

Dec 24, 2018
Do you believe in any of it? Reading about things like quantum entanglement, dark matter and the existence of error-correcting codes in the equations for string theory has made me more open to fantastical suggestions about the true nature of the universe. It has also encouraged me to consider the possibility that everything that's happened to me so far has been by design; the idea that this might all be a simulation in particular really fascinates me.

I'm still depressed af but I'm no longer a nihilist. I don't know how anyone can examine our current understanding of the world and determine with complete certainty that there isn't a "God" (however you wish to define it).

We haven't had one of these threads in a while, and the Afterlife thread is kinda dead.
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šŸŖ¦ July 20th, 2003 - January 8th, 2024
Nov 19, 2023
I imagine that there is a little bit of god in everyone and everything. I think that if there is a designer or god or whatever you like to call it, then there must be a piece of it in all of us. Whether in a literal or artistic sense. I would like to imagine literal, because c'mon that's way cooler right?

To touch on the simulation theory, to me personally the idea of everything being a simulation sounds kinda silly in my opinion. If everything were a simulation I'd imagine we'd have broken it and learned to 'fly' matrix style. On the other hand, I think that if we were a simulation and our purpose is to eventually predict the future or help make sense of the past or whatever; us knowing we are or otherwise breaking the simulation would result in our collective demise.

Out of all of the newer theories about god and the afterlife; I'm far more inclined to believe the universe is an egg. Personally, I do believe that there is more after our death. Whether it's reincarnation or ascending to a higher plane or whatever really. If you've tripped as hard as I have it's hard not to believe there is more. I'd like to think that after death, you get another shot before moving on if you'd like. I think that life is a game and if you happen to "lose" or are otherwise unsatisfied with the outcome, then you can try again. Perhaps it's just wishful thinking. Who really knows though, right? I mean it's not like anyone's come back and said anything. I guess I'll find out soon enough though.
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Belief is the enemy of knowledge
Aug 20, 2023
You may enjoy the Forever Conscious Research channel on odyssey.
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Abandoned Character

Abandoned Character

Mar 24, 2023
I'm far more inclined to believe the universe is an egg
To those curious about this, check out The Egg by Andy Wier, either find a youtube video or read the PDF online. Really fun read!

I don't know how anyone can examine our current understanding of the world and determine with complete certainty that there isn't a "God"
I agree with this 100%. If we are to be completely honest with ourselves, we have to wrestle with the discomfort of saying "I do not know" when asked about God.

Here is a juicy thought if you are open to it. Let us suppose we are in a simulation--a powerful external intelligence is modeling our universe and we are the result. What do you think happens when humanity's exponential development of Artifical Intelligence reaches a tipping point where, combined with more advanced theories like quantum gravity candidates, we start to simulate universes of our own? Is that possible?

Looking at it this way, we can see that birth and death can be extrapolated to even the largest of scales--that of the creation of sub-universes within the simulations themselves. Perhaps the "layer" above our simulation is not even the base layer, perhaps they are in a simulation generated by a super intelligence as well. It's turtles all the way down, and the ultimate being is that which recreates itself perfectly (something something God in his own image?).

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