

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I'm long done with all the stupid false promises, lies, platitudes, and bullshit that most people try to 'sell' me as motivational crap. I don't know why they are so 'delusional' to believe that they can fix the unfixable. I've just given up on fighting the bullshit endless fight that has no reward. I knew my dreams were already shattered. I am insignificant and I'm only around until the inevitable because I'd rather reap as much benefits as I can before I go.

Here are some brief examples to illustrate what I mean:

Example #1: TAW creates a group and tries to invite people to join said event. No one shows up. However, another normie does the same thing, and viola, quite a few people show up and actually participate.

Example #2: People spew false hopes, parrot off platitudes and pick outliers to try to substantiate their claims. Yes, no one is saying that it is impossible or claiming that there isn't an exception, but stop trying to make the exception to be the rule when clearly the majority of situations aren't like that. An outlier is an outlier and an exception is an exception because it is a special case. Thus, one cannot effectively apply that to all situations.

Example #3: The goody two-shoes and moral busybodies (fuck them) decide to meddle into TAW's life and when TAW objects to being treated poorly, instead TAW becomes vilified for standing up for himself. Meanwhile, these same people respect others but decide to treat me lesser than their fellow peers. I guess it's acceptable (to them) to boss and patronize TAW but they don't do it to others.

See Seraphobe's video on motivational crap. This video should greatly illustrate my frustrations.

Subreddits such as GetMotivated, SelfImprovment, Getdisciplined and other and other motivational, tough love shit really enrages me. Those things can go fuck themselves. I mean sure if someone wants to improve and recover, good for them, but it's not for me. I gave my two cents on my situation and if people (not necessarily you guys) in the world can't respect that, then fuck them, not my duty to try to change their damn mind.

So, in conclusion, I'm just not compatible with this world, this society, and the people around me. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand, let alone accept it as reality. All I'm trying to do is stand my ground and even that is becoming difficult when people want to push their values and ideas on me.
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Dec 6, 2018
I understand this. For years, I fell into the mode of doing the motivated societal norm in life. As I got older and wiser, I started asking questions. Many a time I tried to explore or discuss what are truly intentions and reasons of why we do these things and their subsequent consequences. Some people accepted my ponders, others looked at me like I was from Mars.
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Jan 28, 2019
I completely understand. I hate the "god will never give you more than you can bear" or "the storm will pass" bullshit! 2)I have not one but 3 incurable diseases. 2) I am literally constantly in excurtating pain. 3) bad shit constantly happens to me! My life has been battle after battle with no end in sight. So spare me the religious mumbo jumbo (I respect all people's believes but don't push that crap on me) or their uplifting motivational poster word vomit...
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I completely understand. I hate the "god will never give you more than you can bear" or "the storm will pass" bullshit! 2)I have not one but 3 incurable diseases. 2) I am literally constantly in excurtating pain. 3) bad shit constantly happens to me! My life has been battle after battle with no end in sight. So spare me the religious mumbo jumbo (I respect all people's believes but don't push that crap on me) or their uplifting motivational poster word vomit...
Really sorry to hear that. I guess I'm not the only one who has similar experiences. I tend to ignore the religious arguments for supporting life and why life is good because I don't believe in objective morality. I believe that morality and ethics is subjective and based on the society in which one is in.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Bump. Also, had another scenario/example where motivational stuff, preaching, pep talks, lecture, patronize, talk down, and such are rather useless at best, and harmful and counterproductive at worst. So here is a snippet of a conversation I had with someone, especially someone who is ignorant and has no idea what he is talking about. TAW122 will be me and Other person will represent the ignorant person spewing motivational crap. In the convo between me and other person, the subject is about music and piano playing in general. Me and other person was talking about music stuff (other person isn't a musician and doesn't understand music at all) just casually and then he decides to lecture or pep talk and preach, even he doesn't do it to others (afaik).

TAW122: (Talks about specifics in music and shows example) So this is the tough part, and this is how it is done (shows how it is done and explains some details. Maybe even educate him because he doesn't know music - he's a non musician that has taken lessons a few times but nothing serious or ambitious while I had over 20+ years of experience.)
Other person: You just need to practice more. Practice makes perfect.
TAW122: (Feeling disgruntled and and slighted at the fact that not only did "other person" completely ignore what I said, but also just reacted to it rather than to listen. I decide to keep my cool though). Well, that's true but I wasn't looking for advice or talking about that. (Probably not the best response but meh).

In this scenario and snippet of the conversation, I wasn't looking for advice or be encouraged, but rather just having a casual conversation. I'm ok with conversations with people, but when people decide to ignore what I have to say and just react based on hearing some key phrases or words, it comes off as aggressive, rude, insensitive, and just plain out right ignorance. If I wanted advice then, I would explicitly ask for it, rather than being patronized, lectured, pep-talked to, and not only that, but the fact that people ignore what is said and just 'react' to things than listen, I get pretty pissed and offended.

Another scenario would be a few years ago, when I was talking about programming boot camps (while I was still in school) with another person. I'll refer to other person as "Other person 2 or even OP2" as to not confuse the first example with this one. So in the conversation, me and OP2 were talking about jobs and programming and all seems innocuous until this snippet of conversation shown below:

OP2: Hey have you heard of the programming boot camp?
TAW122: Yeah programming boot camps could be good for people, if three conditions are met:
1) One has the money to afford it (Thousands of $, likely upper four digits, sometimes five digits)
2) Able to complete the bootcamp successfully, no wash out.
3) Able to find a position after successful completion of said bootcamp.
OP2: (starts pep talking and ignored what I said, as well as giving unsolicited advice) Yeah you just gotta work hard, practice a lot of code, etc. Also work on your (insert skills) and you can do it. (smiley face shit)
TAW122: Yeah, sure. (Ends conversation or changes subject)

So OP2's mistake was lecturing me and patronizing me as well as giving unsolicited advice while I was just having a general conversation, shooting the shit. I wasn't explicitly asking for his advice let alone being lectured or given motivational crap, but just explaining what a programming boot camp entails. (I really HATE it when I wasn't talking about myself but people decide to put ME into the situation and then proceed to lecture, patronize, or pep-talk/motivational encouraging bullshit speech. It's downright ignorant, condescending, and offensive to me.) There is a difference. If I was asking for advice or wanting help or anything I would ask for it. There are so many other examples I could give but I think these two illustrate my point clearly.
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Feb 11, 2020
People love to do the part you bolded.
Also, us trying to give exhaustive explanations having put heart and mind in it, and they just give a shallow and blunt reply consisting only of a few words.

I can't stand the normies either. I have no idea why they are so pro-life and have like a good job, significant other, children, friends etc and why we are suffering (mentally and/or physically) every second of the day.


Messenger of Silence
Jan 9, 2020
Bump. Also, had another scenario/example where motivational stuff, preaching, pep talks, lecture, patronize, talk down, and such are rather useless at best, and harmful and counterproductive at worst
I mean... Your mistake is talking to people who're fucking stupid, no? Why care about what stupid people have to say about your life?


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I mean... Your mistake is talking to people who're fucking stupid, no? Why care about what stupid people have to say about your life?
Yes, true, though those incidents were in the past but serve as an example of things that people do that I despise. It still happens time to time. As for the other question, well I have to interact with those people as long as I'm alive and I also don't want to get into conflict or set off red flags that would result in them going into savior-mode. Other than that, yes I try to limit my interactions with those people or just avoid them all together. They certainly aren't the first nor will they be the last, while as long as I'm still alive (hopefully I'll be dead later this year so I won't have to deal with anymore shit in life).
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