

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Here are so many more pro-life shittery on reddit's SW sub. Of course, it's no surprise as they are an anti-suicide subreddit and has an iron-clad sentiment of "suicide is never the answer" even in philosophical contexts. It's also full of guilt-trips and shames, all about society and (almost) never about the person suffering. It is also very presumptuous for them to assume mental illness and the patronizing, child-like treatment of the poster reaching out is just utterly vile.
Just by reading all the replies to those poster's threads are just despicable. Even in one of the threads, people are just blowing smoke about "finding a reason to live" assuming that there is a purpose in life or something "worth" living for. Whether there is or not, it's relative and subjective towards the person, never mind religion even getting involved.

By u/Pogofiremaster
I kinda feel at peace now that I've committed.

I posted yesterday, but some things changed between now and then. I planned to buy a gun today, and end it this afternoon. Well, the gun I wanted to buy had been sold, so I had to fill out a whole new form and go through the process again. Oh well. Got delayed, so now I have to wait until Friday to pick it up.
But here's the thing. I'm religious personally, and I know God was throwing everything in my way to keep me from swiping my card and committing to that shotgun. I had a friend call me out of nowhere today, that I hadn't talked to in months, because she wanted to check in on me and see how I was doing. One of my coworkers walked past me and looked me dead in the eye and said "you need to talk? I don't think you're okay." Little did she know I'd been reading about shotgun suicides for the last 3 hours. Then I had another friend text me this morning saying that she loved me and I was a great friend. Completely unprompted.

After all that love, I still went to the store. And when I got there, there was an elderly couple that was taking forever at the register. They were bargaining and haggling with the clerk. There was only one employee in the store, and a whole bunch of people waiting to be helped. I was so hungry, and was tempted to just walk away and say fuck it. But I stayed, and an hour and a half later, I walked away with a box of ammo and a receipt for my gun. God tried to stop me, but I'm committed this time. Come Friday, I can finally say goodbye. And honestly? I feel a sense of peace with that. The dark thoughts, the pain, the anger, the sadness, they're not as loud anymore. Now that I know I have a guaranteed way out coming, I'm not angry anymore. I'm at peace. I'm ready to let go.

By u/DeathisaDoor

I drove a state away to buy a shotgun

Since in my current state I couldn't purchase one due to having a restraining order and a psychiatric history. It gives me a lot of relief knowing that I can leave anytime I want by just jumping in my car and driving to a remote location. The only thing that really anchors me right now is my mother. She loves me dearly and I can't imagine the psychological damage I would do to her in the act of taking my own life.
And yet I feel like her love isn't enough. I can't endure my life for anyone. For a lover, for a parent, for anyone. I am failing to find the drive in me to keep going. To deal with the day to day reality of just being alive. My mood goes up and down but one of these days I think I'm going to dip too low and simply drive away and blow my brains out due to the negative momentum.

There's always the chance I could survive a gunshot or the gun itself would jam or something... but I really do feel like I have a grip on Death's Door.

By u/Agent102

I've qualified for a handgun permit. Yay!

All I have to do now is get my address updated, pick the thing up and I'll be done with the bureaucratic part of getting a gun. So that I can kill myself the right way. In a way that will actually work, but won't completely blow my head off like a shotgun will.

I used to think that if I got a decent job and got to move out on my own I'd be happy. Like I'd become a different person. A person I'd actually like to be. Someone who can make friends. Like real friends, close ones and girlfriends. Not just getting along with people at work.

Looking back I've been doing this all my life. High school sucks and people are shallow, but it ends and it will get better I used to tell myself. Then it ended, I went to college and I was still a lazy coward. I blamed still having to live at home with parents to save money. Can't get a girl if you have to take her back to your parents place to do anything right? Yeah, that's the excuse I told myself for never trying at all.

Then that ended and now I live alone. I have a respectable job that supports me. Same deal, still alone just like always and honestly much fewer ways to meet people, women especially, than when I was in school. But that's not the problem. That's just a new excuse. The problem is me. The lazy, depressed for no reason sack of shit I am. The problem is I won't try, because I'm lazy and afraid.

I could try dating apps, but do I? No. I sit alone in my house, this place that I used to be so happy to have, but now feels like a prison that I confine myself to; just like what happened with my job. I pine after the idea of having a girlfriend or friends to hang out with as if that will be the thing that makes everything better. I bitch about it online like I'm doing now. It's probably a blessing that I'm so intimidated and don't try because being with me would probably be awful. I'd become a terrible boyfriend, just like I became a terrible employee at a job I used to care so much for. I'll probably get fired soon. I kinda hope I do.

It doesn't matter. I'll learn to hate any situation I'm in and anyone I get to care about me will suffer seeing me suffer for stupid, nothing reasons.
I don't want to drag myself into work everyday and do that boring job for the better part of the day, so I can go home and distract myself with a game I don't care about or some movie or show. This isn't the life I want to live, but it's the best I know how to get and at this point all I really want is to just go to sleep and not wake up.

That won't happen to a healthy 24 year old, so I'm getting the gun. I really, really hope death is oblivion, but even if it's not then I have to die at some point, so why not go ahead, die quickly and spare myself and everyone else the part where I have to live?

By u/Sirp0tat0

Why is suicide not the answer?

I do not have any suicidal tendancies but I actually want to know the answer, everyone always says it is not the answer but never says why.
If someone truly is suffering and does not want to live anymore why isnt he allowed to choose suicide?

By u/ok8732

I've had enough: I'm killing myself on Sunday

Tomorrow, I'll write my note. After that, I will blow every cent I have (not much) on a day of debauchery. Alcohol, food, hookers, and drugs. A "going away" party if you will, except I'm going away forever. On Sunday, I buy the gun and pull the trigger that night.

I don't quite know why I'm posting this here. I guess I just wanted to tell someone. I can't be talked out of it, because every logical rational piece of information objectively says I should end my life. I have no family, no friends, no lover, a dead end job, etc. On top of that, I'm an atheist so I can't depend on God/Jesus to give my life meaning or scare me out of suicide. I was born to die. The only thing that's kept me around so far is the survival instinct of my lizard brain. But I've finally overcome that now.

To those of you seeking help, good luck in finding your way through this cruel world. To my fellow brothers and sisters on the same path as me...see you on the other side.

Almost all the comments on these posters' threads are just annoying and patronizing. Some of them resort to guilt tripping and shaming to invalidate the posters' grievances and struggles. It is also really presumptuous for many of the people responding to the posters to think that they are looking to 'live' when in fact those posters have already made their decision. Their decision to CTB are NOT being respected by the people who are responding to them.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I read these posts twice and first time I could not understand what is actually wrong.
That can be only my biased opinion, but I noticed that all of the posts are like... censored.
I mean some things are told in a bit "softened" way comparing to what could be told.
Is that only my assumption or it is now allowed there to express the full spectrum of feelings?


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I read these posts twice and first time I could not understand what is actually wrong.
That can be only my biased opinion, but I noticed that all of the posts are like... censored.
I mean some things are told in a bit "softened" way comparing to what could be told.
Is that only my assumption or it is now allowed there to express the full spectrum of feelings?
It's not really the posters but the comments by other users on those threads. I probably should have been more specific.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
It's not really the posters but the comments by other users on those threads. I probably should have been more specific.
No, no, I think I understood you clearly. Is there any kind of censorship?


Nov 20, 2019
Reddit has been bought off, it is now a propaganda blue pill gayness website.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
No, no, I think I understood you clearly. Is there any kind of censorship?
Yes, there is. It's due to Reddit's policy (coming from their shareholders and those in charge) and their admins (which was why SS and TSS subreddits were banned in 2018 and thus resulted in the birth of this forum), which dictates which subs stay and which ones go. Then the moderators take it from their admins to do what they have to do to regulate. In SW specifically, basically any post that is pro-choice, or talks about the various topics, assisted suicide, euthanasia, right to die, philosophy of suicide, etc. basically anything that isn't pro-life or anti-suicide in nature, gets removed by moderators there. While reddit originally started as a free speech platform, it slowly and overtime devolved into a pro-life, agenda-pushing platform censoring any dissidence that opposes their agenda, values, or views. Even the off-shoot pro-choice subs that were created after SS and TSS's ban from reddit were quarantined, meaning that only existing users on there can see the posts there and it's no longer public anymore (essentially a dead sub). Oh and anything CTB related sub there is an annoying stupid suicide prevention number plastered on the warning screen.

I don't post on reddit anymore, but peruse it time to time for the occasional "golden nugget posts (quality posts)" and/or to expose their shitiness posted on there.
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I don't know anymore.
Feb 14, 2020
Yes, there is. It's due to Reddit's policy (coming from their shareholders and those in charge) and their admins (which was why SS and TSS subreddits were banned in 2018 and thus resulted in the birth of this forum), which dictates which subs stay and which ones go. Then the moderators take it from their admins to do what they have to do to regulate. In SW specifically, basically any post that is pro-choice, or talks about the various topics, assisted suicide, euthanasia, right to die, philosophy of suicide, etc. basically anything that isn't pro-life or anti-suicide in nature, gets removed by moderators there. While reddit originally started as a free speech platform, it slowly and overtime devolved into a pro-life, agenda-pushing platform censoring any dissidence that opposes their agenda, values, or views. Even the off-shoot pro-choice subs that were created after SS and TSS's ban from reddit were quarantined, meaning that only existing users on there can see the posts there and it's no longer public anymore (essentially a dead sub). Oh and anything CTB related sub there is an annoying stupid suicide prevention number plastered on the warning screen.

I don't post on reddit anymore, but peruse it time to time for the occasional "golden nugget posts (quality posts)" and/or to expose their shitiness posted on there.
I was just about to reply and say the same thing. I had posted there in the past before finding this place and they definitely do censor users. I'd get notifications about posts I couldnt see. And I thought it was odd that you let users talk about suicide but anything thats not encouraging living or something you get rid of.
Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
Why do people care so much about what other people do? I'm not saying you have to accept what they do, but accept that they have the autonomy to do it. If they made up their mind and their not hurting anyone else then let them do what they want. Why is that so hard for people?
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
Yes, there is. It's due to Reddit's policy (coming from their shareholders and those in charge) and their admins (which was why SS and TSS subreddits were banned in 2018 and thus resulted in the birth of this forum), which dictates which subs stay and which ones go. Then the moderators take it from their admins to do what they have to do to regulate. In SW specifically, basically any post that is pro-choice, or talks about the various topics, assisted suicide, euthanasia, right to die, philosophy of suicide, etc. basically anything that isn't pro-life or anti-suicide in nature, gets removed by moderators there. While reddit originally started as a free speech platform, it slowly and overtime devolved into a pro-life, agenda-pushing platform censoring any dissidence that opposes their agenda, values, or views. Even the off-shoot pro-choice subs that were created after SS and TSS's ban from reddit were quarantined, meaning that only existing users on there can see the posts there and it's no longer public anymore (essentially a dead sub). Oh and anything CTB related sub there is an annoying stupid suicide prevention number plastered on the warning screen.

I don't post on reddit anymore, but peruse it time to time for the occasional "golden nugget posts (quality posts)" and/or to expose their shitiness posted on there.
It is truly sad that more and more internet resources are becoming prisoners of their own policies.
So I wonder how is humanity developing if freedom of speech becomes a phantasmagoria for shepherds, while ordinary citizens patiently wait for handouts from their bosses.
Something similar began to happen with Github when it was bought by Microsoft. This wonderful resource will never be the same again. Censorship appeared.
I don't know how long this Bacchanalia will last, but they continue pouring different nonsense into our brains, replacing concepts and imposing destructive traditional values, which nowadays do not work.
In general, there is one more interesting place - the group "Psychological help" in the Russian social network "Vkontakte". Having a desire, there you can find something that makes the hair stand on end. If I am feeling up to, I can make a translation and create a separate thread with a compilation of high-grade madness that people encounter, sincerely believing that they will be helped.
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Jun 10, 2019
Wearing a pink glasses, censoring anything you dont like and been in a happy illusion. being weak.
Sorry lad, still no clue what you're on about. Are you saying gay people are weaker than straight people? There's a gay feller goes to my gym that benches 420lbs. I can do 360. Unless we're doing maths differently than I was taught it at school, that makes me weaker. BTW what can you do? Seeing as you brought up strength.

Also, what's a blue pill got to with it? When I think of blue pills I think of Zepam or Viagra. Both excellent products, btw. :))
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the box is empty

the box is empty

Sometimes the fall kills you. Sometimes you fly.
Mar 8, 2020
It's the stigma involved in pro choice. They don't actually care if you choose to ctb or not. Reddit just doesn't want to be associated with it. They're worried about media backlash.

Does anyone think the NBA actually cares about the fans' health? No, they just don't want people to say "hey remember when he got sick? Ya he went to a basketball game. I ain't going to any games"
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@liverpoolfan I think the term 'bluepill' (borrowed from the manosphere and incelosphere) in this case refers to the delusional, illogical, ignorant, and idealistic view on life. Basically people who oftenly repeat cliches and idealistic claims without any grounding in reality. So simply put, people who are living not in reality and have illusional views on life.

It's the stigma involved in pro choice. They don't actually care if you choose to ctb or not. Reddit just doesn't want to be associated with it. They're worried about media backlash.

Does anyone think the NBA actually cares about the fans' health? No, they just don't want people to say "hey remember when he got sick? Ya he went to a basketball game. I ain't going to any games"
That's a good point too and makes sense. Reddit has many investors and stock holders as well as being a big presence in the public's eye (on the Internet that is). It does make sense from a PR standpoint to look good, and since it no longer was once the place it once was when it first started (as almost all organizations become when they become 'big'), it just remains a place for information but not community. This place is the real community for people like us, who wish to discuss taboo topics and methods without censorship or judgment.


Jun 10, 2019
@liverpoolfan I think the term 'bluepill' (borrowed from the manosphere and incelosphere) in this case refers to the delusional, illogical, ignorant, and idealistic view on life. Basically people who oftenly repeat cliches and idealistic claims without any grounding in reality. So simply put, people who are living not in reality and have illusional views on life.

Ah OK that I can understand. It's like when I idealistically thought we were winning the fucking league this year before the Fates decided to shit out a massive ball of coronavirus and bring me back to reality with a bump.

Still don't get the bit about gay people being weak but maybe that's just some issue the other poster has.
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