

Dec 18, 2018
Don't feel sorry for me in this, I'm the bad guy.

To cut a long story short I've been suicidal for a number of years now. I recently moved to a new town after aquiring a piece of property from an inheritance. I'm out of a job, low on money, and want to sell the house and move into a rental. I then plan to live off the cash for a while before offing myself, although this part I obviously haven't told my parents. In their eyes and everyone else I've talked to this is just a quick fix solution I'll regret, and they have said they will officially be done with me if I do. They say I'll blow all the money and be homeless and that they can't stomach my self destructive tendencies anymore (long story - drugs, alcohol, mental health problems, you name it).

The only alternative is to buckle down and get a job living on their handouts in the meantime, but I'm tired of sponging off my parents at my age, and entirely tired of life itself. I've tried to hold down a job but I just can't. Too burned out, too stubborn to take the responsibility and tediousness of 9-5 bullshit.

I know I'm being incredibly selfish, but I have nothing left to give. I never asked to be created, I reseny having to be a wage slave until I die in some god forsaken care home if I'm lucky, and I'm sick of being stuck on this sodding planet.

Anyway, I guess I'm just looking to confirm that I'm being an unreasonable piece of s***. Any thoughts?
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
It's your choice! Being homeless is not a good time though. I can relate, I won't be able to afford a nursing home. Thats why I want to ctb while I still can
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Apr 30, 2018
Why do you think you are being unreasonable?

You don't want to work, you are tired of life, and you didn't ask to be created—nothing unreasonable about feeling this way.

Also I wouldn't doubt that many of your current issues have their roots in childhood experiences directly related to how your parents treated you.

In summary: don't be so hard on yourself. If you can enjoy the time you have left so be it but please don't let your parents dictate your life (or death) choices.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't think you are the bad guy. Like others said, you never asked to be born nor conceived. Your parents brought you into this world without your say and I don't believe you owe your parents anything because they made the decision to reproduce and you just happened to be the byproduct of their biological functions. As far as buckling down and wage slaving, I also agree with you. It sucks to wage slave until you are old and then live with the remaining money until you die (either in a nursing home or having people to take care of you until die of a illness or natural cause).

I would say enjoy the time you have left, make the most of it and pursue what you have, then when it's time to check out, check out. However, be wary of the survival instinct if you are going on a self-destructive path with no safety nets in place because it is even worse to end up homeless or destitute with no way out. Either way, I hope you are at peace with whatever decision you come to.
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Dec 18, 2018
Thanks for the kind words guys. Makes me feel like less of an a hole for what I'm going to do.
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Nov 27, 2018
Don't feel sorry for me in this, I'm the bad guy.

To cut a long story short I've been suicidal for a number of years now. I recently moved to a new town after aquiring a piece of property from an inheritance. I'm out of a job, low on money, and want to sell the house and move into a rental. I then plan to live off the cash for a while before offing myself, although this part I obviously haven't told my parents. In their eyes and everyone else I've talked to this is just a quick fix solution I'll regret, and they have said they will officially be done with me if I do. They say I'll blow all the money and be homeless and that they can't stomach my self destructive tendencies anymore (long story - drugs, alcohol, mental health problems, you name it).

The only alternative is to buckle down and get a job living on their handouts in the meantime, but I'm tired of sponging off my parents at my age, and entirely tired of life itself. I've tried to hold down a job but I just can't. Too burned out, too stubborn to take the responsibility and tediousness of 9-5 bullshit.

I know I'm being incredibly selfish, but I have nothing left to give. I never asked to be created, I reseny having to be a wage slave until I die in some god forsaken care home if I'm lucky, and I'm sick of being stuck on this sodding planet.

Anyway, I guess I'm just looking to confirm that I'm being an unreasonable piece of s***. Any thoughts?

Nothing wrong with not wanting to put up with the manmade silly "rules" of the world/life.

You never asked to be born. So you have no obligation to follow it. We all are free to make the choice. Yet somehow we are not allowed to make the choice to die. This is not life. This is not freedom. This is freaking psychiatric ward with 7 billions people in it together. Everyone is mad. Your parents for making you and expecting you to be what they want you to be. Without understanding who you are and what pains you. The selfishness is disgusting. The society that force everyone to either conform or die or suffer. While cutting of the way to end the suffering. This world truly is a hell and most people in it cannot see the depth of madness theyre in. It's frightening and absolutely monstrous. These people that lie to themselves that living like this is what they want. Not what being expected and brainwash into them by their parents and society. Telling themselves no any other way and theyre happy like this.

So no I wont play along fck this.
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Dec 18, 2018
I sure am going to miss my mum. I love her to bits and will be sorry to lose our relationship, but this is just the path I have to take.
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Jul 2, 2018
Don't feel sorry for me in this, I'm the bad guy.

To cut a long story short I've been suicidal for a number of years now. I recently moved to a new town after aquiring a piece of property from an inheritance. I'm out of a job, low on money, and want to sell the house and move into a rental. I then plan to live off the cash for a while before offing myself, although this part I obviously haven't told my parents. In their eyes and everyone else I've talked to this is just a quick fix solution I'll regret, and they have said they will officially be done with me if I do. They say I'll blow all the money and be homeless and that they can't stomach my self destructive tendencies anymore (long story - drugs, alcohol, mental health problems, you name it.
They can't "stomach"it? Well lucky they don't have to live it.... seriously fuck that.
How can you not look at the trouble in your child's life without feeling guilt? Responsiblity? At the very least love and the want to help them no matter what.
You can't make a whole new human being and then just say - "fuck them, they suck." - you don't want to make another person? Fine get a damn abortion. Scared to do that? Give the child up for adoption, you know how many people want a brand new perfect baby?
No sorry, fuck your parents. Sorry - but I can't deal with that. If I had a child - they could OD on the hour and I would still love them. I would only assume that I had passed on some shit to them or messed them up some how ...,
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Reactions: sif, suffering, Weeping Garbage Can and 1 other person


Nov 6, 2018
Better now than in 30yrs, regretting the shit life you forced yourself to endure.
There's no undoing it either way.
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Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
Don't feel sorry for me in this, I'm the bad guy.

To cut a long story short I've been suicidal for a number of years now. I recently moved to a new town after aquiring a piece of property from an inheritance. I'm out of a job, low on money, and want to sell the house and move into a rental. I then plan to live off the cash for a while before offing myself, although this part I obviously haven't told my parents. In their eyes and everyone else I've talked to this is just a quick fix solution I'll regret, and they have said they will officially be done with me if I do. They say I'll blow all the money and be homeless and that they can't stomach my self destructive tendencies anymore (long story - drugs, alcohol, mental health problems, you name it).

The only alternative is to buckle down and get a job living on their handouts in the meantime, but I'm tired of sponging off my parents at my age, and entirely tired of life itself. I've tried to hold down a job but I just can't. Too burned out, too stubborn to take the responsibility and tediousness of 9-5 bullshit.

I know I'm being incredibly selfish, but I have nothing left to give. I never asked to be created, I reseny having to be a wage slave until I die in some god forsaken care home if I'm lucky, and I'm sick of being stuck on this sodding planet.

Anyway, I guess I'm just looking to confirm that I'm being an unreasonable piece of s***. Any thoughts?
Hi I cannot read all that you have written so forgive me if I am missing something but, could you rent the place out. You would have a regular monthly income, and should still be able to rent an apartment for yourself?
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