

Cat Connoisseur
Sep 15, 2024
I have never been in a mental facility long term, only for a few days. I would like to hear others tales from people to know what prepare for if my plan either fails or if I admit myself. Are the conditions horrible? Are the nurses shitty?

I'm from the US (CA) so I've been told we have better conditions so I would also like to hear how other states/countries differ.

Here's my dumb story: landed in there when I was like 11/12. I was asked so many stupid questions and asked to change clothes. I spent time in the main room just chilling with the bigger kids and they allowed up to watch The Goonies.

It's also where I first learned how to play Uno. Fun story to tell despite everything else. Wasn't allowed to call or text. No private rooms no outside. All that stuff. At least you were allowed some privacy in the bathroom
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May 18, 2023
Can't talk for every mental institution on the planet, however the one I was on was horrible. The food was garbage, the people sucked and the workers we're Not hesitent to throw someone under the Bus for Personal gain.
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Sep 26, 2023
I've been admitted twice (US, East coast). Both times I was an adult, around 21 years old.

Both times were traumatizing and horrible. The first time I was blindsided and I went to my usual therapy appointment and my therapist suddenly sprung on me that I should be admitted. I didn't really have a choice, you never do because they can take you by force if they want. I got someone to take me to the hospital. They took all my stuff from me, I wasn't allowed to keep anything. It was like 2-3am cuz the process takes forever. I was sobbing from fear and a trauma reaction but the nurses didn't give a shit and ignored me. I couldn't sleep because I was so scared. They just gave me sleeping pills but generally waved me off and didn't care at all. I am good at faking it till you make it.. so I faked my way through everything for 4 days or so and they let me out. Nurses and staff are rude or uncaring. There's nothing to do all day. They expect you to sit in group therapy all day and listen to other peoples opinions, which might trigger you even more or just annoy the hell out of you. You can't go outside at all.

The second time was even worse.. I was dumped in a holding room of sorts with a grown man who I think was detoxing from something and was belligerent and kinda scary. Hours passed and no one came to help me or speak to me. I was told to sign some papers and I told them "I don't want to sign anything, I don't consent to being here for any amount of time." They sent some nice doctor down to me who promised me "if you stay here for just 1 night then tomorrow we'll let you go." Well, I was a young fool and believed him so I signed what he gave me. They completely lied and manipulated me, a vulnerable young woman who was alone with no one to advocate for me. The next day I asked to speak to that doctor and they just ignored me, told me I signed the papers and they can keep me here however long they want. I remember the smirk on the psychiatrists face as he held up the papers I'd signed. I stayed for 3 days in this shithole among a bunch of detoxing criminal men (mind you I was a young woman and my roommate was an even younger girl, just 19 and I felt like I needed to protect her). It was scary. To let me out they made me sign some sort of fake contract that I wouldn't hurt myself.

It's all terrible. Don't tell anyone that you have a plan or means. You MIGHT be able to get away with saying you have suicidal ideation but no plan or means, and get some help from your therapist or psychiatrist. But that's not a guarantee because I never said I had a plan or means and they still locked me away like some common criminal.
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Sep 22, 2024
My stay was good. They get you medicated, they keep you from killing yourself or others, and if you are lucky you will see a therapist once or twice. Nobody abused me or anything of this sort, but I still caught mean jokes from the nurses. Honestly I doubt there are hospitals at all where most of the nurses are not mean. I was not phased at all, idgaf what old farts think of me, some people who are more sensitive might have not taken it as well as I did (but there still were like two nurses that were always nice). But in all honesty they kinda treat you like a criminal or something, kinda felt like a light version of being in jail. Especially when they admit you I remember a psychiatrist laughing at me and talking to me like i just murdered someone and need to confess lmaoooo still didnt give a fuck its just hilarious to me


Jan 21, 2024
I had to have an EKG done while I was in a ward. A male nurse came into my room to do the test. I had to take my shirt off, and was super uncomfortable exposing myself, but I was told I had to. I closed my eyes and pretended I wasn't there, so I didn't exactly know what he was doing. The test finished, results were good, he took off the electrodes and left.

A couple days later I couldn't sleep, it was like 1 am, so I went to ask for some trazadone. This same nurse was working. He gave me the med, and then started talking about my boobs. Turns out while giving me the EKG, he was also feeling me up. And then he has the gall to ask me shit like if they're ever tender, or how they grew in, like he was doing me a medical favor by groping me.
  • Wow
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Dec 14, 2021
It's the only place that I made a series attempt. The incompetent staff gave me the means. Wish it would've worked.
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permanently tired

permanently tired

I know you're laughing
Nov 8, 2023
I have a mostly neutral opinion. Frankly the nurses were quite unhelpful and speaking to someone takes ages. It was just detainment, I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. Unless you want that help just keep your thoughts to yourself.
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Jul 1, 2024
I'm CTB as a direct and explicit response to being subjected to unasked for, unwanted, unseeded and exclusively traumatizing mother-f'ing psychiatric crisis fucking interventions (including, but not limited to a coffin room and psych ward), instead of being provided the exclusively unbiased medical care that I sought, that I deserved, that I should have been given, and which would have actually helped me fight another day.

Instead, self-righteous, sanctimonious, supposed MH "professionals" gaslighted me, deprived me of the medical care that could have actually been beneficial, and drove me from a decades long baseline suicidal ideation to actively suicidal!
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