

Jul 10, 2023
As the title suggests, this thread will be concerning my opinion regarding the current pro-lifer society. It will be split into various parts where I have gathered information from certain sources (pro-lifer sources) and sharing my opinion regarding these topics being spoken about. I'll show certain things from Wiki and various pro-lifer activists who aim to shut down suicide forums on Twitter.

TLDR: Just my opinion regarding these topics. It's long, sorry.

SECTION I: Wiki Section
This isn't necessarily sharing an opinion as its the wiki, the wiki should never be biased, but i'll be addressing what was included in the Wiki and my opinions on said things.

As per the Wiki in reference to SaSu, "Although the forum frames itself as a "pro-choice" suicide forum,it has been widely described as "pro-suicide.'"

The fact that it is widely regarded as a pro-suicide forum is absolutely incorrect, the creators of SaSu never had any intentions of encouraging the young to die, as many people prove to be the truth. Their only intentions were to help people who have chronic disabilities or mental illnesses escape this world, where they'll only receive further belittling in the case of choosing to stay here for whatever reason. In summary, this forum was never intended to convince people that death was the right way.

Furthermore, that is why there are 2 separate forums concerning topics that are completely unrelated to suicide -(Recovery and Off-topic.) Because of the existence of these 2 forums, it is proved even further that the creators of SaSu had no objective to create a forum that would ultimately end up in encouraging many people to die. These 2 forums still provide hope for people to get better or take their mind off of suicide, also a way to get better, for some.

As per the wiki in regards to the Advocacy of Suicide, While pro-suicide resources were less frequent than neutral or anti-suicide sites, they were nonetheless easily accessible. There is some concern that such sites may push the suicidal person over the edge.

This made me chuckle a little bit. Indeed, these pro-choice forums may or may not push a suicidal person over the edge but it really isn't the members of the forum of the forum's doing. Its the people in said person's life. The people in our lives are usually the reason why we're pushed as far as contemplating suicide, its not necessarily the fault of the suicide resources that we find nor is it the fault of the people taking part of the forums regarding suicide. Granted, these forums are easily accessible for the general public if the government of one's country doesn't place restrictions on resources such as these. This isn't a problem in the most part. If someone is absolutely certain that they want to die and they see nothing else for themselves after having tried therapy and such, then its not a problem that they find these forums. All that they need is resources to help them decide how they'll carry out their suicide.

SECTION II: Twitter Activists Advocating for the Removal of Suicide Forums From the Internet
(will be short, just complaining about these people)

Said by an activist on Twitter: my son died after being a member on a suicide forum. we are fighting to shut down suicide sites and convict the cesspool of corruption that run them.
Said by another activist on Twitter: Fighting for the closure of suicide forums and other harmful online content promoting suicide and self harm. Joe 💔
(Theres more people like this, I just listed the first people like these I could find, lol.)

Now, what I don't understand about these people is how they never prove that their sons were actually part of these forums and one of the people who committed suicide due to these forums as they say. And, where were they when their supposedly dead children were displaying signs of depression and being suicidal? I'm honestly doubting that their sons even took part in these forums and they're just aimlessly agreeing with pro-lifer opinions and advocating to end suicide forums and such.

In addition, if these peoples' true motive is to stop suicide forums then instead of advocating for the removal and prohibition of said forums, instead, they should advocate for better mental healthcare systems. The real reason as to why so many people in the present society are suicidal is because of the horrible mental healthcare systems and the psychologists and therapists that work in this field. Maybe their sons would've still been alive if they had done so, assuming their sons are even dead. (No offense to their sons if they're really dead, they were and will never be in the wrong.)

Also, @TAW122 , if you're seeing this, sorry I copied your formatting, I read quite a bit of your posts and took some inspiration.
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If my name is crossed out, hopefully I'm dead.
May 28, 2023
Very good post. I suppose that it must have taken you some time to write it, something that is to be acknowledged and praised.

However, I have a small objection to the statement that Wikipedia is always unbiased and objective. Maybe I'm wrong, but as far as I know, the authors of all the writings on such a site are all people, which therefore implies that any claim they make can be agenda-based. For instance, in the case of the Wikipedia article on Sanctioned Suicide - which I have read as well - something seems off. To me, it looks like anti-suicide propaganda trying to further damage the already bad reputation of the website.

Again, my argument may not apply to this example; in fact, it may be some of the forum members who wrote said Wikipedia paper. I just don't know, but I remain sceptical about the intentions behind it.
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