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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Hi everyone,

I've been a part of the forum now since the August of 2022. I lurked around for around 2 weeks before joining as I was searching for resources on various methods that I was considering at the time. I've never really introduced myself nor told my full story, only in bits and pieces accross some posts so I thought maybe I should do so now before I CTB. I'm in my mid 20s and I'm a female. For referance, I have severe C-PTSD so I'd prefer and appreciate for there to not be any arguing nor any offensive posts in this thread. Please be civil with each other and respectful. I apologize in advance for how long the story is.

I was born into a pretty standard family in Scandinavia. My parents were in their 30s and already had 2 kids togheter prior to having me, which would end up being the last child they ever had. They both had stable successfull careers and a house togheter in the middle of town.

Life was normal and good until I reached age 3. My earliest memories are from around age 2. We have a lot of photos and videos from when we were all growing up. All my earliest memories are great and of me being happy, having a normal life. However, when I was 3 my mom suddenly kicked my dad out one evening and I had no idea what was going on. I had never seen them argue before and I couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Nobody really ever told me what happened or what was going on. I kept waiting for my dad to come back home every evening, and he never did. I never got a clear answer when I asked where he was. I don't think I saw him for months. I kept asking to see him and I never was able to. I had a stronger bond with my dad than I did with my mom so it was extremely difficult for me.

I eventually got to see him again months later and he had then gotten an apartment that he'd bought. While my mom ended up selling our house and started renting another house which made my siblings, me and my mom all move. I was happy to see my dad again and I was still struggling to understand what was going on. But turns out my dad had cheated on my mom and he'd hide things and never communicate with her, is what I found out some years ago and was the reasons behind their break up.

It turns out that my dad had no interest in having contact with me nor my siblings at all, I didn't know this until some years ago. The only reason he eventually let me see him when he had gotten an apartment was that he had gotten a fiancée as well. I had never met this woman before and didn't know who she was. He'd bring me to his apartment and have me talk on the phone with her regularly with him. She lived in a town 9 hours away by car. She had 2 kids and had recently divorced the dad of her children and was renting a small apartment in her town. She had a successful career also and was older than my dad.

Eventually, me and one of my siblings went on a trip with my dad to visit and meet her. He had met her originally on a work trip and had traveled to see her several times. We met her and stayed in her vacation home which was a house in the middle of a village some hours away from the town she work and live in, the village had around 10 people living in it. Pretty much in the middle of nowhere and 2 hours from any stores. This is where she was born and grew up.

Ever since I first met her and one of her kids when I was 3, I was abused, molested and raped by her and this child. This would happen every time I went there, every day. I didn't know what any of those things were. I was told to not tell anyone about it and that they were «games» that people play with kids sometimes. Nothing ever happened to my sibling, they didn't abuse him and he didn't know that this happened to me. I was pulled aside into different rooms and isolated.

My dad knew what was happening, he was never a part of it nor did he ever lay a land on me, he'd walk away and go drink alcohol and block it out. I didn't know that what was happening to me was wrong and illegal until I was 11. My mom had shared custody of me with my dad always. I would live primarely with my mom and my 2 siblings, then go visit my dad every second weekend and during holidays and I'd be abused, isolated, molested and raped every time I went there by his wife and her son.

My bedroom in the house they bought togheter didn't have a door, it was in a basement right next to laundry machine, which she'd turn on during night so I couldn't sleep. The room was 2 meters long/6.5 feet, 1 meter wide/3.2 feet. It could only fit a simple small bed. All her kids had their own proper bedrooms upstairs. I'd be locked downstairs sometimes.

I got a lot of anxiety for different things eventually when I turned 6. The woman would abuse me a lot in showers, so I started getting scared of water and the sound of water. I'd start shaking a lot if I heard or saw water and got panic attacks. I'd get anxiety over trying new clothes on. She'd try to dress me as a boy and I was very uncomfortable with it all and made me scared. Whenever I'd arrive there from my mom's house with my packaged backpack of clothes that me and my mom got me, she'd take the clothes and hide them and hand me boy clothes instead. And return my actual clothes the day I was going home to my mom again.

I was given a cell phone by my mom when I was 6 because I'd always cycle around the town to all my friends and she'd worry about where I was and since I'd travel 9 hours away from her a lot of weekends to see my dad. Whenever I went to visit my dad and his wife they'd take my phone away from me to prevent me from being able to call my mom when I had my panic attacks, to keep me quiet and to keep the secrets.

I got more and more uncomfortable and aware that this isn't normal the older I got. I didn't really want to visit my dad anymore. But he'd yell at me and guilt trip me whenever I said I don't want to go. He also kidnapped me a few times, by taking me without letting my mom know and then hiding my phone. I wasn't aware that I was kidnapped because he'd tell that mom knew about the trip.

At 7, my mon started getting into bad relationships with alcoholic men that would move in with us, and she started getting some alcohol issues then. It was difficult to be around it all the time and listening to all the fighting and them hitting each other every night. I didn't feel safe anywhere. I really struggled in school. I could never sleep and I wasn't able to eat more than once a day typically. I just couldn't focus or concentrate. I got anxious around people who drank alcohol and I just couldn't calm down or sleep when I knew people were drinking.

My mom started hitting me and my siblings when I was 7 over small things, such as eating the last slice of salami or over our dog barking. I remember crying often and being confused over which home was worst to go to, my moms or my dads? Because I suffered so much in both places. All I really wanted was to have the same families that all my friends had and that maybe I could be adopted one day. I didn't feel loved or cared for.

I felt bad about my body and how I looked since I turned 8, and I continued to feel guilty and bad whenever I ate. I think this is when I started developing body dysmorphia. Especially since I'd be punished for eating. I was always frail and petite. I'd randomly gag and vomit whenever we ate dinner, I still don't know why. Maybe because I was too stressed and anxious to eat. My body would just reject food automatically.

My mom stopped caring about me and my siblings and neglected us while she partied and focused on herself. The neglection started when I was 4 but became a serious issue when I was 8. She'd tell me every day how annoying I am, how she want to send me to my dad so she can get a break, that I talk too much, and I wasnt allowed to sing anymore or play with my toys. I started withdrawing and becoming more quiet and closed off. I didn't feel wanted. It was difficult as I've always been very cheerful and extroverted.

Since she'd tell me she didn't want me weekly, I said maybe I should move to my dad. She hit me and told me to never say that ever again. I felt that maybe I could get help in school with learning things If I moved to my dad and went to a good school. All I wanted was for my parents to get back togheter, I wished for it so badly all the time, so things could be normal again. I kept missing my memories of how good things were when I was 2.

My moms alcoholic boyfriend that had lived with us since I was 7 until 10, suddenly left one day and stole her enitre savings account. He moved accross the entire country and went back to his ex wife. I was happy he left so I could sleep and relax since there would be no more fighting and alcohol. My mom kept partying though and she would never be home at night. I'd have to wake myself up every morning since I was 8 to get myself to schoo and make my own food because my mom would be asleep and hungover until I got back from school every day.

When I was turning 11, my dad took me and his wife and her son abroad for the entire summer. It was life changing for me. I was very depressed and I felt no meaning to my life. I still hadn't learned how to read or write. And everything was horrible all the time. My teachers in school would make fun of, punish and bully me for being unable to do anything, I never actually got any help with my issues.

When we spent those months abroad, I was still being abused by his wife and son. But the country we went to amazed me and made me feel so happy. I gained hope for my life and future. Ever since I went there, I just wanted to move there and go back. I told myself that things will get better, once I'm an adult I can actually move here and get away from all the abuse. I can do whatever I want then and be free. It became my life goal and the only thing keeping me alive and motivated.

When we got back from the trip, we stayed for a few weeks in the vacation house in the village of his wife. I had just reached puberty, before anyone else I knew and right after turning 11. His wife and her son had noticed that and became a lot more interested in abusing me even more than they already were. It increased so much that I just felt that I cannot do this anymore. I told myself that I have to tell my mom about this when I get home because I don't ever want to see these people ever again.

I told my mom about everything when she was in the garden on her birthday, the day before summer vacations was over and school would start again. It took 4 hours. My mom was super upset and during her birthday party with my siblings and her parents, she called and confronted my dad about everything I had told her. My dad yelled on the phone and called her a lot of insulting names, so loud that we could all hear. He then ended the call and called me, and told me I was never supposed to tell anyone and to keep my mouth shut.

When school started again, I went and talked to the school nurse who was supposed to be sort of a therapist. I told her everything. I only went to her because I needed to talk about it after having kept this to myself most of my life and puberty probably made it extremely difficult for me to keep carrying it. I also talked to her specifically because she said she had confidentialty so I knew she couldn't tell anyone else or police about it. It then broke me and my world when she told me after I had told her everything, that this is so severe that she has to break her confidentiality clause and that she ethically has to contact the police. This was not what I wanted at all.

I felt so guilty and ruined. She contacted the police and I felt so much guilt and pain over hurting my dad because I had broken my promise to him of protecting his new family and keeping their secrets. I was devastated. I became suicidal, extremely suicidal. The entire year was filled with police investigations, court hearings, therapy, and so on. It was awful. I ruined my entire family. I skipped school most of that year. I spent most of my days in my bedroom crying and holding a knife for hours and wanting to CTB. I just wanted to so badly, but I was tierd of all the physical pain so I was scared of that. I'd sleep with the knife next to me every night.

My mom didn't hug me or talk to me when I was crying. She'd completely ignore me. I felt banished and left out by everyone. I lost all my friends because I never went to school and I had too much anxiety to go outside because my dad tried to kidnap me 4 times when I walked to school and when I left the house. He'd sit outside our house for months and stand outside our door for many hours at a time, looking into my bedroom.

My mom wouldn't do anything about it or call cops, she didn't want to revoke his guardianship over me because she wanted to keep getting child support from him so she could keep partying. She left a lot of things out when she went to court and didn't help me because she cared more about the money.

I had to hold my phone in my hand all the time anywhere I went to feel safe and I'd call my grandmother so nobody would want to kidnap me. I still have to hold my phone often today to feel safe.

I felt betrayed and abandoned by everyone I cared about, and a horrible guilt that never went away after betraying my dad. The guilt is the reason I started feeling suicidal and why I've been suicidal for the past 13 years.

When I was 11 I got to see a psychologist who diagnosed me with moderate to severe PTSD, anxiety and depression. I only saw her 3 times because all she'd tell me is that well maybe you should keep visiting your dad, maybe you will regret this when you're 20 and so on. And I was like, you want me to visit my dad so I can keep being raped? And I didn't want to talk to her anymore. In my country if you are under 16, your parents can both see everything that you talk about medically and your medical journal. My dad would call the therapist and tell her what to do and read my files all the time. When I found out that that's the reason this woman is telling me crazy things, I stopped therapy until I turned 16.

From age 11 until 16 I had to deal with everything by myself. I had nobody to talk to or to ask for help from. Nobody cared. I was able to teach myself to read, write, other languages, and so on. I started doing well in school. I started getting used to being alone all the time and I'd spend all my spare time analysing people. It gave me a lot of comfort and peace. It helped me understand why people are the way they are and why they do what they do. Being able to understand why, how, and so on really helps me let go and move on. I got so used to being alone despite being so extroverted, that I stopped feeling lonely and I enjoyed my own company and the peace. I'd keep making friends but it was hard to feel stimulated or interested because I didn't feel that people my age understood much of what I was interested in and the spot I was at in life. I'd eventually stop talking to them.

I had every kind of therapy and treatment there is for PTSD and depression when I was 16 to 19 and now this past year, except for ECT because they deny me it because they don't want to cause brain damage.

When I was 16 I was able to get a very good and understanding trauma specialist therapist and I got to see a few neuvrologists. I learned that my learning issues were from my PTSD and from short term memory issues that also stemmed from it along with a weak work memory. But that my long term memory was great. However, all we tried to improve it didn't work. And eventually after trying all sorts of therapy there was to try without any improvement nor results, my therapist just started telling me every time I saw her that I should become one and she wish she could break her confidentiality so I could help her other patients. We'd just spend all our remaining time togheter talking about philosophy and other psychological and medical cases. It was a surreal experience. She and other therapists also then asked me to write a book on PTSD some time. When I ended my therapy to go study in University, I ended up with the final diagnosis of severe depression and C-PTSD and I was told that nothing will probably ever improve or cure it.

During all of this, I ended up getting groomed and gaslighted at age 15 by a guy who was 9 years older than me. I kept it to myself and some of my older friends. I didn't mention it to anyone. I didn't actually realise that I was being groomed and I didn't know what gaslighting was. I felt that it was a little weird that someone 9 years older would talk to a 15 year old in a romanic and sexual way, but I felt so understood and supported. I could finally talk to someone about all these intellectual things and be understood, I felt like I was talking to someone who was equal to me. I didn't feel bored.

I gave up on being around people my age because I had nothing in common with them. I felt a lot more comfortable and happy around people more mature and who knew a lot of things, where there could be held a discussion. I appreciate all that this person ever did for me. They helped me through a lot and with many things. But when I got older and realised the other things they did to me that was illegal and not okey, it really hit me hard and it worsened my depression and my PTSD quite a lot. I was devastated and it took me a year to recover. I spent 6 years around this person and it is sad and bizzare to say that they are one of the better people I've known in life while I also feel a lot of hate for them. It is the only person I feel hatred for.

I went to University at 19, had a lot of ups and downs and unexpected events happen that made things more difficult than they ever should have been and I never expected these things to ever happen. I started to lose hope in what was motivating me to stay alive, which was moving abroad and being free, like I had planned since I was 11.

I was still living at home when I was 21 and trying to keep studying. My mom kept renting, I'm not sure why she never bought another house. We had moved around 13 times since I was born, but we rented this house since I was 16. One day our landlords delivered us a letter of eviction, because they wanted to rent out the entire house to their grandson. We had 3 months on us to move. I had a lot of stress going on with the study situation and with the situation that was going on with the guy that was 9 years older. I felt pretty stuck physically due to all the PTSD, and then this made it even worse. I was really suicidal at the time. I was crying every morning and thinking of ways to CTB, but my depression made me unable to have any energy at all.

My mom somehow got a boyfriend and moved in with him before the eviction period was up, I had a surgery a couple days before we got the eviction note, so I was recovering from the surgery all the next 3 months in which I had to move. My mom said she would not lift a single thing from the house nor help us move. The house had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 3 floors.

I had basically summer vacation on me to figure out what to do. My mom would ignore me and my siblings, we had no way to contact her, she abandoned us and didn't care about us at all. She focused on abusing her boyfriend, using him for money and using him for a free place to stay. I applied to 400 jobs in 2 months. I spent 12 hours a day browsing jobs and apartments. With my PTSD and all the hardship I had faced, I refused to end up on welfare, that was never an option. I wanted a job or to study. That's all I've worked for. Move out day arrived, I had still not gotten any job offers. I could keep studying. But I hadn't heard anything from the dorms.

My siblings found an apartment for the 2 of them to rent togheter and moved there. I ended up being homeless for a month and living in a garden shed and sometimes on their sofa. I'd go to hotels and some peoples living rooms for Zoom interviews as some places started using Zoom at the time. The housing market in my home town is very limited, it's hard to find anything to rent and all the dorms were filled. I had a lot of money saved up, around 10k usd/euros but I didn't want to waste it.

I realised that this was the perfect time to move abroad. My mom had been hindering me from doing so since I was 19 to keep me stuck around her to keep demanding money from me. But now that she moved in with a guy and didn't need us financially anymore and couldn't guilt trip me, I did it.

I moved abroad, I stayed in a Bed and Breakfast for 1 week. I was exhaused the first 3 days. I couldn't eat, I was tierd the entire time and slept 15 hours a day. I had a lot of break downs. Even though I had a lot of money saved up for emergency, I asked my best friend if I could borrow some from him in case I needed it. He helped me and supported me moving. I had never asked anyone for money before and it was very difficult. I think with all the betrayals and my PTSD, I have been scared to not be independant, because I realised I can't really depend on anyone, so asking for help has always been difficult.

I went on 9 apartment showings. I got offered 7 of them. I chose the apartment I wanted to live in after 7 days in BnB and I moved in the day after. The owner was a psychologist and a doctor and we got to talk about a lot of interesting things togheter. I got a job and started studying instantly too, everything was going well so fast. I made a very solid and good friend group with people from the country and a lot of other countries. We'd hang out every day.

But I really missed my best friend and the guy I was with for 8 years. It was hard to have so little contact with them. I was getting optimistic about my future again, and I shared it with my boyfriend. I told him we can finally do all the things we had been planning, and he suddenly told me he don't ever want to see me again. It ruined me. Things were going well overall in life but my PTSD and the amount of stress I was carrying was almost enough to make me collapse.

I had done everything he had asked of me and proven that I'm independant and he suddenly didn't want me anymore. I left and he kept coming back every day, pretending like we never broke up. Just constantly gaslighting me to the extreme and denying that he ever said or did anything, when there were texts of what he said and did. He then tried to contact me often when I was working and when I was trying to do my studying. It really upset me and I started getting more and more angry because I was heart broken. There had always been abuse and gaslighting but it was extreme now, along with stalking.

It all ended badly, and I didn't handle it well. I kept myself busy all day and night long with parties, my friends, work, studies, and hiking, working out, and so on. Despite how much I'd do in a day and how busy I'd be, I had so many flashbacks, nightmares and such strong PTSD from all those 8 years. It felt so unbearable to live. I cried daily when I got home and I just couldn't do anything to avoid the trauma. Half a year later when corona hit as well, I went rope shopping and I looked for suitable trees nearby. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I had gone insane.

I was advancing well at work, within my friend groups, and so on. People were treating me well and I should have felt happy, but I felt empty and I couldn't feel anything but missery. I was doing all the things I always wanted to, and I just couldn't feel anything but depressed and suicidal.

The only thing that made me stop thinking about suicide, was 1 guy 2 months prior to corona happening. He treated me so well. I felt hope in people and in life again. It's the most impactful person I've met. I started believing that nice people maybe do exist. It gave me optimism, and it felt great to not feel suicidal and to have a break from PTSD for first time in 10 years. I was able to relax and feel happy. But corona really broke me down again and my PTSD resuming and reminding me of all the memories I cannot escape.

Corona became too much for me mentally, the physical limits that were imposed were too small and I couldn't handle it. I felt physically restricted and trapped like when I was a child and a teen. It worsened everything so much. I ended up moving back to my home country which was a lot more relaxed and didn't really have physical restrictions, not anywhere close to where I was living.

It was bittersweet to move back to this country, the country I've hated and wanted to leave and that has been my motivation to stay alive. I kept feeling suicidal and unhappy here. Word limit, will continue story below in new post.
I then started looking into the CO and gas method. I decided on trying the helium one. I got a mask and I was going to order the helium. Then one of my friends said maybe we should go abroad for a trip. They knew that I'd get a break from PTSD when I travel usually and I'd maybe feel happier and non suicidal if I get away from the country for a while.

We started a relationship as well and decided on where to travel. It was difficult with all the corona restrictions. We didn't have much to pick from. We ended up going somewhere and everything seemed fine. But on day 3 of the trip that was supposed to last 2 weeks, I fell off a bus and I broke both my ankles. We were around 13 hours away by plane from home country. I had so much pain and I couldn't believe what was happening.

I have a story of eating disorders, with anorexia. Prior to the trip I had been starving myself and not eating much. I don't know if that contributed to the breaking.

It was a nightmare. I just wanted to go home. I was told by doctors that I'd have to get a surgery on one of my ankles. I had 5 fractures in total. It just felt so surreal. I couldn't comprehend anything the first few hours, I thought it was all a bizzare joke. I didn't want to have a surgery abroad in an unknown country where I didn't speak the language. I got my ticket changed and decided to go home next day.

Airport doctor and doctors I had seen day prior stated that I was fit to fly. I couldn't walk on my ankles so I was wheelchair bound. I had taken corona test and it was negative. Everything was clear for the flight and I had gotten airport special assistance. When I get to the gate, 1 of the air hostesses deny me boarding for no reason, stating she dont want me to sue them if my feet get even more broken or damaged during the flight. I sit at the gate and watch the fly depart. This happens 3 more times for 3 more days.

I had to contact the airline and get new tickets, 3 times. The person I was with left without me, I was stuck on an airport by myself for 3 days. In the end, I had to contact my embassy in the country and get an offical letters from them to tell the airline that they cannot deny me boarding to my home country as I need medical attention and I'm a citizent. I was finally able to board the 3rd flight then.

I was put in an ambulance instantly when I landed and I was put into corona isolation at the hospital, despite 4 more new negative corona tests. I was then transported with ambulance for another 7 hours the next day, to the hospital in my town, because the hospital I was in originally had too little capacity due to corona.

I got sent to the hospital in the town I live in and I begged them not to. You normally have free choice of hospital here by law, but not during corona. I had recently moved to this town and I had no family here and not a big network. I wanted to be sent to my hometown. I just kept being denied it.

I arrived at the new hospital and I got corona tested 5 more times, all negative. I had to wait 16 days for my ankle surgery, because I had to corona isolate for 14 days. I tried to suicide in the hospital on oxy and a bottle of whiskey I had in my suitcase during night. I survived. I told them I tried to suicide and nobody cared. I asked to see a trauma psychologist for 1 week and I was denied every day. I had to get my friends to call the hospital for them to finally let me talk to someone. She said I should not be corona tested anymore nor be in isolation because it will kill me and worsen my PTSD, nobody listened. I wasnt allowed to get any visit from anyone, nor to get gifts or food sent to me. I didn't really eat for 2 weeks, I just drank water.

I was working from my hospital bed and on the surgery day. The surgery took 6 hours. I was told it would take 1. I lost some of my closest friends when I broke my ankles and laid in hospital, because people said I have too much bad karma and got scared that they will somehow get bad karma and bad luck too.

I was told I'd end up with 3 screws, the xray lady told me the day after that I had 12 screws and 1 metal plate. I was in so much pain and I was being denied pain medicine.

I was told that I can leave hospital and I have to ask my mom to come down to this town and take care of me. I asked her to because nobody else I know would be able to. She denied helping me. I begged for 3 weeks. I got home to my apartment and I had lost all my muscles since I had been bedbound and wheelchaired for 3 weeks almost. I could barely roll myself around to get to the store. It took 1 hour to roll myself to store and back home again, a store that is 5 minutes away by walking and it was snowy and icy.

I felt like this is it, my life is completely ruined. My mom eventually traveled to me when she realised she could use me for money again as she and her boyfriend had broken up. She yelled at me and abused me weekly, then it started being daily. It was a living nightmare.

I was told I'd be able to walk and heal in 2 months. 2 months later I'm told everythings healed and I can use crutches now. I could walk 50 steps. I'd try to walk every day. I had so much pain and none of the opioids I got helped. I was crying all the time. I could feel half of my foot anymore.

I messaged my personal doctor from my home town with the xray photos and asked what do I do, she said I need rehabilitation because it's such severe fractures. Which the hospital told me it wasnt and that I wouldn't need any help to relearn walking.

I found a physical foot therapist and I didn't remember how to walk at all. I'd go there 3 times a week. I worked out really hard but I was stuck at 200 steps. I just couldn't walk more than that. The pain got worse and worse.

I went to the hospital again and they told me it actually isnt healed. All the fractures are still open. They had barely healed at all. I also found out from a private surgeon that the screws were pushing into my joint, something the public hospital surgeons told me it wasnt, but their own radiologists kept saying it was. So I had a bunch of screws I didn't need, placed by a surgeon who isn't a foot surgeon, in a public hospital, who'd done this to hundreads of other people as well.

I had to pay thousands to go to a private surgeon to remove some of the screws, and an hour later I could walk 5000 steps. I went from walking 200 steps every day for a year to 5000 the same day without crutches.

The entire year I had been told that I'm lazy by my mom, that I'm doing nothing to heal, that it's my fault that this happened, and that I ruined my own life. I had flashbacks from being stuck in that hospital bed and from being stuck in an airport every single day. I was denied trauma therapy because it was too soon after the trauma, it was denied 4 times. Then I was denied it because I've already had too much therapy with no result.

Right before the private surgery, I had gotten to know a guy who seemed nice and supportive in all of this. It seemed to be the only positive thing that was happening to me in those last months of being wheelchair bound and where I was fighting to be able to walk again. This person seemed to be and have everything I wanted in a person, even the same goals. I was feeling hopeful and optimistic again.

But I didn't want to get involved with anyone while rehabilitating because it had already taken a year with no progress, I didn't want to burden or drag along someone and disapoint them. I had turned down several guys during that year. And I had left the guy I went abroad with.

But all my friends told me to stop denying myself good things and to enjoy something. I tried to listen and I opened up. I never opened up so fast to someone before. I never felt so comfortable with someone before this fast. It was someone my own age and that somehow seemed as mature as all my older friends and me, and that had gone through a lot in life like me as well. I felt understood and that I could relax.

It takes a long time for me to trust and like someone, usually years. With this is took me a month or two. It was very unusal and scary. We were very open about past experiences and things we want. It just felt perfect and I was hopeful with it all. It all just ended up becoming a nightmare too. The first few months was perfect and I was really happy. But things just went bad and all these things I was told and that had happened, were all lies. I felt really devastated.

This person wasn't from my country, they lived abroad but told me they want to move and had lived abroad before. I felt more confident knowing that and more trusting in that statement. I let him visit me when I was able to walk a little more and when It had been some months since my last surgery. He said he wanted to move here and stay here for at least 3 months, which he did.

Considering how people have used me a lot in life financially and emotionally, I asked a lot if he was sure he could afford staying this long and if he was sure about this, he kept saying yes. I trusted him, I had never trusted someone so fast before. He was staying with me the entire time, and within some days or a week, I was told that he has no money and I have to pay for everything.

I was pretty shocked and stunned. I have a hard time spending any money because I want a lot saved up in case of emergencies, like the ankle situation, and I feel a lot of anxiety regarding spending money and guilt, because of my moms reckless money habits. It was very uncomfortable for me. I was unsure if I'm being used again, am I just a free vacation?

We had a big fight about it and it was a little phyical, I never thought a guy would ever do things like this to me as an adult. I just wanted him to leave. My friends told me to call the police and embassy to get him deported. With all my PTSD I felt guilty and horrible thinking about doing something like that to someone. I don't want someone else to get traumatized. I don't want someone to be on the street in a foreign country with no money, in the cold, and no food.

I let him stay and I tried to make it a positive experience, but I kept uncovering negative things and lies. It drained all of my energy and I felt so lost. I wanted to do a lot of good and fun things and have let him experience good things with me, but every time we were gonna do something exciting, something horrible could happen and I felt like I shouldn't reward that and cancelled it. I almost spent a total of 10k usd/euros on this relationship. A lot was from my savings.

I'm stuck in a cycle where I love this person, and I just feel horrible thinking about losing them. I know their life hasn't been easy and that a lot of bad things happen to them and that they struggle imensely. I don't want to leave them or give up on them, because I know how horrible it all is. But I also cannot do anything about the abuse and lies.

A lot of other things have happened with this relationship but I feel too drained to go into them.

My mom has spent this entire year since last december when I had my last surgery, to threaten me. Threaten to get me beat up and to come at my doorsteps. She's increasingly gotten a lot worse with her drinking issue and she's extremely aggitated. She blames me for ruining last year for her because she had to help me when I was in a wheelchair so she couldn't party for a year. She ended up moving to this town this summer to try and abuse me financially and emotionally. I get threats weekly from her.

My doctor, therapist and so on keep telling me to get a restraining order. But it is hard for me to report her to the police when I know how I'm suicidal and I have so much guilt for doing that to my dad. I know that if I report her that would be the end of my life because I wouldn't handle the pain, guilt and burden of that too. I wish she could get help, I wish the person I love would get help too. I don't hate any of them, I just want them to get help and to be okey.

I mentally hospitalized myself in August this year for first time in my life, because what happened between me and the person I love just really almost had me jump infront of a train. The PTSD just got too much. The past 6 months have been the worst in my life. I literally cant sleep, I cant handle the amount of flashbacks I get, I have to take sleep meds all the time to avoid them, which is not really possible when you got obligations and work to do all the time. The pills make me so sleepy that I'm drowsy for 15-17 hours when I take them.

The mental hospital help I got didn't help at all, It made me even more suicidal. I've ended up in another anorexia cycle as well. Everything's just so impossible to deal with. The health care system say there's nothing that can be done to improve my PTSD nor my suicidal thoughts. They've now given up on me and my last appointments are in January.

I spent these 13 years believing so strongly that I should keep staying alive despite thinking of suicide daily and weekly, because everyone kept saying things will get better. And I am now well beyond 18 and things just keep getting worse and worse every year beyond that I could ever imagine. I would have CTB when I was 11 if I knew this is how my life would turn out. I just keep thinking I don't know how it can get any worse than this, then it gets extremely much worse the next year. I can't take it anymore.

All the faith I had in people and life, is gone. I feel so unloveable. I feel like I will never be truly loved and accepted. I'll never be able to have a kid and my own little family. I just can't trust anyone anymore.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
It sounds so horrific what you've had to experience. There really is nothing fair about any of this and it's such a cruel and awful world where all this suffering is able to even exist. I'm sorry that you've been tortured so much.
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No longer suicidal😁

Finally happy again
Nov 23, 2022
I can't fathom the amount of suffering you have gone through. That's a lot for one person to handle. You mentioned that you tried to get your mom to help you after the surgery, can I ask you why did you not reach for your siblings instead? how is your relationship with them anyway? you really can't win this fight alone. However, I can't believe the number of people who tried to manipulate you despite you going through a hard time. This shows how horrible humans can be.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I can't fathom the amount of suffering you have gone through. That's a lot for one person to handle. You mentioned that you tried to get your mom to help you after the surgery, can I ask you why did you not reach for your siblings instead? how is your relationship with them anyway? you really can't win this fight alone. However, I can't believe the number of people who tried to manipulate you despite you going through a hard time. This shows how horrible humans can be.
My siblings work, she don't work anymore because she's retired. I'm not close with anyone in my family anymore. I can't really talk to anyone. My grandparents on my mom side was close with us before, But cut contact with me when I was going in therapy for my PTSD. My grandma judges me for speaking up about the abuse that happened and she don't want anything to do with me anymore. She forces my grandpa to not talk to me as a result of that too, who is the person I got the best along with in my entire family. He's the only family member that's sad and concerned about me CTB.

My siblings helped my mom move to the town I live in, when I had told them she is pushing me really close to CTB along with this other stuff I'm going through this year. My siblings are suicidal as well due to our mom so they were happy to send her down here to harass me so they could save their own mental health. So now I feel betrayed by everyone in my family.

I really just want to talk to the person I love and they judge me every time I talk about my family situation. It's hard to experience. He tells me to suicide and that I deserve to be cheated on and to die already.
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No longer suicidal😁

Finally happy again
Nov 23, 2022
My siblings work, she don't work anymore because she's retired. I'm not close with anyone in my family anymore. I can't really talk to anyone. My grandparents on my mom side was close with us before, But cut contact with me when I was going in therapy for my PTSD. My grandma judges me for speaking up about the abuse that happened and she don't want anything to do with me anymore. She forces my grandpa to not talk to me as a result of that too, who is the person I got the best along with in my entire family. He's the only family member that's sad and concerned about me CTB.

My siblings helped my mom move to the town I live in, when I had told them she is pushing me really close to CTB along with this other stuff I'm going through this year. My siblings are suicidal as well due to our mom so they were happy to send her down here to harass me so they could save their own mental health. So now I feel betrayed by everyone in my family.

I really just want to talk to the person I love and they judge me every time I talk about my family situation. It's hard to experience. He tells me to suicide and that I deserve to be cheated on and to die already.
I suggest you try to reach out to your grandpa if talking with him helps, your grandma has no right to block you from doing so. Why don't your siblings take you in with them, don't you all share the same suffering? isn't that supposed to be a motivation for them to help you? As for the person you love, please reconsider the relationship with him. Telling you to CTB is enough of a red flag already. There is a difference between not imposing life continuation upon a person who wishes to CTB and straight out telling them to CTB as this is a criminal offense that he could get charged for. You might be yearning for a relationship that will compensate you for all the suffering you've gone through, but this might attract horrible people to your life who want nothing but use you for their own gain.
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Nov 12, 2022
I respect how you feel. The song "Can't Take That Away" by Mariah Carey gives me a small moment of peace, and I think it might give you a little bit of hope.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I suggest you try to reach out to your grandpa if talking with him helps, your grandma has no right to block you from doing so. Why don't your siblings take you in with them, don't you all share the same suffering? isn't that supposed to be a motivation for them to help you? As for the person you love, please reconsider the relationship with him. Telling you to CTB is enough of a red flag already. There is a difference between not imposing life continuation upon a person who wishes to CTB and straight out telling them to CTB as this is a criminal offense that he could get charged for. You might be yearning for a relationship that will compensate you for all the suffering you've gone through, but this might attract horrible people to your life who want nothing but use you for their own gain.
I really wish I could speak to my grandpa, but I've spent years trying to reconnect with him. There's been no luck.

He's had lung cancer and lost a lung from it and got diabetes as well so he hasn't been doing too great these past years either.

I'd sneak visit him at hospital with my brothers when my grandma wasn't around. He's back home now though and she's around all the time.

I'd send him his favourite flowers for birthdays and bake cookies and caramel for him and send hand written cards. I never got a thank you or a reply, not a call nor a text. I was only able to talk to him once this year for first time in many years because I called him late at night and said I want to suicide and about what my mom had done. He never contacted me when he heard I had broken my ankles and was wheelchair bound.

It's really hurtful and disapointing. The only thing he seemed really happy about was the relationship I had this year and I didn't have the heart to be open with him about what happened in it and that I was abandoned.

I don't know about my siblings, I think they are uncomfortable with everything I have been through. They are very closed off and introverted. It's hard to talk to them in general for most people, even their friends. I also don't want to be in my home town as it brings a lot of bad memories.
It sounds so horrific what you've had to experience. There really is nothing fair about any of this and it's such a cruel and awful world where all this suffering is able to even exist. I'm sorry that you've been tortured so much.
I think a lot and I spend a lot of time feeling hopeless over how awful people can be and often for no good reasons.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
Most people here write about 3 paragraphs when they say they are writing a long story, but I think that's the longest post I've ever read here! As heart-wrenching as your story is, I must say that you write so well that you really could expand it into a book. It would have a clear message, too. All of society has quite consistently let you down and your entire community must take a damn good look at itself. Parenting, education, medicine, mental health services, and even airports are all indicted. I am afraid to give my personal details, but I have written publicly about my childhood experience before and it did cause a bit of a stir in the community, while offering validation to others who had had similar experiences.

I want to share a few points that I feel are very important. As someone who has worked with children professionally, I can confirm that the nurse who advised the authorities about the sexual abuse did exactly what she should have. And in speaking up, you did what you should have (and the school should have explained that as part of sex-ed, too). Unfortunately, it did not lead to you receiving what you needed - a good foster care home - which is yet another societal failure that you have exposed like a private investigator.

Next, I would like to address the guilt you feel over breaking the agreement with your father. A parent has a role - legally and morally - to protect, provide for and prepare the child they brought into this world for productive adult life. In being an enabler of rape, he broke his agreement and abused the trust you put in him, violating the attachment that you had with him from a young age in the process. I know that guilt and childhood brainwashing is not a logic-driven process, but I have to admonish that you cannot rationalise your guilt in this sense without also implying that concealing child rape is OK.

What you are doing is clinging to an early childhood fantasy of restoring the idyllic existence that you enjoyed in the earliest stages of your life. Even though it is confusing when we love our parents at some level, both your parents were very immature, crude, self-serving, hedonistic and ill-suited to the serious responsibilities of child-raising. When parents are substandard, sometimes children take on age-inappropriate roles (such as the time when you had to prepare your own school routine), and this manifests in later life as extreme guilt because of feeling responsible for all the dysfunction in the family. Despite being a victim of neglect and maltreatment, you are vicariously feeling guilt on behalf of people who have actually committed serious crimes against you.

Finally, the topic of adult relationships. Being an attractive young lady, you will never have difficulty getting interest from all sorts of men. But this is the point where you really are in the position of an adult and need to be responsible for your choices. The first thing to know about relationships is that they are a mirror, which reflects our own state back to us. When people feel anger towards partners, it is usually because they do not like what is being reflected and what it says about themselves.

In this case, the theme seems to be expecting a lack of genuine care, manipulation, abuse, cruelty and even illegal behaviour. This pattern in relationships does not trigger any alarm bells for you because it is 'normal' from your past experience with parents. The nervous system is biased towards familiarity because it is always more comfortable than the unknown.

Having rarely if ever experienced genuine love and care, it will feel foreign and confronting and you will naturally reject it. The only solution is to achieve real healing and self-worth (easier said than done, I know) and relationships will automatically become much more loving and functional. It will change the sort of people you are attracted to, and what standard of behaviour you are willing to tolerate. That said, relying on relationships - especially now - could be a recipe for ongoing trauma and disappointments. You will get more out of online support groups for victims of narcissistic parenting, child sex abuse or family violence.

I unfortunately don't feel like I have any advice regarding the crisis of housing, income and social support that you are going through. I would have hoped that there is housing available for abuse victims in Scandinavia of all places. But alas, I can only chime in in based on limited areas of knowledge that I can offer. I hope it has been of some benefit. Sending you my love and best wishes.
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Sep 25, 2021
It's a harrowing story. I'm sorry with as much as what's left of me can feel.
I know what it's like to feel guilty and find it just unbearable to protect yourself from an abuser or withdraw from them. Even when they clearly do not care about the much worse suffering they inflict on you, nor would they ever inconvenience themselves in minor ways in order to burden you less...

I wish it were easier to simply stop caring about them and cut them off. The one I knew never showed mercy (unless putting on an act to gain ground in order to continue manipulation).
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
This was hard to read. So much trauma and suffering imprinted onto one soul. There is sadly far too much of this generational trauma being passed down. I have witnessed such things first-hand and it's a neverending spiral of despair. Your parents are broken and they've broken you, and every time you've tried to help yourself and others, you've been kicked in the teeth. I honestly don't think I can offer any advice, I can merely offer you my sincere sympathy. I really hope you can find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved, but sadly whilst we are unhealed we do tend to attract other broken people who end up breaking us more. Please, until you are healed don't even think about bringing children into this already messed up world. As you know, the trauma gets passed down to the next generation and if unhealed, it gets done unintentionally.

I wish you all the healing possible.
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A person
Dec 6, 2022
Reading your words I am just blown away by your strength, resilience and determination throughout your years. I feel humbled.
I am not dismissing your very understandable pain and despair by any means, it sounds truly horrific. I wish I had some constructive advice. All i can do is send love :heart:.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Most people here write about 3 paragraphs when they say they are writing a long story, but I think that's the longest post I've ever read here! As heart-wrenching as your story is, I must say that you write so well that you really could expand it into a book. It would have a clear message, too. All of society has quite consistently let you down and your entire community must take a damn good look at itself. Parenting, education, medicine, mental health services, and even airports are all indicted. I am afraid to give my personal details, but I have written publicly about my childhood experience before and it did cause a bit of a stir in the community, while offering validation to others who had had similar experiences.

I want to share a few points that I feel are very important. As someone who has worked with children professionally, I can confirm that the nurse who advised the authorities about the sexual abuse did exactly what she should have. And in speaking up, you did what you should have (and the school should have explained that as part of sex-ed, too). Unfortunately, it did not lead to you receiving what you needed - a good foster care home - which is yet another societal failure that you have exposed like a private investigator.

Next, I would like to address the guilt you feel over breaking the agreement with your father. A parent has a role - legally and morally - to protect, provide for and prepare the child they brought into this world for productive adult life. In being an enabler of rape, he broke his agreement and abused the trust you put in him, violating the attachment that you had with him from a young age in the process. I know that guilt and childhood brainwashing is not a logic-driven process, but I have to admonish that you cannot rationalise your guilt in this sense without also implying that concealing child rape is OK.

What you are doing is clinging to an early childhood fantasy of restoring the idyllic existence that you enjoyed in the earliest stages of your life. Even though it is confusing when we love our parents at some level, both your parents were very immature, crude, self-serving, hedonistic and ill-suited to the serious responsibilities of child-raising. When parents are substandard, sometimes children take on age-inappropriate roles (such as the time when you had to prepare your own school routine), and this manifests in later life as extreme guilt because of feeling responsible for all the dysfunction in the family. Despite being a victim of neglect and maltreatment, you are vicariously feeling guilt on behalf of people who have actually committed serious crimes against you.

Finally, the topic of adult relationships. Being an attractive young lady, you will never have difficulty getting interest from all sorts of men. But this is the point where you really are in the position of an adult and need to be responsible for your choices. The first thing to know about relationships is that they are a mirror, which reflects our own state back to us. When people feel anger towards partners, it is usually because they do not like what is being reflected and what it says about themselves.

In this case, the theme seems to be expecting a lack of genuine care, manipulation, abuse, cruelty and even illegal behaviour. This pattern in relationships does not trigger any alarm bells for you because it is 'normal' from your past experience with parents. The nervous system is biased towards familiarity because it is always more comfortable than the unknown.

Having rarely if ever experienced genuine love and care, it will feel foreign and confronting and you will naturally reject it. The only solution is to achieve real healing and self-worth (easier said than done, I know) and relationships will automatically become much more loving and functional. It will change the sort of people you are attracted to, and what standard of behaviour you are willing to tolerate. That said, relying on relationships - especially now - could be a recipe for ongoing trauma and disappointments. You will get more out of online support groups for victims of narcissistic parenting, child sex abuse or family violence.

I unfortunately don't feel like I have any advice regarding the crisis of housing, income and social support that you are going through. I would have hoped that there is housing available for abuse victims in Scandinavia of all places. But alas, I can only chime in in based on limited areas of knowledge that I can offer. I hope it has been of some benefit. Sending you my love and best wishes.

I tried to keep it short, there's a lot more things to the story but I tried to stick to main events and not go into detail too much. Thank you for the compliment, you always write really well in your posts.

It's hard to find motivation and hope to stay alive when I keep being let down by everything and everyone in society. There are so many flaws with how a lot of things and systems are.

I got more aware when I was 16 that what the nurse did was right and it's what she has to do legally within her job, I don't have any resentment towards her for that. I would probably have kept it all to myself If I would have known at the time that in some cases, they can break confidentiality.

During our sex-ed we never even learned about any of this stuff, nothing about abuse or things like that. The girls and boys were split up and put into 2 different classrooms. All us girls learned was that we will start having periods soon and get body hair. That was it. The ed lasted around 5 minutes.

Child protection services got a little involved, not by much. The only reason they got involved was because my dad's wife actually kept calling them and accusing my mom of having made up this entire molestation and rape story and having forced me to tell everyone that she abused me when she didn't. This is completely false. My mom never told me to tell any lies about my dad or his new family. Especially since she wanted him to keep joint custody with her so she could keep getting child support from him.

Whenever child protective services came to my moms house, they'd just ask me if my mom told me to tell these lies and I kept saying no. They came to our house 4 times in total from when I was 11 to 12. They also interviewed my siblings who kept saying they hate our dad and want nothing to do with him.

The only thing my mom told me to lie about was her own abuse of us, like the hitting. I had voiced to her that I'd like to be adopted by someone else and be in an orphanage and she told me no you don't, because you'll most likely be raped in there by the employees and by your new family that adopts you. This made me keep all the negelection and abuse my mom did to me, to myself. She used to work in the child protective services and as a therapist for children and young adults that have been abused ironically enough. I only ever told my friends about it, never anyone else.

I waited until I was 18, and I asked my therapist if she legally would be obligated to break confidentiality to contact the cops if I was to say something to her right now about some other family abuse and she said no since I'm an adult, and she kept that word. I then felt safe, opened up and told her about all the abuse my mom ever put me through. She felt horrible about all the additional stuff I had kept to myself until I reached 18, just because I was scared of being raped again if I ended up in a foster care system since that's what my mom told me would happen.

I wasn't allowed in court when I was 11. I kept begging my mom and the lawyer to let me in because I wanted to make sure that I never had to visit my dad again. I had so much anxiety since I didn't know what was going on with the court stuff.

I read the court, police, psychologist and lawyer files from that year, when I turned 18 and legally had the rights to go get them without my parents permission togheter with my therapist as part of trauma exposure therapy.

In 1 part of the notes where my dad talks to the court, he actually says that he considers what happened to me with his wife «is natural». I was stunned. I was surprised that not a single person in that court room found that to be a bizzare and crazy statement. Nobody asked anything about it. And this is the only statement I could find where he pretty much admits to some of the abuse, and yet nothing happened.

I feel that I struggle a lot with stockholm syndrome. My current therapist told me that he thinks my feelings of guilt, empathy and care for bad people might kill me.

I don't feel hate towards the people that ruin my life and that give me all this trauma. I feel bad for them and I want to help them. This is a big issue with any relationship I end up having because I end up letting them abuse me and I take care of them and help them with everything. I become their therapist and their care giver, because I feel so bad for them and compassion.

I do feel uncomfortable sometimes when I'm romantically with nice people, but the thing is that every person I've been with as an adult, was nice in the beginning. Then once I say yes to being in a relationship, I start getting gaslighted and physical stuff starts happening too sometimes. I'm often told by the people I'm with that I can do better, I can be with someone way better and that they don't deserve me. But yet they stay and keep me in this cycle of abuse.

It really hurts to hear it all the time, it hurts to hear how people are abusing me on purpose and how they have an issue with me being nice and caring to them. Often these bad people I'm with ask me why I'm still with them because they are so abusive to me, and they don't get why I stay. But I think I'm just so used to abusive people that I don't know how to leave because I'm so patient, hopeful, and tolerant that I let it go on because I have faith that they can improve if I keep loving them and trying to help. I accept things that other people would leave over. I think maybe I don't feel deserving or worthy of being loved or treated nice.

I spend the abusive part of my relationships hoping that they will one day behave the way they did in the beginning again some day, which is usually sweet, caring and loving. I just want them to be how they used to. But I also know that the amazing way they are in the beginning of the relationship might've been a fake facade to drag me into the relationship in the first place. It seems to be the case every time.

I luckily do not have a housing nor income crisis now. It was an issue years ago when I was homeless and during that summer, but since the end of that summer, I've had a stable income, work and housing, I can buy a house next year as well according to bank. I get support from my friends, but I feel so empty still inside because of the PTSD and depression. I keep thinking about suicide every day and I got SN during the fall. It gave me some comfort to know that I have that available and I talk to my friends about it often.

I just don't really see my mental suffering improving. I keep working hard on it and I've tried a lot of different things now to lessen the pain I feel daily. I've felt overall the same mentally since I was 11 until now, just that I feel worse and worse every year that passes by. I feel no joy anymore.

This year has really ruined the last bit of me, I cannot get any breaks from flashbacks and nightmares, no matter what I do. I feel no joy from anything anymore. Things and people that brought me joy 3 years ago, I feel nothing anymore when I spend time on it. I suffer every second of every day. It's unbearable to a level I've never experienced before.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
It's a harrowing story. I'm sorry with as much as what's left of me can feel.
I know what it's like to feel guilty and find it just unbearable to protect yourself from an abuser or withdraw from them. Even when they clearly do not care about the much worse suffering they inflict on you, nor would they ever inconvenience themselves in minor ways in order to burden you less...

I wish it were easier to simply stop caring about them and cut them off. The one I knew never showed mercy (unless putting on an act to gain ground in order to continue manipulation).
I have a hard time knowing if people are genuinly nice to me when they are or if it's an act to gaslight me and reel me into more abuse. It's bizzare and really messes with you head and emotions. That someone can go from being awful and then being nice randomly within a whin.
This was hard to read. So much trauma and suffering imprinted onto one soul. There is sadly far too much of this generational trauma being passed down. I have witnessed such things first-hand and it's a neverending spiral of despair. Your parents are broken and they've broken you, and every time you've tried to help yourself and others, you've been kicked in the teeth. I honestly don't think I can offer any advice, I can merely offer you my sincere sympathy. I really hope you can find someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved, but sadly whilst we are unhealed we do tend to attract other broken people who end up breaking us more. Please, until you are healed don't even think about bringing children into this already messed up world. As you know, the trauma gets passed down to the next generation and if unhealed, it gets done unintentionally.

I wish you all the healing possible.
I spend a lot of time and my energy on improving myself, trying to help improve others and trying to help myself and others in general. It's defeating that I experience little result or when I offer help to people and they end up abusing me and taking advantage of me.

My therapists always adviced me to have kids actually because I am aware of the behaviour, the pattern and the abuse of my family and I don't behave the way they do. Only when aware of the pattern, can you do something about it to avoid it is what they tell me and they know how nuturuing I am. I never wanted kids until recently, but I have actively avoided having any in the situations where I could have had one. Despite wishing for one now, I've given up on having a family and on life so it's not going to happen. I want to CTB soon.
Reading your words I am just blown away by your strength, resilience and determination throughout your years. I feel humbled.
I am not dismissing your very understandable pain and despair by any means, it sounds truly horrific. I wish I had some constructive advice. All i can do is send love :heart:.
The therapists I've had would always ask me how I haven't CTB yet or become a drug addict because they don't know how I've handled staying alive and away from any addiction with the things I've experienced.

My friends and therapists point out how strong I am and how much I have to offer, but I wish they could understand that regardless of how strong I am and how much I work, that I am legitimately struggling and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you for your kind words.

I don't know, I feel like I'm too broken to stay alive as well. I feel like a total failure and I'm starting to realise how ruined I am by all the things I've experienced. I don't think I've fully realised how much I've been through until a few months ago. I'll never be able to live a normal life or to have the things I want.
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Dec 1, 2022
Lionetta12 that was tough to read let alone you actually going through all the awful things you have had to endure. I am so sorry you have been treated this way. You are so strong for still being here. Feel like my reasons to CTB are unjust compared to some others
Just wanted to send you love and hugs. ♥️
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Sister of the Moon

Sister of the Moon

Dec 17, 2021
I don't feel hate towards the people that ruin my life and that give me all this trauma. I feel bad for them and I want to help them. This is a big issue with any relationship I end up having because I end up letting them abuse me and I take care of them and help them with everything. I become their therapist and their care giver, because I feel so bad for them and compassion.

I do feel uncomfortable sometimes when I'm romantically with nice people, but the thing is that every person I've been with as an adult, was nice in the beginning. Then once I say yes to being in a relationship, I start getting gaslighted and physical stuff starts happening too sometimes. I'm often told by the people I'm with that I can do better, I can be with someone way better and that they don't deserve me. But yet they stay and keep me in this cycle of abuse.

I spend the abusive part of my relationships hoping that they will one day behave the way they did in the beginning again some day, which is usually sweet, caring and loving. I just want them to be how they used to. But I also know that the amazing way they are in the beginning of the relationship might've been a fake facade to drag me into the relationship in the first place. It seems to be the case every time.

These things I can fully relate to. I have the exact same pattern that also stems from childhood abuse. Although I must say, although it's trauma, mine is nothing like on the scale of the trauma you endured as a child. It's a known phenomenon, a cycle that goes on and on and on. It will keep going on until the cycle is broken. I'm glad I have no daughters, or they'd be repeating the cycle just as my niece is, from my sister's trauma, from my mother's trauma, from her mother's trauma, etc etc etc. Having no daughters means I have broken the cycle. That's one thing I'm thankful for.

I truly hope you are able to find some healing. I do believe it's possible even in such extreme cases. It's up to you though in the end if you think you have it in you to bother with the difficult work. It sounds like you've done plenty only to keep on getting knocked back down. I'm so sorry.
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Sep 16, 2022
My God how can our friends and families be so damn mean, and totally insensitive to our suffering? Even down to being the cause of our pain. Christ some of those people are not even worthy of being called human.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Lionetta12 that was tough to read let alone you actually going through all the awful things you have had to endure. I am so sorry you have been treated this way. You are so strong for still being here. Feel like my reasons to CTB are unjust compared to some others
Just wanted to send you love and hugs. ♥️
Thank you for the support. Do not feel like your reasons behind your wishes are unjusted, don't compare. People want to CTB and experience suffering from so many different reasons and people handle it all differently. I feel like we are all strong for being here still in a sense.
These things I can fully relate to. I have the exact same pattern that also stems from childhood abuse. Although I must say, although it's trauma, mine is nothing like on the scale of the trauma you endured as a child. It's a known phenomenon, a cycle that goes on and on and on. It will keep going on until the cycle is broken. I'm glad I have no daughters, or they'd be repeating the cycle just as my niece is, from my sister's trauma, from my mother's trauma, from her mother's trauma, etc etc etc. Having no daughters means I have broken the cycle. That's one thing I'm thankful for.

I truly hope you are able to find some healing. I do believe it's possible even in such extreme cases. It's up to you though in the end if you think you have it in you to bother with the difficult work. It sounds like you've done plenty only to keep on getting knocked back down. I'm so sorry.
Yeah if I were to have a child, I wouldn't want a daughter with how women in this family are treated historically and I have always told that to every person I've been with. It would really help break a horrible cycle a lot more.

I continue to do the work every week to get better, but after all these years of getting help and trying everything there is to legally try in my country, and even being called a lost cause PTSD and chronic suicidality wise by several therapists, it really sucks. Especially when PTSD and guilt are the main reasons behind me wishing to CTB.
My God how can our friends and families be so damn mean, and totally insensitive to our suffering? Even down to being the cause of our pain. Christ some of those people are not even worthy of being called human.
My mom and my dad will both text and email me saying that we are family and we have the same blood and so on, and due to that I cannot cut them off. I think it's all weird. We are family, that is true, but they never treated me like family. I was just unlucky and randomly got born into this family, that was never my choice.

My family and every partner I've had has called me selfish and weak for wanting to suicide. But I'm not sure how they can call me those things when they are the cause behind my suffering and me wanting to die. What they do to me continiously is selfish, the pain they inflict on me is selfish, the abuse and taking advantage of me is selfish. Wanting me to stay alive so they can keep having a personal punching bag and a weak person to take advantage of, is selfish.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
You have remarkable maturity and self-awareness for your age. And yes, to go through such extreme abuse and not be consumed by drugs or hatred attests to your unique personal qualities that have been tested under the most adverse conditions. Regardless of what happens from this point, you are an inspiration for having retained a kind heart despite seeing the absolute worst in humanity.

In terms of the therapeutic side of things, there are some novel approaches that might be worth a try if you are up for it. Psychedelics are one, though it's illegal here in Australia. In my own case, I suspect there's something slightly fucked up about my government taking my income tax and using it to fund police to prevent me from accessing advanced therapies like that which might save my life. I'm clutching at straws here and of course there's no judgement if you feel your time is up.

Another thought I had today: if you have any legal rights to at least try and imprison the historical offenders who sexually abused you in childhood, it is unfortunately very hard to prove interpersonal crimes, but it might at least prevent them from harming anyone else. To undo the brainwashing, you need to be told over and over again that you deserve safety, justice and consistent love and care.

When it comes to the ultra-evil behaviour that you've experienced, it does boil down to something very simple. The human brain normally has the capacity to feel empathy - i.e., feeling the pleasure or pain of others. Sometimes, in response to trauma, bad upbringing or genetic issues, people have this function in their brains completely disabled.

With zero empathy to moderate their behaviour, they naturally become monsters (narcissists, sociopaths, antisocial personality disorder, etc.). All serial killers and murderous dictators have these traits. However, they can also be very charming and seductive, especially in the early stages of a relationship or in front of outsiders. They lie pathologically and, as expected, feel no remorse. I would encourage you to gain a deep understanding of this.

My whole family is pretty much Dark Triad, though in my case they were all masters of emotional abuse so they never did anything physical to me and appeared normal to outsiders. Like you, one of my greatest accomplishments has been not becoming one of them and becoming the 'wounded healer'. But it is important to not be enablers of them, either, even though we naturally attract them like a magnet.

Having intellectual self-awareness is one thing, but applying what you know in practice despite various automatic, conditioned behaviours is a different beast entirely. I might seem knowledgable, but I got screwed over by a dark triad person just this year, so I have no credibility whatsoever. This might ultimately be the hill I die on. I wish I could help you to not end up like me. Sending you best wishes.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
You have remarkable maturity and self-awareness for your age. And yes, to go through such extreme abuse and not be consumed by drugs or hatred attests to your unique personal qualities that have been tested under the most adverse conditions. Regardless of what happens from this point, you are an inspiration for having retained a kind heart despite seeing the absolute worst in humanity.

In terms of the therapeutic side of things, there are some novel approaches that might be worth a try if you are up for it. Psychedelics are one, though it's illegal here in Australia. In my own case, I suspect there's something slightly fucked up about my government taking my income tax and using it to fund police to prevent me from accessing advanced therapies like that which might save my life. I'm clutching at straws here and of course there's no judgement if you feel your time is up.

Another thought I had today: if you have any legal rights to at least try and imprison the historical offenders who sexually abused you in childhood, it is unfortunately very hard to prove interpersonal crimes, but it might at least prevent them from harming anyone else. To undo the brainwashing, you need to be told over and over again that you deserve safety, justice and consistent love and care.

When it comes to the ultra-evil behaviour that you've experienced, it does boil down to something very simple. The human brain normally has the capacity to feel empathy - i.e., feeling the pleasure or pain of others. Sometimes, in response to trauma, bad upbringing or genetic issues, people have this function in their brains completely disabled.

With zero empathy to moderate their behaviour, they naturally become monsters (narcissists, sociopaths, antisocial personality disorder, etc.). All serial killers and murderous dictators have these traits. However, they can also be very charming and seductive, especially in the early stages of a relationship or in front of outsiders. They lie pathologically and, as expected, feel no remorse. I would encourage you to gain a deep understanding of this.

My whole family is pretty much Dark Triad, though in my case they were all masters of emotional abuse so they never did anything physical to me and appeared normal to outsiders. Like you, one of my greatest accomplishments has been not becoming one of them and becoming the 'wounded healer'. But it is important to not be enablers of them, either, even though we naturally attract them like a magnet.

Having intellectual self-awareness is one thing, but applying what you know in practice despite various automatic, conditioned behaviours is a different beast entirely. I might seem knowledgable, but I got screwed over by a dark triad person just this year, so I have no credibility whatsoever. This might ultimately be the hill I die on. I wish I could help you to not end up like me. Sending you best wishes.
Thank you for your compliments and the support.

I really wish I could CTB now, but my SN is at home and I was stupid enough to go abroad for a week to try and avoid Christmas and New Years Eve as those are very painful times of the year for me, thinking that I would have a better time abroad and that I could have a break from stress and depression. Entire trip was ruined due to the person I love and I'm having one of the worst weeks of this year.

I'm basically just waiting for my flight back home so I can consume the SN as soon as I get into my apartment.

My friends recommended me trying Psychedelics, weed, MDMA, and so on. But I've always been against those things and they are illegal where I live. I was against ever taking anti depressants for example as well until this year, I got desperate, it was the last thing I haven't tried for my PTSD and decided to try several and none of them helped. I actually ended up trying to overdose on every pill they gave me along with alcohol during the summer, so now I'm denied any kind of pills. Was hard to get them to continue to prescribe me my sleep meds, took a month of arguing. My therapist is also highly against me trying any kind of «illegal» drugs for the PTSD.

I tried to re open the case when I was 19 legally, but it was denied twice because it had been such a long time and because the first time they did the case it was a mess with how my mom left out so much which I was never aware of, which in turn actually fucked me over now as well. I was pretty devastated and I ended up not even being able to reply to my new lawyer when she told me there's not really much we can do anymore. I was so depressed and defeated that I couldn't say thank you for the work and support you put in, I was just completely dead inside and ruined. I've given up on the idea of justice since then. All it did was traumatize me even more.

Yeah I'm very aware of the Dark Triad and all of this. My mom is actually a psychopath, her uncle and dad was as well, and every person I've been with romantically have been a narcissist. My dads family does not have any of this, but he struggled with serious sex and alcohol addictions which is why he behaved the way he did. My mom appear wonderful on the outside and is extremely charismatic, but yeah.

I just don't think I can keep on living anymore. My nightmares are so strong right now and they are terrifying me. I'm struggling to wake up because I get scared and anxious, I feel confused about where I am the first couple minutes and I'm abroad in a unknown place so it makes it extra difficult.

Ever since I joined this forum in August, I've puked 1-2 days a week whenever I wake up or when I'm on busses due to nightmares and stress. I faint sometimes when I walk outside and my vision becomes blacked out. I've started getting more and more severe panic attacks. Everything is triggering flashbacks. I can't read news, I can't use my few social medias I have to contact my friends. I can't do the things I enjoyed doing. It's impossible to keep on living a life like this. I've never experienced this to this extreme before.

I just want this nightmare life to end. I feel trapped in a life and a body I never wanted to be in.
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Jul 24, 2022
Started reading your story, scrolled to see how long it is, i thought to read only one paragraph but went on to read the whole thing, thanks for sharing. Believe it or not, i feel like you are a superhero. You are awesome to think about people's feelings even though when they were clearly destroying your life. You and i have one thing in common, i also want to live happily and peaceful but the situations and changes in life makes it hard and always think about killing myself. I hope you find peace and happiness 😊 take care .
I feel like you like philosopher,
I don't want to choose for you but I would like to suggest some names if you are interested.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
Started reading your story, scrolled to see how long it is, i thought to read only one paragraph but went on to read the whole thing, thanks for sharing. Believe it or not, i feel like you are a superhero. You are awesome to think about people's feelings even though when they were clearly destroying your life. You and i have one thing in common, i also want to live happily and peaceful but the situations and changes in life makes it hard and always think about killing myself. I hope you find peace and happiness 😊 take care .
I feel like you like philosopher,
I don't want to choose for you but I would like to suggest some names if you are interested.
Apologies for how long it turned out to be, plus all the additional text in the other posts I posted. But thank you for reading all of it and your nice words.

It feels like a curse sometimes to care so much and to have this deep empathy for people, regardless of if they are good people or not. I think my life would be easier if I didn't want to help and take care of the people that hurt me. My own mom and several people I was with romantically would admit to using me because they noticed how I would do so much to take care of and help them extensively, when nobody else would and nobody else had the patience, care and sympathy for them.

It hurts that I give up on taking care of and feeling worried about myself, and start neglecting myself to take of and feel bad and worried for others instead, usually people who don't deserve it. A peaceful happy life where I'm not taken advantage of or being abused is what I've longed for. I wish you all the best as well and happiness.

I used to study philosophy and I talk about it almost daily with my friends. It's one of the only topics I feel stimulation from. I'm open to suggestions.
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Jul 24, 2022
Apologies for how long it turned out to be, plus all the additional text in the other posts I posted. But thank you for reading all of it and your nice words.

It feels like a curse sometimes to care so much and to have this deep empathy for people, regardless of if they are good people or not. I think my life would be easier if I didn't want to help and take care of the people that hurt me. My own mom and several people I was with romantically would admit to using me because they noticed how I would do so much to take care of and help them extensively, when nobody else would and nobody else had the patience, care and sympathy for them.

It hurts that I give up on taking care of and feeling worried about myself, and start neglecting myself to take of and feel bad and worried for others instead, usually people who don't deserve it. A peaceful happy life where I'm not taken advantage of or being abused is what I've longed for. I wish you all the best as well and happiness.

I used to study philosophy and I talk about it almost daily with my friends. It's one of the only topics I feel stimulation from. I'm open to suggestions.
Caring about others is not a curse it's the nature of human being, your life would really be easier if you didn't care about others but at the same time yout would be like them.
I don't want to sound like an idiot, but in the new game God of war Ragnarok, Kratos is always trying to change his son to become more ruthless because of his past he fears for his son but in the end he accepts his sons caring nature because that's his true self. It's sad that carring others has always caused you pain, it's time you should take care of yourself only.✌️😊
There are some names i would suggest, some are seen as philosopher and some are seen as spritual teacher but they help me a lot.
You can watch in YouTube their speech their names are. Sadguru, Osho, J. Krishnamurti, Gautam Buddha.😊


Hello Darkness my old friend
Jul 13, 2020
I read stories like this, and it just makes me feel like a fraud when I compare it to my own reasons for being here.

I can't put into words how sorry I am that you've had to go through so much horror in your life. How utterly fucking cruel that someone should have to suffer so much.

There's nothing I could say or advise that would make any dent in your situation. So just know that I think you're incredibly brave for sharing it. Stronger than you know simply for making it this far (I doubt I would have), and that I really, truly hope that you find some kind of peace.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
I read stories like this, and it just makes me feel like a fraud when I compare it to my own reasons for being here.

I can't put into words how sorry I am that you've had to go through so much horror in your life. How utterly fucking cruel that someone should have to suffer so much.

There's nothing I could say or advise that would make any dent in your situation. So just know that I think you're incredibly brave for sharing it. Stronger than you know simply for making it this far (I doubt I would have), and that I really, truly hope that you find some kind of peace.
Don't feel like a fraud, people have different reactions to different experiences, we all have our own struggles and reasons for wanting to CTB.

Life sucks, this world and people are often cruel. I wish people and things could be nicer overall.

Thank you for the support and for sharing your thoughts. I don't think I have any strenght left in me. The situation overall is hopeless.

One of the only people that would respect me have lost all their respect and care for me due to this post and my PTSD. The only person that ever got me out of suicide temporarily. I've lost all hope. I feel so much pain and abandoned again. I've experienced so much abandonment this week. I just want it all to be over. I wish I could be a better and more loveable person.
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