous as relentless pessimism.
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May 6, 2020
My whole life has been one temporary problem after another.
I have experienced brief moments of happiness, but they never last.
Often when things get good I sabotage myself. Other times life sabotages me.
I feel like I'm just not allowed to be happy. Every time I poke my head up into the sunshine, life kicks me back down into the mud.
The harder I fight to be happy, the harder life fights back to keep me down.
It seems so easy for most people. Why is it so hard for me? Why can't I get what I want? Why can't I be happy?
Sorry, I went off on a tangent and forgot my point...
Lol. Don't worry about it. You said what was on your mind and that's good. Doesn't need to be a point to it.

I get the unfairness of life. It doesn't seem fair to try and not get or to try harder than most others and not get as much.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
Can't agree more with you. Perhaps most people think we'll live around 70 years so they think it's okay to suffer for 30 years if you'll be happy for the rest of 40 years, but life doesn't work like that. Someone may suffer for "only" 5 months but the pain is too unbearable, sadly most people won't think about that because the pain is basically invisible.
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Jun 6, 2020
5+ years of suffering isn't "temporary" and especially if those problems started at a young age. Because if it started at a young age you won't remember life any other way but being depressed.
This 100%. Thanks to trauma my life is fucked up beyond repair


lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
"permanent solution to a temporary problem". the effects of trauma on the mind are temporary? the trauma itself may be temporary, but the effects will always stick with you.

and of course it's permanent. i'd be pissed if i died only to wake up again. i know it's permanent, and for me that's the appeal of it. a permanent end to this suffering.

because even if you do recover, you'll still have bad days. the trauma will still stick with you. (not trying to shit on anyone who wants to recover. if you do, i wish you the best.)

it's not a bad thing to want to be free from these feelings. death is the one thing that makes it all go away.


Jun 3, 2020
What I have said before in this thread applies to people who had bad childhoods too although not caused by hormonal if you have been suicidal since you were six and are now an adult then statisticly speaking your life aint gonna get better and having suffered for so long isn´t temporarily at all.

And it´s a good question what does these pro-lifers think when they use the word temporary? A few month, a year 5 years, 10 years? This guy in the video below explains the rationality of suicide very well especially the first part in the video where he draws on the board.

That is a great clip. Thanks for sharing.


Hablo español
Aug 9, 2020
Can't agree more with you. Perhaps most people think we'll live around 70 years so they think it's okay to suffer for 30 years if you'll be happy for the rest of 40 years, but life doesn't work like that. Someone may suffer for "only" 5 months but the pain is too unbearable, sadly most people won't think about that because the pain is basically invisible.
Which types of pain do you think it exists?

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