Have you checked your specific medications in the
Drugs.com interactions checker? You can also add SN and any recreational drugs in there to check also.
If you are concerned about reactions, I would definitely recommend you do a test in advance of and separately from your attempt as you mention. Without knowing your specific antidepressants, the main side effect from meto is
extrapyrmidal symptoms (EPS) as
@mimo5555 mentions, although these are unlikely and generally only temporary based on a single or small number of doses.
If you do a meto test, I would suggest that if possible you create a cover-story with a credible reason why you obtained and took meto (i.e. nausea,
migraines etc.). That way in the unlikely event that EPS does occur,
and persists to the point where you seek medical help, you will have a reason to avoid any suspicion. However, only the most vigilant medical staff, or your own friends and family, are likely to quiz anyone on the reason for taking a seemingly harmless and legal medication.