

The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I have lost respect for doctors.
I will never again treat doctors like human beings. I will never again trust to be properly examined and treated. I will not let myself be seen by a 'doctor' unless Im inches away from death. Fat chance

Some of The Best Of includes:
- Sewing up my arms from wrists down to elbows with no anesthesia and telling me its a punishment for being an attention seeker
- Pulling me out of the river after I jumped, waiting for me to wake up, tubes and all, only to lean in close and tell me I should go jump again and kill myself for real, and stop wasting their time. Also nurses coming into my room to rant about how I need to go away and stop wasting resources
- Making me sleep in my own vomit, for 15 hours. Changing the fucking bed is hard
- Telling me Im faking bipolar to get government money and I made up my trauma for attention
- Calling 911 about my vertigo and being told the problem is that Im high on drugs and need to stfu or they will give me a ticket for pointlessly calling an ambulance. When I literally couldnt stop throwing up / couldnt walk by myself
- A cardiologist running a 24h ECG on me and concluding that my heart rate of 180 is 'normal' Goodbye, next one
- ENT doctor Ive seen asking me about medications I take, and once I said lithium, referring me to psychiatrist. Because apparently having a mental illness means that its in all in my head.
- Cherry picking diagnoses to fit their agenda. BPD as a way to label me a manipulative drama queen. Fought 5 whole years to recognize my fucking obvious manic depression. My eating disorder is undiagnosed to this day because Im not skinny so that means Im fine right. And my alcohol addiction was only diagnosed after I went into withdrawal in the ward, also after 5 years of drinking.
- Being beaten in a mental hospital so badly my mother wanted examination by the police. Black eyes, busted lip, bruises and all. Refusing to show CCTV logs that showed me being beaten senseless by staff and patients. Only letting my parents see me with lights off so they cant assess injuries.
- Being threatened with 4 point restraints for crying

Basically whatever I do Im faking it. WIncing in pain while walking cause you know what, I jumped from a 15 meter bridge - 'patient shows exagerated pain responses'
Vomiting because of the dizziness - 'patient denies inducing the vomiting but its suspected'
When I have psychotic breaks and talk nonsense - 'Pseudodelusions / patient speaks terms that resemble delusions but really are not'
Suicidal = I want attention and if I really wanted to die I would have done it long ago.
Anything emotional - 'histrionic behaviour'

Like. I just want to sue their asses. Or at least write as many formal complaints as possible and hope their PR goes out the window.
And I will never trust anyone with a medical degree again,
The people that treated me are on par with Mengele and their smug ass attitude about it makes me homicidal.
Even a dentist visit makes me want to pay for them to put me under so I dont have to deal.
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This Isn't Fine
Oct 2, 2020
All of that sounds like a horror story. I don't know where you live, but anywhere I've been in the US, no doctor would EVER get away with any of that. No matter how crap the medical care is, they would never get away with shitting on patients to that extent.

I disagree about people having BPD being just as an excuse to be manipulative or a drama queen. Having it myself, I feel like we are greatly misunderstood. None of the hell I give to others is intentional, and it usually develops because of childhood trauma. I honestly feel intense guilt for whoever I've made feel like hell.

Sorry for what you had to go through OP. No one deserves that treatment, ESPECIALLY so many times.
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Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
A nurse once told me that I faked telling the doctor that I will runaway from the hospital just to get my own room back in the locked unit. I had shared room in the locked unit before for four weeks. I definitely didn't do it for that, I tried to commit suicide so I can have my own room in the looney bin that was never part of my master plan.
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Apr 26, 2020
That all sounds really very shameful. Some of those things that were said are simply inexcusable.

Unfortunately, I have seen and witnessed this same type of thing happening many times coming from a few different doctors. I have seen it happen even in groups of what I believe are good doctors, and it would be difficult to trust a doctor, or doctors for me too.

A doc got fired once. I always thought this doctor was too rough and uncaring during certain type of exams...

A doc a cardiothoracic surgeon denies causing a hemidiaphragm during a pleurodesis procedure.. after this doc accidentally hits the phrenic nerve, and then tells this person to ask neurology why... and Neurology comes up with and says some fat steaming bull shit lies that make no sense whatsoever at all..?

Seen the same stuff coming from other nurses as well...
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Beautiful moon, take me away.
Sep 23, 2020
Bridge, baby, you deserved so so much more.More support and care from anyone around you. I love you, plenty of us here do. Every single one of then that hurt you deserved to be beat up >:|
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Bridge, baby, you deserved so so much more.More support and care from anyone around you. I love you, plenty of us here do. Every single one of then that hurt you deserved to be beat up >:|

I love you too and if we ever met irl I would murder you with hugs
Youve done so much for me seriously.
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I don't like life
Oct 15, 2020
Wow, that sounds awful. So sorry you went through all that. Makes me angry on your behalf.
Deleted member 94

Deleted member 94

Mar 24, 2018
A nurse once told me that I faked telling the doctor that I will runaway from the hospital just to get my own room back in the locked unit. I had shared room in the locked unit before for four weeks. I definitely didn't do it for that, I tried to commit suicide so I can have my own room in the looney bin that was never part of my master plan.
I've been called names by some not all doctors such as whack job there's a lot of abuse in medical field but more so in psychiatery I think I spelt that wrong. They have even called the psychiatric ward a whack job joint or looney bin. I'm just depressed not stark raving mad.

One of them said I don't look like I have a depression on me more like a fedupness that isn't even a psychiatric condition.
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Aug 5, 2018
hey man i know how you feel. doctors are the worst. everything in our world is upside down.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I'm so angry for you. You were treated like trash by trash. I'm so sorry.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Aaaaaaand a few days ago I called again about my vertigo because its impossible to function and they tried to section me :pfff: :pfff:
Basis for section: its in my head
I refused and they cant hold me when I dont admit to being suicidal, so they told me to get out
Guess Ill die :smiling:


Aug 19, 2019
Once you look like trouble to a system it snowballs from there. Especially medicine is dangerous because it is where the antisocial children of obsessive parents usually go for.

Just quietly whisper to them: You stink of pee. Takes em right back to the schoolyard where no kids ever liked them or their ogre face.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I almost want to beg them to fix my spins but the more distressed I look the more they treat me like shit.


Jul 17, 2019
That's all terrible - I've had some bad experiences but nothing that bad. I hate doctors with a passion. I'm in the US btw, they are completely useless and I think everything you've said makes complete sense to me. Sorry :(

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