

Feb 15, 2022
I've got two cracked teeth, a damaged filling and a chipped tooth. I am in constant dental pain and can't find an NHS dentist. After calling 111 they sent me to the "stabilisation clinic" for poor people who don't have an NHS dentist. They are meant to stabilise you - fix the problems and send you on your way. The dentist was absolute shit. He denied there was anything wrong with the filling. He confirmed the two cracked teeth and the chipped tooth, but refused to do anything as he said they're "not that bad." I argued that I'm in such pain i can't even chew on one side. He said if they're bothering me that much he'll just pull them out. So just because I'm poor my choices are either be in pain forever or have multiple teeth pulled out. This is like 18th century barber shit. I said I didn't want multiple teeth pulled out (I'm already missing 4, at this rate I'll be like a toothless medieval peasant) and he told me "then rub some sensodyne toothpaste on it to numb the pain."

If I could afford a private dentist I could get these issues fixed for just a few hundred. It is so insane that in this world there are people who have private jets and others who can't even afford food or medical treatment. Something so simple and inexpensive would make such a difference to my life but it's so out of reach.
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Jul 1, 2024
Yeah i feel you, the state of the UK dental service is crazy. Since lockdown it has been almost impossible to find an NHS dentist and even if you find one you'll end up on a waiting list for 1-2 years.
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Feb 15, 2022
Yeah i feel you, the state of the UK dental service is crazy. Since lockdown it has been almost impossible to find an NHS dentist and even if you find one you'll end up on a waiting list for 1-2 years.
They told me when I called last the current waiting list is an average of 7 years.
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Jul 1, 2024
They told me when I called last the current waiting list is an average of 7 years.
Wow that is crazy. Have you tried all the dentists in your catchment area? Like calling and asking if they are taking on/ have a waiting list?

I know it's not an immediate solution but if you can get on one it will be a great help in the future


Feb 15, 2022
Wow that is crazy. Have you tried all the dentists in your catchment area? Like calling and asking if they are taking on/ have a waiting list?
According to 111 this is the only one offering a stabilisation clinic nearby. The other one is several towns away and i can't even afford a bus fare. I have called all the NHS dentists for several towns trying to find a permanent dentist, as well as calling NHS England and emailing my MP for advice. The only thing to do was get on the 7 year waiting list, or pay for private treatment.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
Holy shit same. My reasons for CTB are largely philosophical, but one of my biggest personal reasons is my teeth. Depression led me to neglect my dental care for years, and now I've got a ton of dental issues. I've got cavities up the wazoo, gum disease, and I need root canals and crowns on so many teeth. Plus my wisdom teeth haven't been removed yet and they're on the verge of coming in and and causing problems; they've already moved and bent all of my molars. My dental insurance is so stingy that they don't want to cover much of what I need done since it's not an "immediate problem." And removing my wisdom teeth will cost $4,000, and I can't afford that shit at all.

So rn I'm just hoping my teeth hang in there till I get everything I need for my SN protocol. It really is insane though that the poor can't get food or medical treatments, while rich mfs fly around in jets. it's very unfair.
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Feb 15, 2022
Holy shit same. My reasons for CTB are largely philosophical, but one of my biggest personal reasons is my teeth. Depression led me to neglect my dental care for years, and now I've got a ton of dental issues. I've got cavities up the wazoo, gum disease, and I need root canals and crowns on so many teeth. Plus my wisdom teeth haven't been removed yet and they're on the verge of coming in and and causing problems; they've already moved and bent all of my molars. My dental insurance is so stingy that they don't want to cover much of what I need done since it's not an "immediate problem." And removing my wisdom teeth will cost $4,000, and I can't afford that shit at all.

So rn I'm just hoping my teeth hang in there till I get everything I need for my SN protocol. It really is insane though that the poor can't get food or medical treatment, while rich mfs fly around in jets. it's very unfair.
It's fucking ridiculous that teeth get so damaged, and that they generally aren't easily covered by NHS/insurance/whateverlike other medical problems. Like we choose to have teeth.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
It's fucking ridiculous that teeth get so damaged, and that they generally aren't easily covered by NHS/insurance/whateverlike other medical problems. Like we choose to have teeth.
yeah in the US, they're considered "luxury bones", which is absolutely ridiculous cause you LITERALLY need them to do basic functions like eating or talking. and not to mention that dental problems can cause so many other issues with your body, and even death. it's fucking absurd.

Teeth are definitely my least favorite part of the body. They just can't handle modern diets, and even with constant maintenance you still get problems lmao.
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Jul 1, 2024
So true! Like you break a bone and at least in the UK you can get an x-ray and treatment but with teeth you have to pay so much purely because the industry is so lucrative to private businesses.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
My mental health has destroyed my teeth. I brush my teeth when I leave the house, that's it. I do leave the house almost every day, so most days they get brushed at least once, but I typically eat or drink within the hour so not much good it does. Last time I went to the dentist they said I have small cavities between all of my teeth and if I didn't start having impeccable dental hygiene and flossing every day they would progress. Well shocker, my mental health hasn't improved and as such neither has my teeth brushing. I'm sure I've got loads of cavities now. But my dental insurance basically only covers twice a year cleanings and X-rays every so often, so if I do need anything done it'd be out of pocket. I'll be dead soon so I've canceled all appointments, including dental, but it's ridiculous how many wealthy countries can't even provide basic fucking healthcare for their citizens. In the US dental and medical are separate. Dental insurance isn't provided by medical insurance companies, it's a separate thing. Same with eye insurance. So if you're lucky enough to have good medical care you still have to go find somewhere to get your eyes checked and your teeth cleaned.
yeah in the US, they're considered "luxury bones", which is absolutely ridiculous cause you LITERALLY need them to do basic functions like eating or talking. and not to mention that dental problems can cause so many other issues with your body, and even death. it's fucking absurd.

Teeth are definitely my least favorite part of the body. They just can't handle modern diets, and even with constant maintenance you still get problems lmao.
Luxury bones really is the best way to put how the US treats dental care. And eye sight is a vanity treatment.
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Aug 6, 2024
As someone who's been through a lot of dental troubles through my entire life, I hear you loud and clear.
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Jan 25, 2024
Tooth pain can be incredibly emotionally draining. I feel this pain in my tooth for years now, I got it scanned but they never find anything, I went to different dentists and they all say it's completely healthy tooth, so I just gave up and have been living with this pain as I refuse to go to even more doctors to tell me the same and I'm not in the mood for any treatment or anything. I think ''I'll ctb, whatever''. But it's so frustrating not being able to chew anything as you please, I mostly feel pain when eating solider/crunchy stuff. I'm sorry you've been living with this.

Yes I know, it's weird how many people go through life without having to worry about such ''little'' detail, but one that makes all the difference.
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Aug 18, 2024
**THIS** is what I wish the journos would write articles about, instead of "ooh this website is so bad, let's try to get it banned!" Why don't we talk about the things that are *causing* the suicides, not the forums that come about in support of people with nowhere else to go. Would an article titled "this person might kill themselves because of a problem that a few hundred pounds could fix" not get any clicks? Does it not fit their agenda? Why are we trying harder to ban sodium nitrite than we are trying to fix the housing crisis, healthcare, social safety nets, etc?
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Autistic & miserable
Jul 18, 2022
have you thought about making a gofoundme?
i would be willing to donate and i think many other compassionate people would as well.
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Feb 15, 2022
have you thought about making a gofoundme?
i would be willing to donate and i think many other compassionate people would as well.
While I would certainly accept help, I don't think I can tolerate the humiliation of a gofundme. I look like a disgusting pile of crap due to my cancer treatment and long term malnutrition. I'm puffy and swollen due to side effects from the cancer meds and my hair is falling out, my skin looks like trash. It's red and covered in eczema that I developed as a side effect of my treatment. My clothes are literal rags with holes in them because I can't afford new ones. I look 30 years older than I am. The thought of all the judgmental arseholes I used to know seeing me like this, begging for help.... it's just too awful. I already have had so much judgment from people I know for claiming disability benefits, even though they know my circumstances. Most people have no compassion, only judgment. I've actually had people make comments at me like "My god, look at the state of you." The humiliation of my photo available for everyone to see and my circumstances known by everyone.... I can't cope with that.
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Feb 15, 2022
I realise this is a long shot, but I'm really desperate to get some money and I had an idea. I have some medications on prescription, maybe I could sell some. Honestly I don't want to sell anyone enough to ctb because i don't want to go to prison. But if someone wants, say, a small amount of valium, amitriptaline, topiramate, mirtazapine, thyroxine, codeine, statins, clopidogrel (but not enough to kill yourselves with) maybe I could sell some.

EDIT: Just remembered I also have one tab of acid. It was an xmas gift last year and I haven't felt well enough to use it. But it's been in a card in a drawer all year, I don't know how potent it still is.
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Oct 29, 2023
I feel you, I've gone through similar dentist experiences. I've lost count on the amount of teeth I've lost due to various reasons.

And tooth pain (which is often nerve pain) is like one of the worst accute fucking pains you can have. It doesnt let you think about anything else while you have it. I've gone through weeks of not being able to treat it and having to "live" with it to no avail

In my last experience they removed a tooth that was not even supposed to be removed. And then i had to remove another (the one actually giving me problems at the time). I was on peak depression so i didnt even think of suing or going about anything to at least get a compensation on bad praxis.

Currently in my lower left jaw i have 1 single tooth, which i try to use as much as possible so the upper teeth dont fall due to not being used.

You want a low effort/good money medical job? Be a dentist. They should all be jailed. This should be a basic need covered by public health. But hahah good luck
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Autistic & miserable
Jul 18, 2022
While I would certainly accept help, I don't think I can tolerate the humiliation of a gofundme. I look like a disgusting pile of crap due to my cancer treatment and long term malnutrition. I'm puffy and swollen due to side effects from the cancer meds and my hair is falling out, my skin looks like trash. It's red and covered in eczema that I developed as a side effect of my treatment. My clothes are literal rags with holes in them because I can't afford new ones. I look 30 years older than I am. The thought of all the judgmental arseholes I used to know seeing me like this, begging for help.... it's just too awful. I already have had so much judgment from people I know for claiming disability benefits, even though they know my circumstances. Most people have no compassion, only judgment. I've actually had people make comments at me like "My god, look at the state of you." The humiliation of my photo available for everyone to see and my circumstances known by everyone.... I can't cope with that.
you could do a gofoundme without a picture of yourself and maybe share the link in this forum.
or is it against the rules to post links like this?
i cant accept someone having to kill themselves because of something that could have been fixed with a little help.


Feb 15, 2022
you could do a gofoundme without a picture of yourself and maybe share the link in this forum.
or is it against the rules to post links like this?
i cant accept someone having to kill themselves because of something that could have been fixed with a little help.
I would still have to have my name and the story of what's happened to me, why I'm begging for money on there though. The thought of it getting around and being seen by people who know me is just mortifying. I would rather ctb. Someone on here has made a suicide pact with someone and they have invited me to join them. It's not a method I would prefer but I will seriously consider it if tooth pain or public humiliation are my only other choices.


Autistic & miserable
Jul 18, 2022
I would still have to have my name and the story of what's happened to me, why I'm begging for money on there though. The thought of it getting around and being seen by people who know me is just mortifying. I would rather ctb. Someone on here has made a suicide pact with someone and they have invited me to join them. It's not a method I would prefer but I will seriously consider it if tooth pain or public humiliation are my only other choices.
im so sorry :(
i wish things were different for you and hope you will find peace🤍


Feb 16, 2024
This is so sad. I wish you could get the dental treatment u need. As far as I've heard, for healthcare, the UK seems terrible. Is there a chance that u could fly to a cheaper country in Asia for this. It will be less expensive for sure. And it will be just a week or less you'd have to spend there. Even this costs money I know. But the waitlists and the lack of empathy you will not have to deal with.

Man this is so infurating. I feel for you.


Feb 15, 2022
This is so sad. I wish you could get the dental treatment u need. As far as I've heard, for healthcare, the UK seems terrible. Is there a chance that u could fly to a cheaper country in Asia for this. It will be less expensive for sure. And it will be just a week or less you'd have to spend there. Even this costs money I know. But the waitlists and the lack of empathy you will not have to deal with.

Man this is so infurating. I feel for you.
Fly to a country in Asia? If I can't afford £600 to get two cracked teeth and a broken filling fixed here, how am I meant to pay for airfare, hotels, trains, etc plus dental treatment elsewhere? Not to mention buy a passport since I don't have a valid one any more. I don't even have money for food. I've had nothing to eat today except some blackberries I picked off a bush. I don't mean I don't have much money. I mean I don't have any. Actually I have less than none as my overdraft is maxxed out. I'm so desperate for money I even tried selling my prescription meds and the tab of acid I have (that someone gave me last xmas) on here. But only two people responded, one stopped responding and the other offered such a low amount it wasn't worth it.
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Sep 3, 2024
I'm so sorry, dentistry is a joke in this country.

My NHS dentist I'd been with for years just randomly shut down one day and I haven't been able to find a new one.

There should be a cap introduced on private prices, it's so expensive.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021


Aug 25, 2024
I gave up trying to find a dentist five years ago. Not ONE in my are was accepting new patients and the closest one that was told me I was outside their catchment range.

My teeth aren't terrible but they are starting to crack on one side from an old injury (eating toffee lol) years ago.

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