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Jul 27, 2021
What do you guys think? I changed her name to just "Wife".


When I married you, I had so much hope for our future. House, kids, and happiness. The chance for that is far gone now. Even after our many talks, I still don't understand why or how you could just forget about everything we went through together; the miscarriages, the struggle of finding a place of our own, of keeping our love a secret at work, of dealing with a stranger bothering us every month, and our many other ups and downs. You stayed strong throughout all of that, only to allow us to be undone by my injury and the following depression. I understand how it made you feel, but I needed you more than ever then, and you gave up. I didn't do that after we lost our first baby and you withdrew for months. It's not right, or fair.

I've been through a few very painful breakups in my life, but none as bad as this. I never even saw myself getting into a serious relationship again, let alone married, but you changed that in me. Because of you, I've experienced a love that is the greatest in my lifetime. You were my entire world, my reason for waking up in the morning, for continuing to struggle through an otherwise shitty life. You were the only thing that kept it from being all bad. Now that you've given up on us, I have lost that reason to continue.

Between my back pain, my lack of complete freedom, and now losing you, I just can't do it any more. I'm so tired of hurting and being stressed out and feeling like worthless garbage. I want out of this life, as much as you wanted out of our marriage, and so I've slowly gathered what I needed to make my exit.

When we got married, I promised that I would be your husband until my death. I don't want a divorce, so this is how our marriage will end. I will die as your husband, and with you as my wife. I told you that if our marriage ended, you could keep everything; now you know why. I'll have no need for any of it, and I surely can't take care of a cat. You have your freedom now, live a happy life. Be single for a while and just do you. I've reprinted my will, please follow it.

Because my death is a suicide, there's no life insurance money. You may sell whatever of mine that you have to in order to pay for my cremation, as well as use any money I've managed to set aside. It's about $700-800 to have it done. I've taken you off my credit cards so that your credit doesn't suffer when they stop being paid, but you'll have to keep paying on the car. There's nothing I can do about that. I suggest you sell yours and keep mine.

I'm so sorry things turned out this way. I wish we'd have had a baby together; it might've saved us. I'd like to ask you to forgive me for anything I did that made you feel less than happy. I love you so much, and wish things had been different, but they weren't. If you're reading this first thing when you get home, please go outside and call for someone to pick up my body. I've used my gas method to suffocate myself, and don't want you breathing any on accident.

Please, take care of the kitties, and give them head scratches from me. Remember me with love, my cute nerd, and always love yourself. You're beautiful, and amazing, even though you don't think you are. I'll love you forever.

Love Always,
Your Husband.
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Reactions: Wakawaka, Cid9121, patheticpartner and 16 others


"To be - or not to be.... That is the question"
Jul 4, 2021
This is so so sad. I'm sorry for your rejection and pain from someone who should be there for you to hold you up when you are low and unable to hold yourself up. I so wish things could be different for you and that you didn't have to make this choice.
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Reactions: Dymming Star6, Apricity and Dead Meat


May 20, 2021
very well and sensitively written - I would wish you another chance to go your way together.
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Reactions: Dymming Star6, Apricity, Dead Meat and 1 other person


Here on my own
Jul 30, 2021
Beautifully written. I'm sorry things turned out this way..
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Jul 30, 2021
"I'm so sorry things turned out this way. I wish we'd have had a baby together; it might've saved us"

And the circle of suffering continues

I don't mean to be rude OP but ...
At least there isn't an innocent child coming to harm.
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Reactions: All Things Must Pass


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It is a really well written note. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this, living really can be painful. I wish you peace if this is what you decide.
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Reactions: Winklemate, Dymming Star6, Apricity and 1 other person


Jul 18, 2021
Almost shed a tear. I'm sorry you're going through this.
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May 4, 2020
Your note brought me to tears. Your unconditional, unrequited love for your wife breaks my heart. The hopeless romantic in me wishes you could show this note to her while you're still alive, in hopes that she has an epiphany about her love for you, and so that you won't have to resort to killing yourself. But I empathize with you and I hope your suffering ends in the best possible way.
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Reactions: Dead Meat, newave3 and Apricity

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