

Sep 28, 2020
I found some topics in the last weeks, where the question came into discussion, what will happen after the ctb.

Everyone can think, what they want. The people who aren't into this type of stuff can simply ignore it :smiling:
This is not a pro life convincing trial, I simply want to share, what I know.

I just love this topic. I would say, reading and finding information how life after death will be, is my biggest hobby. It will be a bit longer, but every aspect of this topic is connected with each other. Ignore the typing errors, it took way too much time anyway:ahhha:

Since I was a very little child, I wondered where we will be, when we die. I was confronted with death very early. Some budgies, I loved, died and in the first class of school our teacher died and so on...
I even asked my grandma, who the parents of god are(I never was religious, I was around 5 then).
So I searched and searched for information. Of course, as a child I didn't have internet. When I was 14 I found a site on the Internet and that was the perfect source of information. Since then I have read daily on similiar sites, books etc.

So here is my explanation, maybe someone will find this interesting.
You aren't only a person in this life. You are much more. Today the concept of consciousness outside the body is mostly unaccepted. There are some quantum physicists, that occupy themselve with that topic. For me, this is a fact, the foundation of everything.

"We have a brain and it creates my consciousness. After death it is destroyed and I vanish"...
The brain is the link between the physical body and your real self. It receives communication from your soul. It doesn't create you. If it is "malfuncioning", then the link is "disturbed".

The soul is what you really are. It is a "multidimensional being". This being lives in another "realm" of consciousness . Outside of our universe, there isn't time. Our soul lives in the timeless. Because it is multidimensional, it can concentrate on an unlimited amount of things. Before you were born, you were in this state. You knew exactly what you want to experience. You wanted to experience, how life in 2020 is, as Anton, Lena, Jenny etc. is. Your soul focused itself into the matter.
Let me explain it. Think about magnifying glass... Your soul watches right in this moment trough this magnifying glass and is you. You are a focus of your soul. When you die, the magnifying glass vanishes and you come back to your true self. But your soul has maybe hundreds or thousands of magnifying glasses in this moment. Because there is no time, your soul experiences you, all your former lifes on earth or other planets and your future lifes. You are one of many. There is no reincarnation as some people think, that you HAVE TO live another negative life. When you go home, you are your soul.
Think about the time, when you were young. You were yourself. Now, maybe 10 or 40 years later, you think, you are the same person right? Yes, you simply evolved and know you are more intelligent etc. After death you evolve in the same manner. You stay the same person, your character isn't gone. You will evolve more and more and will learn more and more of everything. You will remember, what happened before your birth. You are still the same, right? You will recognize your other lifes/focuses. Suddenly you can speak with them and share your thoughts. You are still the same person, who reads this text. Later you will experience a strong connection with all other of your lifes. You can experience moments of their lifes at the same time. You are still the same person. Then you will recognize, that these other lifes belong to yourself too. You are still the same person, but also many other persons, the character of this life isn't gone, it's coexisting with others. A step later, you will be your true self and experience multimensionality and if you wish, you can take the magnifying glass and re-experience your singular character of this life or another. Your identity will never ever disappear, it will open up itself to much more. (Like a child to an old, wise person).
I don't want to write this text for encouraging anyone to do "the act". It's simply to take away the fear of death, because death is the most natural thing and nobody will be doomed forever or his consciousness vanishes. It is like deep sleep!

Yes, deep sleep. Normally you remember some dreams or not in the morning. Deep sleep feels like coma, like your consciousness isn't exisiting there. But this is not right.
Let me start with normal sleep. Scientists think, that you dream because your brain rewires it's connections and processing experiences, so that it continues to work normally. The dream landscapes are created in the brain and aren't real.
But, now let me explain. Do you know the sense of falling while laying in bed? When you are deeply relaxed and right before falling asleep, your energy/or astralbody rises about 1-2m abouth your physical body. Sometimes we wake up suddenly because of loud noices etc. Then we experience a fall and it is literally a fall. We fall back into the body and our heart rushes.
Every dream is real. Our life is basically a dream of our soul (magnifying glass). In the dreamstate our consciousness is slightly shifted and we perceive other realities. We meet our dead and alive relatives and people or beings from other lifes. Dreams are a translation of what is really happening. We are limited to our 5 senses, so our brain doesn't understand the received information or imagery, so it will be translated into pictures, that we understand.
In deep sleep, we are directly connected with our true self, we concentrate us to our subjective consciousness(basically the subconsciousness). The information and experiences in this state are so strange, that there is NO translation available, so our brain erases the memory, because there is no definition, no construct, no concept how we could understand the experiences. So we have no memory, but we are still ourselves in this state, only much more open and without our ego. Consciousness never disappears.
People in coma or with dementia are conscious, in other realities. Nobody with comatic diseases is trapped in it's body. The body has it's own type of consciousness, which is the sum of all cells, so our body can maintain it's functions, even if our objective(normal) consciousness is on travel. In reality these people are more free, than us. They can discover realities, other dimensions, whatever they want. Sometimes they come back into the body. Most of the time without memory because as I said, the brain erases most of the experienced information. The snippets they remember are so strange, that "normal" persons who work with them don't understand them. What would you say, if an old demented person says to you, that he visited his parents a moment ago? But the experiences are absolutely real. Real as our normal life. So, everything we experience at night is real and equally appreciateably .

I hope this explains my view of death, that it is nothing to fear. Anyone can do the act, if he wants. It's not good, not bad. You won'tsleep for eternity, you will be probably more active than in your whole life. You will see your dead family members and so on. It will be very interesting. :)

But, life will be more interesting, too.
Where do I know all of this information? As I wrote, from books and online sites and so on. You wrote them? People who are in touch with souls or beings. I know how that sounds, and everybody has his own attidude to that. When you think and learn about this topic for so many years you feel, which channeling source is serious and I have my own few experiences that support this.
Some beings or souls give a huge amount of information and most of it is really helpful in every regard. I often have ctb thoughts, too, because of reasons and this information is extremely helpful.

Why do we experience depressions? Why do we have suicidal thoughts?

I would say, these are the big questions and I try to answer them, with what I know.

There aren't any coincidences in life. There is no random thing in life. The greatest part of our consciousness beside our normal objective one, is our subjective or subconscious one.
This subjective awareness is always there. It is a part of us, it is nothing seperated from us. We simply forgot, what we really are, to experience our life. If there wouldn't be the "magnifying glass", we couldn't live a normal life. Every disease is created by ourself. Nobody breaks his bone by accident. Every accident has a reason. Very often, we create a disease, so we concentrate on ourself or many other reasons, that are difficult for us to comprehend.
We create everything in life, our job, relationships... If there is a reason, then our subjective consciousness "influences" us, so that there will be the circumstances to experience this or that. It's very difficult to explain.
We can get depressed, when something in our life isn't working as we want. We have the perception, that life is against us. But if you know, that everything that happens is created by yourself for a good reason, then it "can" be helpful. I know, the problem is still there, but at least there is the answer for why it happened. It doesn't move away the depression.
Doctors say, that the reason for depressions are chemical problems in brain. That is of course the case. But our own subjective consciousness instructed our body consciousness to change the chemical balance. So it seems, that chemicals are the problem. But taking medication may be only helpful against the symptoms. The problem, the reason for the depression is still there.
Everything has to do with our perception. When we perceive our life as wonderful and easy, then we will experience good things, most of the time. Sometimes it's called law of attraction or that we send out a frequency to attract things to us. If we are in a very negative state and we send out a negative frequency, then we perpetuate the problems. I experiene it on my own very often, when I fall back to this state regularly.
You could stand infront of your destroyed life and still smile, or simply be balanced. If you accept what happened and don't concentrate on what has happened, it will relax the situation. If you continue to concentrate on the negative things, then your subjective consciousness will follow your perception and will create more of these type of things.
It's very, very, very difficult. But perception is the key and if I would be more proficient in it, I wouldn't be here ;)
When we are in this dark perception and go into the self destruct mode, it seems, that there isn't anything we can do anymore, but suicide.
In every moment in our life we receive communication of our soul, this is called intuition. If you are very negative, then this communication avenue is blocked and you aren't aware of it. If you change your perception and are in a higher frequency, then you will will aware of this little, small voice again. Sometimes it can be a thought or an idea. This information can help you, getting out of the situation you created. But as I said, you won't "hear" or "sense" the information if you are in the suicidal state.
When I am in this state, I try to remind me of this and most of time, if I truly wanna change my perception and accept my situation, then I calm down quickly. Sometimes I am used to be in this "comfy, dark place" (as I read in the forum, it's a good description) for a longer time, until I am determined enough to change my view. It's simply an option. I could continue in this dark place, or change my perception. I can do whatever I want. Sometimes I am longer and even more negative, sometimes very short.


A little topic, I want to write about shortly. Schizophrenia is no disease. It is a state of mind, where a person perceives his other lifes. He sees or hears things(halluzinating). But they aren't halluzinations. He really sees them. But because our society sees schizophrenia as not normal, this person will think negative of his so called "disease". The more negative he gets, the more problems he will have. When his frequency lowers and lowers, he attracts more negative focuses. Maybe his soul had a life, where the person murdered someone. This focus can show himself to the schizophrenic person. If psychatry would be more open to this whole topic, then most of the problems would be vanished. In the future, everyone is kind of schizophrenic, because everyone will have "halluzinations". If he would live with native people, then he probably wouldn't have any probelems. It's ok to take medicaments against this "disease" if the person will live better. But sometimes it is also ok to take nothing, if you accept that these perceptions are all reality. Only the negative judgement about these halluzinations creates the problems, the person doesn't seem to be normal and you know, unnormal people are often treated badly.

Now, why are so many people all over the world depressed and why is so much negative happening in the world?

This is another big topic, which is connected to the question, what happens after life.
Humanity experienced negativity and doom for thousands of years. Every negative aspect, that is possibile, has been experienced in every imaginable way. The earth is a playground for our souls, our true selves. There is of course not only earth, but an unlimited amount of other planes/planets, I will come back later to it.
Before everyone of us have been born, we wanted to experience this epoch in humanity. There is a reason, why everything is getting more and more destructive and difficult.
There where many critical points in humans history. For example the time of enlightment, industrialisation and the era of computer etc. Now we are in the biggest change. This change started in the beginning of the last century in a subjective manner and now, since the beginning of the new century it is getting realized in our objective reality. This change will be completed in 2070. Everyone, every person, regardless of their place, where they life, is participating in this event. Everyone of you, even if you don't know, every religious christ, every atheist...
The purpose is, to create a new platform to experience completely new things. There was enough negativity. Everyone on earth will experience the connection with his true self trough his subjective consciousness. Basically the subconscious will be conscious, to a degree. You can imagine how different perception will be. The barrier between physical reality and other realites/astralplanes or simply planes of existence will be thinned out. Speaking with your dead relatives will be as easy, as going into another room in your house. We will be able to communicate telepathically together. We will be able to project our consciousness into the past or to a possible future or to another galaxy, as we do at night. You won't have to dedicate your life to meditation or taking drugs, as it will be fairly easy and much clearer than similar experiences, that we can have today.
There will be many completley new fields of sciences. Medicine and especially psychiatry will change very much.
Everywhere there are people, who say that they are too old to explore the sea and too young to explore the universe. But this won't be correct. The typcial lifespan will increase more and most of the people will experience most of the things I wrote about. I would be about 75 the years of 2070 and I will probably still have many years after that. Dementia will be cured. In reality dementia is no disease, but that's another topic. But the date of 2070 is only the time, where the shift in consciousness will be completed for everyone. So most of the changes will start before this date.
Now the sci-fi stuff, that comes with all the changes.
There is some other information about probabilities. The probability for official contact with "Aliens" will rise in 2035. With the highest probability will be able to fly to other star systems in 2050 and visit other civilizations, as crazy, as it sounds now.
"Aliens" are simply other focuses of other souls from other planets. Most probably, the person who is still reading this long text :P has lifes on other planets too.
These "aliens" are here, since thousands of years. Right in this moment, the earth is being watched by an uncountable amount of individuals or beings(including beings from other universes/realities, that are projecting their consciousness to us).

Why is there no official contact, yet?
Because they know about this big shift, we are in. Many of you know Star Trek I would think. The federation has the "prime directive", not to influence other cultures that haven't reached a point. That is basically the same with us. We are still busy with wars, much negativity and so. We are evolving at the moment. If they would show themselves, then they would influence us and we wouldn't evolve naturally. For example a kid has to learn things on his own, it's not good, when his mother protects his kids against everything, then the kid won't learn. Do you know Start Trek 9? The federation observes the Baku village invisible, so they don't influence their daily life. "Alien" ships are invisible too, most of the time. Think about it, a civilization so advanced to build real space ships, have way deeper knowledge in every science-field. Sometimes, when we are in an altered state, or whatever reason, we can see ships in the skies. Nearly everyone has contact with "Aliens" every night on his own. Indeed, there are other beings all around us in every moment. Do you know sleep paralysis after or before sleep and the figure, that walks into your room? Yes, that is a visitor. Because we have a perception of fear, this experience will be translated into something scary and the being, which could be your grandma or your other life on another planet, will be perceived as a dark intruder, which he is not in reality. As I said, perception is everything.

How should Aliens visit us? (Light barrier etc.)
They don't travel to us trough space. They change the spatial frequency of their ship to another frequency and teleport to us. It's the same, as if we visit a place in our mind, or if we project our consciousness in dreamstate, simply in a physical way. So distance is no problem and when the shift has gone on enough,we will be able to do the same.
You can imagine how interesting everything will be. Everyone can visit other civilizatios from his couch, if he wants. We can travel to other galaxies with our bodies with the use of space ships. There are so many planets in the universe, so many other dimensions. One person could spend his whole life to explore one civilization in one "planet"(if there is a place like planet there) in other dimensions. Nobody will be able to explore everything in consciousness , because it is unlimited. And we know, how vast our single universe is and how many galaxies there are.

If you are still reading:ahhha:, then I will write some last things.
Now you know, how the most proabable future will look in the next few decades. Most people learn trough negative things. If everything is ok in our life, then we don't have a reason to change. If you lost everything, experienced many bad things and are in the most negative state of mind, then change is more probable. A rich person in his isolated house with his family won't change his whole mindset. But if his family suddenly dies or his bunker is destroyed etc., then he has to confront himself with his thoughts and perception.
Remember, every disease, everything that happens is choosen by ourselves(we only don't recognize that, yet!).
Nobody has to live in hell for nothing and everything WILL change to the positive! If this will happen trough suicide or living on, that's our choice. It will be positive, regardless of the choice. If someone kills himself, he first might be in a similar state of mind after leaving his body, because his thoughts and perception influence, how the afterlife will look like in the beginning. Depending of the reason for suicide, he will be in a much more positive state immediately or a bit later. But everyone will leave the negative state after death or a certain time after death.
If someone continues to live, it may continue to be a percepted hell. Maybe he will change his perception and new ideas come into his mind. But the suicidal thoughts will be overcomed sooner or later, because reaching a healthier and more open state of mind is the reason for this whole shift.
Suicide leads to the light. And in our life, as the years pass, the light will come automatically too.

The way is very hard, not only in our personal lifes, but also for the whole society. Corona is only one global event in this shift of consciousness, there will be more global negative things. The negative impacts of climate change will come way sooner, than science thinks and many places on earth will be nearly uninhabitable. Not in 2100, but also in the next few decades.
But people like you, who are confronted with depression or such difficult suicidal thoughts now are the people, who will help other people later. You are shifting your consciousness right in this moment. When the amount of people with a new mindset reaches a certain point, then the rest will follow automatically. So you are basically forerunners...

Thank you for reading. It was a bit longer, than I wanted, but it is the topic, my heart is beating for. I don't want to convince anyone for or against the ctb. It's the choice of every person. I only wanted to explain, what you will probably experience after the ctb or if you decide to wait. I can't imagine how difficult it is to have fear of death, if it seems to be the only possibility.
I try to come back to a more positive perception of my situation every time. Sometimes it's more difficult, for example when I registered myself in this forum. It is not THE solution for everything, but very, very helpful, for me. There is so much more about this topic. If you are interested, you should seek more information. I won't post sources. Search them or ask me:wink:

Feel free to write your opinion.

Thank you for reading!
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Aug 7, 2020
Why doesnt my crush like me ? ;-;
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Sep 28, 2020
Why doesnt my crush like me ? ;-;
If I could say you the exact reason, that would be good, but I can't.
I would say nearly every person experienced this problem(I too...).
As I wrote, there is a reason you are loving exactly this person. Even if you are not together physically, you are in deep contact with each other in other states of consciousness. You communicate with each other every night. Your both souls are in touch together, maybe you had lifes together.
I know it's difficult, I feel with you:wink:
Time will calm down this problem, as I experienced myself.

When I look back to my past, I always asked the same question. But now, today I understand that I wasn't in the constiution for a partner. If I don't love myself as I am, then I will have problems finding the right person.
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Aug 7, 2020
If I could say you the exact reason, that would be good, but I can't.
I would say nearly every person experienced this problem(I too...).
As I wrote, there is a reason you are loving exactly this person. Even if you are not together physically, you are in deep contact with each other in other states of consciousness. You communicate with each other every night. Your both souls are in touch together, maybe you had lifes together.
I know it's difficult, I feel with you:wink:
Time will calm down this problem, as I experienced myself.

I even had dreams of us being together :(
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Sep 28, 2020
I even had dreams of us being together :(
I don't know if you read everything from the big post, probably not, but that's ok, it was way too much :P

If you dreamed about this person, then you were actually together in dream. As I wrote, dreams are reality. In this higher state of mind you and the other person, know exactly why you love her/him and why you wanted to experience the pain. I can't answer it. Subconsciously you know it and it's not to torture you.
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Aug 7, 2020
I don't know if you read everything from the big post, probably not, but that's ok, it was way too much :P

If you dreamed about this person, then you were actually together in dream. As I wrote, dreams are reality. In this higher state of mind you and the other person, know exactly why you love her/him and why you wanted to experience the pain. I can't answer it. Subconsciously you know it and it's not to torture you.

you seem like a nice person . thank you
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I remember when all this will be again
May 3, 2020
I'm going to go back and read the rest but just wanted to comment while it's in my head. My mum had dementia and she wasn't in another reality, she was very much here and watching her fade was tragic and heartbreaking.
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Sep 28, 2020
I'm going to go back and read the rest but just wanted to comment while it's in my head. My mum had dementia and she wasn't in another reality, she was very much here and watching her fade was tragic and heartbreaking.
Of course there are differences, how advanced dementia is. I meant more the people, who are laying in bed, staring the wall and not really participating in life anymore. Sometimes there can be moments, where they are more clear and maybe able to speak.

I work in a hospital in a radiology and I see people with advanced dementia every day, It really is tragic.
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I remember when all this will be again
May 3, 2020
At the end when my mum realised she was dying she was genuinely scared x


Sep 28, 2020
At the end when my mum realised she was dying she was genuinely scared x
Understandable. The unknown. When my grandma died two years ago it was very difficult for her. She was in a hospize and she had a more closed character. She didn't want to talk about what will come.
In the later states she spoke a bit with herself and was very desoriented, sometimes she didn't really recognize me. She didn't have dementia, but a few days before death she shifted her attention...
We visited her often and it was heartbreaking to see her getting more and more ill until we were called that she died.
Some days later I had a very nice dream, where she appeared :)
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I remember when all this will be again
May 3, 2020
Understandable. The unknown. When my grandma died two years ago it was very difficult for her. She was in a hospize and she had a more closed character. She didn't want to talk about what will come.
In the later states she spoke a bit with herself and was very desoriented, sometimes she didn't really recognize me. She didn't have dementia, but a few days before death she shifted her attention...
We visited her often and it was heartbreaking to see her getting more and more ill until we were called that she died.
Some days later I had a very nice dream, where she appeared :)
I rarely remember my dreams but after my nephew was born I had the most amazing dream that my mum was able to meet him and hold him. It was incredibly warm and comforting.
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Clutching at invisible straws
Dec 11, 2018
"Feel free to write your opinion."

No one knows what comes after death.


Sep 28, 2020
I rarely remember my dreams but after my nephew was born I had the most amazing dream that my mum was able to meet him and hold him. It was incredibly warm and comforting.

This sounds really nice:smiling:. If you wish to remember more dreams, then I can suggest a dream journal. This only takes some minutes in the morning(or at night) and after some days your dream-recalling will be better.

"Feel free to write your opinion."

No one knows what comes after death.

Everyone can think, what he wants. And this is your legit opinion, which I respect:wink:
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May 11, 2020
so what do you think happens literally after you die? do you go straight into another projection? or just go back to the realm. if your soul is in this other place, what is it like? can you see? do you have a body? thoughts? i know you dont have the answers im just curious to see what u think :)
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Sep 28, 2020
Hello user667:smiling:
so what do you think happens literally after you die? do you go straight into another projection? or just go back to the realm. if your soul is in this other place, what is it like? can you see? do you have a body? thoughts? i know you dont have the answers im just curious to see what u think :)
The moment you die, you will usually float near your body. You will see your body laying/hanging... You may have a dream-like body with hands, feet etc. Even if it is dark you are able to see everything. If there are people with you, then you can see and hear them, too. Your "senses" have a much higher clarity than in normal life.
You can float there and even float to another room. After some time, there will be a typical bright light, which seems attractive. When you go trough it, you will float trough a tunnel and then you will be in the astral realm. It is completely dependent of you, how your environment will look like, as your thought create it.
You will be lovely welcomed by your dead friends and relatives and other people or beings you don't know, yet.
How your afterlife will be is dependent of you.
When you leave physical reality in great fear of hell, then you may experience hell after your death. Thoughts and belief systems create reality. You may be in agony, until you notice and accept that everything is created by you and is an illusion.
Religious people will see Jesus after death. They will meet all the angles and live with them for a while, until they recognize , that there are no angels and everything was created by their belief systems.
Depressed people may perceive a dark and sad place after death, where they meet can meet other sad or angry people or beings.
Sometimes people don't recognize that they died. Maybe an old person naturally dies in his sleep. He can find himself waking up and walking trough his house, doing daily things. Some things seem strange and he may be confused, until he notices that he died. Then he can go on, too

Those negative states or places immediatley after death are in a erath-like frequency. Everything that is exisiting vibrates in it's own frequency. Depressed people are vibrating lower than a happy person. So a low vibrating person will normally attract low vibrating earth-like places. A happy person with a high frequency may be immediately in the astral plaines without going trough the earth like, lower plaines

But in whatever state you are after death, even in the darkest place everything is temporary and you are never alone and there are always people or beings, that will help you.
If you leave in peace with yourself, then you may not experience negative things. But not all sad/depressed people may experience negative things, they can be in a nice place immediateley, too. There are countless variations...

With the aid of other beings you will work with your belief systems. Slowly you will remember more and more who you really are and what happened before your life. You will consciously meet people from other lifes again and remember your relationship with them.
There may be a pseudo-heaven where you can experience everything what you ever wanted in life. You can go fishing in the ocean, visit other planets, watching films. Everything is a projection.
But after a while you won't have any wishes anymore and you will feel the "call" of your soul. The moment you follow this call you "go home" like a waterdrop going into the ocean. Then you are, what you really are, where words can only describe a fraction of it. This multidimensional state is completeley unimaginable for every being in the universe, but this is your forever true home, where unlimited conscious potential is.
Karma is not existing. Every life has it's own meaning and purpose. Even if you think you are doing something wrong in life, it's exactly what YOU as your soul really wanted to experience. So, fear of reincarnation isn't necessary. You, as user667 will only live this life and come back to your soul, like all the other lifes of your soul. They can interact with each other, but they are separated, independent persons.

So no eternal resting and quitness. It's the opposite.:ahhha:

It is very, very, very difficult to explain in understandable words. If you have questions, you can ask:hug:
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May 11, 2020
Hello user667:smiling:

The moment you die, you will usually float near your body. You will see your body laying/hanging... You may have a dream-like body with hands, feet etc. Even if it is dark you are able to see everything. If there are people with you, then you can see and hear them, too. Your "senses" have a much higher clarity than in normal life.
You can float there and even float to another room. After some time, there will be a typical bright light, which seems attractive. When you go trough it, you will float trough a tunnel and then you will be in the astral realm. It is completely dependent of you, how your environment will look like, as your thought create it.
You will be lovely welcomed by your dead friends and relatives and other people or beings you don't know, yet.
How your afterlife will be is dependent of you.
When you leave physical reality in great fear of hell, then you may experience hell after your death. Thoughts and belief systems create reality. You may be in agony, until you notice and accept that everything is created by you and is an illusion.
Religious people will see Jesus after death. They will meet all the angles and live with them for a while, until they recognize , that there are no angels and everything was created by their belief systems.
Depressed people may perceive a dark and sad place after death, where they meet can meet other sad or angry people or beings.
Sometimes people don't recognize that they died. Maybe an old person naturally dies in his sleep. He can find himself waking up and walking trough his house, doing daily things. Some things seem strange and he may be confused, until he notices that he died. Then he can go on, too

Those negative states or places immediatley after death are in a erath-like frequency. Everything that is exisiting vibrates in it's own frequency. Depressed people are vibrating lower than a happy person. So a low vibrating person will normally attract low vibrating earth-like places. A happy person with a high frequency may be immediately in the astral plaines without going trough the earth like, lower plaines

But in whatever state you are after death, even in the darkest place everything is temporary and you are never alone and there are always people or beings, that will help you.
If you leave in peace with yourself, then you may not experience negative things. But not all sad/depressed people may experience negative things, they can be in a nice place immediateley, too. There are countless variations...

With the aid of other beings you will work with your belief systems. Slowly you will remember more and more who you really are and what happened before your life. You will consciously meet people from other lifes again and remember your relationship with them.
There may be a pseudo-heaven where you can experience everything what you ever wanted in life. You can go fishing in the ocean, visit other planets, watching films. Everything is a projection.
But after a while you won't have any wishes anymore and you will feel the "call" of your soul. The moment you follow this call you "go home" like a waterdrop going into the ocean. Then you are, what you really are, where words can only describe a fraction of it. This multidimensional state is completeley unimaginable for every being in the universe, but this is your forever true home, where unlimited conscious potential is.
Karma is not existing. Every life has it's own meaning and purpose. Even if you think you are doing something wrong in life, it's exactly what YOU as your soul really wanted to experience. So, fear of reincarnation isn't necessary. You, as user667 will only live this life and come back to your soul, like all the other lifes of your soul. They can interact with each other, but they are separated, independent persons.

So no eternal resting and quitness. It's the opposite.:ahhha:

It is very, very, very difficult to explain in understandable words. If you have questions, you can ask:hug:
ok so the part that makes me nervous is the idea that i could end up in a bad place. i never believed in heaven or hell so i always assumed death would be fairly peaceful. now a part of me is nervous i will end up in a bad place due to my mental state. since i am very very depressed now does that mean i will likely end up in an agonizing afterlife? ok so for example, i have never taken acid because i have a lot of mental illnesses and am in a bad mindset so i know i will have a bad trip. is the afterlife or whatever it is as sensitive as that, where if you have anxiety or are nervous you will end up in a "bad trip"? or is it more like you will only end up in a bad place if you really truly believe you will. because over all of i died right now i'm not to worried about what will happen just a little bit of nervousness about ending up in a hell like state but overall i think death sounds pleasant and peaceful.
for a while now, but particularly the past few weeks, i have felt this extreme sense of disbelonging. not like i didn't belong in society but that i didn't belong in this life, alive. any time i was upset i would just repeat "i want to go home" over and over again. and i knew that meant i wanted to die but at this point i thought there was nothing but darkness and oblivion so i didn't know how dying could mean going home. now it feels as though my soul is ready to go back. like i am truly ready for death. does that make sense?
and another question, there is someone i want to see after i die before i move on, is there any way for me to do that? i am unable to see her before i die but she is very important and i would like to see her after i die. i know where she lives so i could go from where i died to where she is. would it be better for me to just move on and leave her and everything else behind?
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Sep 28, 2020
ok so the part that makes me nervous is the idea that i could end up in a bad place. i never believed in heaven or hell so i always assumed death would be fairly peaceful. now a part of me is nervous i will end up in a bad place due to my mental state. since i am very very depressed now does that mean i will likely end up in an agonizing afterlife? ok so for example, i have never taken acid because i have a lot of mental illnesses and am in a bad mindset so i know i will have a bad trip. is the afterlife or whatever it is as sensitive as that, where if you have anxiety or are nervous you will end up in a "bad trip"? or is it more like you will only end up in a bad place if you really truly believe you will. because over all of i died right now i'm not to worried about what will happen just a little bit of nervousness about ending up in a hell like state but overall i think death sounds pleasant and peaceful.

As I said, not everyone with a bad mental state will suffer after death. There are so many variations. You shouldn't be nervous. Most people in Near Death Experiences or who actuallay died are in an incredibly calm and very happy state. Even if they think there is nothing after death, they will be taught better. But sometimes those people,who are believing in nothingness may perceive a vast, black, nothingness without a body, which "can" be scary. But the situation can change any moment.

I wish I could say it different. When a person absolutely thinks he will end up in a bad place(because of whatever reasons) he will probably experience it. But he can change his situation every moment.
I want to give you an example. Some months ago I was in Sleep Paralysis (If you know, what that is). I was automatically in fear because I had a nightmare before that. I suddenly stood beside my bed and I could see my body laying there. It was very dark and I was tensed. I hoped no scary figure would come trough my door^^. I decided to ignore this feeling and concentrated in opening the window. Suddenly everything was bright and I could feel the cold wind on my skin and flew away into the sky (it was an out of body experience, which is basically the same state after catching the bus). You can always change your perception.
I you have no fear and think time after death is peaceful, then it will be peaceful.

for a while now, but particularly the past few weeks, i have felt this extreme sense of disbelonging. not like i didn't belong in society but that i didn't belong in this life, alive. any time i was upset i would just repeat "i want to go home" over and over again. and i knew that meant i wanted to die but at this point i thought there was nothing but darkness and oblivion so i didn't know how dying could mean going home. now it feels as though my soul is ready to go back. like i am truly ready for death. does that make sense?
I have this feeling occasionally, too, especially the wish of going home. But then I always have the feeling, that I want to go on, because i really want to experience the future.
This feeling, of death being the home of you, is basically the inner knowing, that there is more than this life

and another question, there is someone i want to see after i die before i move on, is there any way for me to do that? i am unable to see her before i die but she is very important and i would like to see her after i die. i know where she lives so i could go from where i died to where she is. would it be better for me to just move on and leave her and everything else behind?
If you wish to , then you can do that. Most of the time people are more interested in, where the journey goes. When you are in the "astral planes", you can come back every time. You can speak with her in her dreams, but she will eventually not remember your communication. As time goes on in this place you will slowly learn, that you are in contact with her anyway and there is no need to visit her with a body. Everything is connected with everything existing and non-existing.
The more, we move on after death, the harder it is to understand everything to the point, where it makes no sense to explain multidimensionality in detail, where time, perception and casualty is not existing anymore.

It's difficult for me to explain everything, especially in English. If you interested, then I would encourage you to read about this on your own. You will understand everything way better.
I hope I could help a bit:smiling:
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