
Jul 27, 2018
I've never been to one. Is it really as bad as they say?
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Deleted member 847

I've heard it's like a nazi concentration camp
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Invisible anarchist
Jul 9, 2018
It's awful. I think I'd prefer a concentration camp because at least then you would die.
The staff are insulting and they try to keep you in for as long as they can. It's just generally very traumatising.
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Aug 8, 2018
It really depends on the facility I was in one for a week. I had my own room and first day I was there a group of people around 20 years old asked me to hang out with them. Would go into a small room and all listen to music and socialize. the other patients were really friendly and honestly was fun a little because before i went in I wasnt socializing with anyone. I got to choose what I wanted to eat from a menu and was surprised what they had for food that was pretty decent. The groups I went in were also pretty good. The things I didnt like some of the nurses had attitude problems, the psychologist I had I hated, they made me go cold turkey off of suboxone which your not supposed to do. I couldnt sleep for days because of them taking me off suboxone. Then I was pissed off because other patients were getting suboxone while im craving it and the nurses had to keep asking me if I was craving it which I was and thought it was stupid to ask me that. Overall it was a positive experience but I know I was just lucky because there are some really bad facilities.
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Aug 3, 2018
sooner or later i have to go there.now i cant hide my mentall illness from world.
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Jul 20, 2018
It is incredibly boring and I was thrown in with delinquents and drug offenders. I also didn't fit in there either. I don't fit in anywhere. I had a roommate who literally said nothing and seemed like a general piece of shit. I did puzzles all day and talked to people I didn't want to talk to. Forced to take drugs from an overworked psychiatrist who diagnosed me with the wrong things. Overall just prison but the lite version.
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Jul 27, 2018
It is incredibly boring and I was thrown in with delinquents and drug offenders. I also didn't fit in there either. I don't fit in anywhere. I had a roommate who literally said nothing and seemed like a general piece of shit. I did puzzles all day and talked to people I didn't want to talk to. Forced to take drugs from an overworked psychiatrist who diagnosed me with the wrong things. Overall just prison but the lite version.

Sounds like fun..not
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Jul 28, 2018
I've been arrested (for driving a moped without a license, believe it or not -_-) and in a mental hospital. The hospital was 10x worse. In the hospital you are treated as subhuman, in prison you are treated as the lowest form of human scum, but human still.
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Jul 27, 2018
I've been arrested (for driving a moped without a license, believe it or not -_-) and in a mental hospital. The hospital was 10x worse. In the hospital you are treated as subhuman, in prison you are treated as the lowest form of human scum, but human still.

what happens if the patients didn't take their medication?
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Jul 28, 2018
@creatureoflight I think it depends where you go and what your specific case is. I've never taken medication and when I went in I told them I would not be taking medication. When you're first admitted they give you a pamphlet with your rights and everything, and I think most people don't read it. I read it inside and out and it said I could get a lawyer without cost. So I got in touch with her immediately. I *think* because of that step, and because I seemed very sane (the nurses were asking me why the hell I was there and that I should not be there), when I refused medication the doctors said ok and didn't push for me to take it.

It wasn't the same for other people though. Once you prove you are a potential harm to yourself or others (even talking back counts so be aware of this), they can say you are a threat and force you to take meds, and if you don't, they strap you down and inject you. It's a nightmare.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2018
It depends on the facility, and country, in which you are sectioned. What little experience I have had with one was not horrible. Based on the one to which I admitted myself for a short stay, and those where I have visited others: insomuch as people end up there while under significant stress, the experience only adds to it. If you are looking for an option other than a MHF in the US, you might consider one of the peer operated respite centres. Depending on what state you are in, you may have to already be in the mh system to be admitted, but generally you cannot mention being suicidal. Like MHFs, they are there primarily to keep you coming back, as you represent revenue, but they afford you great deal more autonomy.
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Jul 27, 2018
@creatureoflight I think it depends where you go and what your specific case is. I've never taken medication and when I went in I told them I would not be taking medication. When you're first admitted they give you a pamphlet with your rights and everything, and I think most people don't read it. I read it inside and out and it said I could get a lawyer without cost. So I got in touch with her immediately. I *think* because of that step, and because I seemed very sane (the nurses were asking me why the hell I was there and that I should not be there), when I refused medication the doctors said ok and didn't push for me to take it.

It wasn't the same for other people though. Once you prove you are a potential harm to yourself or others (even talking back counts so be aware of this), they can say you are a threat and force you to take meds, and if you don't, they strap you down and inject you. It's a nightmare.

That sounds really scary, I hope I never end up there!
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Jul 27, 2018
It depends on the facility, and country, in which you are sectioned. What little experience I have had with one was not horrible. Based on the one to which I admitted myself for a short stay, and those where I have visited others: insomuch as people end up there while under significant stress, the experience only adds to it. If you are looking for an option other than a MHF in the US, you might consider one of the peer operated respite centres. Depending on what state you are in, you may have to already be in the mh system to be admitted, but generally you cannot mention being suicidal. Like MHFs, they are there primarily to keep you coming back, as you represent revenue, but they afford you great deal more autonomy.

I saw a report on psychiatric hospitals where I live and they come in at night and check on you every 2 hours and you cannot open the windows.
is this true for hospitals in America?


Jul 28, 2018
That sounds really scary, I hope I never end up there!
Again, that was the particular hospital I went to. I see other people on this website having access to the internet while they are still in the hospital. We weren't allowed access to anything. So it depends on where you go, but yeah, either way it's probably better to avoid them!
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Aug 8, 2018
there was one hospital near me when I lived in Florida a therapist wanted me to go too to seek help looked at the reviews and the place sounded like a complete nightmare and should be shut down from what ive read. It enrages me how these facilities can stay open with how they treat patients.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2018
In the US, the standard is every 15 minutes at night. You generally have a choice of sleeping with either the lights on, or door open. One of the dirty little secrets about the industry is the surprising number of successful suicides which occur while under their "care". They have to take extreme steps to protect themselves from being done for negligence.
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Jul 28, 2018
I had an (in comparison) okay stay. It lasted only for a week and I'm grateful for that. Essentially, none of the nurses cared and most didn't do their job. There was this girl here who couldn't speak properly and they constantly made fun of her in the staff room (which was next to mine, the walls were very thin). I "took care of" her, talked to her, making sure she ate, playing games, etc. because she was a nice person and no one else did. We were denied access to the internet or books, though we were allowed to watch a movie every night (mostly Disney and Astrid Lindgren). The food was decent.

The only really bad thing about it was the doctor's appointments. He made us strip down, weighing us (kindly telling me I'm overweight with a grin on his face :')) and touching us. I think he was a pedophile, quite honestly.
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Jul 27, 2018
I've been arrested (for driving a moped without a license, believe it or not -_-) and in a mental hospital. The hospital was 10x worse. In the hospital you are treated as subhuman, in prison you are treated as the lowest form of human scum, but human still.

holy shit, you put it into words, ty.


Aug 2, 2018
Here in Lebanon its awful, i was locked in this building 24 hours for 3 weeks, had my phone with them, they allowed me to take it for like 5 minutes per day, going out for a walk in the garden was only an option for paying patients (the institute belongs to the church, so it has a free part), food was good, i was allowed to shower once a week only, no privacy in the bathroom, had people walking into the bathroom while i was in (no lock) everybody was insane, i was the only sane person there.
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The ride never ends!
Jun 13, 2018
I think it depends on where you live. I was put to a mental hospital when I was underage. Most people there were very docile because of heavy medications. Some of the nurses were nice. I had to stay there longer because I refused to take the meds at first. After I went all yes-man I got out within a month. When I was 18 I was sent to a mental hospital after a failed suicide attempt. I got out in about 2 weeks when I agreed to take the meds and told them I was feeling much better. Food wasn't great, people were scary and meds didn't help.
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Morning Angel

Useless Broken Wings
Aug 8, 2018
I think it all depends. Some places that are county operated (in the US) are supposedly really awful and you are treated less than human. Some places force you to take meds, others don't. Some make you do a strip search, other's don't. Some places the nurses ignore you, others don't. Some places check on you every 5 minutes, others spy on you every 15 minutes. Some places let you graze around, smoke; others force you to participate in mandatory group sessions. It's all a luck of the draw, at least in America. If you're ever committed (i.e. arrested) by the cops and being sent somewhere, request for a private facility and not county/public. It might be less inhumane.
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Aug 15, 2018
I've been to so many, so many different times since I was 12 that I've stopped counting. Some are better than others but they are generally pretty shit. I just got out of one a few weeks ago and it was bad. One large room with reclining chairs to sleep in with about 20 other people. They just keep you drugged up the whole time. They gave me so many random pills. They released me with a prescription of antidepressants to be discontinued after two weeks. I didn't take them because I'm not interested in wrecking myself.
They are currently under investigation because of the aforementioned reasons and because people keep offing themselves after discharge lol.
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Aug 8, 2018
This shit is what pisses me off you get sent to these places for wanting to die. Then you get treated horrible and get put through awful treatment and then come out even worse. The bad treatment in mental hospitals needs to stop. It is so fucked up how bad some facilities are. Then when you get out and say anything people think your crazy. They need to fix the mental health system and not hire sociopaths that get off on hurting people and hire people that are actually compassionate and give a shit and stop throwing random pills down peoples throat like they don't have any say. I'm thankful I've never been to a bad facility but I wish these places got investigated because the shit I read is horrible and it needs to stop.
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John smith10

Aug 11, 2018
what happens if the patients didn't take their medication?

If they sectioned they can't refuse it they would just get they team restrain you and inject you but if informal patient you can refuse treatment
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Aug 8, 2018
If they sectioned they can't refuse it they would just get they team restrain you and inject you but if informal patient you can refuse treatment
Which is fucking bs and should be illegal
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John smith10

Aug 11, 2018
This shit is what pisses me off you get sent to these places for wanting to die. Then you get treated horrible and get put through awful treatment and then come out even worse. The bad treatment in mental hospitals needs to stop. It is so fucked up how bad some facilities are. Then when you get out and say anything people think your crazy. They need to fix the mental health system and not hire sociopaths that get off on hurting people and hire people that are actually compassionate and give a shit and stop throwing random pills down peoples throat like they don't have any say. I'm thankful I've never been to a bad facility but I wish these places got investigated because the shit I read is horrible and it needs to stop.

I been in there 4 months they love takeing mick out of patients I had enough of those places so I started threatening them and then they soon discharged me and banned me from the hospital.
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Aug 8, 2018
I been in there 4 months they love takeing mick out of patients I had enough of those places so I started threatening them and then they soon discharged me and banned me from the hospital.
Oh If I ever got put into a bad facility and they were doing bad shit I would threaten them. I don't like to let things go when it comes to things like that.
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John smith10

Aug 11, 2018
Oh If I ever got put into a bad facility and they were doing bad shit I would threaten them. I don't like to let things go when it comes to things like that.

They say to people if you die its down to you it's your responsibility.
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