lady sea

lady sea

the sea is my string of hope
Feb 24, 2019
She told me her problems are bigger than mine when I tried explaining my sadness and feelings lately.
Don't know what to do.
I feel so alone.
If I can't go to her, then who?
  • Aww..
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Feb 14, 2020
If you can't talk to your gf about your feelings, she is not your girlfriend
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Bad Character
Feb 19, 2020
"My problems are bigger than yours". Such a unreasonable and condescending response for consoling someone. She is very childish for saying that.
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This is the fierce last stand of all I am
Dec 8, 2019
She told me her problems are bigger than mine when I tried explaining my sadness and feelings lately.
Don't know what to do.
I feel so alone.
If I can't go to her, then who?
How patronising of her, its not a Top Trumps game, my sadness beats yours by 2 points.... not good ❤
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Bad Character
Feb 19, 2020
Unless you were in a war zone, then I wouldn't expect someone to use such vexing austere language towards someone they're supposed to love? I don't understand.
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A thought can pull the trigger...
Feb 17, 2020
It's not a competition. If you can't talk to her, then she is not your girlfriend.
Everybody has their own problems. But it doesn't mean that the one is bigger then the other.
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Feb 8, 2020
I know the feeling.. Not my girlfriend but my best friend. I felt so trapped when she told me I can't handle your problems right now! Just think positive I am trying that too. So I started talking with my mask on like, i'm fine, i'm oké, i'm happy. But now she is open again for me to vent. But I also understand now, that her own head was so full at that point she could'nt handle my problems.. But to say someone's problems are bigger than the other.. Thats very sad to hear and I can understand this must have hurt your feelings really bad.. I hope you can talk about it again with her and she will come back to what she said.
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Majin K.

Majin K.

too weak for this world
Jan 9, 2020
Sarcasm on. What do you mean you didn't lose both of your legs, your eyesight, didn't have your face burned by an acid attack and someone didn't steal one of your kidneys? Suck it up and be happy. You could have done far worse. Sarcasm off.

Yes there are people who suffer more than you do and that might also apply to your girlfriend, but it doesn't invalidate your own suffering. If you can't go to your girlfriend for emotional support then she isn't really your girlfriend as others have already mentioned.
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Hey hun..sorry to hear that she could b so cold n insensitive..I understand sometimes it's hard for ppl to empathize, esp when they r going thru their own personal struggles..
BUT, anyone close to me, who would turn me away n minimize my pain, when I'm at my lowest, would def get CUT...

Not that I wanna just cut ppl off for not understanding me, but I personally give too much of myself so to have anyone close to me who doesn't care about me in a "911" state of emergency, can kick rocks....

If, as my mate, u can't be there for me n help "lift me up" or even empathize with me,'s almost like ur passively kicking me when I'm already down..Bye, bye...
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lady sea

lady sea

the sea is my string of hope
Feb 24, 2019
Update: I broke up with her and I can't stop crying. I see her everywhere and I just can't. I feel horrible because she told me how she lost most her family for me because she chose me over them which is true. I'm a horrible person. She deserves the world. I want her back but she won't take me back. Biggest mistake of my life
BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
Update: I broke up with her and I can't stop crying. I see her everywhere and I just can't. I feel horrible because she told me how she lost most her family for me because she chose me over them which is true. I'm a horrible person. She deserves the world. I want her back but she won't take me back. Biggest mistake of my life
I know she probably meant an awful lot to you but even if she took you back, would she be more understanding and supportive? Relationships are a 2 way street, she gave up things for you, yes, but jo doubt you supported her through that difficult choice. She needs to be there for you also, otherwise it won't work and you will hurt yourself more and lost yourself.
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Update: I broke up with her and I can't stop crying. I see her everywhere and I just can't. I feel horrible because she told me how she lost most her family for me because she chose me over them which is true. I'm a horrible person. She deserves the world. I want her back but she won't take me back. Biggest mistake of my life
Just give it some time luv..Maybe a lil time apart will b good for the both of u. U said she deserves the world n so do u...U both luv each other n can work it out, but only once she realizes how impt her support is...

I'm sorry ur feeling so despondent..break ups r never easy..Sending u comfort:heart:
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