

trying to get better for him ~
Aug 10, 2024
Hi friends,

As some of you may know, I am a long time lurker of this forum (dating back to the subreddit days) & only recently created my account due to a mental breakdown which caused me to do things I now regret.

As a result of this breakdown, I forced myself into receiving therapy (specifically psychodynamic therapy, as suggested in one of my previous posts by a someone) - I have been having these sessions every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for 2 weeks now.

In this time, a lot has changed for me.

I don't wish to disclose everything that has been uncovered during my therapy sessions, as that will likely lead to deanonymisation, but I will share that I have now been diagnosed with a form of "dissociative identity disorder" which my therapist has said he believes is due to some trauma uncovered in a previous session.

This has, in a weird way, helped me. To know that there is an underlying cause for the pain i've been feeling, and to know that there is a road to getting better, and that I am on that road.

I believe this is going to be my last post here, as I wish to go back to being a passive observer (and hopefully not even that) of here rather than an active participant, as, quite honestly, I cry at the thought of any of you, my friends, from passing on.

Thank you to all who have helped me at my lowest moments, from those who replied to my posts giving advice and support, to those who I got to know over the live chat & PMs.

While I will never forget any of you, and I hope that you all continue to stay as strong as I know you can be, I really do hope I never speak to you again, as it hurts me every time.

@AbsentMindedHuman, @lynnschronicles & @Al Gul - You guys are awesome, thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most.
@yuzenda & @DipAndChips - I enjoyed our conversations in PMs, thank you both.
@bookie - You hold a special place in my heart, I hope you stay strong my dear, I love you.

To everyone else who i've talked to over the past few weeks that I haven't mentioned - it's not personal, I promise; I'm just going by my open PMs to jog my memory. Thank you all, truly.

Ba-bye for now my friends,
I love you all,
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Reactions: damienlerone03, Al Gul, LoneMarineBitterman and 21 others


One day, ill be free
Apr 25, 2024
Thanks you for the kind words. Im so happy to hear the sessions are working for you. You are doing what a lot of us here dream of. Take it and fly. Stay strong.
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Reactions: abigail


everything i love gathers dust inside my chest
Aug 13, 2024
stay strong! take care!!! u are dearly loved!
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Reactions: abigail


main character of sasu
Mar 31, 2024
I love you too
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Reactions: abigail


Aug 1, 2024
I am happy for you in ways words cannot express!! Though I will miss you, like you expressed, I hope to never see you here again. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

May your world continue to improve and you find all the joy and peace of mind you seek.
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Reactions: abigail


The sun rises to insult me.
Jul 15, 2024
I'm really glad that you're on your path to better understanding yourself and hopefully, recovery. Best of luck @abigail!
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Reactions: abigail


Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
I hope we never see you on here again (in a positive way). Warm wishes for your onward recovery.
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Reactions: abigail and Redleaf1992


Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
C-ing a usr sy 'am plannng t/ ctb bt wll try therpy n.ewy' & thn pst leavng commnt lke pst abve = 1 of mst satsfyng thngs 2 C on frum

Am postng lnk t/ thr thred whre thy wre askng fr hlp & whre thy wre givn sggestns in cse = hlps n.e1 els

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Reactions: GuessWhosBack, CatLvr, abigail and 3 others


Aug 11, 2024
Aw thankies :P <3 and hope you stay strong and try to be positive XD

Wish we can chat more <3

My PM are always open and I reply when I can.

As you know i started a new job so reply might not be instant unless i am online but none the less i reply within 24 hrs <3

Message me anytime and we are here for you.

I am not as strong as you but i look up to you and maybe i can also change and recover <3
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Reactions: abigail


Feb 18, 2024
Hi friends,

As some of you may know, I am a long time lurker of this forum (dating back to the subreddit days) & only recently created my account due to a mental breakdown which caused me to do things I now regret.

As a result of this breakdown, I forced myself into receiving therapy (specifically psychodynamic therapy, as suggested in one of my previous posts by a someone) - I have been having these sessions every Monday, Wednesday & Friday for 2 weeks now.

In this time, a lot has changed for me.

I don't wish to disclose everything that has been uncovered during my therapy sessions, as that will likely lead to deanonymisation, but I will share that I have now been diagnosed with a form of "dissociative identity disorder" which my therapist has said he believes is due to some trauma uncovered in a previous session.

This has, in a weird way, helped me. To know that there is an underlying cause for the pain i've been feeling, and to know that there is a road to getting better, and that I am on that road.

I believe this is going to be my last post here, as I wish to go back to being a passive observer (and hopefully not even that) of here rather than an active participant, as, quite honestly, I cry at the thought of any of you, my friends, from passing on.

Thank you to all who have helped me at my lowest moments, from those who replied to my posts giving advice and support, to those who I got to know over the live chat & PMs.

While I will never forget any of you, and I hope that you all continue to stay as strong as I know you can be, I really do hope I never speak to you again, as it hurts me every time.

@AbsentMindedHuman, @lynnschronicles & @Al Gul - You guys are awesome, thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most.
@yuzenda & @DipAndChips - I enjoyed our conversations in PMs, thank you both.
@bookie - You hold a special place in my heart, I hope you stay strong my dear, I love you.

To everyone else who i've talked to over the past few weeks that I haven't mentioned - it's not personal, I promise; I'm just going by my open PMs to jog my memory. Thank you all, truly.

Ba-bye for now my friends,
I love you all,
I wish you all the best in everything. Hugs
Al Gul

Al Gul

Just one more drink...
Feb 21, 2023
I completely missed this as I was offline for almost two weeks. I am so happy you've gotten some clarity and answers and I hope that that helps you build the foundation you need. I wish you the best of luck in the future and take care of yourself. <3

P.S. You can write to me on discord and just talk about whatever, should you ever feel like it. It's an open door, doesn't have to be about Sasu, CTB or anything sad.


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