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May 28, 2019

In this little wooden box is meto, cimetidine, and 5 containers full of 99.5% food grade SN ranging from 15 to 20 grams. I also have a measuring cup for water. This all sounds good when I write it down, like I know what I'm doing, but in truth I'm quite anxious. Not just about the longevity of these materials (the cimetidine expires in November, the SN in March next year), but about the regimen, the place I'd pick, and where I'd "go" next assuming the whole process works. I'm getting a lot of cognitive dissonance thinking about how this whole thing seems so infeasible, yet I can actually die within 48 hours if I so desired now. It doesn't feel "real" yet, worryingly enough. I've also taken the liberty to do a little 24 hour regimen lately, just to test the effects of meto on me. It had none. I took 3 doses, all 10mg, 8 hours apart, and felt absolutely no side effects. Keep in mind I'm a big, tall dude. I've also learned that SN has the consistency of sticky sugar and a very chemical smell. The smell doesn't linger, however I did have to wash my hands around 4 times while handling and weighing it. Do with that information what you will. I had to cut the bag open with a knife, poured it into the containers while weighing it on a digital scale like some drug dealer in a movie, then I flushed the rest down the toilet (what a waste) and threw the bag and package away. Anyway, the reason I set this thread to "Help" is because I still have a few doubts I'd like cleared up so I can write down a proper plan for whenever I finally grow a spine.

1: Do you think this box is adequate storage for SN? I have it padlocked and keep it hidden in my room. I just need it to hold out for the rest of it's shelf life, so about half a year.

2: Today is Monday. Let's say I start taking meto midnight on Tuesday, then 8am, then 16pm. I would repeat this same process on Wednesday, but during the 16pm dose I'd also take cimetidine, then wait around 45 minutes and then prepare and take the SN. That's the 48 hour regimen, right? I'm not like way off on the math or anything? Speaking of cimetidine, a single 200mg dose is enough, right?

3: This might be a very stupid question, but is it okay to stir the SN using any kind of spoon? I remember reading that you shouldn't stir Sodium Azide with a metal spoon or something like that, and I'm wondering if there's similar restrictions to SN though I doubt it.

There's a lot of problems. For one, I don't actually want to die inside my house, it's far too uncomfortable and I don't want to traumatize my parents any more than I already will. I'd really love to die far away from here, where I don't have to worry about anyone but myself. However the regimen I'm looking at would mean I'd die somewhere around 4am, and they'd never let me go out around this time. Maybe this wouldn't be a problem if I weren't a manchild but still. Secondly, our living situation (coupled with a lot of bad habits) makes it so we pretty much eat food irregularly, whenever it comes, because it might not be there the next day. This makes it kind of a dice roll as to whether or not I'll be able to go the 8 hours without eating. Like two days ago I managed to go over 10 hours, but that's not common. Not that rare either. This inconsistency is very problematic for what needs to be a consistent regimen. On top of that, I'd have to basically force myself to do it seeing as how my "motivation" to die lasts only a few moments every day, and my anxiety and paranoia towards everything make it impossible to feel confident or at peace with any choice. You could say the SN method probably isn't for me, but I've had no luck with partial hanging or lowering my SI. Now it feels like I've gone too far to back down, in a sense. I'm terrified of just spending these months doing nothing and wasting my chance.

But I think the biggest problem of all, the thing actually stopping me from doing it, is that I've become so abysmally jaded I can't even believe death would bring an end to this. Death always seemed very final and comforting compared to my paradoxical, unacceptable existence, but what if that doesn't happen? What if my mind artificially extends itself past my death? What if human brains don't really "know" how to shut off upon death? What if I spend eternity stewing in my own dissolved consciousness, seeing jumbled memories, trying to interpret patterns that don't exist anymore? That just sounds hellish. Hell is also a possibility, ironically. Sure, I'd like to think there's more to suicide than just personal comfort (your potential for causing suffering also becomes zero after a while), but that's a still terrifying thing to think about. What if I'll never actually be able to escape myself? I guess it's a good thing that everything I just said is probably scientifically inaccurate as hell. What I really need is confidence, even if stupid. Real arrogance, not the kind I pretend to have to shield my own confused, stunted emotions. Physical energy to go through with it. Having an enemy in these situations would be great, also. An abusive parent. An evil boss or family member. Someone I could tell to fuck off. I don't know. That narrative would really help me right now, but I have nothing like that. My emotional/psychological/whatever makeup just doesn't allow for something like that. Just the vague feeling that if I continue to be alive, I will bring only misery. It feels unavoidable. If I die, my parents can just mourn whatever qualities they projected onto me, convinced I was a great kid, instead of being terribly disappointed and embittered at whatever arbitrary things I did or failed to do as we all continue to rot under the same roof. I feel like if I keep waiting for it to "feel right", the time will never come. And yet, everyone mentions feeling so calm and secure in their decision, which to me sounds like a dream. You should also know I don't have any reservations about this life, things that I will "miss", things I wish I could do or whatever. I'm just a chronically insecure, cowardly and lethargic being, and now I'm really paying for that. I'm almost convinced that killing myself would somehow retroactively make suicide the "wrong" answer, just because it's what I picked. I would really like nothing more than to leave. If I have to be strong for even one moment in my life, then let this be it. But I won't. I don't know how to. I'd like to say it's "over" now and I can rest easy knowing I have a way out, but it's never been that simple with me.
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Sep 7, 2019
I can't advise sadly but good luck x
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Aug 18, 2019
Being prepared is the key to success. Impressive forward thinking as well. I like that.
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Hungry Ghost
Dec 9, 2018
Hi, I just wanted to say I totally get where you are with making the final decision. It is not one to take lightly. It is the greatest decision you can make. After all as far as we know, wether there is an afterlife or not (I dont really think there is). We are not coming back HERE, we know that for sure. So we need to be certain we are DONE with THIS LIFE. Sometimes we do need to wait for the thing that will push us over, or find a way to cope with being in a mental "no mans land' wether we are not really living nor dead. Basically finding contentment being a form of a "zombie." I think ultimately we go with what ever the pain is pushing us, and also taking the time to weigh things. Depression is known to affect one's ability to reason which is why there are so many pro-lifers and the mental health profession is all about suicide intervention. There are stories of people who tried and failed and come back with a "I'm so glad I did not die" stories. But there are so many who try, fail and just get it right the next time. I don't think everyone has to be at perfect peace with thier decison. I think that is an ideal, butI for one and jumping into the pool of the unknown because I focus on the unliveableness of the known. One has to win out. DO I really want to put effort into a future if I stay? Do I want to live a mediocre life? Do i want to die on my own terms? We have to get in touch with the real reason we want to go..... and your right it is never simple. But you have your box, you are empowered to go when you like, of course you do have a few issues are where to go and I also have the same because out of courtesy, I dont want to CTB in the house where my husband lives.... that would be fucked up.... So yes, in addition to the emotional axpect we also just have logistics as well to consider and being that we are already zapped for energy with thatever mental/emotional burden we carry, logistics make it harder. i have to say. If push comes to shove... I might say fuck it and do it in the house to prove that I am just as a fucked up person as people always try to convince me I'm not.... but thats another story. Your not alone in your inner debate and contemplation and I know you will ultimatly choose what is best for you at the right time...... No one way is right. I beat down hope and feeling better everyday..... I am fighting every sign that my future could be incredible...... because I dont want to put in the work, I dont want to ace my own issues, humility is out of the question.... and really I don't want to live without my "trauma guy"---- Life has no meanign for me because I get all my worth and meaning from others... and everyone is gone. I dont want to work on becoming a person who gets thier worth from the inside... I just want everything to be easy.... And thats why I want to die. Because I know that my terms and lifes terms dont match up and life will always win, thus life itself is my enemy. I want to be the boss of my life, but how can I when life is always tellign me what to do? Sick right? I think getting brutally honest withourselves helps to make an informed decison about suicide. We are all human, we are doing the best we can...I hope that whatever you choose, that you will find a solution to your suffering.....

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