ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
so i guess this topic does what it says on the tin essentially, do you or anybody you know irl identify as misanthropic ?, i have distanced myself from everybody i know irl, and it has many benefits, being on your lonesome you aren't judged, compared to or trying to be anybody your not in order to fit in, your just alone to observe the world around you, and maintain distance and self awareness, what do you think ?, your no longer trying to be accepted, ya know the longer i live on this planet and observe the crazy knee jerk reactions around me i just want to coccoon myself in my own little world of books and video games and fuck people off in general male/female neither here nor there really, non participation non engagement just naff off ! lol, true speak tho, just off out of it, sometimes i suffer rage, sometimes indifference, knowing it is not a mental illness in the dsm5 but a personality quirk, and that many others have had this about them too greta garbo being a famous example who shunned the limelight and stardom to retreat into herself till her end days, is comforting knowing we aren't alone or that something is wrong with us per se, many other famous people from the past had no love of humanity, philosophers included, i love the expression i dont discriminate i hate you all equally lol, which kind of resonates with me, nobody owes us nothing in this life but on the same token nor do we owe anything to anybody in particular either, not even our mere presence, goes for society at large tbh, interested to know if anybody shares these views, i have found it impacts me irl, people either give me a wide berth as in former employment roles or are weary of me, i am quite vocal in wanting to be left the fuck alone for the most part and why wouldnt you be ?, say ya piece ?, and that jazz, need more of that, they dont know how to take you esp if your outspoken in your misanthropy, daily insight has a pretty good youtube channel on the topic an aussie uploader who keeps it real and says exactly what he means, refreshing, thought i would plug his channel for anybody curious, and his subscribers base seems to be growing, he covers most bases and what led him to his misanthropic tendencies, understandably so imho, his politics maybe naff but his arguments with regards to people holds water, so any fellow misanthropes out there ? curious to know
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
i want to watch the human race burn in a pit if that counts XD
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
same buddy same, and belly laugh whilst it happens, cunts the lot of em.


Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
I thought we were mates? No Christmas card for you. I make them of myself and I'm wearing a cute little scarf and everything.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
defos bud i mean there i so much to be misanthropic about, animal cruelty i came by a reddit post depicting some video that went viral 1 bitch 9 pups it is called, the dude has been caught but i lost my faith in humanity now, honest look it up but it is horrible, the video is no longer online thank fuck but a redditor friend told me of the video. and people do this shit ?! the depictions are fucking ghastly we are an awful species, (love animals btw there innocent) child cruelty peadophillia, rapists, murderers, narcs, people on pedestals, war mongers, vicious bastards, so had to rant about it here, it happens everywhere too, depressing, cant wait for society to fail maybe it already is apparently economic forums are speculating how fucked the pandemic has made us, can only wish lol, the very fabric of life a failure lol, maybe zoning out is the best approach as you said mate
I thought we were mates? No Christmas card for you. I make them of myself and I'm wearing a cute little scarf and everything.
we are mates at least i hope lol, i dont mean you mate or anybody individually more a generalised view, a broad spectrum of shitbags lol
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Sep 19, 2022
Once upon a time i genuinely wanted to be a part of their world. But no one wanted me in it, instead any kindness I showed to them was an excuse to use me and even bully me for it. When you are exposed to such a toxic environment coupled with naive incompetent parents in your formative years it becomes incredibly hard to look at other humans as anything else but a danger to yourself. And now it seems that this toxic world is slowly but surely eating itself alive and people are at their wits' end worldwide. And I honestly don't give a single damn. They perpetuated this toxic abusive system for centuries and thrived in it. Though I no longer have the energy to actively hate them, I still found it mildly amusing when they complained about quarantine when I had to live like that for ten years. I no longer care at this point, I just want to leave this disgusting planet and forget everything about it.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
sorry dude you have had a hard time of it i too have been there social excluded and unwanted makes me just want to retreat into myself more and more that was sad reading dude i hope you can find peace however possible if people dont want you around mate then merely tell em to get fucked and go your own way your better than that and deserve better each of us does mate
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I've always preferred to be alone than be around people. It's certainly for the best. I often find people to be quite tiring, irritating and of course the fact that people can be so cruel just makes me want to leave this world even more.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
well said funeralcry, agree completely, yet people will try to thrust socialising upon you, whether r be the state or somebody else, it is rubbish, the only person you have to please is yourself, sure some may dislike that, but so what, your living for you and nobody else, it wont win you many popularity contests but who gives a toss about any of that i know i dont, anyways, us natural loners and introverts will never be understood, you sound like me there, give me my books my wifi my games my distractions and i am happy as larry put me around people esp people i dont know or arent familiar with and i am out of my comfort zone, and just want to get back there pronto, i wish you peace friend, really, and just keep doing you, to hell with what others think, the only things most of us gain from others is headaches, drama, and he said she said gossip rumours, and bs, probably best off alone in the grand scheme of things, especially in this current and ever increasingly hostile climate, take care friend


Jun 19, 2022
I'm pretty misanthropic yeah but if I were to even make one friend who decided to give me a chance and see where I'm coming from as far as viewpoints and things like that go, MAYBE humanity wouldnt be half bad!
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
well said whatpowerls, definately mate quality over quantity each and every time, i hear u bro if i could find like 2 people i could actual relate to i would be happy lol, i mean on here i have met several but never irl, i bet you can relate to that to some degree we are always so divisive whether that be racism sexism ageism nation ism and what any other ism you can think of lol, i would so love a friend, but kinda gave up lol and i get that vibe from you too, well said btw 👍
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Jun 19, 2022
i mean on here i have met several but never irl
yep same and the rest of the internet world. i find it a lot easier to make friends online than IRL, i feel like i can be myself online compared to IRL so i think thats why. one thing i like about you is that you're always open!
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
thank you buddy that was nice of you mate you seem coolies too btw
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Dec 19, 2021
I'm especially irritated by people who punctuate every sentence they speak with a laugh or giggle.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Yes and no. Oddly, I have only become less misanthropic with age. I think most people try their best; it's just not enough because human nature is so flawed.

As fucked up as things are, I believe we are really at our peak right now in terms of humanity. You look at all the nasty shit people did and thought was OK in the past, and you get disgusted really fast. More people are pacifists and believe in human rights than ever before.
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
I'm especially irritated by people who punctuate every sentence they speak with a laugh or giggle.
was that ya daft attempt at being sarcastic ?, sounds like it, no lols here. cant be arsed fella, to be brutally honest with ya, got enough sarcasm out there never mind on here, thank you very muchly, just saying.


Aug 21, 2022
humanity was a mistake
nuclear holocaust/asteroid impact/the flood/global cooling/space alien initiated homo sapiens genocide NOW
😂 👌
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
well ww3 seems a feasible prospect what with the war in ukraine escalating by the day this could become our stark reality soonies, fingers crossed, i have no love for it either dude, truth be told, what a shitshow, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing either for the environment etc not to mention the millions of animals we destroy and kill each year
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Jun 19, 2022
I'm especially irritated by people who punctuate every sentence they speak with a laugh or giggle.
As in they say 'lol' at the end of every sentence? Hmm, it can certainly come off as passive aggressive whenever it's done in normal conversation but I can't pinpoint why...
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ever so lonely

ever so lonely

terry joseph williams
Apr 17, 2022
As in they say 'lol' at the end of every sentence? Hmm, it can certainly come off as passive aggressive whenever it's done in normal conversation but I can't pinpoint why...
As in they say 'lol' at the end of every sentence? Hmm, it can certainly come off as passive aggressive whenever it's done in normal conversation but I can't pinpoint why...
most would probably describe me as passive aggressive irl, i dont take issue with that, hence the keeping to myself part, i dont mean on here i mean irl which is vastly different to engaging online, by any stretch of the imagination, some people wouldn't dream to speak to you irl as they do online because they know there would be repurcussions, plus u cant rub anybody the wrong way that way, even better if your no reliant on somebody or anybody, independent so to speak, self contained, it does seem to be a think in the uk tho, like as in when folks are jovial or whatever, i don't know about other countries, but i feel with the loner approach you can't displease anybody nor can they you, so it works in the long run, of course people will always disagree, but i say as long as your no harming anybody it is ok, quiet life is what i require, but i can see why you would construe it as aggressive maybe ? i just do it because others do, i dunno, most attach lols or lmao or pmsl at the end of every sentence these days, each to there own, or those daft emojis that are the rage nowadays i don't know why man, i just stay in my own lane, for this very reason, as i say you can't go wrong, or upset anybody nor can they you, most of us have had a shitty time of it enough as is or else we wouldnt be here, without worrying how others perceive us as, people will form opinions regardless,
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Jun 19, 2022
i like you well enough Terry :)
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Aug 23, 2020
There is nothing aggressive about preferring to keep to yourself. You don't even need to hate everyone for that. Your arguments for being a loner sound very reasonable, and I think most reasonable people wouldn't see any ill intentions in your behavior if they would hear you out regarding your philosophy.
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Oct 5, 2022
Yes and no. I think humanity is deeply and intrinsically flawed. Still, I'm glad some people have nice lives and people are nice sometimes. I hate myself more than I hate anyone else. I realize there is some good in life. I just don't think I'll ever get to enjoy it.
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