Hans Voralberg

Hans Voralberg

Nov 6, 2021
It is time to say harsh truths. To moderators i don't want harm any woman personally so please don't ban me To womans you read this on your own responsibility.This will be equivalent of read pill in matrix for you. Time Has come. Time for truth. Based on my own experiences i am too good Man to be in romantic relationship with modern womans literally i have rule that i give the best to my partner not constantly but i am very supportive and tender Man and after x rejection and woman said to me i am too good for her or i gave her too much (good things in relationship )i snaped. I took Black pill because such type of womans is not worth warm care and empathy and resorces i want to give them. You probably call me incel or misoginist but what i said is true. You can't self improve yourself more boys. You will be always not enough in eyes of modern womans you will be always rejected even you are good in resolving conflicts and communication. Even when you are empath it is not enough. Womans don't care about stabilization and having a good supportive partner anymore even in their 30 You can be too good for womans. Time to stop it gentelmens. No more treating good tender empathetic mans like trash. I am personaly sick of womans wanting a Bad boy so bad they harm themself emotionally or even physicly in such relationship. You want a girl do be a monster be nihilistic be narcistic be maciavelic this is language young womans understand. Dark triad is the only answer. Gentelmens i enter the Path of ultimate darkness and ultimate enlightment of my wounded soul and mind i will become a monster because i am tired of giving my heart to others i am tired of falling in love i am tired being thirsty of hugging. I am tired being thirsty of tenderness i am tired because i gave to womans too much from myself and now i understood this. Now i will say what all mans probably think too

If you rejected Man because he was kind and too nice for you in relationship Fuck you

If you used Man love to Solve your life problems knowing you will leave him after he helped you during relationship Fuck You

If you used relationship only for money influences or gaining materialistic goods Fuck you.

If you cheated on Man in relationship especially because he was not good enough in bed Fuck You.

If you said to Man i love you knowing you are not honest with him and yourself. If you said to Man you will not leave him and you are not ready to commit into relationship if you are not honest on this matters Fuck you

If you did any of these things in relationship i despise you. We as a mans are sick of such womans. You don't deserve for being in true love. You deserve eternall lonliness and hunger for love

Now i write to true womans tender empathetic emotionally mature womans wanting a good Man who will be hugging you every day. WHO will be listen to you everyday. WHO will be always supportive and gives you everything he Has to support your personal and emotionall grow as a person. You are wonders. You deserve love deepest than every ocean. We love you. We accept you. We waiting for you. You are beautifull and we dream about you and hug you in our thoughts every night before sleep. To all true womans I Love you.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Many people will understand how you are feeling. With our various cultural propagations, we humans have completely messed up whatever natural relationships used to mean. First there was the era of Christianity and female suppression, then came the modern era in which all sorts of philosophical conflicts have brought down an iron curtain between the natural harmony of the genders.

The only thing I'd hope you reconsider is the assumption that these issues only apply one way.

Yes, there is a natural biological system which causes women to be viscerally attracted to qualities in men that are not all that sensible or practical for long-term relationships. But if you have ever dismissed a good-hearted women because she wasn't quite attractive or sexually stimulating enough, you are doing exactly the same thing. Perhaps much of this gender conflict consists of psychological projection.

There are various ways to approach this problem if you are seeking a genuine solution. Self-improvement involves caring to learn what women want and working on implementing that. Or, there are women from other countries and other cultures who would be more than happy just to have a genuinely decent man. Or give up on the whole thing and see if there's anything else to do on this planet. But please, no hate.
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*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
I could say the exact same thing about men and that wouldn't help either. Maybe it's time to realize it's not a gender issue. Society is fucked, not a particular gender. It's hard to find HUMANS of value, that's all.
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Hans Voralberg

Hans Voralberg

Nov 6, 2021
Many people will understand how you are feeling. With our various cultural propagations, we humans have completely messed up whatever natural relationships used to mean. First there was the era of Christianity and female suppression, then came the modern era in which all sorts of philosophical conflicts have brought down an iron curtain between the natural harmony of the genders.

The only thing I'd hope you reconsider is the assumption that these issues only apply one way.

Yes, there is a natural biological system which causes women to be viscerally attracted to qualities in men that are not all that sensible or practical for long-term relationships. But if you have ever dismissed a good-hearted women because she wasn't quite attractive or sexually stimulating enough, you are doing exactly the same thing. Perhaps much of this gender conflict consists of psychological projection.

There are various ways to approach this problem if you are seeking a genuine solution. Self-improvement involves caring to learn what women want and working on implementing that. Or, there are women from other countries and other cultures who would be more than happy just to have a genuinely decent man. Or give up on the whole thing and see if there's anything else to do on this planet. But please, no hate.
I never looking for physical atractivness. For me woman can be without an arm leg breast hair have scars etc. I would love her for her empathy and emotionall warm she want to gives me. I am not a misoginist but every woman i have been in relationship just used my emotions. society structures is a problem. We lives in times where hooker will be more fair to you than woman in romantic relationship. I find woman very valuable and fabulous person as friends. But in romantic relationship they are always cruel to me so much despite i care and love so much like really. My mother can't imagine how fucked up emotionally are people nowadays. She always repeat that i will find true love but this is a comfortable lie. I just had to spilt it out. I don't hate woman.
I could say the exact same thing about men and that wouldn't help either. Maybe it's time to realize it's not a gender issue. Society is fucked, not a particular gender. It's hard to find HUMANS of value, that's all.
You are right Xion. IT is very hard to find such person. I just gave up. I don't want waste my life looking for love that never will come. I probably will just gain some experiences in sexual matters without romantic bounds. And will spend rest of my life trying improve world by my life and actions.
I just needed to know if i am only one seeing this problem in relationship. Now i know i am not alone in this observation about reality
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
This stuff is just human nature. Or at least, the nature of someone who isn't over themselves and wants to explore options. That's true of anyone, basically - they'll act up to the degree that their possibilities will allow - unless they're genuinely looking for something serious.

If you have unlimited money, you're not going to work a job you hate. If you have options in the dating arena, you're not going to settle for someone you're not super attracted to.

Perhaps this is more evident with women now since they've basically been systemically suppressed forever, and only now have some semblance of true freedom. I mean, if you give a kid their first ever pocket money, they're probably going to head to the candy store right away.

Having said that, I think there is a shift that most people go through at some point or another. Where they're pretty much done playing the field even if they have options, and really want something with the right person. The likelihood of this increases as someone ages, but it's not necessarily a given. However in general I think it's fair to say that a young, attractive person with little life experience is objectively less likely to be in that headspace.

How do you pick someone who's a sensible choice over someone who does more for you emotionally/physically? If she's young, not ready for commitment, and you don't quite generate the right kind of dopamine spike for her, you're probably in trouble.

Good luck in the future.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
Some people are downright nasty. But we aren't all pure angels or total demons. I think the romantic ideal of love isn't always realistic. It's based on extremes.

That incredible buzz at the beginning of a new relationship and that amazing idealistic view of each other. No wonder people long for this and enjoy it. But most of the time the only way is down! At best people get to know each other and accept the not so good bits. And sometimes it goes from one extreme to the other and becomes absolutely hellish.

Why not start lower down the slope and begin with getting to know each other and seeing where it goes? Instead of starting full-on. Not investing too much too soon. You might reach all sorts of heights. Or you might not. As you say there are no guarantees.

Just a thought.

I'm glad you still want to do good. I hope you find a good person and I hope you have good friends.
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