
Jun 19, 2023
My parents keep saying stuff like I'm useless, I can't do anything tbh that's alright but they keep saying I should be dead or I should be disowned or leave them and a lot of stuff
Tbh it's getting worse and i don't know what to do it's literally verbal abuse and I hate this
Thanks a lot if anyone reads this
I love venting here
Noone here's or understands my shit so I'm sharing this here
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Reactions: S like suicide, struggles_inc, feder and 9 others


Mar 12, 2023
Are there any family members you can live with, instead? Your parents are garbage, and you deserve humans.
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
Emotional abuse in my mind is as destructive as physical or sexual abuse and as a child I experienced the first two and it has scarred me into adulthood. Eventuality I left home at 18 and carved out a more fulfilling life away from my narcissistic family. I think your parents are carrying their own pain and anger and you seem caught in the middle. Will your parents ever change?. Can you eventually leave home for a life outside of this awful.situation?.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's so awful and cruel how people force life into this world especially when they treat the person so badly, that sounds like such an awful situation to be trapped in, it's horrible how there's so much unnecessary suffering in this hellish world.
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Jun 14, 2023
My parents keep saying stuff like I'm useless, I can't do anything tbh that's alright but they keep saying I should be dead or I should be disowned or leave them and a lot of stuff
Tbh it's getting worse and i don't know what to do it's literally verbal abuse and I hate this
Thanks a lot if anyone reads this
I love venting here
Noone here's or understands my shit so I'm sharing this here
Fuck… Thats really fucked up. I am really sorry that you got put in this terrible situation… I really don't understand how people can be so terrible. Its so sad how many people dont understand how fucked verbal abuse is and people saying "its just words" are some of the dumbest people existing.
Sending hugs <3
  • Aww..
Reactions: Rational man


can we be done here
May 6, 2023
I am so sorry. Please know that just because they are your parents, it doesn't mean they are right and they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to treat you this way. Their only job in this world should be to make you feel loved and safe.
Again, I'm very sorry. I know it hurts so much. My parents hate me too. They never wanted me in the first place.
  • Aww..
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Reactions: struggles_inc and Rational man


May 26, 2023
Forget how they view you just be yourself embrace your flaws. Everyone expects you to live up to their standards. Go at your own pace and forget how people view you. People will always have something to say either good or bad. You could be the nicest person but to another person's eyes your a evil person. Not all parents should be one. I am sorry you feel that way if you want to vent dm me.
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the lonely
May 27, 2023
thats terrible. i went through the same thing and thankfully had friends who could take me in. is there anyone else you can live with? nobody deserves this kind of garbage from those who are meant to love them.
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Jun 19, 2023
Are there any family members you can live with, instead? Your parents are garbage, and you deserve humans.
I don't think so there's anyone else even if there is I can't explain this to them and then all the other shit like anxiety
you deserve humans.

Thanks a lot for saying this and replying
Emotional abuse in my mind is as destructive as physical or sexual abuse and as a child I experienced the first two and it has scarred me into adulthood. Eventuality I left home at 18 and carved out a more fulfilling life away from my narcissistic family. I think your parents are carrying their own pain and anger and you seem caught in the middle. Will your parents ever change?. Can you eventually leave home for a life outside of this awful.situation?.
I dont think that they'll change
It's been going on for more than a year now and now it's just too much for me to take in
And yeah words hurt way more
Especially from someone you don't expect these stuff from
Thanks a lot replying
Feels better venting and talking here
It's so awful and cruel how people force life into this world especially when they treat the person so badly, that sounds like such an awful situation to be trapped in, it's horrible how there's so much unnecessary suffering in this hellish world.
It is awfully
It really is
Thanks for replying
Fuck… Thats really fucked up. I am really sorry that you got put in this terrible situation… I really don't understand how people can be so terrible. Its so sad how many people dont understand how fucked verbal abuse is and people saying "its just words" are some of the dumbest people existing.
Sending hugs <3
People really don't understand how fucked up verbal abuse is
Thanks a lot for replying and understanding this <3
thats terrible. i went through the same thing and thankfully had friends who could take me in. is there anyone else you can live with? nobody deserves this kind of garbage from those who are meant to love them.
I've got no friends
Literally Noone
Thanks for replying tho
I am so sorry. Please know that just because they are your parents, it doesn't mean they are right and they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to treat you this way. Their only job in this world should be to make you feel loved and safe.
Again, I'm very sorry. I know it hurts so much. My parents hate me too. They never wanted me in the first place.
I've never felt loved by anyone
I'm sure you can relate
Thanks a lot for replying <3
Forget how they view you just be yourself embrace your flaws. Everyone expects you to live up to their standards. Go at your own pace and forget how people view you. People will always have something to say either good or bad. You could be the nicest person but to another person's eyes your a evil person. Not all parents should be one. I am sorry you feel that way if you want to vent dm me.
would love to talk
but yk anxiety
I'm scared to talk to people
Thanks a lot for replying <3
Last edited:


Mar 12, 2023
Anxiety can be crippling when it comes to communication. I have drawn a conversation out over the course of days, simply because in the moment, my brain doesn't always work. But once removed from that moment, I can look at it and respond. Too late, some would say, but not me. I'm all like, remember when three days ago, you said this? And jump back in. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I get dead eyes, but whatever.
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Jun 19, 2023
Anxiety can be crippling when it comes to communication. I have drawn a conversation out over the course of days, simply because in the moment, my brain doesn't always work. But once removed from that moment, I can look at it and respond. Too late, some would say, but not me. I'm all like, remember when three days ago, you said this? And jump back in. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I get dead eyes, but whatever.
Ikr I get thus completely
I just never talk bout it again


Mar 12, 2023
In my experience, when you come back with something a day or two later, the person thinks you're really thinking about what they said, and are flattered, or they think you're a thinker. But idk if this works with people in their early twenties, cuz they haven't learned yet that pretty much no one gives a fuck. They don't know to appreciate the few good'uns yet.
i'm just about surrounded with people who either have anxiety with talking, or are just anti social, and most of our conversations are continuations. We laugh about it, and laugh at our neuroses.
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
My parents keep saying stuff like I'm useless, I can't do anything tbh that's alright but they keep saying I should be dead or I should be disowned or leave them and a lot of stuff
Tbh it's getting worse and i don't know what to do it's literally verbal abuse and I hate this
Thanks a lot if anyone reads this
I love venting here
Noone here's or understands my shit so I'm sharing this here
I am very sorry,sadly i feel you totally because i have a very similar situation with my parents too...just today my mother said to me that she hopes i die and that the day i was born was cursed.

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