What country is this? I've never even heard of a therapist that believes in child abuse, or any abuse for that matter. The therapist line of reasoning is "it takes two to tango" and that abuse victims are just trying to cover up the fact that they did something to deserve the abuse.
I just dropped my last one two weeks ago after she went off at me because my mother attacked me (I'm a disabled adult now who has nowhere to live except with my violent abusive parents) for going up the stairs to lock myself in my room without acknowledging her bitching at me. My mom was bitching at me because she heard a noise she didn't like that she blamed me for, so I ignored her and went up the stairs to try to lock myself in my room, but she blocked my way, punched and kicked me and grabbed my arm and head and threw me down the stairs (20 steps) before punching me more. I had bruises from it, which my therapist said I deserved for disobeying my mother. She told me I should apologize to her for "making" her beat me, and that any problems with my family are entirely my fault.
It's been the same response from every therapist I've been to. I could never forget my first therapist's response to it either. I was 10 when I saw my first therapist, and whenever I told her about the times my parents beat me, broke my bones including by physically snapping them, hiding my medicine, and more, the response from the therapist was "it takes two to tango. If you don't want to get hurt then don't make them angry." As if any of those things are acceptable responses to being made angry, and as if hiding someone's medicine has anything to do with anger in the first place.
All of my therapist sessions have had the therapist focusing on how I can make my parents happy, with no consideration whatsoever for me and my problems. Therapists are experimenter scum who are in it to steal money from lab rats they mistreat, while they sit on piles more wealth than jobs that actually take work and education. Fuck therapists.