Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Mental illnesses are excluded from the right to euthanasia according to a recent ruling by the constitutional court in Spain. According to the judges, it must be differentiated if they are a consequence of the suffering generated by an incurable physical illness or, on the contrary, are of a purely psychological nature, such as depression.


Les malalties mentals queden excloses del dret a l'eutanàsia segons una recent senténcia del tribunal constitucional a Espanya. Segons els jutges s'ha de diferenciar si són consecuencia del patiment generat per una malaltía física incurable o pel contrari són de naturalesa purament psíquica, com la depressió.


El «padecimiento» definido en el artículo 3 b) ha de presentarse siempre como una dolencia o enfermedad somática en su origen, aunque los sufrimientos constantes e intolerables que la Ley Orgánica en este punto requiere puedan ser de orden psíquico. En este extremo es concluyente su preámbulo que, al referirse al «contexto eutanásico», comienza por aclarar que «debe delimitarse con arreglo a determinadas condiciones que afectan a la situación física de la persona con el consiguiente sufrimiento físico o mental». Esta distinción entre la patología o dolencia física [«sin posibilidad de curación o mejoría apreciable» o «incurable», apartados b) y c), respectivamente, del art. 3], de un lado, y los sufrimientos físicos o psíquicos asociados a ella, del otro, excluye de raíz que la LORE, frente a lo que los recurrentes dicen, pretenda o permita incluir entre tales «padecimientos» la «enfermedad psicológica» o, incluso, la «depresión».


The "suffering" defined in Article 3 b) must always be presented as a somatic ailment or illness in its origin, although the constant and intolerable suffering required by the Organic Law on this point may be of a psychic order. In this regard, its preamble is conclusive which, when referring to the "euthanasia context", begins by clarifying that "it must be delimited according to certain conditions that affect the physical situation of the person with the consequent physical or mental suffering". This distinction between the physical pathology or ailment ["with no possibility of cure or appreciable improvement" or "incurable", Art. 3 (b) and (c), respectively], on the one hand, and the physical or mental suffering associated with it, on the other, excludes at its root that the LORE, contrary to what the appellants claim, intends to or permits the inclusion among such "ailments" of "illness", on the one hand, and "disease", on the other. "psychological illness" or even "depression" among such "ailments".

Source (Page 57):

I don't know what to say... I guess a lot of people still look down on or ignore psychological suffering and the laws clearly state that. To change the laws in a fair way, society must be educated.
No se pas que dir... suposo que molta gent encara menysprea o treu importáncia al patiment psicològic i les lleis ho recullen amb claredat. Per canviar les lleis de froma justa s'ha d'educar a la societat.
  • Hmph!
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Oct 1, 2020
What kind of downgrade is this? Sometimes I wonder how come the Spanish act like they don't care about their government that looks like a circus
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Sitting in the darkness.
Feb 28, 2023
It's to be expected really, the government wants to keep pretending that suicidal people are mentally ill unless they have a physical illness.
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I want peace
May 5, 2023
Having mental illness is a crime.
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Jan 24, 2023
And to make it worse they lock you up in a psych ward and give you shitty drugs instead of the euphoric ones like opioids and dissociatives, personally it would drive me crazy to be locked up in there knowing there is a safe full of narcotic goodies but only getting bullshit antidepressants that don't work.

Much like a person working in a money making factory but only getting $10 and hour while they watch millions of $100 bills getting cranked out daily.

Why have the narcotics in the facility at all if your not gonna use them regularly? Methadone maintenance is a real thing....
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Jul 3, 2019
This is really disappointing that the chronic suffering of mental illness is not recognised.

We are the silenced and patronised sufferers.
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Sep 5, 2022
This ruling it's even more confusing than the law itself. They are wading through muddy waters they don't control. Spanish constitution presume individual's will of living and disdain for death.

Está sentencia es incluso más confusa que la propia ley contra la que recurre. Están vadeando por aguas fangosas de las que no tienen control alguno. La constitución española presume la voluntad de vivir del individuo y el desdén por la muerte.

Mental illnesses are excluded from the right to euthanasia according to a recent ruling by the constitutional court in Spain.According to the judges, it must be differentiated if they are a consequence of the suffering generated by an incurable physical illness or, on the contrary, are of a purely psychological nature, such as depression.


Les malalties mentals queden excloses del dret a l'eutanàsia segons una recent senténcia del tribunal constitucional a Espanya. Segons els jutges s'ha de diferenciar si són consecuencia del patiment generat per una malaltía física incurable o pel contrari són de naturalesa purament psíquica, com la depressió.


El «padecimiento» definido en el artículo 3 b) ha de presentarse siempre como una dolencia o enfermedad somática en su origen, aunque los sufrimientos constantes e intolerables que la Ley Orgánica en este punto requiere puedan ser de orden psíquico. En este extremo es concluyente su preámbulo que, al referirse al «contexto eutanásico», comienza por aclarar que «debe delimitarse con arreglo a determinadas condiciones que afectan a la situación física de la persona con el consiguiente sufrimiento físico o mental». Esta distinción entre la patología o dolencia física [«sin posibilidad de curación o mejoría apreciable» o «incurable», apartados b) y c), respectivamente, del art. 3], de un lado, y los sufrimientos físicos o psíquicos asociados a ella, del otro, excluye de raíz que la LORE, frente a lo que los recurrentes dicen, pretenda o permita incluir entre tales «padecimientos» la «enfermedad psicológica» o, incluso, la «depresión».


The "suffering" defined in Article 3 b) must always be presented as a somatic ailment or illness in its origin, although the constant and intolerable suffering required by the Organic Law on this point may be of a psychic order. In this regard, its preamble is conclusive which, when referring to the "euthanasia context", begins by clarifying that "it must be delimited according to certain conditions that affect the physical situation of the person with the consequent physical or mental suffering". This distinction between the physical pathology or ailment ["with no possibility of cure or appreciable improvement" or "incurable", Art. 3 (b) and (c), respectively], on the one hand, and the physical or mental suffering associated with it, on the other, excludes at its root that the LORE, contrary to what the appellants claim, intends to or permits the inclusion among such "ailments" of "illness", on the one hand, and "disease", on the other. "psychological illness" or even "depression" among such "ailments".

Source (Page 57):

I don't know what to say... I guess a lot of people still look down on or ignore psychological suffering and the laws clearly state that. To change the laws in a fair way, society must be educated.
No se pas que dir... suposo que molta gent encara menysprea o treu importáncia al patiment psicològic i les lleis ho recullen amb claredat. Per canviar les lleis de froma justa s'ha d'educar a la societat.

@Dead Ghost has parlat d'aquesta sentencia amb algún advocat especialitzat? Jo porto medicant-me durant uns quants anys per a més endavant poder recòrrer en cas que em sigui rebutjada la prestació d'ajuda per a morir. Però fins ara no he parlat amb cap.


Sep 27, 2023
Mental illnesses are excluded from the right to euthanasia according to a recent ruling by the constitutional court in Spain. According to the judges, it must be differentiated if they are a consequence of the suffering generated by an incurable physical illness or, on the contrary, are of a purely psychological nature, such as depression.
Excluded in totality? What if you suffer from both? Of course it's a case by case basis, but what if you already suffered from a mental illness prior to the onset of an incurable chronic physical condition and it exacerbated your mental illness?
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Doesn't read PMs
May 20, 2021
Things are changing slowly. Canada is letting people, its sure to spread in time.
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real human being

real human being

full of broken thoughts
Jan 28, 2022
The bigger problem is that euthanasia is a right that people do not have by default, but rather have to fulfill certain criteria in order to have. It should be the other way around: everyone should have the right to euthanasia except maybe particular exceptions like minors or someone going through an active psychotic episode.

The right to die painlessly and at a time of one's choosing should be universal, you shouldn't have to justify your decision to commit suicide to anyone, it's a right that stems from the basic principle of one's autonomy over their own body.
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Oct 8, 2023
please, we should have the right to make judgments over our bodies. we know to euthanize farm animals if they're in pain, by preventing safe suicide in those who find life insufferable we essentially tell them they're less than paddock animals.
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
If anything, mental illness should be a reason to ctb! Not a reason to bar someone from it! >_< That law is wacky as heck!
Just because someone doesn't think and act as normally as you expect them to doesn't paralyze them from realizing it'd be better to end their lives than continue!
In fact, it's even more of a reason that you should let them as you aren't adapting society to fit the needs of all of its various inhabitants!
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Sep 27, 2023
That law is dumb asf. Treating mentally hill people differently is a nonsense since they too have physical problems cause of that most of the time. This pro life society is disgusting
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Sep 18, 2023
Humanity is a joke.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
@Dead Ghost has parlat d'aquesta sentencia amb algún advocat especialitzat? Jo porto medicant-me durant uns quants anys per a més endavant poder recòrrer en cas que em sigui rebutjada la prestació d'ajuda per a morir. Però fins ara no he parlat amb cap.
No n'he parlat pas amb cap advocat, tot i així aquest mes de setembre he fet un document de Voluntats Anticipades on arribat el cas queda autoritzada la petició de l'eutanàsia, doncs em va semblar, de lluny, el més realista desde la meva situació actual.

Se que mai es tindrà en consideració el meu estat mental per si sol si abans no hi ha un deteriorament físic important del meu cos, pero no volía que arribés un moment en el qual m'inhabilitessin per prendre aquest tipus de decisió (a casa meva han deixat anar això de "donar" els poders sobre mi i he actuat en conseqüència fent un testament i un document de voluntats anticipades).

Potser més endavant consultaré l'advocat d'alguna associació per assegurar-me de tot plegat, segons vegi, però ara mateix ho deixo així per als propers mesos.
Excluded in totality? What if you suffer from both? Of course it's a case by case basis, but what if you already suffered from a mental illness prior to the onset of an incurable chronic physical condition and it exacerbated your mental illness?
I seem to understand that they are completely excluded as long as the mental illness is not a consequence of the deterioration of the physical state, and even so in this case it prevails that the origin is the physical illness, not the mental one.

In the case that you comment the physical illness prevails over the mental even if it is a consequence of the mental.


Em semblar entendre que s'exclueixen del tot sempre que la malaltía mental no sigui una conseqüència del deteriorament de l'estat físic, i tot i així en aquest cas preval que l'origen és la malaltía física, no pas la mental.

En el cas que comentes la malaltía física preval sobre la mental encara que sigui conseqüència de la mental.
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