

Still here
Nov 29, 2018
Sorry, I'm kind of all over here. I'm just thinking and typing, so it went all over the place. I have no where else to go, and I'm just writing my thoughts down.

None of this matters. It doesn't matter what I do or don't do. It doesn't matter what I say or don't say. It doesn't matter how much I know, how many people I've met, how I did in school. It doesn't matter how I die, when I die, how long it takes to die. Absolutely nothing matters, because it will always end in death. Everyone will die, everyone living right now, and ever will live will die. Everyone leads to the same fate. I don't get how people think life is so special, and will preserve it no matter what. It's like everyone around me is a mindless robot with a smile painted on their face. They all think they are immortal, unless they are dying or suicidal. If you're healthy physically and mentally, then you don't think about dying or existing or any of that. But what's the point? A lifetime is absolutely nothing compared to forever. Time goes on forever, it's infinite. Nothing anyone says or does matters. I wish the whole universe would just get destroyed. I probably sound crazy, but if there's no life, there's no pain. All life is is to be born, survive so you can reproduce, then die. If life is not just pain, why do our bodies break down the older we get? We do we all eventually die? It's like life means nothing. Like it has absolutely no value whatsoever. But everyone only knows themself. We only see through our eyes, so how are we to know if the world around us and the people we know are really real? It all feels like a dream, like I'm just going to wake up one day as something else. This life isn't mine, maybe the only way to "wake up" is to die. If this really is my life, I don't want it, it can't be mine. My life isn't even bad, why do I still want to ctb? But then again, I still dont get why people want to live. In a world like this, how can anyone be happy? Even happiness is an illusion. Just a way to trick us into staying alive so we don't end up killing ourselves because there's no reason to be alive. All religions, goals so we can be successful, the idea there is such a thing as love, etc. It's all so we can tell ourselves that there is a reason we are alive when there is none. Everyone's afraid of death. Everyone thinks they will never die unless they are dying or suicidal, like I said before. No one wants to die because it's pain. But life is nothing but pain. As soon as you exist, you are going to experience pain. So why does everyone keep bring more people into this world. I'm sorry if I upset anyone, but why in the world would anyone want to have a child knowing they too will die? Parents want to protect their child no matter what, protect then from pain. But by giving birth to them, they will have to experience pain, and will eventually die just like everyone else. Where's the logic in that? If you don't want more people hurting, wouldn't you not create another human being in the first place? So why does everyone keep having so many children? If they want children, why don't they adopt? Are we all really just programmed the same, just so we can create more of us? What's the point in that? Nobody ever talks about it, I've never heard anyone say anything about any of this irl.
Does anyone agree with any of what I've said, or am I the only one? Because it sure seems like it. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel like I shouldn't be in this world. Like I'm not meant to be here. I feel like I'm trapped in this body. It's always wanting something, and is never happy no matter what I do. This thing isn't me, it's a monster. I'm so sick of living.
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Nov 5, 2018
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Sep 23, 2018
Happiness means different things to everyone. For me it was having my partner, stepdaughter, adoption plans (her ex stopped those plans), would have been married next year, job on the ambulance, cats, house, financially stable. I was happy. Now its just my job left, im unhappy but for now i have to try and see this through, there is a chance i will loose my job anyway and that will be my final brick falling. Ill be able to go with my head held high because i gave it a chance.

Yes we are born, yes we will die but that doesnt mean its pointless, some people are just making the best of it as they can before their time is up and good on them thats their choice.

At my lowest i suffered from Dissociation and thought as you do, disconnected like im not in the real world so i get what you mean. It makes you feel like your loosing your mind
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Oct 5, 2018
Completely agree with everything you have written. Never understood why people cling to life so tenaciously, just goes to show that we really are animals at the end of the day wired only for survival:( They place so much emphasis on age and how long you live, but dying sooner rather than later is a trivial distinction. Most people don't seem real to me either, really does feel like living in a dream:/
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Be still
Oct 5, 2018
I can relate to this so much. Especially as a woman of child bearing age who isn't fulfilling her "womanly duties".

If I'm not programmed like the rest of the population and don't feel the urge to reproduce, then why am I even on this planet at all?

I'm the weird one in my family's eyes. I'm the broken one who never wanted to experience "happiness", as so many people describe, and see my crotch spawn grow into functioning human beings I can leave behind when I finally die.

But what's the point? They'll experience pain during their time here on earth, and they'll probably experience an even greater amount of pain having me as their parent. Why would I want to put someone through the same crap I experience every single day? Maybe they'll grow up stable and find joy and purpose in their life, but why take the chance of them possibly being in the exact spot I'm in now, browsing suicide forums and hating every minute of their existence?
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Still here
Nov 29, 2018
I can relate to this so much. Especially as a woman of child bearing age who isn't fulfilling her "womanly duties".

If I'm not programmed like the rest of the population and don't feel the urge to reproduce, then why am I even on this planet at all?

I'm the weird one in my family's eyes. I'm the broken one who never wanted to experience "happiness", as so many people describe, and see my crotch spawn grow into functioning human beings I can leave behind when I finally die.

But what's the point? They'll experience pain during their time here on earth, and they'll probably experience an even greater amount of pain having me as their parent. Why would I want to put someone through the same crap I experience every single day? Maybe they'll grow up stable and find joy and purpose in their life, but why take the chance of them possibly being in the exact spot I'm in now, browsing suicide forums and hating every minute of their existence?

I agree with everything you said as well. It's like the whole world expects every woman to have children just because they can have them. Makes you wonder if that's all you're really worth. I'd rather not be a baby making machine.
Of course if anyone else has kids, more power to them. But I just think people shouldn't be pushed to have children as soon as their old enough. And even before then you're constantly asked if you have a boyfriend. At least that's how everyone is to me.
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
Thanks for being nice and all, but i'm not religious
I came to the conclusion a long time ago that if there was no God then this life is totally and utterly meaningless from start to finish because nothing matters at all if we all just eventually die and that's it.
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Jul 20, 2018
The problem is not us, it's society. The world is bastardized beyond return. It is all unsustainable
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