
Sep 3, 2021
If you are comfortable sharing
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Aug 18, 2020
Feeling not comfortable to share it. I am very sensitive about feeling ashamed. I feel very ashamed even for minor things.
After my two manic epsiodes I felt unbelievable extremely ashamed and embarassed. A part of it was very irrational. But this thought did not help. This was almost indescribable. You cannot believe it. It was breath-taking.
Extreme torture.
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Dec 11, 2021
Jeez, aren't you going to find a plethora of horrible things to write your new book about under this thread.

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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
My st)ory is funny (hard to beleive). Years ago I worked with about 45 guys and I was the only girl (yes at the time I was a girl - about 26 yo). I had a figure (tells you how long ago this was) and was pretty. I always wore dresses or skirts. I was wearing my favorite skirt on this day. I went and used the restroom. This was when nylons were in. I did my job and fixed myself (or thought I did). I walked out into the hangar and the guys were whistling and blowing kisses - I thought damn I must really look good today. So that really made my head bigger. So I walked with a bit more swag. Well I got back to my desk and felt kind of funny .... come to find out that my skirt was stuck inside my stockings and my entire butt was hanging out!!!!! I laughed so hard I almost wet myself. Thanks for the laugh. Been a long time since I remembered that moment in time.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
A guy I had sex with asked me to call his pecs boobs & I did it. They weren't even shaved, but I still felt str8 & dirty after cumming on them.
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Dec 18, 2019
I was born

(My entire life has been humiliation on repeat, basically)
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
I was born

(My entire life has been humiliation on repeat, basically)
I am sending hugs your way. You are worthwhile and I care - just sayin.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
In my case, I can think of many, but I see it as best to not think of the past so much. I do not like memories and it hurts me how I cannot choose to forget. Forgetting this life completely would be the best thing for me, I would like non existence more than anything.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I once had a painfully embarrassing tantrum because I arrived at GameStop right after they had already closed to pick up a game I really wanted. I was screaming and crying and I even banged on the door which led to security getting called on me. Maybe having a tantrum isn't that embarrassing for a three year old but…I was 14…
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Sep 3, 2021
Feeling not comfortable to share it. I am very sensitive about feeling ashamed. I feel very ashamed even for minor things.
After my two manic epsiodes I felt unbelievable extremely ashamed and embarassed. A part of it was very irrational. But this thought did not help. This was almost indescribable. You cannot believe it. It was breath-taking.
Extreme torture.
This is the most important thing about reducing ableism towards mental illnesses imo. Society doesn't blame someone for having a malfunctioning kidney or a broken neck, we shoudn't scoff and judge people who are going through a mental illness or emotionally unstable episode. I'm sorry you carry that shame but it's not your fault.

I've felt a lot of shame and embarrassment for my breakdowns years ago because so many people saw and stared. It's invisible so people just think you're this lowly piece of trash for behaving off. So embarrassing until I forgave myself because it was outside of my control.
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Aug 31, 2020
its funny, when you live with constant social anxiety and even the simplest word you say to someone else causes you to spend the rest of the day freaking out over whether hello or goodbye was weird and might have made them mad at you, you eventually just start forgetting specific events and are constantly living in this mindset. If I had to give one, it would be when I lived elsewhere, and I snuck chips into my bedroom since the lady there only let us eat breakfast, and dinner. She caught me, and took the tv out of my room causing her husband and all his friends there for the superbowl to hear me wailing for hours. Over the course of the next month or so, living in that room with nothing to do and nowhere to go outside classes kinda broke me. I still think about it to this day how her husband probably hated my guts.
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Sep 3, 2021
the lady there only let us eat breakfast, and dinner. She caught me, and took the tv out of my room
People should eat when they are hungry wtf, of course you snuck food. I won't pry but that place sounds bad to live in


paranoia bae
Dec 21, 2021
when my dog was a puppy he would randomly start attacking me and bite my ass mostly. once we were walking down a busy street my sweat pants werent tied up, he bit my ass and pulled down my pants to my ankles. many ppl in cars saw and were laughing
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
When I was 7, my father took me to a party at the house of a friend from his work, his monstrous husky chased me and due to an oversight I fell into the pool they had in the middle of the chase, I didn't know how to swim either... During and after the process I was crying terrified.
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Aug 31, 2020
When I was 7, my father took me to a party at the house of a friend from his work, his monstrous husky chased me and due to an oversight I fell into the pool they had in the middle of the chase, I didn't know how to swim either... During and after the process I was crying terrified.
Almost drowning in any capacity is horrifying, im sorry you went through that.
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RRREEEEEEE (she/her)
Nov 4, 2021
When I was in 4th grade in art class I said something about a female bus driver I had being "sooo pretty" and the other girls at my table laughed at me and called me gay for the rest of the class. I already didn't have any friends in school and knew that the other kids talked about how weird I was behind my back so that didn't really help matters. Fast forward 16 years later and being a weird neurodivergent dyke is still ruining my life
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Ṿ̸̄Ọ̶͂Ỉ̶͉D̴̞͝ ̴̲̐A̷̾͜W̷̪͒Ā̵̯I̵͍̅T̵̛͔S̷̗͛
Jul 25, 2020
Ah yes, the story of how I broke my leg in the most ridiculous way imaginable. I've posted it before a long time ago, but here it is.

When I was about 13 years old, my dad used to be captain on a river cruise ship in Europe, and would sometimes take me and my little brother along on a cruise. One night we were going along a river in Germany with a lot of very low bridges which we passed under with sometimes only one or two meters to spare. My dad trusted us to be careful, and let us walk around on the top deck while he was driving the ship.

At some point we were approaching another one of these low bridges, and we ran towards the back of the 100m long ship. There we lay down on our backs with our feet towards the front of the ship. The bridge getting closer and closer. Now the bridge was nearly over us, and we saw that the bottom of it was rough concrete. It was so low that we only had to stick out our legs to be able to touch it. My brother thought it a good idea to stick out a leg and let his foot scrape along the bottom of the bridge. I followed his example, but shortly after my foot got stuck. In a split second my lower leg was knocked back with such force it bent the wrong way at the knee and then back to normal again before I had any time to register what the fuck was going on.

Because my brother was slightly in front of me he did not witness the incident. So without looking back he took off towards the ship's bridge. I was in shock and couldn't believe what had happened, so I tried to stand up, but my leg wasn't working anymore. At that point I tried to yell for help, but I wasn't able to raise my voice at all. I had to crawl all the way back to the bridge on my own.

And that's how I broke my leg on holiday in Germany. Because of my shitty relationship with my dad and the pure shame I felt at the time I've never told him how it actually happened.
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Dec 18, 2019
1. In the ICU I had a nosebleed so severe (from the post-operative administration of aspirin) that the doctor's "ingenious" solution was to shove a literal tampon up my nose

2. Before iPhones/iPads became wholly mainstream (early 2000's), my younger brother and I would have to conceive of creative ways of entertaining ourselves during long car rides to and from our vacation home. One time I drew a series of Hermaphroditic Octopus Lady GaGas in an effort to make my brother laugh, & then I simply forgot about them. I'd left them somewhere in the car, and my mother had to bring our car in to a repair shop for routine maintenance shortly afterward. They discovered my artistic abominations. Needless to say, my parents never returned to that same place for maintenance ever again, lmao.

3. For a brief period of time (around when I was 11) I thought that the word "fetish" meant "hobby", so when discussing my interests with people I'd say things along the lines of "I have a fetish for horseback riding", etc. I remember one of my teachers staring at me like I had two heads when she heard that one come out of my mouth, lol.

(I have infinitely more stories but I'm too tired to recall them atm 😅).
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Green Destiny

Green Destiny

Life isn't worth the trouble.
Nov 16, 2019
One embarrassing moment in my life I remember is completely freezing up during an individual presentation assignment in 12th Grade. Funny thing was I wasn't nervous or scared when I got called up because the assignment was basically spontaneous and we only had like 10 minutes to prepare our reports. But once I got to the front of the class I looked at everyone and my mind went blank in an instant, and this led to me having the equivalent to a panic attack/freakout in front of the entire classroom. Got so bad the teacher let me return to my seat after about 10-15 seconds of spazzing out and looking like a fool. After that I couldn't do presentations anymore, the anxiety from my meltdown was too intense, i'd skip classes or hide in bathrooms to avoid them. It's part of the reason why I didn't go to Community College.

I once had a painfully embarrassing tantrum because I arrived at GameStop right after they had already closed to pick up a game I really wanted. I was screaming and crying and I even banged on the door which led to security getting called on me. Maybe having a tantrum isn't that embarrassing for a three year old but…I was 14…
Oh man I had the worst tantrums growing up as a child. Playing video games when I was less than 5 years old was a bad idea. I can still picture myself slamming my N64 Controller onto the floor and breaking it after losing races in Mario Kart 64 in front of my Dad and my older siblings. It's still something i'm ashamed of 20+ years later.
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Jan 23, 2019
These probably aren't that bad for most people but they are the worst I have

The most recent one would be from the last time I was warded I guess.
I was in a dorm and usually I would knock before going in to the bathroom but the one time I didn't yea... someone was in there and didn't lock the door.
I immediately ran out I never even apologised for it or anything 😓

I was a really bad compulsive liar and it was extremely easy to tell when I was lying when I was younger in school so as you can imagine this lead to a lot of embarassing situations whenever I was called out on them.

Things like lying about having watched movies, played games, gifts I got for birthdays/christmas and lying about having any friends.
The assholes at my school 100% knew i was lying so they would keep pressing me about it on purpose to embarass me.
Usually although it was obvious I couldn't just admit they were all lies so I would have to lie more and they would all just keep going along with it and keep embarassing me like that until I dropped out.

Getting stitches at a hospital after cutting myself as an adult.
Anything related to having a eating disorder and trying to hide it.

Still being alive at 22.
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My brain is a liquid mess.
Aug 18, 2021
I have quite a lot of embarrassing moments so I'll share a few that I can remember.

1. In elementary school I peed my pants a few times and in one of those times, I came back to class and was surprised no one noticed how wet my pants were. Oh and in gr.1 I farted during some lesson and the whole class heard it and laughed at me. I was the really shy and quiet kid so it was absolutely embarrassing.

2. Fractured my ankle when I was a kid in front of the Church stairs outside. I was trying to see how much steps I can jump down but I failed. I fell in front of a girl who did the same thing without failure.

3. In jr.high, I actually joined the basketball team and somehow got in. During most of the games however, I ended up crying in front of the team and the coach after I played on the court, because I realized how useless I was on the team. I was just a burden. No one knew the reasons why I cried a lot, except for the coach I think, but yeah this was probably the most embarrassing story.
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