Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Is there some unwritten rule that in order to work in the mental health field, you have to be a loathsome bitch with the bedside manner of a school headmistress goaded beyond endurance? I recently had the misfortune of running out of medication with no re-fills left, prompting me to have to run around town jumping countless mental health related hoops just to get what I need.

Every step of the way I was scolded and told that I should've done such and such before running out of meds. This, that, or the other - anything was better than how I was going about this. How I'm so wrong and that I could have planned this all out without inconveniencing such and such (whose job it is to help people). I gently remind them that I'm a relatively fresh immigrant to the United States, and that part of my health condition involves massive brain fog. I have great difficulty remembering things like where I put my shoes, or recalling the last time I brushed my teeth. That I can't keep things straight in my mind no matter how hard I try, and that I am not familiar with how things work over here. But none of it matters, it all falls on the deaf and ignorant ears of those who only care about being right.

I'm so utterly tired of being treated like toxic waste by snarky old hags in New Balance sneakers - who are paid by my and other patients' money. It's only when my urine test comes back clean and they learn I have no criminal record that they start talking to me like I'm something even resembling human. And that's the problem - if you show up at a mental health center, it is automatically assumed that you're some junkie or homeless schizophrenic, and a risk to yourself or others. I'm not. But even if I am, I still deserve to be talked to like a human being, instead of being treated to rudeness, snide remarks and endless smugness all for a $9 bottle of antidepressants. I wouldn't even bother if the withdrawal symptoms weren't so awful.

In any case, it's quite the humbling experience, being talked down to and told off by surly, menopausal harpies when you're just trying to sort out what you need. I could sense very strongly that some of them were just itching for an all-out argument despite me remaining calm and reasonable all throughout. There seems to be an epidemic of these people. And this constitutes mental health treatment. It's so far beyond a joke I don't even know what to say except that bus just keeps looking better. I would rather die than sit through another garbage appointment feeling like an errant schoolboy at 34 years old.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yeah, the mental health treatments are a joke. I remember my encounters with the counselors and therapists in my life have been utter fucking time wastes and saying the wrong thing means getting locked up against one's will. Fuck the lot of them.
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Some idiot
May 11, 2018
I unfortunately had to experience not getting refills cause of my memory issues or just I suddenly become too busy to even get to the appointment, and it's always the biggest pain in the ass even though none of my drugs are even anything you could become addicted to or make meth out of.
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Nov 23, 2018
prompting me to have to run around town jumping countless mental health related hoops just to get what I need.
They must have fun knowing it's the worst possible time for you. Systems. People. Don't know how you stayed so calm and kept it together, well done man, I'd have lost it.
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Nov 23, 2018
. I would rather die than sit through another garbage appointment feeling like an errant schoolboy at 34 years old.
so sorry man, can't you get someone go hande that for you, like a friend, charity, stste social worker?? Obviously we know It's not personal, just fucking feels like it. No consideration on any level that this might be hard for some people -, stste and below. Dont let them assholes makes you CBT, choose a bettrr time
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Nov 25, 2018
Female psychiatrists are really bitches... One told me I will become just like my mother, I don't go to her anymore. I've chosen a male psychiatrist, he's a sweet old guy, doesn't know much about newer meds, but I can just ask him for stuff I would like to try and he gives me a prescription. I really recommend you to just a find one nice psychiatrist and stick with them. And can't a family doctor prescribe antidepressants in your country? Unless it's something like adderal, they should be able to prescribe it.
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Nov 23, 2018
Female psychiatrists are really bitches... One told me I will become just like my mother, I don't go to her anymore. I've chosen a male psychiatrist, he's a sweet old guy, doesn't know much about newer meds, but I can just ask him for stuff I would like to try and he gives me a prescription. I really recommend you to just a find one nice psychiatrist and stick with them. And can't a family doctor prescribe antidepressants in your country? Unless it's something like adderal, they should be able to prescribe it.

Your new guy sounds amazing. I'm glad you take such an active part in your meds,
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Thanks for the support guys. I just can't believe the pettiness and lack of professionalism floating around these places. My half-hour psych visits are typically 20 minutes of this, and 10 minutes of admonishment.

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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
Is there some unwritten rule that in order to work in the mental health field, you have to be a loathsome bitch with the bedside manner of a school headmistress goaded beyond endurance? I recently had the misfortune of running out of medication with no re-fills left, prompting me to have to run around town jumping countless mental health related hoops just to get what I need.

Every step of the way I was scolded and told that I should've done such and such before running out of meds. This, that, or the other - anything was better than how I was going about this. How I'm so wrong and that I could have planned this all out without inconveniencing such and such (whose job it is to help people). I gently remind them that I'm a relatively fresh immigrant to the United States, and that part of my health condition involves massive brain fog. I have great difficulty remembering things like where I put my shoes, or recalling the last time I brushed my teeth. That I can't keep things straight in my mind no matter how hard I try, and that I am not familiar with how things work over here. But none of it matters, it all falls on the deaf and ignorant ears of those who only care about being right.

I'm so utterly tired of being treated like toxic waste by snarky old hags in New Balance sneakers - who are paid by my and other patients' money. It's only when my urine test comes back clean and they learn I have no criminal record that they start talking to me like I'm something even resembling human. And that's the problem - if you show up at a mental health center, it is automatically assumed that you're some junkie or homeless schizophrenic, and a risk to yourself or others. I'm not. But even if I am, I still deserve to be talked to like a human being, instead of being treated to rudeness, snide remarks and endless smugness all for a $9 bottle of antidepressants. I wouldn't even bother if the withdrawal symptoms weren't so awful.

In any case, it's quite the humbling experience, being talked down to and told off by surly, menopausal harpies when you're just trying to sort out what you need. I could sense very strongly that some of them were just itching for an all-out argument despite me remaining calm and reasonable all throughout. There seems to be an epidemic of these people. And this constitutes mental health treatment. It's so far beyond a joke I don't even know what to say except that bus just keeps looking better. I would rather die than sit through another garbage appointment feeling like an errant schoolboy at 34 years old.
Yes most of them therapists, doctors especially are disgusting creatures who would rather spit at you before saying hello or good morning. They think dignity is only for "normal" people.
They probably got into the profession because they know that NO ONE cares about people living with mental illness.
Abuses of all kinds happen and there is no real oversight about how people living with mental illness are treated.
They would tell you that you deserve you be in a facility because you don't keep your room clean enough and there would only be one speck of dirt on the floor. That is the sick abusive mindset. They amuse themselves that way, masochistic bastards.
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Sep 30, 2018
Sorry you had to experience that.

This past week I filled a prescription for klonopin and the pharmacist at first said I couldn't filll it, he called over another pharmacist and they began talking in another language (only word I understood was "clonazapam"). They asked me why I was refilling this so soon. I explained that the perscription was for 15 days worth as was the prior, and I was all out. They thought I was filling a 30 day pill script for the second time in a month. They apologized and gave it to me but it made me feel like shit.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
My latest hospitalization at a mental health inpatient taught me to never seek professional help ever again.

This hospital was not some shitty hospital, no, this was a big and "reputable" mental health hospital in upper east side, Manhattan... The staff there truly made me felt like i am a trash, invisible, and a burden all at the same time. They treated everyone differently based on favoritism. I mean... The mental health inpatient is the one place that is supposed to be a safe and equal space, but no, the reality in there is harsher than the real world. The staff would chat really loudly about some really stereotypical shit in the early mornings, hours before breakfast time. Once a patient got really annoyed and had a really bad verbal fight with the staff, he was restrained, and guess what? The staff laughed about it with each other and continued to talk about their relationships and stuff. At one point during my state, i became really angry with the world and felt almost homicidal towards the staff. They made me become a monster. Thankfully, a few nice patients in there got me out of it, and carried me on. From that point on, i begin to lie about my situation and get out asap.

The outpatient service were better but made me equally hopeless. The staffs were okay, and some even truly cared about us, but that's the extent of the treatment. America does not understand mental illness, and most people who work in this field could not care less about us. The best way to feel better is to find others who suffer too, not the "professionals" that don't know shit about our suffering.
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Nov 8, 2018
Mental health treatment makes me feel like the world is better off without people like us hanging around, mucking it up, bringing everyone down with our "woe is me". Face it, no one cares about our problems, even when they shout their platitudes, give you a hotline, and then indirectly tell you to bugger off until you're not depressed.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
@Tyuiop I don't remember how my psychiatrist treated me (it's a she) as I was still a young child at the time (like age 7-8 or something), but I think at best, she didn't really care and just wanted to secure her job. I'm sorry you've encountered a bitch who was prescribing medicine :(.

@Going Home yeah, I don't like the mental health industry either. They perpetuate problems and lies in order to stay in business. (Might be an over-generalization, but so far my experiences as well as others on here have been just that).

@Arvinneedstodie Ugh, that is awful treatment of patients and that hospital should be sued, shut down, and the healthcare professionals lose their licenses, but of course, none of that will ever happen because no one cares nor takes any testimony from a mental health patient seriously enough (in theory they should but in practice they don't -- once they've viewed someone as insane even the patient's credibility isn't honored). I recall Threads talking about how much of a nightmare they are and I agree with Threads on this.

@Xerxes I agree with you, the mental health treatment model is based on delusions, lies, platitudes, threats/coercion, and shame & guilt. Fuck the majority of them as they are just there for money, their career, and they really don't give two (real) shits about the patient (as long as the patient is alive, and/or has money.). The type of mental health treatment is basically legalized abuse.
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Existing is not living
Sep 17, 2018
@Tyuiop I don't remember how my psychiatrist treated me (it's a she) as I was still a young child at the time (like age 7-8 or something), but I think at best, she didn't really care and just wanted to secure her job. I'm sorry you've encountered a bitch who was prescribing medicine :(.

@Going Home yeah, I don't like the mental health industry either. They perpetuate problems and lies in order to stay in business. (Might be an over-generalization, but so far my experiences as well as others on here have been just that).

@Arvinneedstodie Ugh, that is awful treatment of patients and that hospital should be sued, shut down, and the healthcare professionals lose their licenses, but of course, none of that will ever happen because no one cares nor takes any testimony from a mental health patient seriously enough (in theory they should but in practice they don't -- once they've viewed someone as insane even the patient's credibility isn't honored). I recall Threads talking about how much of a nightmare they are and I agree with Threads on this.

@Xerxes I agree with you, the mental health treatment model is based on delusions, lies, platitudes, threats/coercion, and shame & guilt. Fuck the majority of them as they are just there for money, their career, and they really don't give two (real) shits about the patient (as long as the patient is alive, and/or has money.). The type of mental health treatment is basically legalized abuse.

Reminds me of the old crazy asylums back then. All the abuses, torture, and rape that went on unnoticed by the public until brave journalists broke into the system and filmed/documented the reality to show the world. Thanks to those good people, mental health hospitals are no where as bad as it used to be, but i feel the people working in these fields are some really shitty people that would abuse as much power as they can.
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Dec 7, 2018
The so called mental health treatment is virtually non-existant. It really sucks. Here in America where I live, all they did was pretty much hold me against my will until I acted like I was better. There is no help. I honestly don't know why they try so hard to keep someone alive who wants to die? I've tried going the mental health treatment route, but it seems to be a dead end. My anti-depressants don't seem to work. Frankly I think its best if I act like I'm fine until I CTB.
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Apr 8, 2018
Is there some unwritten rule that in order to work in the mental health field, you have to be a loathsome bitch with the bedside manner of a school headmistress goaded beyond endurance? I recently had the misfortune of running out of medication with no re-fills left, prompting me to have to run around town jumping countless mental health related hoops just to get what I need.

Every step of the way I was scolded and told that I should've done such and such before running out of meds. This, that, or the other - anything was better than how I was going about this. How I'm so wrong and that I could have planned this all out without inconveniencing such and such (whose job it is to help people). I gently remind them that I'm a relatively fresh immigrant to the United States, and that part of my health condition involves massive brain fog. I have great difficulty remembering things like where I put my shoes, or recalling the last time I brushed my teeth. That I can't keep things straight in my mind no matter how hard I try, and that I am not familiar with how things work over here. But none of it matters, it all falls on the deaf and ignorant ears of those who only care about being right.

I'm so utterly tired of being treated like toxic waste by snarky old hags in New Balance sneakers - who are paid by my and other patients' money. It's only when my urine test comes back clean and they learn I have no criminal record that they start talking to me like I'm something even resembling human. And that's the problem - if you show up at a mental health center, it is automatically assumed that you're some junkie or homeless schizophrenic, and a risk to yourself or others. I'm not. But even if I am, I still deserve to be talked to like a human being, instead of being treated to rudeness, snide remarks and endless smugness all for a $9 bottle of antidepressants. I wouldn't even bother if the withdrawal symptoms weren't so awful.

In any case, it's quite the humbling experience, being talked down to and told off by surly, menopausal harpies when you're just trying to sort out what you need. I could sense very strongly that some of them were just itching for an all-out argument despite me remaining calm and reasonable all throughout. There seems to be an epidemic of these people. And this constitutes mental health treatment. It's so far beyond a joke I don't even know what to say except that bus just keeps looking better. I would rather die than sit through another garbage appointment feeling like an errant schoolboy at 34 years old.

The funny part about that is a lot of the people who complain the most make a fortune. Ie if you are making 200k+ as a psychiatrist you should not always refuse to work over 40 hours a week and act very incivienced if an emergency comes up.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The so called mental health treatment is virtually non-existant. It really sucks. Here in America where I live, all they did was pretty much hold me against my will until I acted like I was better. There is no help. I honestly don't know why they try so hard to keep someone alive who wants to die? I've tried going the mental health treatment route, but it seems to be a dead end. My anti-depressants don't seem to work. Frankly I think its best if I act like I'm fine until I CTB.

Yeah, I think that last sentence sums it up pretty well. For the truly suicidal, that would be the best course of action.
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Nov 23, 2018
I tried to video proof abuse by staff and I was convinced to delete it.

Wish I'd sent it somewhere.

Police? Apparently here in th UK their mental health workload has shot up, due to failing NHS. Maybe the police have more experience!
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