
May 6, 2020
When I was younger, all I wanted was to be validated. I was very open back then. I'd tell my whole life story to someone I'd just met hoping that I'd find validation. I never did.

I don't talk much now. I've become so cynical.

I've been surrounded by people who have taken advantage of me.

My father is not a father. The last time he bought me clothes was when I was 9. It was easy to overlook that I didn't have anything suitable to wear outside of school since I didn't have a growth spurt and uniforms were worn in schools. I starved when I lived with him. He could well afford to feed me. Instead he chose to spend his money on his hobbies. Of the few times he took me out was to knock on some random person's house to ask if my stepmother, who'd run away from the house after an argument, was there. He was too much of a coward to ask himself and had to ask his child to do it for him. Bastard.

My mother is a selfish bitch. She left me when I was 9. She came back again 3 years later when she was desperate for money and hoped that if she took his child as hostage my father would give in to her. It didn't work and she gave up and deposited me with my father after a year.

By this time, my father felt betrayed by his children and we were objects that he didn't bother to feed or clothe properly after that. What a man to take revenge on his own children.

My mother never worked a proper job the whole year I was with her. She foisted me off relatives who were resentful of having to take care of an extra mouth to feed. She never worked a proper job after I left either. She was hoping after I'd finished school and uni I'd support her. I remember her asking when I was in uni to pay off a debt she owed to someone and to tell them I was her daughter. Bitch. I never paid her debt off or supported her after uni. Bitch didn't deserve it.
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who doesn't matter

Jun 17, 2019
Well, I think you can't have revenge on your parents simply because they don't exist. But it's purely legal (I think it is) to throw abuse at those "a-hole" breeders.
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just ignore me3
Jun 28, 2019
its this cruel placement in a chaotic household led by manipulative tyrants that causes such severe ripples of pain into all the offspring. The best thing to do in my opinion is to get to a place where you can erase these people from your life. The blow to their ego they will experience when you overcome their downward pull while they rot in old age will be the sweetest reward. but thats just my tiny little opinion
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I'm not so keen on mine either. They never bothered to help so shouldn't come as much of a surprise
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May 6, 2020
I'm estranged from my parents and have been for a long time. I get flashbacks from the past every so often. My parents are like the worst kind of ghosts haunting me wherever I go.
its this cruel placement in a chaotic household led by manipulative tyrants that causes such severe ripples of pain into all the offspring. The best thing to do in my opinion is to get to a place where you can erase these people from your life. The blow to their ego they will experience when you overcome their downward pull while they rot in old age will be the sweetest reward. but thats just my tiny little opinion
I wish I'd cut them out of my life sooner though. For a while I wanted to believe like I had supportive parents like everyone else and I kept in touch with them.
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Si hablas español mándame un MP
Oct 27, 2018
I'm so sorry, it must be horrible to grow up with parents like that.
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May 6, 2020
I'm so sorry, it must be horrible to grow up with parents like that.
Thank you.

It was. The terrible thing about it was how much it affected me a long time after.
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Jun 25, 2020
Sorry to hear it, dude. I can relate somewhat to a lot of what you said. They do deserve pain for that.

People should not breed -- perioid.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
You have shitty parents ngl, sorry about that. It's hard enough getting through life even with a 'normal' upbringing so trying to cope with all that must be playing on nightmare mode. It's fine to want people that treated you poorly to face some kind of karma-like consequences for what they did. It feels massively unfair that people can mess your life up and then walk away and live happy lives while you suffer.
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May 6, 2020
You have shitty parents ngl, sorry about that. It's hard enough getting through life even with a 'normal' upbringing so trying to cope with all that must be playing on nightmare mode. It's fine to want people that treated you poorly to face some kind of karma-like consequences for what they did. It feels massively unfair that people can mess your life up and then walk away and live happy lives while you suffer.


That is unfortunately very true especially in my father's case. He receives a pension until he dies which amounts to half his salary from when he was working. He gets to live very comfortably with his wife and their kid.

My mother has the survival instincts of a cockroach. She doesn't care who she screws over as long as she survives.

I don't really care much these days. I've pretty much accepted that life is unfair.


Jun 20, 2020
My mother has the survival instincts of a cockroach. She doesn't care who she screws over as long as she survives.
It's not just your mother though. Every human being has it. We're all organisms trying to survive.
Some people show it more than others and I agree, those people look like filthy fucking pigs in comparison to us who don't like showing it of or cares too much to try to hide it.

Have you seen the movie "Life".There's an alien in that movie that just keeps getting smarter. I think of that alien as humanity when I watched that movie.


May 6, 2020
Have you seen the movie "Life".There's an alien in that movie that just keeps getting smarter. I think of that alien as humanity when I watched that movie.

If there ever was a person that needs to be scrubbed off the face of the earth, it's my mother. Feeling responsible to the point of being suicidal isn't in her so she gets to live.

Haven't seen that film. I'll take your word for it.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020

That is unfortunately very true especially in my father's case. He receives a pension until he dies which amounts to half his salary from when he was working. He gets to live very comfortably with his wife and their kid.

My mother has the survival instincts of a cockroach. She doesn't care who she screws over as long as she survives.

I don't really care much these days. I've pretty much accepted that life is unfair.
Worst kind of people tbh, but unfortunately very common. Some people will suck up everything they can from you like a mosquito and then just leave, only returning when they want even more. Worst part is someone somewhere probably still calls them a lovely person in spite of the problems they cause because it's rare for even extremely toxic people to have no friends.
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May 6, 2020
Worst part is someone somewhere probably still calls them a lovely person in spite of the problems they cause because it's rare for even extremely toxic people to have no friends.

True that. It used to be very invalidating for me when people said nice things about my parents. I don't care anymore really. It's just one of those things I've come to accept about life. It is sad though.
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
My mother is similar, in some aspects, she does not feel responsibility for anything she has ever done, I don't think she's ever said the word sorry but I have to continually do so as to not tear the bridge up. Now I'm done, we haven't spoken in months and I'm a lot happier, aparently she's furious (Which I secretly love lol)
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May 6, 2020
My mother is similar, in some aspects, she does not feel responsibility for anything she has ever done, I don't think she's ever said the word sorry but I have to continually do so as to not tear the bridge up. Now I'm done, we haven't spoken in months and I'm a lot happier, aparently she's furious (Which I secretly love lol)
I'm glad distancing yourself from her has made you happier. And I'm glad you got a reaction from her. Lol.

Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
I'm glad distancing yourself from her has made you happier. And I'm glad you got a reaction from her. Lol.
It's the pettiest thing ever but just hearing that made me lol to my bro over the phone, he was kinda annoyed but got it eventually (since she's like that to everyone). If you can cut-off contact I've found that a very good maneuver, after 3 months I still haven't received a call (I would call her weekly and never get a return call, shit happened and I recognized shes bad for my mental health), I don't need her but she's got some weird co-dependent stuff going on. It's an absolute mind-fuck so I feel ya
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May 31, 2020
kinda relatable , maybe the only reason i'm still alive is that when i grow up i wanna show them how wrong they were about me and show them how to raise a child properly , fuckers
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