

Apr 10, 2018
I have allot of things going on at home and ontop of that I have to deal with junkies who roam our street. They either hang out at the bar at the entrance of the road or by the smack dealer accross the road from our house. One of them hates me simply for just ignoring them. That same junkie back in 2019 tried to rob me, then days after that he went around telling people that I'm crazy. One of my other neighbour ( the one that is directly next door to the smack house) has two dogs that I use to help them take care off. In the beginning of May that same junkie passed by while I was feeding the dogs. Told me that he was gonna "take" (kidnapp) me. When I told my mom, she confronted him and he lied and said that he told me to watch out for the dogs. That when I lost it and unloaded on him verbally. The bitch was unphazed, went to the empty land that is directly next door to my home and tried to throw larger than fist sized rocks at us while arguing with us. Called and told the police, they basically said there was nothing they could do legally. He then went around telling people that I'm crazy and that he told me to watch out for the dogs or they'll bite me.

(This part is what is going on at home)
Two weeks after that, me and my mom came home from a mother's day mall crawl on the Friday before mother's day. My asshat of a brother told mom he was coming home late. So when we reached home and saw that the door was locked and the pump was running, my mom paniced because she thought a line had bust. He startred arging with her from upstairs, saying that "its not a crime to close the door" (no one was saying that) and that my mom should automatically know when he's home. He kept arging and shouting at her and I just about had it and started to argue with him and told the narcissitic fuck exctatly how he was wrong and how he was behaving. No one was accusing him or arguing with him, NO ONE and it was UNFAIR that he was shouting and verbally abusing my mom. He basically said that all the things I was saying about him is what gets him mad (doesn't matter if it's the truth but that's narcissic fuckwits for you). Bitch even tried to make it sound like my mom was arging with him 1st when she didn't even know he was home. I decided to go next door and calm down.

When I came back he basically cornered me by the Gate, told me "apologize to me or I'll slap you" I said no, I tried to get past him, but he was able to grab me by my left arm, pulled me, slapped me. Throw me on the ground, put his foot on my face, slapped me and punched me in the face and then stomped me. Then he started biting my arm. That's when I started yelling when my mom heard and threw an empty bucket twice at him for him to get off of me. He then went behind my mom, grabbed me and did the same thing again. Threw me to ground, foot on my face, slapped, punched, stomped and bit me in my left index finger. I was bleeding. Becuase I'm weak and small and becuase how fast he is I had no chance to fight back. It's not the 1st time he did this to me, he always likes putting his foot on my face and beating me up. Loves to stangle me too. Went to the Police Station and I was able to get the one police officer that takes Domestic Violence seriously no matter what. Since I had to go to the hospital directly after the police station to be examined and for them to fill out the medical part of the police report, the officers went to the house without me. The officer who was helping me, his shift ended so another team went, called at the gate, got no answer, assumed he wasn't home. Otherwise he would've been arrested. and it sickens me that he's still in this house free. The court decided until July 27th to have a case on weather or not to grant our protection order against him, as usual they don't take it seriously.

The fucker is acting as if nothing happen. Though he's been actively tring to provoke me into attacking him. I ignore it. And honestly why is it I have to be the one that dies? I moved away from wanting to ctb to being forced intro it because of circumstances. I'm sick of it. I NEED to turn the tables, I NEED a win. If this case doesn't go how it's supposed to go, I have no ideal what I'll do.
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