

Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Original rap:
Recovery rap (less based):

Now, here it is...

My penis rap:

To be used from horseback, this dick is curved.
Pull it out in a restaurant, like "dinner's served".
Women give it a wide berth, but in size there is no dearth.
Computer says "average" when I type in length and girth.

No showers, call me smegma male.
Hold my rod too hard and it will turn pale.
Edge like a knife, stroke like I'm 80.
Sat down in the basement and dispensed something weighty.

This some hard candy, take me to the nursing home.
Don't walk in when I'm on that Google Chrome.
Fifty tabs and death grips, erupt like Vesuvius and buck your hips.
Let that snowy lava flow, free and fast like water.
Spray that shit out your wand, you are Harry Potter.

Women want a sensitive man, they in the wrong place.
Cuz my penis looks and feels like it was beaten with a mace.
Two things I can't feel: pride and my dick.
Kiss in public, and you'll catch a brick.

I watch more porn than a discord mod, but my tastes are not that odd.
Pocket pussy, anal bead.
Play it loud and hear the neighbors plead.
When they ask, you simply say:
"Sneed's buying this store, but I suppose you could stay."

I worked part-time to finance this rhyme.
And not one single cent, on porn I have spent.
You destroyed my dick, I'll block the ads like bots.
Tears mixed in, ropes of cum now knots.

Allow me now, to learn of the taste.
Don't want any hearsay, call me evidence-based.
Won't do it myself, and there are few that I trust.
Large sample right here, next one would be dust.
From hours of cooming, full mobilization.
Will this experiment cure my alienation?
But how shall I, a lonesome man, find someone to aid me with this plan?
The cup is full, and ready to serve.
You shouldn't read whilst driving, get ready to swerve.

Good morning, friend, you were out for a while.
Brought you some breakfast, incel NEET style.
Does that cereal taste good? Not a big fan myself.
What's that outside, did I just spot an elf?
It is now Christmas Day, and I have something to say.
I'll give you a gift, that you already own.
Something very precious that comes from a bone.
You could call it venereal, and it should go well with cereal.
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Jul 15, 2022
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Me Muero
Dec 15, 2022
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
i would rap about mine but it aint rap worthy unfortunately, the only good thing about mine is its good for stirring my cups of coffee with lol, i can just envisage eminem doing something like this lol, the lyrics were on point, btw what is an incel ?, what does that term mean ? are you gonna be battle rapping anybody here soon ? lol
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
Lmao. Nice dick bro
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"for truly, i am no longer a part of the world."
Dec 17, 2022
yep, it's definitely a rap about your penis lmao
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019

At least you're being creative, I guess.
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My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Aug 26, 2022
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"Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby."
Jul 9, 2021
haha nice
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I'm a failure. An absolute waste. A LOSEr.
Apr 6, 2021
The philosophical and spiritual significance of this rap is monument to society as a whole.

As shown in @GenesAndEnvironment's rap, 76% + males are circumcised in America (1), with 30% in Canada (2), 20% in Australia (3), and 9% in the UK (55). Circumcision is actually the most common surgery performed worldwide, 39% of males are circumcised (4), mostly for religious reasons (68)

Considering America has the highest circumcision rate in the developed world, you would expect their STD rate to be lower, if it did offer protection,. However, America has the highest rate of STDs in the developed world(56).

Circumcision has been repeatedly proven harmful and to have very limited medical benefit (69, 70, 99). The VMMC Drive (Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Drive) in Africa has shown no appreciable, attributable benefits (5, 86) according to a recent review. Here are direct quotes from a study published in nature 26 October 2021:

"As summarized above, surveillance data indicate that HIV incidence was declining in most of the priority ESA countries before the large-scale rollout of VMMC began. Moreover, these data provide no evidence of substantial changes in the downward trending trajectories of HIV incidence to support the argument that VMMC has had a significant role in reducing HIV infections in priority countries. Although a recent systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that VMMC is "an important evidence-based intervention for the control of generalized HIV epidemics", as presented below, we did not find convincing evidence that VMMC has had a significant effect on reducing HIV incidence at the population level."

"Borgdorff et al. used data from a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) in Kenya to determine trends in HIV prevalence and incidence between 2011 and 2016. They found that, overall, HIV incidence declined over the surveillance period. They also found that while having a circumcised male partner was protective for women and girls, the protective effect of circumcision was not significant for incident HIV infection among men and boys. Borgdorff et al. concluded that "the decline of HIV prevalence and incidence cannot be directly attributed to increasing ART and VMMC coverage. Other explanatory factors might include the natural history of the HIV epidemic in eastern Africa, which showed declines of HIV incidence even before the onset of large-scale ART use and expanding VMMC coverage". This claim is consistent with the data presented in the preceding section and, as further illustrated below by Makhema et al., suggests that there are likely many factors responsible for reductions in HIV incidence where they occur, and it is simplifying and misleading to assert (since the evidence is weak) that VMMC initiatives are a major determinant among these factors."

Studies have recently been released where 800,000 Belgium men were studied (3,500 circumcised), and those that were circumcised had a significantly greater chance of acquiring STIs (6).

"In this national cohort study spanning more than three decades of observation, non-therapeutic circumcision in infancy or childhood did not appear to provide protection against HIV or other STIs in males up to the age of 36 years. Rather, non-therapeutic circumcision was associated with higher STI rates overall, particularly for anogenital warts and syphilis."

Another recent study with 500,000 participants in Ontario, Canada, also found no link between circumcision and HIV (7).

As for the African circumcision studies that "launched a thousand snips" (59) they have been reviewed critically by many researchers and scientists. This is what Dr John Travis, a member of the board of directors of the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children, a donation-supported educational organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia. had to say:

'"I can tell you that the research being touted as significantly protective of HIV is highly biased, & poorly done,"

"researchers didn't determine the source of HIV infections acquired during the clinical trials, assuming all infections would be from heterosexual sex, though some of the infected men reported acquiring the virus during a period when they didn't have sex or had sex using condoms.

"Conservatively for the three trials, 89 of the 205 infections (43.1%) were sexually transmitted,"

"Without knowing which infections were sexually transmitted, it is impossible to test the hypothesis of whether circumcision reduces the rates of sexually transmitted HIV."

"attrition bias (the number of participants who dropped out vastly outnumbered those who became infected), duration bias (the trials were not long enough to determine if the positive effect would plateau) and expectation bias. Some of the primary investigators had already called for mass circumcision, Travis writes, so it is no surprise that they got the results they expected to see. This expectation of positive results may also explain why all three trials were terminated early. There's no ways you're reading this. If you are, send me a "hi".

Travis continues, "Lead-time bias. The circumcised men were told not to have unprotected sex for 4–8 weeks, yet they were monitored immediately, as were the men in the uncircumcised group. The men in the control group were therefore exposed to infection for a longer period of time.

"It is like having a ten-mile race in which one group is give a 20-minute head start and then being surprised when the group with the head start finishes the race first," writes Travis."

"There are also many social factors that bring the potential benefits cited in the research into question, according to John Geisheker, a lawyer and the executive director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision."

"circumcised men are "likely to present themselves, especially to poor or illiterate village women, as rendered surgically immune to HIV."

"The conundrum remains how First-World circumcision proponents can remain so single-minded and intransigent while individual citizens of the target countries they claim to be 'saving' understand the village-level risks and costs," Geisheker wrote in the book. "We think this is simply a modern example of colonial medicine, complicated by a failure to learn from past failed efforts, such as vasectomy programs in India and an almost exclusive medical-model approach."'

The World Health Organisation's stance on circumcision has also come under fire from respected bio-ethicist Brian Earp as "scientifically flawed", and "ethically incoherent" (70). He has wrote extensively, and continues to do so, regarding why he believes all children s hould be guaranteed bodily integrity/autonomy as a human right.

Therefore, it should be noted how influential and meaningful his rap is. It is a blueprint for contemporary societies and should be the status quo of all men.
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Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
The philosophical and spiritual significance of this rap is monument to society as a whole.

As shown in @GenesAndEnvironment's rap, 76% + males are circumcised in America (1), with 30% in Canada (2), 20% in Australia (3), and 9% in the UK (55). Circumcision is actually the most common surgery performed worldwide, 39% of males are circumcised (4), mostly for religious reasons (68)

Considering America has the highest circumcision rate in the developed world, you would expect their STD rate to be lower, if it did offer protection,. However, America has the highest rate of STDs in the developed world(56).

Circumcision has been repeatedly proven harmful and to have very limited medical benefit (69, 70, 99). The VMMC Drive (Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Drive) in Africa has shown no appreciable, attributable benefits (5, 86) according to a recent review. Here are direct quotes from a study published in nature 26 October 2021:

"As summarized above, surveillance data indicate that HIV incidence was declining in most of the priority ESA countries before the large-scale rollout of VMMC began. Moreover, these data provide no evidence of substantial changes in the downward trending trajectories of HIV incidence to support the argument that VMMC has had a significant role in reducing HIV infections in priority countries. Although a recent systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that VMMC is "an important evidence-based intervention for the control of generalized HIV epidemics", as presented below, we did not find convincing evidence that VMMC has had a significant effect on reducing HIV incidence at the population level."

"Borgdorff et al. used data from a health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) in Kenya to determine trends in HIV prevalence and incidence between 2011 and 2016. They found that, overall, HIV incidence declined over the surveillance period. They also found that while having a circumcised male partner was protective for women and girls, the protective effect of circumcision was not significant for incident HIV infection among men and boys. Borgdorff et al. concluded that "the decline of HIV prevalence and incidence cannot be directly attributed to increasing ART and VMMC coverage. Other explanatory factors might include the natural history of the HIV epidemic in eastern Africa, which showed declines of HIV incidence even before the onset of large-scale ART use and expanding VMMC coverage". This claim is consistent with the data presented in the preceding section and, as further illustrated below by Makhema et al., suggests that there are likely many factors responsible for reductions in HIV incidence where they occur, and it is simplifying and misleading to assert (since the evidence is weak) that VMMC initiatives are a major determinant among these factors."

Studies have recently been released where 800,000 Belgium men were studied (3,500 circumcised), and those that were circumcised had a significantly greater chance of acquiring STIs (6).

"In this national cohort study spanning more than three decades of observation, non-therapeutic circumcision in infancy or childhood did not appear to provide protection against HIV or other STIs in males up to the age of 36 years. Rather, non-therapeutic circumcision was associated with higher STI rates overall, particularly for anogenital warts and syphilis."

Another recent study with 500,000 participants in Ontario, Canada, also found no link between circumcision and HIV (7).

As for the African circumcision studies that "launched a thousand snips" (59) they have been reviewed critically by many researchers and scientists. This is what Dr John Travis, a member of the board of directors of the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children, a donation-supported educational organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia. had to say:

'"I can tell you that the research being touted as significantly protective of HIV is highly biased, & poorly done,"

"researchers didn't determine the source of HIV infections acquired during the clinical trials, assuming all infections would be from heterosexual sex, though some of the infected men reported acquiring the virus during a period when they didn't have sex or had sex using condoms.

"Conservatively for the three trials, 89 of the 205 infections (43.1%) were sexually transmitted,"

"Without knowing which infections were sexually transmitted, it is impossible to test the hypothesis of whether circumcision reduces the rates of sexually transmitted HIV."

"attrition bias (the number of participants who dropped out vastly outnumbered those who became infected), duration bias (the trials were not long enough to determine if the positive effect would plateau) and expectation bias. Some of the primary investigators had already called for mass circumcision, Travis writes, so it is no surprise that they got the results they expected to see. This expectation of positive results may also explain why all three trials were terminated early. There's no ways you're reading this. If you are, send me a "hi".

Travis continues, "Lead-time bias. The circumcised men were told not to have unprotected sex for 4–8 weeks, yet they were monitored immediately, as were the men in the uncircumcised group. The men in the control group were therefore exposed to infection for a longer period of time.

"It is like having a ten-mile race in which one group is give a 20-minute head start and then being surprised when the group with the head start finishes the race first," writes Travis."

"There are also many social factors that bring the potential benefits cited in the research into question, according to John Geisheker, a lawyer and the executive director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision."

"circumcised men are "likely to present themselves, especially to poor or illiterate village women, as rendered surgically immune to HIV."

"The conundrum remains how First-World circumcision proponents can remain so single-minded and intransigent while individual citizens of the target countries they claim to be 'saving' understand the village-level risks and costs," Geisheker wrote in the book. "We think this is simply a modern example of colonial medicine, complicated by a failure to learn from past failed efforts, such as vasectomy programs in India and an almost exclusive medical-model approach."'

The World Health Organisation's stance on circumcision has also come under fire from respected bio-ethicist Brian Earp as "scientifically flawed", and "ethically incoherent" (70). He has wrote extensively, and continues to do so, regarding why he believes all children s hould be guaranteed bodily integrity/autonomy as a human right.

Therefore, it should be noted how influential and meaningful his rap is. It is a blueprint for contemporary societies and should be the status quo of all men.
That doesn't even rhyme ffs
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Feb 27, 2021
Tupac and biggie could never.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Three women just walked by, like "ho ho ho!".
Presents in my sack, landing in the snow.
It's Christmas time, but my dick ain't jolly.
Grip too hard, call it coomer's folly.

I always introduce myself as Mr. Ben Dover.
Dick looking like a candy cane, red marks all over.
All damage, no lipstick.
Santa guarding the shopping mall, swinging that nightstick.
You won't get knocked up, but you'll get knocked out.
Naughty girls faced with something stout.

Neurotypicals gay, especially in this weather.
Figured out a way to stay warm... they put their heads together.
Eye-to-eye, squared up, sharing a date.
Friendly fire, laugh it off and call it fate.

Sit on my lap, I'm Santa tonight.
Got a few minutes, fore the reindeer take flight.
Opposite day, I'll tell you what I want for Christmas.
It involves the removal of this swollen stiffness.

All in all, I feel like one of them reindeer.
For no reward, I traverse the atmosphere.
Reigned in at the North Pole, Mrs. Claus teasing.
Santa getting blown inside, me and the boys freezing.
Rudolf right in front, show-off alcoholic.
My antlers so sharp, hold them to his bollock.
I'm Vengeance, the blue-balled reindeer.
My Christmas wish is to spread fear.
Now step the fuck down, I've plans for Christmas Eve.
With the sled and all the presents, we will take our leave.
Last edited:
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
This says a lot about society.
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Nov 5, 2020
This is my new favorite Christmas song.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
i would rap about mine but it aint rap worthy unfortunately, the only good thing about mine is its good for stirring my cups of coffee with lol, i can just envisage eminem doing something like this lol, the lyrics were on point, btw what is an incel ?, what does that term mean ? are you gonna be battle rapping anybody here soon ? lol

It's okay you don't know. Incel here and Idk what power bottom is. Hell I dont know a canadian low from a mexican high. There is that kinds of porn with cum in the cup of joe, hopefully you'd enjoy if you didn't already know.

Tbs to be serious, incel means a hetero typically young guy with a hatred for women after they've been abandoned, left a virgin late in their life or cheated on and they hate women and be violent to them. Some of use aren't necessarily hateful and violent, only virgins, but nobody ever wants to be a virgin at 30. Such types abound on 4chan forums.

Finally you look like Ron Perlman if he hadn't had white hair. Not sure if good or bad.
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