

Apr 8, 2020
I am 23 years old and i am belong to generation z. Anyone born between 1995-2015 falls under generation z

I have been reading comments on online which have been saying " this generation of young people will save the world" or " young people care about the future more than the older generation"

This comments come from peoples opinions about the climate change protests, the blm protests and youth activism in general.

Do you think young people will save the world?

Personally i think no because it is good to protest but we need solutions which can work in the 21st century.

Most protest groups tend not to offer real solutions to social problems.

BLM want the police to be defunded. The police are not perfect but we need the police to stop terrorist attacks; mass shootings etc. Defunding the police the police will not work effectively and the public will suffer.
Policing should have strict standards like with medicine and the airline pilot industry.

I dont believe young people are snowflakes but do believe people my age are sheep. I feel like people my age just follow but never question things.

Generally i feel like an outsider amoung people my age group

The problem with my generation and also previous generations is that we are not self sustained.

The pandemic exposed the weakness of humans and what happens when humans fail to adpat to change.

During the pandemic people were complaining about not going to thier favourite restuarants and were odering takeout .
Instead of cooking healthy.

The pandemic should have been a golden opportunutity to build , surivive and create a new future and a better world.

The pandemic showed we are too dependant on friendships/ social circles; technology, social life etc. When it is all gone people fall apart .

Not having friends at school strangely prepared me for the lockdown.

Everyone around me is waiting to go back to the status quo.

All we have become is a depressed, selfish, angry; virtual signalling generation. This also applies to older generation.

Do you think young people will save the world?
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
They didn't save the world in the 60s. Eventually most gave in to the status quo in some way or another.

I find it interesting that you're criticizing about the status quo in your generation, yet your reasons to ctb are because you don't fit in with the status quo in your generation. If you have the power to step outside of it, see the flaws, and see how you're better off being different, then maybe that can propel you to keep feeling empowered by being different and figuring out how that will serve you, rather than feeling shamed and embarrassed.
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so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
millennials can stretch to early 2000s from what I understood. hence the name millennial
Garbage Person

Garbage Person

Eating snowflakes with plastic forks
Jan 17, 2020
Absolutely not. The problems are too great and people are far too divided, both within any one country and especially on a global scale. I truly believe that the issues at hand would require a movement with ideals that people would have to be willing to kill and die for. Online petitions and peaceful assembly accomplish nothing but a self fulfilled pat on the back. The western world is especially too comfortable and meek to make a difference. We live in an age where people are more proud of their sexuality rather than any true accomplishments. We will remain firmly under the boot heel of the elite unless people are willing to sacrifice their comfort to devalue their currencies, or even sacrifice our very lives.
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May 27, 2020
I don't believe that any generation will "save" the world. Suffering will always exist in some form. It did in the past, it does now and it will in the future; what we are seeing right now is nothing new. However: the reason why it exists is because of a problem with human beings, it's not the fault of any specific age group which is why it is not fair to blame just young people or old people for what is going on.

Now although I think that the world will never be perfect we can still make it way better, and I think Gen Z'ers have the potential to do just that. Change isn't always instant but usually slow and gradual; king of like small updates to a piece of software. Generation Z's contribution will be towards climate change awareness, and judging from what I hear from kids in schools right now: More attention to mental health.

millennials can stretch to early 2000s from what I understood. hence the name millennial

Millennial has different meanings depending on where it's used. In some countries "Millennial" refers to Generation Y who were born between 1985-1994/5, and they came right before Generation Z. In some places, especially in media, Millennial is a blanket term used to refer to anyone who isn't considered "old", so it can be teenagers all the way up until 25 or even 30 years of age. In other words: It can include both Gen Y and Z.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
What is there to save?
The world will continue long after we are gone. Everything has it's time and everything dies. And if we are diminished, then we may revive. This isn't the first time society has fallen inwards, though it is arguably the most global and serious.
What is there to save? What is there to change? Human nature? Our trajectory has been mapped out since we figured out how to use pointy sticks. And millions of years of evolution prior to that, standing upon a foundation of billions of years of development. Do we therefore change nature, physics, mathematics?
In one generation?
As awful as it is, that's the way nature works. Homeostasis on a societal scale is never going to be a pleasant experience.
The real question for me is, IF hoping for such a dramatic change is futile, does that mean we shouldn't try to change the world for the better regardless?
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Apr 8, 2020
I don't believe that any generation will "save" the world. Suffering will always exist in some form. It did in the past, it does now and it will in the future; what we are seeing right now is nothing new. However: the reason why it exists is because of a problem with human beings, it's not the fault of any specific age group which is why it is not fair to blame just young people or old people for what is going on.

Now although I think that the world will never be perfect we can still make it way better, and I think Gen Z'ers have the potential to do just that. Change isn't always instant but usually slow and gradual; king of like small updates to a piece of software. Generation Z's contribution will be towards climate change awareness, and judging from what I hear from kids in schools right now: More attention to mental health.

Millennial has different meanings depending on where it's used. In some countries "Millennial" refers to Generation Y who were born between 1985-1994/5, and they came right before Generation Z. In some places, especially in media, Millennial is a blanket term used to refer to anyone who isn't considered "old", so it can be teenagers all the way up until 25 or even 30 years of age. In other words: It can include both Gen Y and Z.

I feel like we are going backwards not forwards. My friends and age group think this is process.
Why do i feel like we are regressing not prgressing.

I cant believe we are still discussing race in 2020.

This conversation on race should have been had in the 1960s, the 70s, 80s and the 90s .

The tearing down of statues i disagree because we do we draw the line. It is very slippery slope this how a nation loses it history and its existence.

If people are going to tear down statues then they might as well tear down the american flag because after so much evil has occured in the name of the american flag.

Slavery was abomination and still happening today.

The clothes we wear are made from slave labour from young children working in sweat shops in 3rd world countries and we dont know it or the true scale of it.
The people who wash our cars could be a victim of human trafficking

People still want to talk about slavery and slave owners from hundreds of years ago.

We should be focusing on slavery today as so many are suffering today.

Seeing people arguing over the lockdown, refusal to wear a mask etc

It makes me mad because we walking in to the worst recession in history and we are arguing over trivial things.

I see disorder everywhere i go
Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
The world doesn't need saving, it was here before us and it'll be here after us. Humanity has already screwed itself beyond the point of return.


Apr 8, 2020
Absolutely not. The problems are too great and people are far too divided, both within any one country and especially on a global scale. I truly believe that the issues at hand would require a movement with ideals that people would have to be willing to kill and die for. Online petitions and peaceful assembly accomplish nothing but a self fulfilled pat on the back. The western world is especially too comfortable and meek to make a difference. We live in an age where people are more proud of their sexuality rather than any true accomplishments. We will remain firmly under the boot heel of the elite unless people are willing to sacrifice their comfort to devalue their currencies, or even sacrifice our very lives.
@Garbage Person

Petitions, hashtags etc are just virtual signalling. People do it to show how moral and virtueous they are as well as peer and social pressure.

The most effective form of protest i believe everyone should stop paying tax and stop going to work.
The government need our money .

Tax allows government to fund things. By not paying tax the government is being held to ransom.

In 1978 the UK had the winter discontent. What happended was the public stopped going to work for many months. It became the largest stoppage of labour since the general strike 1926.

The incident did bring down the government at the time however gave the UK Margaret thatcher.
so tired or manic

so tired or manic

Jun 12, 2020
The tearing down of statues i disagree because we do we draw the line. It is very slippery slope this how a nation loses it history and its existence.

statues don't write history. they barely tell it.
now i can't see how a statue of someone who died hundreds of years ago is going to give someone a personal trauma, which is the excuse they were using, but the world and history won't change if they're removed. there's no statues of Hitler and we still remember him.

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