

Mar 26, 2024
My parents had gotten one of thise inflatable circular pools that were maybe 2 feet in height. Well this pool would be used almost everyday and we had little inflatable animals to hold on to and life vest floaties. Well one day I decided to just climb in the pool when my parents were inside. the pool was the backyard and the sliding door was glass and was surrounded by windows so you could easily see through to who was in the pool. Anyways I climbed in there and would just hold ontu the ledge. on my tiptoes I was able to keep my head above the water. I was geeting board of just standing so I looked behing me and saw one of infatable animals (the turtle) and decided I was going to reach for it. I reached for it and since bottom of these pools tend to be slippery I slipped and fell under. I feel into criss cross positon on my butt. I first tried getting up but each time I would try to get up my feet couldnt get any traction and would slip from under me. and I would fall back on my butt. In the initial drop I was panicking trying to get up again and again trying to get traction I even tried climbing up the wall of the pool but that proved usless. I actually gave up. But this is when this moment stuck withbme. After some time which felt like forever. I began to clam down. I calmed down so much I wasnt even panicking. I swear I felt some sort of peace like my body was accepting it. I looked up and even reminisced on the dead bugs that lay itself across the surface of the pool because we woudlnt even cover it at night. I felt a peace like I was good right here, I was good, no in fact I dont want to get try getting up again and I just sat there at the bottom of this pool. And then maybe my mom knew I was out in the backyard but couldnt see me so she knew the last place to check. So I see this hand come into the water reaching for me to grab on. And I swear I remeber all of this vividely I hesitated grabing that hand because I had gotten so calm and peaceful just sitting at the bottom of the pool. It was a moment then I grabbed her hand and my mom pulled me out of the pool with one arm I practicully flew out and I started couphing like crazy.

Now I just want to feel that peacefull feeling I had felt It was a serene calm
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Reactions: nasigoreng99, Jeav, HazelTheGhost and 4 others


Jul 18, 2024
My parents had gotten one of thise inflatable circular pools that were maybe 2 feet in height. Well this pool would be used almost everyday and we had little inflatable animals to hold on to and life vest floaties. Well one day I decided to just climb in the pool when my parents were inside. the pool was the backyard and the sliding door was glass and was surrounded by windows so you could easily see through to who was in the pool. Anyways I climbed in there and would just hold ontu the ledge. on my tiptoes I was able to keep my head above the water. I was geeting board of just standing so I looked behing me and saw one of infatable animals (the turtle) and decided I was going to reach for it. I reached for it and since bottom of these pools tend to be slippery I slipped and fell under. I feel into criss cross positon on my butt. I first tried getting up but each time I would try to get up my feet couldnt get any traction and would slip from under me. and I would fall back on my butt. In the initial drop I was panicking trying to get up again and again trying to get traction I even tried climbing up the wall of the pool but that proved usless. I actually gave up. But this is when this moment stuck withbme. After some time which felt like forever. I began to clam down. I calmed down so much I wasnt even panicking. I swear I felt some sort of peace like my body was accepting it. I looked up and even reminisced on the dead bugs that lay itself across the surface of the pool because we woudlnt even cover it at night. I felt a peace like I was good right here, I was good, no in fact I dont want to get try getting up again and I just sat there at the bottom of this pool. And then maybe my mom knew I was out in the backyard but couldnt see me so she knew the last place to check. So I see this hand come into the water reaching for me to grab on. And I swear I remeber all of this vividely I hesitated grabing that hand because I had gotten so calm and peaceful just sitting at the bottom of the pool. It was a moment then I grabbed her hand and my mom pulled me out of the pool with one arm I practicully flew out and I started couphing like crazy.

Now I just want to feel that peacefull feeling I had felt It was a serene calm
Thank you for sharing! I've often heard people in NDEs describe the experience as peaceful.
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I want to hang myself
Mar 7, 2022
Wow. You described your experience very interestingly, and I enjoyed reading your story..
How I wish that death under water was the most peaceful.
You just go into any body of water, close your eyes and fall asleep.
No panic and no pain.
I really want it to be like this.
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Reactions: Surai and CantDoIt