

Do what's best for you šŸ•Æļø Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
A signature dish is a recipe that identifies an individual chef or restaurant. Ideally it should be unique and allow an informed gastronome to name the chef in a blind tasting. It can be thought of as the culinary equivalent of an artist finding their own style, or an author finding their own voice.
I don't have one. I'm a (beginner) chef without a signature. I can't think of a single meal that I can call mine. Nothing that's says me. Bpd (identity issues) following me around still I see.
I have desserts... Nothing I've actually made yet, but really awesome ideas I can't wait for. Am I maybe asking for too much by wanting a meal as well?
Maybe I can think of something to compliment the cupcakes..
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