

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
More oftenly than not, I oftenly find myself having some ideas and thoughts about something I want to write about or vent, but then ironically, whenever I sit down to start writing, I suddenly draw blanks and couldn't write what exactly I have on mind. Therefore, I oftenly start off with a simply idea, then expand on various points. Sometimes, I write things piecemeal and then start to compile them together as well as expand them overtime. I thought this may be obvious with stating it but now that I have written about it, it would probably make sense to people about my writing style and thought-processes when it comes to writing threads.

For topics that I'm more knowledgeable, passionate, and/or more involved, I oftenly elaborate much more on each point more thoroughly as well as include examples and what not. However, for topics that I'm less knowledgeable on or do not have as much investment into, I would be more vague or would not delve into great detail, but merely have a mention or a few brief points on it.

For example, when I was writing about the thread "Proving Pro-Lifer Hypocrisy through Symmetry", I gave multiple examples and even quoted the original text along with some inserts and edits. In that example, I am trying to expose and illustrate the hypocrisy and inconsistency of pro-lifer's logic, by posting the original post as it is, then afterwards, interchanging certain terms with affections, hugs, hospitals, and detainment, etc. The point of that thread was to illustrate the hypocrisy of pro-lifers (and normies) who support physical detainment and how invasive, degrading, and traumatizing it is to people. They (the normies and pro-lifers) wouldn't like it done to them, but they are fine with doing it to others they deem lower or in a different category (i.e. the 'mentally ill') and what not.

With that said, I also want to mention my area of focus and concentration when it comes to various topics, the obvious one, being the right to die, first and foremost (in line with the theme and purpose of SaSu).

Regarding my focus (of my articles) and style when it comes to various topics:
My focus of various topics include: CTB rights, anti-psychiatry, anti-religion, anti-natalism, anti-work, and other less popular, less common stances. I spend a lot of time (over the years) mainly fighting for the right to die as an inalienable human right as that is one of the most important rights. I am not the only one as there are people off of SaSu as well as on SaSu who fight for this right to become ubiquitous and recognized as well protected. Hence this website/platform is solely dedicated towards that common goal. See The Right To No Longer Exist group and also existentialgoof's blog posts (Schopenhauer on Mars).

I also delve into anti-psychiatry naturally as psychiatry is used as a means to control, silence, censor, and/or bully dissidents as well as those who have unpopular or incorrect (subjectively based on the people in power and society at a specific time period). Relevant subreddits include, but aren't limited to r/TherapyAbuse, r/AntiPsychiatry, r/PsychiatryFreedom, and various other places too. Additionally, existentialgoof's post here mentions about the harms of psychiatry and the way it is being weaponized to silence opposing points of view. Furthermore, there are organizations that challenge psychiatry such as the CCHR, MindFreedom Inc., to name a few, and also certain prominent figures such as Thomas Szasz (who will be outraged at the state of psychiatry that is in present day).

With respect to anti-religion, I've spent a fair deal of time pre-SaSu and during my time on SaSu (albeit much less nowadays given the futile efforts of using logic and reasoning to argue for the right to die and bodily autonomy against devoutly religious people). However, some good sources for that are various subreddits like r/Atheism and r/Antitheism. Also, there are good YouTube channels dedicated towards the anti-religion effort (albeit some are mired in pro-life sentiments), such as The Atheist Experience, DarkMatter2525, Marc Antinatalist, to name a few.

With anti-natalism, I believe they are related towards the right to die and while I'm not an expert on it, I do understand the basic principles and concepts of it. I don't spend as much time on it (similarly to anti-religion) as there are already lots of other organizations and people pushing for it. I do spend some time when it does relate to the right to die. Some prominent channels on YouTube include Stop Having Kids, Exploring Antinatalism Podcast, and some subreddits are r/antinatalism and r/prochoice.

With defiance of societal values and against working, I mainly have my own opinions, but have found various other communities that I resonate with. I don't really go into much detail with these are my focus is of course, with the right to die, but as a consequence of forced sentience comes various problems in present life. As a result of this, I rebel against the societal structures by default and somehow (not ideally but as a consequence) take some catharsis in going against the grain. Again, ideally I would wish to be non-sentient, but due to being sentient when I would rather not, then the natural consequence comes to pass, which is basically feeding my natural instinct. These include r/antiwork, r/unpopularopinion, and to an extent, r/changemyview to name a few.

So I hope this thread helps shed some light into my mindset as well as my stance. As long as I'm around (up until my demise), I won't hesitate to call out and denounce pro-lifers, normies, and anything that threatens the ultimate freedom and expression of bodily autonomy, which is the right to die.
  • Hugs
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