

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
In another thread, I've talked about how pro-lifers are patronizing and taking the moral high horse, and they are no better than the bullies that they scorned or rebuke of.

Here are a few more annoying lines that pro-lifers use to invalidate, dismiss, and even patronize others who they don't agree with. I'm just going to list some more examples where they use many kinds of manipulation tactics as well as logical fallacies. Pro-lifers oftenly uses these lines when even talking about other topics not directly related to death or suicide. It is incredibly frustrating and when you point out their mistakes or try to stop them, they get hostile and defensive. Again, they are projecting their views and not allowing one to have an open, rational conversation with them. They want to control how you think and guilt, shame, and manipulate you into thinking their view by any means necessary, sometimes even through forced intervention (rare but can and has happened to others).

Example 1: "Why are you asking this? Why are you bothered by xyz?"
By questioning someone who is just having a rational conversation about a hypothetical or some other situation is really patronizing and belittling. It no longer becomes a conversation but rather a probe or interrogation when the person starts questioning about the asker's validity and mental state.

Example 2: "What made you feel this way? There must be something wrong/bad that happened to you recently..."
This is really presumptuous and patronizing as it assumes that there is something wrong to justify bringing up certain topics. Some people just want to have a conversation of various topics, not necessarily because they have some 'crisis(es)'.

Example 3: "(Insert person name) got better after taking (blah drug/medicine(s)) for (illness, disorder, condition)!"
This is an anecdote towards their narrative and agenda and not fully based on real evidence. Sure, there ARE people who get better. Also, it is off topic and sometimes they use it as a red-herring, sometimes resorting to no true scotsman, straw manning (arguing and addressing an argument not presented to them).

So with all that said, here is an open letter to the pro-lifers, anti-choicers, forced-lifers (or whatever else you can them):

Dear pro-lifers, anti-choicers, and forced-lifers:

We (pro-choicers) are NOT pro-suicide and we do not encourage or pressure anyone to die. Instead, we are open-minded, non-biased, and accept other perspectives (other than the simple mantra that "Life is great", "Life is a gift", etc.) unlike you people. We allow each person to make up their own informed decision in regards to whether or not they wish to continue living or find peace. Whatever the person ends up doing, they are doing by their own volition, after consulting the information that they are given. We don't assume that the person is in crisis or mentally ill nor are we presumptuous. Do we force our view on others? No, we do not, therefore you have no right to project your (selfish) views on life and impose life onto people who don't wish to live. We don't dictate what you guys do in your lives, so we ask that you respect our choice, whether it is to continue living or finding peace by seeking death.

When you post the suicide prevention lifeline, or even the crisis textline, WE (SS users) KNOW OF IT'S EXISTENCE. No, we know what "could" happen if we call those hotlines and many of us know the potential consequences resulting from those encounters and interactions with the volunteers on the other side of the line. Not only is it condescending and presumptuous to parade, parrot, push, pedal (etc.) that number, many of us have already decided that suicide is a rational answer and we are NOT impulsive nor attention seekers. You can send your virtuous signals elsewhere, not to us and you are not welcome to invade our sanctuary with your pro-life, anti-choice, life is great mantra. Please take it somewhere else and leave our community alone. Your actions are useless at best and harmful at worst. While you may claim that many regret (after surviving an attempt and/or were intervened on and then 'gotten better'), you are ignoring those that did NOT wish to get better. That is optimism bias as well as cognitive bias. Furthermore, the people who failed (some, not all) regret the failure not because they want to live, but because of the consequences associated with the failed attempt afterwards (which includes a worse quality of life both physically and psychologically, social ostracization, further stigma, and more).



In conclusion, I don't expect pro-lifers to change and while I've stated in previous threads before they there is no point in arguing with them, I'm merely venting as well as informing and exposing their flaws to the people here so those who don't know the true nature of pro-lifers and their ignorance will avoid getting into a quagmire with them. Since then, I've ceased arguing with them, both online and IRL, especially IRL.
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