

Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
Ironically, sometimes when we feel there is no place for us in this world, we choose to live a life of isolation and disconnectedness.

You've asked yourself the question over and over again, is there anyone who really cares? And your conclusion is, no. So you decide to join them. You're not going to care either. You're not?l going to ¿icare either. You're not going to feel hurt.

Sometimes we take this so far that that we decide the only way not to feel pain is to inflict it.

Contact with the real world - its not optional; its essential. We are created for relationship. We are born for community. Independence is one thing,; isolation is another. The more we live disconnected lives, the more we become indifferent to the well-being of others.

The farther we move from community, the closer we move to violence.

Where there is no love, there is no value for life. When hate consumes our hearts, all we can think of, all we desire, is to destroy. .

When there is disengagement from human co!mumity, there is the potential for inhumanity.

The human heart was not created to be a container for hate

When we allow bitterness, jealousy, envy, racism, greed, and arrogance to fuel our souls, we create an environment within us to be agents of violence.

How many of us are walking around with fuses already lit? With the danger of oversimplifying, you are a danger to the world when you love nothing.

When there is a vacuum of love within your soul, hate, bitterness, envy, and racism rush to fill the empty space.

There is a dramatic difference between fanaticism and love. Fanaticism justifies and defines who you hate. Love embraced and leaves no room for violence.

What happens inside a human being for an ideology to become more important than a human life?

Even those of us who disdain violence at every level could understand. Using force to protect the innocent.

We stand in the midst of human dilemma. We long for community; we long to belong; we long for love. Yet what we long for most we seem incapable of sustaining. Humanity has no natural. Predators except each other. We are safer in the jungle than in the city. We are our worst enemies.
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Aug 2, 2019
And the truth is death...
and having understood that
it is better to be dead than
to be alive, and that is best of
all not to exist.
What will come of what I am doing today
or shall do tomorrow?
What will come of my whole life?
Why should I live, why wish for anything,
or do anything?
Is there any meaning in my life
that the inevitable
death awaiting me does not destroy?
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Mar 19, 2019
Excellently written. Way too late for me though. I've thought about this numerous times during my life, ended up getting consumed by what I despise the most. Violence. And it is with violence against the self that I will leave this world, unfortunately.

Thank you.
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Fallen Angel
Apr 9, 2019
You are 100% right with everything you said, I've fueled myself with complete bitterness. I love nothing and I'm longing to destroy. I'm better off dead, I hate the whole world and its inhabitants.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
Yes... And because at my core I truly want to do no harm....... My choice is to opt-out of this game......... Make room for someone that has the reslience I lack and overcoming....... I refuse to become a monster...... I've already done my share what what harm I have inflicted hurts me more than what was doen to me..but then I wonder why? Is that the pennicle of my narcissism? That it hurts me so much that I hurt others? Or just because I have enough empathy left to really see and feel thier pain..... Knowing that I always want to bring light, hope, peace, relief......... But due to extreme deficit... due to trauma, neglect, gentics..... My capacity is limited and exceeds my will to do good....

And so..... the to shut down this dysfunctional brain. Shut it down..... Like powering off a robot.... Fade...
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Love is my final option
Aug 25, 2019
And the truth is death...
and having understood that
it is better to be dead than
to be alive, and that is best of
all not to exist.
What will come of what I am doing today
or shall do tomorrow?
What will come of my whole life?
Why should I live, why wish for anything,
or do anything?
Is there any meaning in my life
that the inevitable
death awaiting me does not destroy?
Why wish for anything?
That's in itself the problem. We fail to dream. We fail to compromise life for the possibilities of the future.

What we've gone through isn't fair. So why dream? When all we see is infinite disaster.

Our lives have purpose, but what is that purpose? Is it that we're here to suspend ourselves amongst the weak? The vulnerable? The chastised?

Dream, dear friend, dream of possibilities...

Even in the end.
And the truth is death...
and having understood that
it is better to be dead than
to be alive, and that is best of
all not to exist.
What will come of what I am doing today
or shall do tomorrow?
What will come of my whole life?
Why should I live, why wish for anything,
or do anything?
Is there any meaning in my life
that the inevitable
death awaiting me does not destroy?
Why wish for anything?
That's in itself the problem. We fail to dream. We fail to compromise life for the possibilities of the future.

What we've gone through isn't fair. So why dream? When all we see is infinite disaster.

Our lives have purpose, but what is that purpose? Is it that we're here to suspend ourselves amongst the weak? The vulnerable? The chastised?

Dream, dear friend, dream of possibilities...

Even in the end.
Excellently written. Way too late for me though. I've thought about this numerous times during my life, ended up getting consumed by what I despise the most. Violence. And it is with violence against the self that I will leave this world, unfortunately.

Thank you.
You are loved.

Violence may be our only option, but with that violence we may find peace.
You are 100% right with everything you said, I've fueled myself with complete bitterness. I love nothing and I'm longing to destroy. I'm better off dead, I hate the whole world and its inhabitants.
Hate may not be the answer, friend, but you may find peace knowing the world is a distant memory.

You in yourself, are beautiful. You have a quality many could only dream of...

You have courage.
Yes... And because at my core I truly want to do no harm....... My choice is to opt-out of this game......... Make room for someone that has the reslience I lack and overcoming....... I refuse to become a monster...... I've already done my share what what harm I have inflicted hurts me more than what was doen to me..but then I wonder why? Is that the pennicle of my narcissism? That it hurts me so much that I hurt others? Or just because I have enough empathy left to really see and feel thier pain..... Knowing that I always want to bring light, hope, peace, relief......... But due to extreme deficit... due to trauma, neglect, gentics..... My capacity is limited and exceeds my will to do good....

And so..... the to shut down this dysfunctional brain. Shut it down..... Like powering off a robot.... Fade...
Maybe powering off or cpu's is the best answer. Maybe it's hate that fuels us...

Maybe not hate, or contempt, for others. Hate for ourselves, for what we have made of ourselves.

This world truly isn't meant to be cruel. It just simply is. There's no better answer for love than to hate.

We fall in love, we get hurt by love, we grow impatience for love, we become bitter.

Now our souls belong to nothingness. we've grown to hate life and all it's inhabitants.

Why? Well nobody can honestly answer that...

Love is eternal.
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Sep 15, 2019
Maybe feeling better and resentful doesn't exactly mean you'll have to ctb soon. Think of it like this, you feel the world or the people around you have come to misunderstand you and they seem to be retracting from your qualms. This doesn't mean they are not peaceful toward you and your position, it simply means those people aren't the right ones for you. Don't become resentful towards people like that, just find a way to make new life connections. It may be hard to do, but it's possible. I try to make friends here, I find they love, understand and support me. That makes me feel better in my life position. Love can be an option. We may not all feel like resorting to violence, or bitterness, so those of us who accept can live toward positivity.

Don't get my hopes up now! lol. To be honest, I can totally understand why people would be wary of me. I think I am dangerous. I seriously hated someone (to the point of wanting to kill them!) who I've now come to realize was doing his best to help me. I don't know, I feel like I can't forgive myself. I just feel crazy. Dangerous. I don't know.
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Mar 13, 2019
I love this, thank you for sharing <3
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
/agree. I have never hated in the past, but my unfortunate circumstances have led to losing pretty much everything of value. Hate automatically fills that vacuum.

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