Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
You have to download the browser from its official website:

(The first link is the official website, the second is from the downloads section of the same website.)

And then, once it's installed and running, enter the address ".onion" into your browser's address bar:


The site is loading soooo slow, you have to keep that in mind.


Has de descarregar el navegador de la seva web oficial:

(El primer enllaç és del web oficial, el segón és de la secció de descàrregues del mateix web.)

I després, un cop instalat i en funcionament, introduïr l'adreça ".onion" a la barra d'adreces del navegador:

La càrrega del lloc és moooolt lenta, heu de tenir-ho en compte.
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Nice of you to create a tutorial as it's easy to forget that so many are quite unfamiliar with using onion sites/TOR.

Is the onion address still valid. I notice its no longer pinned on the front page for me. That may just be because the pinned notifications were recently updated (donations and mirror info) and it probably bumped away the onion address one but thought I'd double check. :)
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Nice of you to create a tutorial as it's easy to forget that so many are quite unfamiliar with using onion sites/TOR.

Is the onion address still valid. I notice its no longer pinned on the front page for me. That may may just be because the pinned notifications were recently updated (donations and mirror info) and it probably bumped away the onion address one but thought I'd double check. :)
Glad it's helpful, thanks for letting me know. Regarding the onion link, I just checked right now that the address is active, I guess it will be permanent, but an official response from the web managers would be better.


Me n'alegro que sigui útil, gràcies per dir-m'ho. Respecte l'enllaç 'onion' acabo de comprobar ara mateix que l'adreça está activa, suposo que ja serà permanent, pero millor sería una resposta oficial per part dels gestors del web.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
If its live I'm sure it'a fine. Not sure how people will find it without it being pinned though. I wonder if it can be found on any of the darknet repositories.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Well, at the moment, I wouldn't be able to find the address if I didn't have it written down in the notebook. Maybe I better put it in suggestions, although I don't quite know how to suggest it.


Doncs, de moment, jo no sabría trobar l'adreça si no la tingués pas apuntada al bloc de notes. Potser millor ho plantejo a sugeriments, tot i que no se ben bé com sugerir-ho.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I guess you could ask for this thread to be pinned and then people can find the link that way. It would make sense foe mods to do that. If you don't feeel comfortable asking for your thread to be pinned I will just express my personal view that I think its a good idea to pin this thread, if any mods are reading. 🙂
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Jan 12, 2023
Is a mobile version also available for Tor?
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Is a mobile version also available for Tor?
I guess you could ask for this thread to be pinned and then people can find the link that way. It would make sense foe mods to do that. If you don't feeel comfortable asking for your thread to be pinned I will just express my personal view that I think its a good idea to pin this thread, if any mods are reading. 🙂
Ok, I don't know how to ask exactly. I'm going to ask.
@RainAndSadness is it feasible to ask to anchor this topic or maybe it is better to consider another solution?


D'acord, no se com demanar-ho exactament. Vaig a preguntar-ho.
RainAndSadness és factible demanar d'ancorar aquest tema o potser és millor considerar una altre sol·lució?
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021

Ok, I don't know how to ask exactly. I'm going to ask.
@RainAndSadness is it feasible to ask to anchor this topic or maybe it is better to consider another solution?


D'acord, no se com demanar-ho exactament. Vaig a preguntar-ho.
RainAndSadness és factible demanar d'ancorar aquest tema o potser és millor considerar una altre sol·lució?
Another term for "anchor" would be to "pin" this thread. 😉 Rain will know what you mean no matter how you choose to ask I'm sure. 🙂
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Another term for "anchor" would be to "pin" this thread. 😉 Rain will know what you mean no matter how you choose to ask I'm sure. 🙂
Thanks for clarifying it for me, sometimes I think I must say a lot of nonsense just because of the translator's misunderstandings and that's why I obvious a lot of topics, because it has happened to me more than once that I have misinterpreted them and it makes me feel bad.

Thanks again, the word PIN will never be forgotten.


Gràcies per aclarir-m'ho, de vegades penso que dec dir moltes bejenades només pels malentesos del traductor i per això obvio molts temes perquè m'ha passat mes d'una vegada que els he interpretat malament i em sap greu.

Gràcies altre cop, la paraula PIN ja no se m'oblidarà pas.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Thank you for clarifying that the onion site is up and running, just ungodly slow. I always get a timeout error on that page, but my internet connection is kind of crummy, so it's hard to tell exactly what's gone vs. what's just dragging.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Thank you for clarifying that the onion site is up and running, just ungodly slow. I always get a timeout error on that page, but my internet connection is kind of crummy, so it's hard to tell exactly what's gone vs. what's just dragging.
I found these explanations on the official TOR website:

"How can I make Tor run faster? Is Tor Browser slower than other browsers?
Using Tor Browser can sometimes be slower than other browsers. The Tor network has over a million daily users, and just over 6000 relays to route all of their traffic, and the load on each server can sometimes cause latency. And, by design, your traffic is bouncing through volunteers' servers in various parts of the world, and some bottlenecks and network latency will always be present. You can help improve the speed of the network by running your own relay, or encouraging others to do so. For the much more in-depth answer, see Roger's blog post on the topic and Tor's Open Research Topics: 2018 edition about Network Performance. That said, Tor is much faster than it used to be and you may not actually notice any change in speed from other browsers."


There's more here (but I don't quite get it):


He trobat aquestes explicacions a la web oficial de TOR:

N'hi ha més aquí (però no l'entenc gaire):

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