what should i bring? i was thinking about at least sneaking in my ipod and wireless earbuds so i won't be bored. maybe a journal as well so i can write and doodle unless they provide those.
A few days worth of clothes that do not have drawstrings or laces. No shoes with laces either. They will most likely find what you are hiding very quickly. You should be able to bring a journal. If not, you will be able to write at some point even if it isn't in your journal. Write the phone numbers down of people that you want to call down on your hand or on a piece of paper. Idk if you will be able to bring your own hygiene products (toothbrush, body wash, deodorant, etc.).
To get out the quickest, do as many activities as you can. Go to group sessions, eat dinner in the dining room, go to the activity room. Just don't stay in your room all day. That will make them think you are not getting any better and they might make you stay for longer. And take your meds for the same reasons.