Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Do you hate humans and why? Do you hate their behaviors, ideas..etc?
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Mar 18, 2018
I hate them deeply.
It's one of the reasons to leave.
I despise him mainly for what they do with other animals.
In addition, the human species in its great majority, is selfish, cruel and superficial to the extreme.
The only solution to all the pain that humans cause is their total extinction.
I can not do anything about it, it causes me a terrible sense of helplessness.
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I hate them deeply.
It's one of the reasons to leave.
I despise him mainly for what they do with other animals.
In addition, the human species in its great majority, is selfish, cruel and superficial to the extreme.
The only solution to all the pain that humans cause is their total extinction.
I can not do anything about it, it causes me a terrible sense of helplessness.

For years I thought I was insane for believing in extinction as the solution. Is good to know I'm not the only person who thinks so.

I made a thread time ago exposing why I hate to people but there aren't all the reasons. I could write 100 lines and still I wouldn't exposed all my reasons. I hate people too much.
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Mar 18, 2018
For years I thought I was insane for believing in extinction as the solution. Is good to know I'm not the only person who thinks so.

I made a thread time ago exposing why I hate to people but there aren't all the reasons. I could write 100 lines and still I wouldn't exposed all my reasons. I hate people too much.

I have tried to summarize it, but I really do not think there is anything good about humans.
Although I also know that 100% of people are not bad, there is also an empathic minority.
But the best thing that could happen to this planet and its innocent inhabitants is that there would not be a single human left in the universe.
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I have tried to summarize it, but I really do not think there is anything good about humans.
Although I also know that 100% of people are not bad, there is also an empathic minority.
But the best thing that could happen to this planet and its innocent inhabitants is that there would not be a single human left in the universe.
Yeah. But I feel bad for that empathic minory... They didn't anything wrong and they have to pay the consequences for the 99% another human garbage.
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Mar 18, 2018
Yeah. But I feel bad for that empathic minory... They didn't anything wrong and they have to pay the consequences for the 99% another human garbage.

I know. But it would be a "sacrifice" that would be worth it.
There is no other way.
The bad guys will always be sadly majority.
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I know. But it would be a "sacrifice" that would be worth it.
There is no other way.
The bad guys will always be sadly majority.
Sadly, it seems to be the only way.

But maybe, if they were the only people in the planet, their society would decay with time, just as the actual one. It's our nature after all. We can't avoid being awful. So I can understand you.


Mar 20, 2018
I think human nature is selfish... Look at an infant, they don't know what is gentleness or caring. They do everything in their ability to get what they want that's it. I don't know if I hate human though. Maybe I've came to accept the fact that selfishness is in our nature.
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Apr 27, 2018
Just been reading about the Cathars ....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharism#cite_ref-37

I agree with a lot of their stuff ... and can see how they pissed the catholics off.

Relevance : the material world is created by a devil , and the good god is immaterial.

edit to add :

I am a misanthrope on the level of liking a lot of other organisms a bit more in general.
But I do get lonely and being needed by a human is hard to equal.
Maybe thats why people reproduce ?
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^best order at Micky-D's ever
Apr 27, 2018
No, just myself. I used to hate humanity when I was younger though. Then, at some point, I came back around to thinking that most people are like me (the good parts anyway). They do the best with what they have, though it often falls short of the ideal.

That said, I would still say that my perspective on humanity is more negative than most people's. The average person, myself included, is capable of more evil than we want to admit. Our history is extremely violent and sadistic. Rape and pillage are the norm in the history of war, not the exception, and there have never been enough psychopaths on earth to account for all that atrocity. No, that capability for evil lies in most, if not all, of us. I can only hope that someday society will look back on today's evils with dismay - just as we do when we look at the past.
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^best order at Micky-D's ever
Apr 27, 2018
Just been reading about the Cathars ....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharism#cite_ref-37

I agree with a lot of their stuff ... and can see how they pissed the catholics off.

Relevance : the material world is created by a devil , and the good god is immaterial.
Thanks for the link.

Reading about the Cathars made me think of that old adage, "The more things change, the more things stay the same". A lot of the ideas we're grappling with have existed for centuries. As the Cathars and Shakers evince, anti-natalism isn't a new idea but merely the secular manifestation of an old one. A philosopher (Albert Camus, thanks Google!) even considered suicide to be *the* fundamental question of philosophy.

How many schools of though were created to support intuitions instead of the other way around? Would the Shakers and Cathars be anti-natalist today, sans their religious beliefs? How many of today's moral and political debates are rehashing the same old problems humans have always had? It'd be awesome to pick a historian's brain about this.
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Apr 27, 2018
It can all put our present situation in perspective .

The good guys lost , as Cohen sang.

We would do well to develop a nuanced view of reproduction.

But because so many believe god created life , it is righteous.
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May 26, 2018
I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Personally I don't hate people, I just find them boring because they are so predictable to the point that's almost disappointing, especially in groups. If you know anything about marketing, you know the whole industry is based on that fact.

As you get older you and start to notice different human types and how they follow a pattern, you kinda realize that we aren't special snowflakes, not even me or you. We are just a result of our genes, environment and sum of our habits.
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May 25, 2018
I don't know because I love some humans very much. They exist, in humanity. I wish no harm on them and don't feel hate. I should probably read more into the philosophy of misanthropy because that seems internally conflicting.

I grew up liking people a lot. I always wanted to help. Then life happened and you see the worst of them. The absolutely indescribable horrors of us. I don't know any animal worse than us. Our actions are done with such conscious malice. Obviously other animals fuck around in violent ways, and kill for necessity of course, but our minds create such a great capacity for understanding. Yet here we are, constantly inflicting harm on so many people and nonhuman species day in and day out, in small and large ways. I hate that honestly. My mind struggles to coexist well with immense suffering around me. I get we can't all be happy all the time but excessive, aggressive suffering eats away at me. Humans are the #1 culprits of that with conscious awareness of their actions
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I'm tired
May 27, 2018
I think I have mild misanthropy, I only generally dislike other people, but there are some people that I love dearly. I find it a lot easier to not really trust or connect with anyone until I really get to know them.
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Jun 4, 2018
I love humanity as a while but I end up disliking most people I end up knowing personally


Jun 11, 2018
I'm a major misanthrope. this video explains why humans are evil far better than I could.
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Full-time layabout
Apr 7, 2018
Hate? No, not really. Enormous indifference, laced with sincere pity? Very much so. Anything else takes too much energy and people are generally far too dull and drone-like to be worth the extra effort. Besides, hating humanity is like wanting to hate the scorpion from that old parable where it ends up stinging a kindly turtle as it tries to ferry said scorpion across a raging river causing them both to drown as a result. People are vain, greedy, cruel & painfully myopic, no doubt, but, honestly, what do you expect? Why despise the human animal for that which is totally inseparable from it? Just like the scorpion, we're the products of crude, nasty forces. That's all this planet is. It's just garbage in & garbage out. All you can do is shake your head at the brutal, senseless pointlessness of it all. As the character Larry Slade said from the film "The Iceman Cometh", the best approach is to simply take up a comfy seat in the grandstand of philosophical detachment and slowly fall asleep while observing the rest of the gluttonous cannibals that make up our species do their death dance. As an aside, it's estimated that there's been 200 billion humans that have ever existed on this planet. Just think about that for a moment. That figure is downright staggering. There's simply no such thing as an individual in the face of that. We're, all of us, just variations on the same tattered old themes being repeated again & again. Ultimately, that vileness that makes up what a misanthrope sees is in them, in me, in all of you and everywhere else. There's some value to be had in acknowledging it, but the only real release from the darkness that sits in our hearts is death, not hate.

Just been reading about the Cathars

+1 for mentioning the Cathars, I've known about them for a while myself. Although, it always sucks to remember how persecuted they were. Down with the fucking Demiurge, indeed. I mean, if you're going to have religious myths, then at least have them be about a malevolent asshole who keeps us all trapped/limited in this woeful material realm only to suffer & die for its amusement (ala the Demiurge).

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Jun 14, 2018
I dislike humans but I'm less passionate about those feelings these days. Now it's more just acknowledging that we suck and having low expectations of people. It's difficult to read the news - seeing how we treat each other for the sake of money, drugs, and ego - and still have any goodwill for our species. I don't want to hurt others but I also wouldn't mourn if a grand catastrophe was about to wipe us out. We've made a real mess of things in our thirst for power.
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May 30, 2018
I don't hate humans but as already mentioned, most people are rather uninteresting and predictable. Just look at history's dictators, they understood the human mind to the point they brought entire nations under their control simply through manipulation of the psyche.
It may be an edgy thing to say but "people are sheep" certainly doesn't come out of nowhere.
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May 11, 2018
The only thing that makes me mad is suicide isn't sold. I understand it might be a slippery slope but I think once you've reached a certain age at least, you should be allowed to buy it.


May 30, 2018
The only thing that makes me mad is suicide isn't sold. I understand it might be a slippery slope but I think once you've reached a certain age at least, you should be allowed to buy it.

selling it means that poor people are excluded. What kind of whacky business is this? It should be financed by the government, i mean the government also forces people into school/military etc. so it should also grant you your death if you desire it.
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Apr 1, 2018
I dislike people who believe in every kind of pseudoscience, pseudo BS, spirituality and such for the sole purpose of comforting themselves. I've noticed that the people I get along well with are almost all atheists or broadly speaking who puts the search of objective knowledge in the spotlight, not their own personal wishful thinking
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Jun 21, 2018
As you get older you and start to notice different human types and how they follow a pattern, you kinda realize that we aren't special snowflakes, not even me or you.
I know I'm not special snowflake, but how do I discover my own type? I have hard time finding people similar enough to me to form any kind of connection.

Because of lack of that connection, I wouldn't mind replacing humans with something nicer. That makes me misanthropic I guess... :)
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Jun 24, 2018
I don't really hate humanity itself, but the way society is nowadays. Life is the same it's always been, confusing and difficult, but now we have all this technology and lie to ourselves that this is "the best time to be alive", it isn't, there's never been a good time to be human.
We live in a big prison, we're forced to go to school and then work, basically sell our lives, just to survive! We barely get to choose what we even want to work with, because sometimes what you want to do doesn't even give you enough money to put food on the table, it's a sad existence.
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Dec 27, 2021
I don't hate people for their flaws, I hate the lack of self awareness. I hate that people impose their ideas onto others. And I also hate myself for being just as hypocritical.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
Humans are about the main reason I want to ctb. The suffering I have went through at the hands of these corrupt devil fucks can't be described in words.

I only wanted the things that everyone gets in life, like love and care, not only I was refused that, but I've also been trampled on over and over by the same species that claims they're good hearted and united.

Humans are the worst accident that happened. Everything that a human touches gets destroyed. Ecosystems are vanishing, many animals are endangered or suffering at our hands especially. We suck more resources than ever because we're overpopulated because we breed like fuck for dumbass reasons. "Lineage" for example.

What is the most frightening thing is that humans would make others suffer solely for their own pleasure.

The things that humans do one to another is absolutely horrifying. Torturing a person just for fun. Violence and killing just because they felt like it.

Exploitation, greediness, betrayal, bullying, mocking, slavery, violence, wars over who was bigger dick, nonsensical bullshit like most laws, unfairness, competition, vanity, narcissism, sadism, sociopathy, psychopathy, consumerism, toxic positivity, platitudes, lack of empathy, judgy attitude, noisy, ignorance, obnoxiousness, fakeness etc.
This is what humanity is.

In the end I want to point out how shitty are our bodies. Decaying meat that can't do much, that can be plagued by thousands of diseases. A very "smart" design too: vagina is right in the front of the anus.

I cant pick up which is worse, the human body or the human mind which always finds a way to make you feel like shit?

What I'm certain about is that I fucking hate to be a human.
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