

Jan 1, 2024
I was just talking with my mom and she said if someone really wants to die they will just go use a gun (I'm in USA) . Not everyone can just go blow their head off just like that 🙄
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Jul 18, 2024
I was just talking with my mom and she said if someone really wants to die they will just go use a gun (I'm in USA) . Not everyone can just go blow their head off just like that 🙄
Also, not everyone wants to go that way. Even if they could. It's not as "easy" as people make it out to be.
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Jan 1, 2024
Right and some of us dont even know how to use a gun or have the energy to to learn from an instructor
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Aug 31, 2024
And you can't ask an instructor for tips or techniques you need to know to be sure death results
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Hero Remeer

Hero Remeer

Sep 22, 2024
Hahaha, your mother is so brutal, considering that there are peaceful forms of CBT, it is unnecessary, but it is a common comment in situations like this where it is a taboo subject, going deeper into something like this would show how disastrous and problematic our society is
Regards, I hope you are well


Jul 29, 2021
i think i would be capable of putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger especially when i am in extreme pain


Aug 1, 2024
I think to some degree she might be right. I can imagine if someone's desperate enough, they're not going to be picky about the method as long as it's effective, and shooting yourself is 100% effective, assuming you can aim from zero distance and know how to load a gun.

I think many people here try to go with more sophisticated methods because they're rational about suicide and not as desperate. The process of preparation is helping them convince themselves to do it. Some of them at least. I was quite excited ordering all the stuff for the exit bag method. I was looking forward to my suffering being over. But once I had it assembled and opened the valve with the bag on my head, 20-30 seconds into the process I quit. I wished I was ready, I wished I was able to, but I couldn't. During one of the attempts I was already feeling I was starting to drift away, a few more seconds of hesitation would've done it. I can imagine though that there are people who can convince themself to hold on just a moment longer, frankly I wasn't very far from that, but I was far enough nonetheless. And I was "lucky" to be able to abort last second.

I mention all this, because I believe there's a very long way from "I wish I was dead" to "I'm ready to kill myself". I wish I was dead with all my heart, waking up every morning is a disappointment, and every medical imaging or test which reveals nothing life threatening makes me angry. I need to accept though, that if I'm going to kill myself, I'm far from being there yet. I'm doing my best to live in an unhealthy way, hoping maybe something comes out of that, but nothing else really. If I really wanted to kill myself today, I would just floor it and drive into a concrete wall at 100mph, no airbag can save you from this.

That said, the last thing I want to be is judgemental. I believe choosing a right method, preparation, setting the date, etc., is survival instinct bargaining with your suicidality. Going through this process may help suppress it with rationality. It didn't work for me, but I believe it worked for others. Nonetheless I still think that if I was truly ready, I wouldn't bother and do something violent but effective.

Also, check my signature ;)
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Jul 29, 2021
shooting yourself is 100% effective, assuming you can aim from zero distance and know how to load a gun.
many people have survived a point blank shot to the head
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Aug 25, 2024
Haha getting a gun in the UK is a pain in the butt and I'm not sure I would pass the mental health test they require.

Sadly that's typical "America only" mentality.


May 12, 2024
I think to some degree she might be right. I can imagine if someone's desperate enough, they're not going to be picky about the method as long as it's effective, and shooting yourself is 100% effective, assuming you can aim from zero distance and know how to load a gun.

I think many people here try to go with more sophisticated methods because they're rational about suicide and not as desperate. The process of preparation is helping them convince themselves to do it. Some of them at least. I was quite excited ordering all the stuff for the exit bag method. I was looking forward to my suffering being over. But once I had it assembled and opened the valve with the bag on my head, 20-30 seconds into the process I quit. I wished I was ready, I wished I was able to, but I couldn't. During one of the attempts I was already feeling I was starting to drift away, a few more seconds of hesitation would've done it. I can imagine though that there are people who can convince themself to hold on just a moment longer, frankly I wasn't very far from that, but I was far enough nonetheless. And I was "lucky" to be able to abort last second.

I mention all this, because I believe there's a very long way from "I wish I was dead" to "I'm ready to kill myself". I wish I was dead with all my heart, waking up every morning is a disappointment, and every medical imaging or test which reveals nothing life threatening makes me angry. I need to accept though, that if I'm going to kill myself, I'm far from being there yet. I'm doing my best to live in an unhealthy way, hoping maybe something comes out of that, but nothing else really. If I really wanted to kill myself today, I would just floor it and drive into a concrete wall at 100mph, no airbag can save you from this.

That said, the last thing I want to be is judgemental. I believe choosing a right method, preparation, setting the date, etc., is survival instinct bargaining with your suicidality. Going through this process may help suppress it with rationality. It didn't work for me, but I believe it worked for others. Nonetheless I still think that if I was truly ready, I wouldn't bother and do something violent but effective.

Also, check my signature ;)
I relate to this so much, especially the bolded part. I really really wish I was ready to die but realistically I don't think I'd be able to follow through. It's super conflicting and upsetting.
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Aug 18, 2020
You used the wrong abbreviation. You meant ctb and not cbt. Cbt means either cognitive behavioral therapy or cock and ball torture. But I could imagine there are also misconceptions of both cbt practices.
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Jan 1, 2024
Hahaha, your mother is so brutal, considering that there are peaceful forms of CBT, it is unnecessary, but it is a common comment in situations like this where it is a taboo subject, going deeper into something like this would show how disastrous and problematic our society is
Regards, I hope you are well
My mother is a sheltered naive person lol. Thank you kind soul you to
My stroke was in the medulla oblongata thats where they tell you to aim to ctb. I dont know if I could do that
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Maybe I am the problem
Dec 2, 2023
Well, if you stick to your sn plan she's in for a big surprise.

That's probably a terrible joke, sorry 🙈
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
You used the wrong abbreviation. You meant ctb and not cbt. Cbt means either cognitive behavioral therapy or cock and ball torture. But I could imagine there are also misconceptions of both cbt practices.
Images 66
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Jan 1, 2024
Well, if you stick to your sn plan she's in for a big surprise.

That's probably a terrible joke, sorry 🙈
Haha no its funny I was thinking the same thing!
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Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Dec 26, 2023
Right and some of us dont even know how to use a gun or have the energy to to learn from an instructor
There's always YouTube. 😉
I was just talking with my mom and she said if someone really wants to die they will just go use a gun (I'm in USA) . Not everyone can just go blow their head off just like that 🙄
Gun laws in Belgium are very strict. Being a 'psychiatric patiënt' it would be impossible for me to buy a gun legally. (And I wouldn't know where to find one illegally.)
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Jan 1, 2024
There's always YouTube. 😉

Gun laws in Belgium are very strict. Being a 'psychiatric patiënt' it would be impossible for me to buy a gun legally. (And I wouldn't know where to find one illegally.)
They have euthansia for mental illness in Beligium right? I imagine its still really difficult to qualify for though


Jul 8, 2024
I think the comment about "i wish was dead" to "i am ready to kill myself' is very true. I didn't even realize it until i found myself in this position this past year. Most people don't realize the long process involved because honestly they are fortunate enough to never get to this desperate point. I wish i was dead every day but to actually be like "im ready to kill myself" is a longer journey. However, i know ill be able to do it when the time is right. For me its about going through my treatments to ensure im giving life my best shot. Not just for me, but for my parents and my loved ones.
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Oct 29, 2023
Also, not everyone wants to go that way. Even if they could. It's not as "easy" as people make it out to be.
People constantly say that we want the "easy way out." Firstly, who wouldn't want an easy way to deal with things. Secondly, it's not even easy. We have to overcome some of our most fundamental instincts, make sure our loved ones aren't as hurt as they could be, deal with stigmatization, and even just find a method that works. If it was as easy as they made it out to be, this forum and half the earth would be empty
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Aug 8, 2024
I was just talking with my mom and she said if someone really wants to die they will just go use a gun (I'm in USA) . Not everyone can just go blow their head off just like that 🙄
I have several firearms, all of which would do the job pretty certainly. I still want to od as my method. Seems a lot easier to take a could pills or shoot up and just go to sleep.
But firearms are very effective - probably the most effective/reliable/painless method available (explosives like c4, anfo, and grenades are maybe a little better).
Right and some of us dont even know how to use a gun or have the energy to to learn from an instructor
I can teach someone to be safe and effective with a firearm in less than 10 mins. If all you're doing is putting a barrel in your mouth or to your chest, there isn't much to learn.
Wpd website. People with blown off faces. Someone needs to be procient in fire arms
This has nothing to do with proficiency. It comes from a lack of knowledge about anatomy and about the firearm they are using. A shotgun slug almost anywhere in your torso is fatal (maybe not instantly). Put it under your chin, and all you'll get is a role in the Face-Off sequel.
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Sleep is good, death is better.
Sep 2, 2024
People constantly say that we want the "easy way out." Firstly, who wouldn't want an easy way to deal with things. Secondly, it's not even easy. We have to overcome some of our most fundamental instincts, make sure our loved ones aren't as hurt as they could be, deal with stigmatization, and even just find a method that works. If it was as easy as they made it out to be, this forum and half the earth would be empty
very well said, on all points.
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Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

Dec 26, 2023
They have euthansia for mental illness in Beligium right? I imagine its still really difficult to qualify for though
It's easier if you have a terminal disease like cancer, which seems logical. In case of unbearable mental suffering with incurable mental disorder you'll need the approval of 2 doctors instead of 1 and one of them needs to be a psychiatrist. The latter seems to be the problem. There are waiting lists and I've read it can take up to 1 or even 2 years before the decision is made. And because of the case of Tine Nys some people say there need to be at least 2 psychiatrist or 3 involved in the process.

On Monday a Flemish actor, Aron Wade, was euthanized because of unbearable mental suffering. It's a good thing because people are talking about it now, but I can imagine the waiting lists are even longer now.
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Aug 24, 2024
I was just talking with my mom and she said if someone really wants to die they will just go use a gun (I'm in USA) . Not everyone can just go blow their head off just like that 🙄
I agree that not everyone would be comfortable or could go with that method, but my family member sure did and he succeeded. That is the way I'm choosing when I get to that point. All this stuff I've read about getting SN, which I sure can't find using Google, then making sure it's pure... or trying to pass fake RXs for drugs that will kill a person, trying to get pure gas, etc etc... no disrespect to anyone but that seems like too much work for me and seems like a lengthy process.
I have several firearms, all of which would do the job pretty certainly. I still want to od as my method. Seems a lot easier to take a could pills or shoot up and just go to sleep.
But firearms are very effective - probably the most effective/reliable/painless method available (explosives like c4, anfo, and grenades are maybe a little better).

I can teach someone to be safe and effective with a firearm in less than 10 mins. If all you're doing is putting a barrel in your mouth or to your chest, there isn't much to learn.

This has nothing to do with proficiency. It comes from a lack of knowledge about anatomy and about the firearm they are using. A shotgun slug almost anywhere in your torso is fatal (maybe not instantly). Put it under your chin, and all you'll get is a role in the Face-Off sequel.

I've read the thread on mistakes that could be made, but I figure if my family member succeeded, so can I and it will be my first choice for sure. I intend to get a gun long before that time and intend to learn how to use it properly, if for no reason other than learning a new skill. Many moons ago I could shoot a rifle for hunting, but have forgotten. I'm glad firearms are still pretty easy to obtain in my state.
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Aug 8, 2024
I've read the thread on mistakes that could be made, but I figure if my family member succeeded, so can I and it will be my first choice for sure. I intend to get a gun long before that time and intend to learn how to use it properly, if for no reason other than learning a new skill. Many moons ago I could shoot a rifle for hunting, but have forgotten. I'm glad firearms are still pretty easy to obtain in my state.
I have no interest in hunting (except humans :smiling:), but going to the range, especially the outdoor one, and getting a tight group at 300 is still pretty fun. I don't go all that often because, as you know, it's a big process. But I'll get out every couple months.


May 8, 2024
I have several firearms, all of which would do the job pretty certainly. I still want to od as my method. Seems a lot easier to take a could pills or shoot up and just go to sleep.
But firearms are very effective - probably the most effective/reliable/painless method available (explosives like c4, anfo, and grenades are maybe a little better).

I can teach someone to be safe and effective with a firearm in less than 10 mins. If all you're doing is putting a barrel in your mouth or to your chest, there isn't much to learn.

This has nothing to do with proficiency. It comes from a lack of knowledge about anatomy and about the firearm they are using. A shotgun slug almost anywhere in your torso is fatal (maybe not instantly). Put it under your chin, and all you'll get is a role in the Face-Off sequel.
You say OD.... what about SN? What would be your choice between SN and the gun?


Aug 8, 2024
You say OD.... what about SN? What would be your choice between SN and the gun?
Gun without a second thought. SN is effective, but it takes at least 20 mins to die. Maybe you're not conscious, but that's a hard pass for me. I'm leaning towards protonitazene, as it's readily available on DNMs for about $150/g, available as a powder for injection, and supposedly about 3x the potency of F.
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