

Oct 14, 2019
I need to be venting again lol.
The thing I care mostly in me is my knowledge, mind, cognitive skills etc. I don't care whether I'm ugly or not. I care whether I am wise/smart or not.
Soo let's be precise. My education system is 6 years of primary school + 3y of middle school + 3 or 4 of high school (some people have 2) + optionally University. Primary and middle have no specialization so you have all classes, no mater how hard you hate them. You are in a class with a 15-30 other people and you have all classes with them. One class lasts for 45 minutes and then is a break. Class can mean a group of people you study with everyday or lessons.
I have always been a good student, it's just natural for me, but I was in a normal class with 26 other people and just a few were as good as me. I was bored. The classes were run so slowly. Especially maths. We were doing a simple math topic for 3 classes (3*45 minutes). As a result we couldn't really do the advanced and more topics, which was really annoying to me. I didn't know how to learn maths apart from the school. At the age of 12-13 I promised myself "IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL MY CLASSMATES WILL BE SMART AND WE WILL BE LEARNING ALL THE INTERESTING STUFF, NOT JUST THE BASICS".

Unfortunately the life decided to play with me. At the very ending I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, which is seen here as a complete retardation, extremely hard disability etc. There is a special kind of class. Max 20 children, 5 of them is disabled. There is a special teacher (suport teacher) that doesn't teach but takes part in most classes to help the disabled children/teenagers excract as much from the classes as possible (for example if you're Hard of Hearing and lipreading the main teacher, the suport teacher writes in your notebook for you and you lipread the main teacher). The rest (15 students) is able-bodied. There is just one problem. It's a class for stupid students. Both disabled and abled are stupid, they get low grades, have poor cognitive skills etc.

Psychiatrists/psychologists sent me to that kind of class in the middle school. I was broken… I had to be there… I was the smartest there and I was seen as the weird one, the classes were easy… Psychiatrists/Psychologists sent me there because such awful, broken, disabled people shouldn't be with precious children/teenagers? I shouldn't bother the good, worthy people, I should be isolated from tchem, shouldn't I?
It was awful apart from that. We had (mostly) worst teachers. Our educator could solve no problems. 5-6 students came from dregs of society and they did almost nothing but caused needless problems. But I couldn't be transferred to a regular class, because scums shouldn't be mixed with worthy people.
To make things worse I was forced to go to an additional class twice a week. It was really just for disabled people… It was called rehabilitation. I was drawing patterns, coloring… Preschool totally. Can you imagine what kind of insult it is for somebody who cares about their cognitive skills? HUGE.

Now I am in high school but I can't find myself worthy person. I feel like a scum.
I mean thanks for reading. I know most of you have suffered from much bigger traumas, but I said you didn't have to read if you didn't feel like reading.
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Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost
Sep 30, 2019
that must have been extremely frustrating, do you find the classes you're in now challenging? or the same? Can you find any other ways to exercise your brain? Feeling low self worth really sucks!


Oct 14, 2019
Now the level of classes is hard enough. I mean I've gotten lazy because of the depression… Idk if I have depression but probably I have.


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
I need to be venting again lol.
The thing I care mostly in me is my knowledge, mind, cognitive skills etc. I don't care whether I'm ugly or not. I care whether I am wise/smart or not.
Soo let's be precise. My education system is 6 years of primary school + 3y of middle school + 3 or 4 of high school (some people have 2) + optionally University. Primary and middle have no specialization so you have all classes, no mater how hard you hate them. You are in a class with a 15-30 other people and you have all classes with them. One class lasts for 45 minutes and then is a break. Class can mean a group of people you study with everyday or lessons.
I have always been a good student, it's just natural for me, but I was in a normal class with 26 other people and just a few were as good as me. I was bored. The classes were run so slowly. Especially maths. We were doing a simple math topic for 3 classes (3*45 minutes). As a result we couldn't really do the advanced and more topics, which was really annoying to me. I didn't know how to learn maths apart from the school. At the age of 12-13 I promised myself "IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL MY CLASSMATES WILL BE SMART AND WE WILL BE LEARNING ALL THE INTERESTING STUFF, NOT JUST THE BASICS".

Unfortunately the life decided to play with me. At the very ending I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, which is seen here as a complete retardation, extremely hard disability etc. There is a special kind of class. Max 20 children, 5 of them is disabled. There is a special teacher (suport teacher) that doesn't teach but takes part in most classes to help the disabled children/teenagers excract as much from the classes as possible (for example if you're Hard of Hearing and lipreading the main teacher, the suport teacher writes in your notebook for you and you lipread the main teacher). The rest (15 students) is able-bodied. There is just one problem. It's a class for stupid students. Both disabled and abled are stupid, they get low grades, have poor cognitive skills etc.

Psychiatrists/psychologists sent me to that kind of class in the middle school. I was broken… I had to be there… I was the smartest there and I was seen as the weird one, the classes were easy… Psychiatrists/Psychologists sent me there because such awful, broken, disabled people shouldn't be with precious children/teenagers? I shouldn't bother the good, worthy people, I should be isolated from tchem, shouldn't I?
It was awful apart from that. We had (mostly) worst teachers. Our educator could solve no problems. 5-6 students came from dregs of society and they did almost nothing but caused needless problems. But I couldn't be transferred to a regular class, because scums shouldn't be mixed with worthy people.
To make things worse I was forced to go to an additional class twice a week. It was really just for disabled people… It was called rehabilitation. I was drawing patterns, coloring… Preschool totally. Can you imagine what kind of insult it is for somebody who cares about their cognitive skills? HUGE.

Now I am in high school but I can't find myself worthy person. I feel like a scum.
I mean thanks for reading. I know most of you have suffered from much bigger traumas, but I said you didn't have to read if you didn't feel like reading.
How old are you if you dont mind me asking, and what country are you from? The classes sort of remind me of some classes i knew of in school. They were applied level classes, so these classes had a different type of way in teaching and they were slower and more methodicial in the way they taught. Sorry you're feeling this way. Have you tried talking to a school counselor about it? Being easy and all? Im sure they would honestly try and help, especially if you're grades arent that bad. And you being "lazy" isnt being you're lazy. Depressions drains the shit out of you, leaving you hardly any energy to operate and live.
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Oct 14, 2019
18, Poland.
There is nothing such as an official level of classes. If children are slow to understand, the classes are slow. When the children are ultra smart, the classes are very fast.
Not gonna try talking. Sorry but they find me a completely retarded person.


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
18, Poland.
There is nothing such as an official level of classes. If children are slow to understand, the classes are slow. When the children are ultra smart, the classes are very fast.
Not gonna try talking. Sorry but they find me a completely retarded person.
sorry to hear, only way of bettering you're situation would be talking. hope you reconsider later on. it can be temporary at times. im in canada, so theres at times where individuals who are also on mental disability and accomodation start off in applied and gradually move onto academic classes which are faster. But they have such things including mental health accomodation, so extra time for tests and assignments, tutoring or extra help, but there in the same exact classes as another people who dont have any disabilities and such. Even just going into uni, you can choose to have an option for mental health accomodation and services while taking high end classes such as AP classes. Im not sure they have a exact replica of a mental health services and disabily accomodation but they definitely have something similar to that; a ton of countries including euro countries have such a thing, you essentially need such a thing for a countries educational system to thrive.


Oct 14, 2019
Dude, you do not understand… First of all the only way out if ctb…
Second of all sorry but I don't nderstand why you're describing Canada's system. I did so much to prove I am not retarded and nothing worked, I'm done trying… I want to have easy life. Easy life or no life at all. I need no accommodation just not to worrry whether I'll be shouted at or not. But maybe dying is better...
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Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
Dude, you do not understand… First of all the only way out if ctb…
Second of all sorry but I don't nderstand why you're describing Canada's system. I did so much to prove I am not retarded and nothing worked, I'm done trying… I want to have easy life. Easy life or no life at all. I need no accommodation just not to worrry whether I'll be shouted at or not. But maybe dying is better...
well thats the thing, no one deserves to be shouted out and belittled and treated like differently than others, especially from people trying to help. schooling systems offer such services, its just about talking to a counselor; i mean poland has one of the best educational systems in the world ahead of a ton of countries. And uni, only does more to accomodate for someone, way more than highschool while allowing you to have the same opportunities including AP classes like others.

Whatever though, do you, its you're choice obviously. hope you find peace regardless.


New Member
Oct 23, 2019
I am sorry they treat u like that, but
who cares what they think.....u r not retarded. If they cant teach u anything then u need to teach yourself. I too value my Brain and have a thirst for knowledge that I cannot ignore......The internet is your friend and can enlighten u on many subjects on many different levels of knowledge. Find your path that u want and go for it. Dont let them dictate your future.
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Oct 14, 2019
Ok, Hassu you do not understand… Anyway thanks for saying this. I do not need special accommodation. Just clear information what is wanted from me. Nothing more.
What? We have one of the best? Then the world has no education XD For 10 years you're being forced to learn weird stuff. First 3 is reading and writing so it's ok but the next 7 is stupid. 2 last are specialization. I mean, in my type of high school, there are 3 types of high schools. And no, there is few accomodations for disabled students apart from that special class. Maybe there are some schools made just for disabled people but I never saw one.

Thanks If3. If i had not been told I'm disabled I would never think I am, because I don't feel like my body lacks something… I mean every time I try to fight depression I am assaulted by something. I am trying to think I am not dumb, I'm proven I am... It sucks.
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Oct 6, 2019
Why not pick your top three favorite subjects, find the best and most popular text books for them and teach yourself?


Oct 14, 2019
Well I did find tchem but I can't focus enough to read them XD

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