

Jun 30, 2018
I would never discredit anyone's suffering by their environment, but I have to ask to everyone here, how many of you know you have a mental illness? I'm waiting on my psychiatrist appointment and I'm going to try not to appear as an addict as far as I'm concerned.......I need pills.

Maybe not all once but 4 different conditions need treatment for my chemical imbalance. That said I'm wondering what all of you have because I'm nosy. What have you done, if anything, to alleviate them?

Adhd, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts
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Dec 14, 2021
Chemical imbalance? They never proved that theory. I've tried dozens of medications and it only made things worse. Maybe you'll have better luck, good luck being experimented on.
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Seered Doom

Seered Doom

A nihilist going through an unrelinquished Hell
Sep 9, 2023
Know self does have many mental health problems
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Life too shall pass
May 31, 2020
26 psychotropics and counting. Diagnosed disorders x 4.

But at the end of the day, I'm just a person struggling in life. I don't need a medicalised opinion to tell me that.

Psychology and patient centric treatments on the other hand do have a future (in my opinion).
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Lie, lie, lie - Life is a lie
Jun 30, 2024
If it qualifies as a mental disorder by being in the DSM V, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the main thing I've got. Meds only partially help, but I do feel worse if I don't take them (particularly the anti-depressants). I also have C-PTSD (blame that one mainly on a traumatic childhood).

It's not as "sexy" as schizoaffective disorder -- meaning people have a mood disorder (like being bipolar) and also have psychotic episodes (such as hearing voices and seeing things that aren't there). I follow several people on YouTube who have schitzoaffective disorder in order to see how they cope with it.

Even my mental illness is boring. :-(
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Feb 9, 2023
Eh, I wouldn't necessarily say "chemical imbalance". Best not to just think "Pillspillspills, I need antidepressants, stimulants and anti anxiety meds, anything they can give me". Best to take a step back and try understand what you have, because you already have your appointment lined up. Say for example, adhd essentially comes with a lot of anxiety and can cause depression in people. Understanding what you really have and how it works and what's connected, will help you handle it if you do get medicated. Meds are tools, they won't just instantly make you normal (but for adhd it really should be a great help). It'll also help your psychiatrist by keeping an open mind/trying to understand what's going on rather than just outright saying you have all 3 and need medicated

That will make you appear less drug seeking

For the post: diagnosed ocd, guaranteed adhd, psychiatrist is looking into schizophrenia. There are also possibilities of bipolar, but I'm unsure where this one stands currently or if it's worth considering. There's more I must understand about it and how it works in comparison to what my other issues cover
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Aug 23, 2024
I would never discredit anyone's suffering by their environment, but I have to ask to everyone here, how many of you know you have a mental illness? I'm waiting on my psychiatrist appointment and I'm going to try not to appear as an addict as far as I'm concerned.......I need pills.

Maybe not all once but 4 different conditions need treatment for my chemical imbalance. That said I'm wondering what all of you have because I'm nosy. What have you done, if anything, to alleviate them?

Adhd, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts
Cluster B personality disorder, anxiety, depression, PTSD. The whole lot.
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|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I'm not mentally ill, but I got misdiagnosed with a few mental illnesses back when I was 15. This was after one of my suicide attempts. I was misdiagnosed with GAD, OCD, and MDD. All of these diagnoses felt wrong since, after hearing what people with those disorders went through, I couldn't relate to them at all. You should be careful since most psychiatrists are lazy and don't have your best interest in mind. They just want to look for an excuse to drug you up. The last psychiatrist I saw threatened to put me in a mental hospital after my mom talked about not being too keen on putting me on psych drugs.
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Jun 30, 2018
Eh, I wouldn't necessarily say "chemical imbalance". Best not to just think "Pillspillspills, I need antidepressants, stimulants and anti anxiety meds, anything they can give me". Best to take a step back and try understand what you have, because you already have your appointment lined up. Say for example, adhd essentially comes with a lot of anxiety and can cause depression in people. Understanding what you really have and how it works and what's connected, will help you handle it if you do get medicated. Meds are tools, they won't just instantly make you normal (but for adhd it really should be a great help). It'll also help your psychiatrist by keeping an open mind/trying to understand what's going on rather than just outright saying you have all 3 and need medicated

That will make you appear less drug seeking

For the post: diagnosed ocd, guaranteed adhd, psychiatrist is looking into schizophrenia. There are also possibilities of bipolar, but I'm unsure where this one stands currently or if it's worth considering. There's more I must understand about it and how it works in comparison to what my other issues cover
Yeah that seems to be the problem because all of these conditions sound basically the same. I've had a few people in my life tell me they thought I had ADHD but I blew it off and my parents blew it off and now as adult a lot of it makes sense. I will be surprised if my psychiatrist session ends with him saying you know I really don't think you need anything. Can't wait.

I'm sorry about your possible schizophrenia, to me that sounds the same as anxiety because both of these feelings are not reality but it's so hard to tell the difference.

I really do appreciate your comments because I have read about ADHD and anxiety being linked together and ADHD would explain a lot. Every time I've tried to do college work, it's always been so hard to focus. I can't say I really ever had that problem in high school but my stress levels were so much lower back then. I wouldn't exactly say it was a fun time though. I genuinely mean it when I say I'm looking forward to my appointment.


Nov 15, 2021
Never got diagnosed with anything but did try antidepressants in the past while hospitalized in the psychward but then after a few months of taking them I convinced myself it made me feel tired even though the psychiatrist told me that that isn't a side effect of the medication. The belief it made me tired was very strong so I stopped taking it to maybe become less tired, and guess what? I still feel tired even when not taking any medication and energy levels are still low.


Jul 25, 2024
i went to a psych ward multiple times
diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar


Autistic and schizophrenic, please be respectful
Jun 21, 2024
Take a look at my status...
And I've been on a lot of meds, that didn't help enough.
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
uhhh i've got a few diagnoises, a couple I won't state, but, GAD with SAD bordering agoraphobia, persistent depressive disorder, OCD, C-PTSD are all the main ones though. no meds have really worked so far but i havent tried many, just been put on different sedatives for the most part
Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"Life's a mirror, but 'whose' mirror?"
Mar 23, 2023
I think schizophrenia is way too popularly given to mental health patients, me included and it has been a while since I stopped taking medication. Life is just crazy tbh.


long time sunshine
Jun 14, 2024
Depression (genetic kind), anxiety. I have autism, though that's not considered an "illness" generally. I experience disassociation quite often


I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
dianogsed with autism at maybe i want to say 8 or 10, and then i definitely know i have a fuck bunch of other illnesses, just cant go to therapist because i gotta pay bills.

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she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
The only diagnosed things i have are adhd and autism but on the reccomendation of some friends im getting like a referral to a psychiatrist to see what else there is


Dec 14, 2023
Chemical imbalance? They never proved that theory. I've tried dozens of medications and it only made things worse. Maybe you'll have better luck, good luck being experimented on.
In fact, it has been disproven since two years.
To answer the original question: I am traumatized, but I do not believe that a psyche can be ill. I believe a psyche can be hurt, but not ill. Every "symptom" has a function, it's essentially built in self-defense.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
My "mental disorders" are caused by external circumstances. This cannot be treated as long as the circumstances cannot change in my favor.
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Jul 25, 2024
BPD, avoidant personality disorder, anxiety, depression, the basic shit...
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Eternally atoning
Feb 1, 2024
Various psychologists did want to diagnose me with something besides depression, but they didn't know what.

Officially, I have aspergers syndrome and depression.

Unofficially, as my symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria, I have some mild symptoms of BPD and PTSD (mostly due to years of abuse, suicidial, constantly on edge, untrustworthy of almost everyone IRL, and cling onto dear life for the few I do trust).

I'm personally anti-therapy, but therapy can, in theory, give you a treatment plan to alleviate symptoms and give a judge free environment to express any concerns. At least from personal experiences and talking with others, medication for depression works for depression without an external cause. If you're depressed due to financial issues, pills will most likely make you feel nothing.

As for trust and being on edge, I force myself to trust others lightly if I don't feel like it, mentally restraining myself from both pulling away and trauma dump. It's a balance that I'm still fighting but with a lot of self-reassureance and questioning "Do they hate me and scheming to spread false rumors about me or are they busy with university this week to not talk?" to build rationality over overwhelm.
It's working though. I'm less paranoid of losing friends and one of them spoke to me today happily after about two weeks of silence with decent trust. I cherish those little moments. They make me happy.

As for depression, I personally don't have it right now to meet the criteria, though I never went back to therapy to prove it. Most of it was severe low vitamin d levels. If you are seeing a psychiatrist, you should get a blood test before being prescribed anything to rule out those causes (mine was a prick, since she ignored my levels were 9 when the normal is 40 and gave me harsh antidepressants).

It's a battle. Medication can give you a step up, but it's not a total cure. Try to be authentic as possible with what you want and why and hopefully the person should be able to understand and give the proper prescription.
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