Usually women survive a lot more and the sickness is more gentle with them, with luck, she might not even reach the pneumonia state and pass it as a slight flu. Its very random, one of my distant relatives died from it, but not not another. In both cases they gave it to their wifes, and none had even symptoms ( women do better)
Sending you all the positivity i can muster op, in the same boat, so anytime my hour can come, elderly father as my only family left and working as a mule in a very high risk office job with n95 masks as only protection. At home i self isolate, and speak to him mostly by phone, each one in his room and part of the house.
With the cold and rain, my coworkers start to complain if the windows are opened too long. None of them wears a mask or wants to get tested if they show symptoms (even though tests are free by the company)
They just dont care or will believe it until one of their relatives falls sick.
Lots of kisses op.