Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Avoid toxic people, they don't give a fuck if someone lives or dies. Then they prolife and pretend to care.

But the assholes don't really care, there are 7 billion+ people and they don't care about all of them.

Just avoid the fucking pieces of shit. Its clear now with the ease of connection how most humans are assholes. Its not only they don't care but they try to damage or even kill directly or indirectly.

I don't understand why random pieces of shit come out of nowhere to insult and hurt other people. Can't they even think about what happens because of their toxicity?

So if someone posts something about their problems, why do you go and make fun of them? And I see it everytime and everywhere.

This is really a jungle of toxic creatures with 7 billion people that probably hurt and damage you.

I really had enough of this species, dumb species that keeps reproduction although knowing all the horrors and wrongs of life.

Whether you want to live or ctb, avoid toxic people as much as you can.
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Aug 22, 2020
How do you know if you're toxic and what do you do if you're a toxic person
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Jun 26, 2020
HI! 1st) Yes I feel your frustration each and everyday. I have had alot of the same feelings and reactions that you have put in your post, BUT..BUT at the end of the day, and yes I am alone, no family or friends, period, I still, when I go food shopping see some very wonderous aspect of life in general come into play. I had put my foodstuffs into my car and was going to put the shopping cart in the cart holder in the parking lot. As I started pushing it a person, out of the blue, came up and said"I will take that for you" and I was like WOW NICE! NOW I was banged up very badly in a car crash and so the gesture was very special to me. Now yes there is alot of jerks in this world BUT I am a firm believer in that EVERYTHING moves forward, some great , some not so great, BUT at least for me I try my darnst to find the good and move on. I am 64 years young and I say this becasue I have in my life seen LOTS of jerks and you know what? It seems to come back and bite them somehow, somewhere, down the road of life. EVERYONE here on sanctioned suicide IS a GLOBAL FAMILY MEMBER to me and we all love, lookout and help one another and wish each and everyone the best no matter where their journey is going to take them. Sorry for the ramble, but after finding this site I feel as if I have a HUGE caring family! Love and peace to everyone!:heart:
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
How do you know if you're toxic and what do you do if you're a toxic person

toxic people tend to guilt-trip people, manipulate them, don't apologize when they've done something wrong, become defensive when you call them out, generally make you feel like shit, etc.

if you're a toxic person, you need to make a conscious effort to stop doing these things, and catch yourself in the act and try to correct your mistakes. take accountability when you've hurt someone. learn to communicate in a way that conveys your true feelings while being considerate of the other person's.
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Meditation guide

Meditation guide

Always was, is, and always shall be.
Jun 22, 2020
if you're a toxic person, you need to make a conscious effort to stop doing these things, and catch yourself in the act and try to correct your mistakes. take accountability when you've hurt someone.
You're right that's what they should do. But the fact that they are toxic to begin with means not only do they not care but they have a very deep sick lack of self esteem and inferiority complex that drives them to be rude and hurtful routinely to lots of people because they get a little boost that way in their fragile egos.
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Aug 22, 2020
toxic people tend to guilt-trip people, manipulate them, don't apologize when they've done something wrong, become defensive when you call them out, generally make you feel like shit, etc.

if you're a toxic person, you need to make a conscious effort to stop doing these things, and catch yourself in the act and try to correct your mistakes. take accountability when you've hurt someone. learn to communicate in a way that conveys your true feelings while being considerate of the other person's.
If you're unpopular or don't have a lot of friends does that mean you're toxic? I think so at least based on how I hear it used. I get the impression that "toxic" means losers that people don't want to hang out with, so I would assume non-toxic people are positive people with lots of friends who make people happy and are just pleasant to be around or if they are assholes they at least are assholes in such a way that makes people like them and want to be around them. I think people should abandon the phrase "toxic" and just substitute like "huge obnoxious loser" or something. Because I've seen plenty of "toxic" (as in, people who just fuck around with other people obliviously) people who seem pretty happy and successful so it just seems to be a meaningless phrase. The "toxicity" only seems to be a problem if the person doesn't have qualities that make them socially valuable in some respect. Don't agree with it but that seems to be the way it is in reality as I've observed!
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lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
If you're unpopular or don't have a lot of friends does that mean you're toxic? I think so at least based on how I hear it used. I get the impression that "toxic" means losers that people don't want to hang out with, so I would assume non-toxic people are positive people with lots of friends who make people happy and are just pleasant to be around or if they are assholes they at least are assholes in such a way that makes people like them and want to be around them. I think people should abandon the phrase "toxic" and just substitute like "huge obnoxious loser" or something. Because I've seen plenty of "toxic" (as in, people who just fuck around with other people obliviously) people who seem pretty happy and successful so it just seems to be a meaningless phrase. The "toxicity" only seems to be a problem if the person doesn't have qualities that make them socially valuable in some respect. Don't agree with it but that seems to be the way it is in reality as I've observed!
if someone considers "unpopular" people to be toxic... they're misusing the word, or are misinformed. "popular" people are more likely to be toxic from what i've seen, but that's my bias speaking.
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Aug 22, 2020
if someone considers "unpopular" people to be toxic... they're misusing the word, or are misinformed. "popular" people are more likely to be toxic from what i've seen, but that's my bias speaking.
I think that people are happy to tolerate toxic behavior from other people when it suits them socially. People love to take orders from assholes for some reason. I don't agree with the definition like this per se but it just seems like the word toxic has a really selectively applied useage
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Jul 15, 2020
Avoid Brittany Spears= She knows thats she's toxic (sorry OP im not making fun of your post)

I think there are all different ways in which a person could be toxic, It's not just one specific trait of a person.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Could you give examples of what you define as toxic? It's not clear in the OP. Labels can be misinterpreted, descriptions of specific behaviors can't.

So if someone posts something about their problems, why do you go and make fun of them?

I'm curious, are you stealth shaming someone here on SS? I ask because when folks do that, then innocent members get all worried and wonder what they did and get afraid to post, and sometimes the ones being shamed didn't do anything wrong and end up being looked at askance, as also do people who weren't being called out. Or someone PMs the OP, finds out who they were shaming, and then the PM rumor mill gets going against someone, and that person gets ostracized or targeted. So it's better to call it out directly, or report it to the mods, or both. At least allow for a fair fight, if this is subtle fighting.
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